[mou] Hornets Nest vs. Birds Nest

Terry Houle terry99@gmail.com
Sun, 10 Sep 2006 15:14:26 -0500

I am going to lay one out there that will stir up controversy but
think needs being said.  I wil probably get all kinds of hate mail.
Anyway reading the Sep/Oct06 issue of Audubon Magazine and the Audubon
View by John Flicker. He talks of the urgency of Global Warming and
that is may be already too late. Flicker indicated that birds are a
baramoter of changing conditions that signal future danger.  Then
going on to the Letters to the Editor the first two talk of the
disconnect with Audubon and the travel within the magazine.  Some make
reference to Green Travel but I see none of that.  I sent in a Letter
to Editor with my comments that I think of it as more a travel
magazine that includes birds.
I have cancelled my subscription in the past because I do not look at
them as 'getting it".
I think they have been too tied in with the travel industry.  Also
realize that many birders want to go other places to see birds.
I would urge people to write to Audubon if you feel the same as me.  I
think we are killing our barometer.

Terry Houle
Bloomington, MN

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