[mou] banding project

dan&erika danerika@gmail.com
Tue, 30 Jan 2007 16:54:00 -0600

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Hi all--

What a fascinating experience it has been to share my banding project and
get so many responses!  Thanks to all!  It has been very interesting to use
e-mail to share these ideas.  Tom Bell asked a very interesting question,
which was "Why use maps at all?"  The data in tabular form may convey a more
detailed review of the data.  I could then summarize the relative overall
numbers of each species that go to each state.  (I could connect MN with a
large arrow to a state with lots of recoveries and use smaller arrows for
fewer recoveries for another state.  Readers interested in the specifics of
the data could go to the tables.

Well, I will keep plugging away.  My estimate is that I have 100 files of
300 pages of data to go through.  So I won't be going anywhere all that


Dan or Erika Tallman
Around the Bend Birding Tours
2120 Taylor Ct., Northfield, MN 55047

".... the best shod travel with wet feet"
"Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes ...."--Thoreau

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Hi all--<br><br>What a fascinating experience it has been to share my banding project and get so many responses!&nbsp; Thanks to all!&nbsp; It has been very interesting to use e-mail to share these ideas.&nbsp; Tom Bell asked a very interesting question, which was &quot;Why use maps at all?&quot;&nbsp; The data in tabular form may convey a more detailed review of the data.&nbsp; I could then summarize the relative overall numbers of each species that go to each state.&nbsp; (I could connect MN with a large arrow to a state with lots of recoveries and use smaller arrows for fewer recoveries for another state.&nbsp; Readers interested in the specifics of the data could go to the tables.
<br><br>Well, I will keep plugging away.&nbsp; My estimate is that I have 100 files of 300 pages of data to go through.&nbsp; So I won&#39;t be going anywhere all that fast.<br><br>dan<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Dan or Erika Tallman 
<br>Around the Bend Birding Tours<br><a href="http://danerika.googlepages.com/aroundthebendbirdingtours">http://danerika.googlepages.com/aroundthebendbirdingtours</a><br><a href="mailto:danerika@gmail.com">danerika@gmail.com
</a><br>2120 Taylor Ct., Northfield, MN 55047<br><br>&quot;.... the best shod travel with wet feet&quot; <br>&quot;Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes ....&quot;--Thoreau
