[mou] Green-tailed Towhee seen again Sunday am

Cyndi K Elias cyndielias@juno.com
Sun, 7 Jan 2007 15:31:09 -0600

The Green-tailed Towhee made another appearance, around 10:45-10:55 this
morning.  Cory Bedeaux and I drove down from the cities this morning and
arrived around 9, shortly after the bird had made its first appearance. 
We were thinking about giving up at 11, so we were very glad the bird
decided to make its appearance!

Also seen at the feeders were 1-2 Red-breasted Nuthatches, in addition to
the White-breasted.

Cyndi Elias
St. Paul

On Thu, 25 Jan 2007 12:45:16 -0600 "pete hoeger" <prh@hutchtel.net>
> The Gr.-t Towhee in Mt. Lake made its scheduled reappearance this 
> morning, Sunday 1-07-07, @ 8:35-8:45 am. It was not seen again, 
> however, by the time I had to leave at 10:15. 
> Meanwhile the same feeders hosted about 30 Goldfinches, 6-8 Juncos, 
> 8-10 House Sparrows, a couple Downy Woodpeckers, and a Wh-br. 
> Nuthatch, Bl.-capped Chickadee, Cardinal, and House Finch, so there 
> was some entertainment for the 4-5 birders still waiting for the 
> towhee to return.
> Pete Hoeger, Hutchinson