Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Plovers Occurrence
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Boobies and Gannets
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Chickadees, Titmice
Martins, Swallows
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Flycatchers
Old World Sparrows
Longspurs and Snow Buntings
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Plovers
Black-bellied Plover
American Golden-Plover
Semipalmated Plover
Piping Plover
Wilson's Plover
Snowy Plover

Black-bellied Plover(Pluvialis squatarola)
1961Springseen 14 May near Kimball Prairie, Stearns County by Brother Theodore. Jan Green saw them at Duluth on 24 May.
1962Falllatest report, Nov. 3, Duluth, Avifaunal Club.
1963SpringMay 5, Salt Lake and Wheaton, R Grant; May 23, Duluth, 1 in fall plumage, R Janssen.
1963Fallearliest, Aug. 3, Lac qui Parle Co., Avifaunal Club; latest, Nov. 17, Stevens Co., R. Grant.
1964Spring4-11 Ramsey Co, 1 fall plumage, very early, excellent details given, BL; 5-12 Hennepin LJ; 5-19 Duluth, PBH; 5-22 Marshall Co, DLO.
1964Summerlast spring date 6-6,Stevens Co, DP, HFH, RLH; fall dates, 8-18, Duluth, DM; 8-22, Duluth, DP, FL; 8-24, Duluth, DB.
1964Fall9-1 Traverse Co, 25, RAG; 9-27 Stevens Co, 100 plus, RAG; 10-3 Duluth, 16, JCG; 10-21 thru 11-16 Moorhead, EGA; 11-4 Duluth, 6, JCG.
1965Springearliest 5-19 Willmar, DW; latest 6-1 Holt, DLO.
1965Falllatest 10-3 Duluth, 1, JCG and 10-10 Warroad, 6, JLR, PEB.
1966Springearliest 5-16 Duluth, JCG; 5-19 Mille Lacs Lake, NMH; 5-21 Norman Co, BL; latest 5-24 Lac qui Parle, DB, EHH; 5-29 Lake Traverse, EMB.
1966Summer6-25 Duluth, St. Louis Co, 1, BL, possibly latest spring date on record for Minnesota?
1966FallEarliest 8-20 Duluth, BL, DB; 9-5 Hennepin Co., RDT; 9-24 Traverse Co., JAH; latest 10-8 Lyon Co., PE; 10-16 Lac qui Parle Co., JAH; 11-5 Duluth, JCG.
1967Springearly 5-15 FargoMoorhead fide EGA; 5-16 Carver Co., RDT; 5-20 Clay Co., DB; 5-27 Duluth, ME, MIG; 6-2 Norman Co., RPR; 6-7 Duluth, BB.
1967Fall earliest 9-16 Lac qui Parle Co., DB,EHH; 9-23 Duluth, RBJ,JCG; latest 10-23 Duluth, 14, JCG; 10-24 Cook Co., FN/ MAS.
1968Spring early 4-19 Nobles Co., HSH; 5-9 Duluth, PBH; 5-12 Duluth, JPP; 5-14 Goodhue Co., EHH; late 5-25 Carver Co., RTH and Cottonwood Co., LAF; 5-26 Grant Co., EMB; 5-27 Fargo-Moorhead, fide EGA; 6-4 Duluth, 10, KE.
1968Fall8-22 -9-22 Duluth MC, JCG, FN/ MAS, RBJ; 9-8 Lac qui Parle 10 KE.
1969Spring5-1 Hennepin Co., EMB; 5-6 Waseca Co., WF; 5-16 Traverse Co., RBJ; 5-17 (8) Lac qui Parle Co., PEC; 5-19 Duluth, MMC; 5-24 (13) Beltrami Co., EIS, and Mahnomen Co., DB; 5-25 Lac qui Parle Co., JLS; 6-3 Carver Co., JH, RDT.
1969Summer6-1 Duluth 30 JJG, 6-17 Duluth MMC.
1969Fall9-21 Duluth 6 CH; 10-25 Duluth 10 MC; early 9-13 Duluth BTV; late 11-4 Mille Lacs MI; south 8-17 Nobles HSH.
1970Spring5-18 and 20 Duluth MMC; 5-23 and 31 Duluth RL; 5-27 Cook JP; 5-29 Grant EB; only reports.
1970Summer6-3 Duluth RL. Golden Plover: 6-2 Mille Lacs Ml 6-2 Duluth RL. '
1970Fallearly 8-8 Duluth KE, PE; 8-14 Mille Lacs Ml; late north 10-16 Clay LW; 11-4 Duluth MMC; peak 10-11 Duluth (95) JG; no reports south.
