[mou] an ornithological society effort on duck stamps

Jim Williams two-jays@att.net
Thu, 4 Jan 2007 09:59:23 -0600

forward by Jim Williams
Wayzata, Minnesota

Begin forwarded message:

From: Steve_Holzman@fws.gov
Date: January 3, 2007 11:38:04 AM CST
To: Refuge-Stamp@refugenet.org
Subject: Stamp: Georgia Ornithological Society selling stamps/holders

The Georgia Ornithological Society (GOS) is working to get more birders=20=

to buy duck stamps. =A0Read about our effort here:


Paul Baicich has been instrumental in getting a great page of=20
testimonials see here:


Our next step is to get other Ornithological Societies or Audubon=20
chapters to replicate our efforts in their region.

Just thought you all would like to know.

Steve Holzman, Business Manager GOS

  Steve Holzman
  USFWS - Georgia Ecological Services Office
  105 WestPark Drive Suite D
  Athens, GA 30606
  706-613-9493 ext 229