[mou] Robins - downtown St. Paul

jbaumann@usfamily.net jbaumann@usfamily.net
Tue, 13 Mar 2007 17:11:52 -0500

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Three weeks ago before the two snowstorms, there were robins flitting =
around Elm and Exchange, across the street from Little Sisters of the =
Poor.  Yesterday, I saw one flying between trees with nesting material =
in its mouth.

Jeanne Baumann
St. Paul

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<DIV>Three weeks ago before the two snowstorms, there were robins =
around Elm and Exchange, across the street from Little Sisters of the=20
Poor.&nbsp; Yesterday, I saw one&nbsp;flying between trees with nesting =
in its mouth.</DIV>
<DIV>Jeanne Baumann</DIV>
<DIV>St. Paul</DIV></BODY></HTML>

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