1971Springearly south 4-21 Wabasha WDM; 5-15 Jackson JAB, ES, HK; only reportsnorth: 5-16 Clay LW; 5-16 to 6-5 Duluth, many observers; late 5-29 Lyon PE; peak 5-15 Jackson (250) TV.
1971Summer6-3 to 6-12 Aitkin TS, JB.
1971Fallearly 8-9 Lyon; 8-31 Grant; late south 10-1 Pope; 10-30 Lyon; late north 10-22 Clay; 10-31 Duluth and Lake.
1972Summer6-9 (15), 6-15 Aitkin; 7-31 (10) Duluth. ;
1973Summer Clay (6-3 & 7-11 Moorhead Lagoons).
1973Fall Reported from Marshall, Murray, Wabasha, Sherburne, Hennepin. Early 8-7 St. Louis (2) (OLJ). Peak 9-22 St. Louis (100) (BDC). Late 11-3 Mille Lacs (3) (MI). 'R.uddy Turnstone Few reports; seen in Mahnomen, Mille Lacs. Early 8-7 St. Louis (GN). Late 10-11 St. Louis (FN).
1974Spring Early south 5-5 Lac qui Parle KG; 3 reports 5-18; early north 5-16 St. Louis GJN; 5-20 St. Louis TS; late 5-26 Pennington MS; 5-28 Le Sueur GR.
1974Fall Early north 8-10 Duluth MMC; 9-15 Clay KBZ; late north 11-2 Duluth JG, RBJ; 11-5 Clay FMAS; only reports south 9-15 Rock KE; 10-6 Freeborn DG.
1975Spring Early south 5-11 Lyon HCK; 5-15 Wabasha WDM, RAG; 5-16 Wabasha RL; early north 5-18 Clay ABNGP; 524 Marshall AR and St. Louis MMC; late 5-30 Renville RBJ.
1975Fallearly 8-10 Lyon HK; 8-16 Duluth RJ; 8-27 Mille Lacs MI; late north 11-11 Mille Lacs MI; late south 11-7 Yellow Medicine GO; 11-9 Lyon PE.
1976Spring Early south 5-6, 5-9 Hennepin BE; 5-12 Lyon GO; 5-14 Lyon HK; early north 5-11 St. Louis GN; late 5-31 Anoka KL and Marshall SV. Winter 1976
1976Summerlate migrant 6-1 Anoka (KL).
1977Spring Early south 5-1 Chippewa HK; 5-10 Lyon GO; 5-14 Steele ES; early north 5-9 Aitkin TS; 5-15 St. Louis DA; 5-17 Otter Tail SM; late 5-30 St. Louis, Clay, and Lincoln.
1977Summer Late migrants 6-3 Duluth, 6-4 Crow Wing and 6-6 Anoka.
1977Fall Early north 7/20 Duluth (RJ); early south 6-26 Lyon (DGW).
1978Summer Late migrants North 6-6, 6-11.
1978Fall Early north 8-12 Wilkin GW, GO, KE, Clay, JB; early south 8-20 Anoka KL; late north 10-28 St. Louis DGW, 11-3 Duluth KE.
1979Spring Early south 5-12 Mower RRK, 5-18 Lyon HK, Nicollet JCF; early north 5-13 Otter Tail GMO, SM, 5-15 St. Louis KE; late 5-27 St. Louis SM.
1979Fall Early north 8-9 St. Louis OJ, 8-17 St. Louis KE; early south 8-8 Dakota JD, 8-11 Mower RRK; late north 10-16 Lake of the Woods JH, 11-2 through 6 St. Louis KE, JG, RJ, BL, DGW; late south 10-7 Anoka KL, 10-9 Hennepin PF.
1980Spring E~rly 5-2 Otter Tail GMO, 5-12 Hennepm ~S, 5-19 Roseau RJ; late 5-27 St. Loms SM.
1980Fall Early north 8-11 St. Louis KE, 8-24 Cook KMH; early south 8-24 Lincoln HC, 10-6 Stearns RJ; late north 11-6 Pennington KSS, 11-9 Duluth KE; late south 10-20 Rice KJ, 11-1 Goodhue BL.
1981Spring Eary south 4-25 Yellow Medicine HK, 4-26 Big Stone KE, 5-21 Houston FL; early north 5-18 Wilkin RJ, 5-19 Marshall RJ, FDS, 5-23 Norman and Pennington SM.
1981Fall Early north 8-9 St. Louis KE, 8-29 Wilkin DB; early south 8-2 Renville ES; late north 10-13 Aitkin WN~ 11-13 Itasca TL, St. Louis TW; late south 10-21 Blue Earth MF.
1982Spring Eary south 4-25 Lac qui Parle BL, 4-26 Lyon HK; early north 5-6 Aitkin WN, 5-8 Pennington KSS and St. Louis JSP; late south 5-16 Yellow Medicine CMB, 5-22 Wabasha DGW; late north 5-28 Marshall ANWR, 5-30 Clearwater RJ.
1982Summer Late migrants North: 6/12 Pennington; 6/17 Cass; 6/12, 6/17, 6/30 Lake of the Woods. Early migrant North: 7/27 Lake of the Woods.
1982Fall Early north 8/3 St. Louis KE; early south 8/4 Lyon HK, 8/6 Washington BL; late north 10/30 Cook KE, LE, 10/31 Pennington KSS; late south 10/22 Lac qui Parle BL.
1983Spring Early south 5/13 Lyon HK, 5/14 Nobles RJ ; early north 5/18 Pennington KSS, 5/19 Duluth SDM; late south 5/24 Wabasha WDM; late north 5/27 Cook KHM, Lake of the Woods TW.
1983Summer Late migrants South: 6/4 Nicollet; North: 6/4, 6/ ll. Summering? Lake of the Woods: 6/7 (2), 17, 25, 28, 7/6 (TW).
1983Fall Early north 8/2 St. Louis KE, 8/5 Polk AB; early south 8/17 Stearns NH, 8/19 Lac qui Parle DB, OJ; late north 10/14 Pennington KSS, 10/26 Cook KMH, 10/30 St. Louis KL; late south 9/18 Goodhue DZI MC, 9/20 Dakota JD, 10/15 Cottonwood RJ.
1984Spring Early south 4/28 Lac qui Parle HK, 5/8 Dakota JPIAM ; early north 5/9 Ottertail GMO, 5/20 Roseau AJ ; late south 5/26 Olmsted PP, 5/30 Anoka RJ, KL, PL; late north 5/25 St. Louis DGW, 5/26 lake of the Woods KSS, 5/27 Clay SC, Roseau AJ.
1984Fall Early north 8/5 St. Louis KE, 8/29 MH, 8/30 Lake of the Woods AJ; early south 8/8 south Dakota TT, 8/25 Hennepin AB; late north 10/27 St. Louis RE, 10/28 Cook RE, 10/31 Marshall ANWR; late south 9/15 Hennepin OJ, Murray RJ, Houston FL, 9/22 Goodhue DZ.
1985Spring Early south 4/26 Lac qui Parle RH, 4/28 and SIS Cottonwood LAF; early north 5/8 St. Louis KE, 5/13 Otter Tail SDM; late south 5/24 Olmsted RE, 5/25 Olmsted JEB, Hennepin OJ, Lyon HK; late north 5/29 Marshall A B, 5/30 St. Louis KE, 5/31 Cook KMH, RJ.
1985Fall Early north 8/9 St. Louis KE, 9/1 Polk AB ; early south 8/9 Ramsey RJ, 9/5 Dakota TTU; late north 10/13 Wilkin SDM, 10/19 St. Louis RJ, FL; late south 9/21 and 9/25 Hennepin SC.
1986Spring Early south 5/12 Nicollet JCF, 5/13 Washington RG; early north 5/10 Traverse GAM, 5/11 St. Louis m.ob.; late south 5/18 Nicollet m.ob., 5/24 Wright RJ; late north 5/24 Marshall K. Overman, 5/26 Aitkin WN, 5/27 Cook KMH, St. Louis LW.
1986Summer Late migrant 6/26 Duluth (KE).
1986Fall All reports: 8/25 DakotaTT, 8/26 PolkAB, 9/8-10119 St. Louis m.ob., 9/27 Cook KMH, 10/18 Lake m. ob. Lesser Golden.Piover Early south 8/25 Dakota TT, 9/ I Anoka SC, GP; early north 9/9 St. Louis SS, 9/13 Cook KMH; late south 9/26 Hennepin OJ, lOll LeSueur RJ; late north 11/5 Otter Tail SDM, 11/9 Duluth J. Green.
1987Spring Early south 5/10 Goodhue TBB, 5/14 Nicollet MF; early north 5/12 Clearwater RG, RJ, 5/13 Duluth KE; late south 5/23 Steams NH, 5/25 Anoka GP; late north 5/22 Cook WP, 5/31 Aitkin SC and St. Louis RSE.
