[mou] Birding around the metro

tiger150@comcast.net tiger150@comcast.net
Fri, 08 Sep 2006 20:55:38 +0000

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Today I had a Nashville Warbler and a Swainson's Thrush in my yard. The strangest thing I saw was a N. Waterthrush in my yard--and we live a block away from one! Has anyone seen a Waterthrush away from the water??

Alyssa DeRubeis
Golden Valley

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: "Steve Weston" <sweston2@comcast.net> 

> On Saturday I found the first flock of White-throated Sparrows of the fall. 
> On Labor Day, I had a male Coopers Hawk pursuing a female as they flew into 
> my yard. Interesting was the Leopard Frogs were calling in the back yard. 
> While this spring we had great choruses of Copes Gray Treefrogs and American 
> Toads, I heard no Leopard Frogs. But the Leopard Frogs are along the shore 
> in large numbers. I don't know why I missed hearing them. 
> I stopped by 140th Street marsh in Rosemount today at dusk. The water level 
> is very low, and quite choked with algae. There were several Lesser 
> Yellowlegs and Pectoral Sandpipers. 
> The best bird of the day was the Osprey flying twenty of thirty feet high 
> near Snelling and CR C in Roseville. 
> Steve Weston on Quiggley Lake in Eagan, MN 
> sweston2@comcast.net 
> _______________________________________________ 
> mou-net mailing list 
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<DIV>Today I had a Nashville Warbler and a Swainson's Thrush in my yard. The strangest thing I saw was a N. Waterthrush in my yard--and we live a block away from one! Has anyone seen a Waterthrush <EM>away </EM>from the water??</DIV>
<DIV>Alyssa DeRubeis</DIV>
<DIV>Golden Valley</DIV>
<BLOCKQUOTE style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">-------------- Original message -------------- <BR>From: "Steve Weston" &lt;sweston2@comcast.net&gt; <BR><BR>&gt; On Saturday I found the first flock of White-throated Sparrows of the fall. <BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; On Labor Day, I had a male Coopers Hawk pursuing a female as they flew into <BR>&gt; my yard. Interesting was the Leopard Frogs were calling in the back yard. <BR>&gt; While this spring we had great choruses of Copes Gray Treefrogs and American <BR>&gt; Toads, I heard no Leopard Frogs. But the Leopard Frogs are along the shore <BR>&gt; in large numbers. I don't know why I missed hearing them. <BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; I stopped by 140th Street marsh in Rosemount today at dusk. The water level <BR>&gt; is very low, and quite choked with algae. There were several Lesser <BR>&gt; Yellowlegs and Pectoral Sandpipers. <BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; The best bird of the day was the Osprey flying twenty of thirty feet h
igh <BR>&gt; near Snelling and CR C in Roseville. <BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; Steve Weston on Quiggley Lake in Eagan, MN <BR>&gt; sweston2@comcast.net <BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; <BR>&gt; _______________________________________________ <BR>&gt; mou-net mailing list <BR>&gt; mou-net@cbs.umn.edu <BR>&gt; http://cbs.umn.edu/mailman/listinfo/mou-net </BLOCKQUOTE></body></html>
