[mou] January aberrations

Pastor Al Schirmacher PastorAl@PrincetonFreeChurch.net
Wed, 31 Jan 2007 09:25:20 -0600

In many ways January was "normal":  55 species, usual Sherburne & Mille Lacs 
walks & drives mixed with two Aitkin and one cities trips, mix of dead quiet 
days with occasional serendipitous sightings.  However, there were some 

* Slaty-backed sighting before Herring or Ring-billed

* Mountain Bluebird before Eastern

* Only one owl all month - count 'em, one - single Barred - no Great Grays 
(despite Hedbom & two Aitkin 18 sorties) - no Great Horned - no Short-eared 
in Sherburne (despite numerous December sightings and seven trips to the CR 
5 & 9 intersection area that had yielded past encounters) - strong owling in 
December included all of the above

* Only one Shrike in Sherburne County all month, none in the refuge

* No Common Redpolls all month, anywhere - numerous in December.

Good birding to all!

Al Schirmacher
Princeton, MN
Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties