[mou] Sabine's Gull, jaegers in Duluth

Jim Lind jslind@frontiernet.net
Wed, 20 Sep 2006 20:47:50 -0600

At about 5:15 pm today a distant Sabine's Gull was briefly in view 
out from Lafayette Square at Park Point.  Jim Mattson, Doug Kieser, 
and I watched as it was harassed by the Pomarine Jaeger while flying 
out over the lake towards Wisconsin.  I could make out the bold black 
and white pattern on the wings as well as at least a partial hood, 
but I couldn't tell if it was an adult or juvenile.  Dave 
Grosshuesch, and Don Keinholz arrived a little later and we had some 
more decent looks at the Pomarine as it flew far out over the lake 
and occasionally chased a passing gull.  We also saw a probable adult 
light morph Parasitic Jaeger and 3-4 other unidentified distant 

Jim Lind
Two Harbors