[mou] Bald Eagle Nest--Nicollet County

Phil Moldenhauer moldypmm@hotmail.com
Thu, 15 Mar 2007 15:21:43 -0600

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A pair of bald eagles are present on a large nest in Nicollet County immedi=
ately north of New Ulm. The nest has been in use for at least the last four=
 years (that I have observed) and, according to locals, has been in use for=
 at least a decade. The nest is easily visible from Riverside Park in New U=
lm. Park at the intersection of Front St and 2nd South St., and look for co=
ncrete steps leading down towards the river into the park. Stop between the=
 two cement pillars and look straight out. The nest is approximately 1/2 to=
 3/4 miles away, across the river, in the fork of a large, dead tree.=20
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<body>A pair of bald eagles are present on a large nest in Nicollet County =
immediately north of New Ulm. The nest has been in use for at least the las=
t four years (that I have observed) and, according to locals, has been in u=
se for at least a decade. The nest is easily visible from Riverside Park in=
 New Ulm. Park at the intersection of Front St and 2nd South St., and look =
for concrete steps leading down towards the river into the park. Stop betwe=
en the two cement pillars and look straight out. The nest is approximately =
1/2 to 3/4 miles away, across the river, in the fork of a large, dead tree.=
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