[mou] Youth Mentorship Program in NW Minnesota

BobHoltz1933@aol.com BobHoltz1933@aol.com
Tue, 23 May 2006 11:36:09 EDT

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For those of you in NW Minnesota,

If you want a presentation of bird images in various habitats or need a 
leader for a field trip, particularly for school children and other youth groups, 
we have just placed our 37th Youth Mentorship Program (YMP) kit in your area. 
The kit host is John Loegering in Crookston. He will gladly provide the above 
programs. This is part of our YMP.
John can be contacted at jloegeri@mail.crk.umn.edu or 218-281-8132.

Bob Holtz, Coordinator
Youth Mentorship Program

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<DIV>For those of you in NW Minnesota,</DIV>
<DIV>If you want a presentation of bird images in various habitats or need a=
 leader for a field trip, particularly for school children and other youth g=
roups, we have just placed our 37th Youth Mentorship Program (YMP) kit in yo=
ur area. The kit host is John Loegering in Crookston. He will gladly provide=
 the above programs. This is part of our YMP.</DIV>
<DIV>John can be contacted at <A href=3D"mailto:jloegeri@mail.crk.umn.edu">j=
loegeri@mail.crk.umn.edu</A> or 218-281-8132.</DIV>
<DIV>Bob Holtz, Coordinator</DIV>
<DIV>Youth Mentorship Program</DIV></BODY></HTML>
