[mou] raining birds in Cook Co.

Jim & Carol Tveekrem jotcat@boreal.org
Wed, 10 May 2006 17:25:26 -0500

I got out between sprinkles and errands, heard several Ruby-crowned Kinglets
singing in spruces near Schroeder Town Hall, plus song sparrows, grackles
etc.  Also a warbler song, not sure which one, might have been a
yellow-rump, but the fog was so low I couldn't see what was in the trees!
Fog lifted a bit after noon, but then it was very quiet.

Forgot we had one or two Palm Warblers in the neighborhood most of last
week, and up to 6 Purple Finches have been fairly steady visitors, usually
just 1 or 2.

Carol T.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim & Carol Tveekrem" <jotcat@boreal.org>
To: "MOU-net" <mou-net@cbs.umn.edu>; <Birding@boreal.org>; "Carlsen"
Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 9:29 AM
Subject: [mou] raining birds in Cook Co.

| Northeast wind quit for a couple days.  Birds kept moving in from Sunday
| night and still coming.  Lake mostly fogged in.  Little time to bird,
| unfortunately, but have had the following hanging around grabbing what
| we have left:
| Bobolink male here 5/9 and today
| Redwinged blackbirds - about 20, mostly 2nd year male, the rest female
| Common grackle - some have been here for weeks, more today
|     (still waiting for Rusty and Brewer's blackbirds)
| Brown-headed cowbirds
| Evening Grosbeaks - 3 lit up the deck this morning
| Rose-breasted Grosbeak - 1 male 5/9, briefly
| Juncos - few now, probably local breeders
| Harris's Sparrow - 1 just landed
| White-crowned Sp. - 2 or 3, just arrived a few days ago
| White-throated Sp. - still arriving by the dozens
| Chipping Sp. - 50 or more any time I look out the window for more than a
| week
| Song Sp. - territorial birds chasing everything else off their property
|    ( Tree Sparrows have gone north)
| Goldfinches to brighten up a dreary day
| Pine siskins by the dozen, but we're just about out of thistle seeds
| Golden-crowned Kinglets in small numbers
| Yellow rumped Warblers on trails above Caribou R., very few, and only
| warbler we've seen yet, except for that lone Pine
| NO thrushes except Robins.  Heard Bluebirds one day last week.
| Phoebes only flycatchers so far
| Tree swallows investigating martin house, probably feeding mostly on
| lakes
| Migrating Sharp-shinned Hawks
| Kestrels, but so far fewer than nested near here last summer
| Now to get out and see what else has arrived.
| Some of our neighbors a mile or so away had a bear trash their feeders, so
| time to get ours emptied out.
| Jim & Carol Tveekrem
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