1987Summer Late migrants: South, 6/13 Cottonwood, 6/27 Jackson (TBB; latest South date on record); North, 6/17 Marshall. Early migrants: North, 7/6 Lake of the Woods (KH; earliest date on record); South, 7/11 Hennepin (OJ ; earliest South date on record).
1987Fall Early north 9/6 St. Louis DBC, 9/27 Cook KMH; early south 8/16 Stearns AB, 9/18 Nicollet JF; late north 11/2 Duluth WE, 11/7 Otter Tail KE; late south 10/22 Steele AP, 10/28 Pipestone ND.
1988Spring Early south 5/15 Dodge GS and Lyon HK, 5/20 Olmsted BSE; early north 5/20 Norman MS, 5/21 Beltrami TK and Marshall ANWR; late south 5/22 Goodhue AB, 5/23 Big Stone AB; late north 5/27 CookWP, 5/29Polk BSE.
1988Summer Migrants: 6/4 Clay, 7/16 Freeborn (NH).
1988Fall Early north 8/9 Kittson and Pennington AB, 8/28 Clay LCF; late north 10/22 Mille Lacs BSE, 11/3 Aitkin KE; one south report 10/17 Chippewa RJ, 10/26 Cottonwood AP
1989Spring All reports: 5/18 Goodhue JD, 5/18-27 Duluth m.ob., 5/19 Cook WP, 5/23 Nicollet MF, 5/24 Olmsted AP, 5/28 Clay LCF.
1989Summer Only records: 6/4 Clay, 6/27 Duluth KE, 7/22 Clay.
1989Fall Early north 8/9 Polk PS, 9/10 St. Louis AB; early south 9/17 Goodhue AP, 9/23 Freeborn AP; late north 10/26 Lake DPV 11/1 Duluth KE; late south 10/31 Sherburne SWR 11/4 Goodhue BL. '
1990Spring All reports: 4/15 Lake DV, 4/21 Lyon AB, BL, 5/13 St. Louis TW, 5/17 Martin BB, 5/18 Mower RRK and Nicollet JCF, 5/19 Polk PS, 5/20 Winona RJ, AP, 5/26 Big Stone GS, 5/27 Washington DS.
1990Fall Early north 9/9 St. Louis AB, 9/10 Beltrami DJ; early south 8/8 Blue Earth RJ, 8/19 Dakota EL; late north 9/23 Marshall KSS, 10/6 St. Louis KR, 10/22 Lake DPV; late south 10/28 Le Sueur AP, 11/10 Washington BL.
1991Spring All reports: 5/12 Brown AB, 5/13 Clay MO, 5/15 St. Louis PS, 5/19 Becker KSS, 5/21 Cook KMH, 5/23 Roseau KB, 5/25 St. Louis AB, 5/27 Marshall KB.
1991Summer Only report: 6/5 St. Louis.
1991Fall Early north 8/23 Wilkin MO, 9/7 St. Louis RJ, 9/8 Lake DPV; late north 10/6 Wilkin MO, 10/20 St. Louis PB, SDM, 10/26 Beltrami DJ; only south reports Rock PS, 9/30 Pipestone JP, 10/5 Kandiyohi RJ.
1992Spring All reports: 5/9 Cottonwood JB, 5/11–30 Pennington MCSB, 5/13 Polk PS, 5/14 Carver mob, 5/15 Nobles GS, 5/23 Hennepin OJ, Goodhue KB and Waseca RJ, 5/24 Itasca AB, 5/25 Hennepin SC, 5/27 St. Louis mob, 5/30 Roseau NJ.
1992Summer Only reports: 6/6 Dakota, 6/10 St. Louis.
1992Fall Early north 8/16 Wilkin MO, 9/17 St. Louis DZ; early south 8/1 Chippewa RJ, 9/7 Kandiyohi CJ; late north 10/19 Kittson RJ and Norman RJ, 10/25 Otter Tail DC and Wilkin HT, 11/9 St. Louis TW; late south 10/29 Carver KR, 10/31 Waseca CS, 11/7 Goodhue BL.
1993Spring All reports: 5/13 Steele KV, 5/15 Goodhue TT, BL, 5/21 Dakota DN, 5/24 Ramsey KB, 5/22–29 St. Louis DBE, 5/25–28 Stevens BBo, 5/24–25 Hennepin SC, 5/29–30 Lake of the Woods PS et al., 5/29 Cook KMH and Anoka PKL.
1993Fall Early north 8/21 Becker BBe, 8/29 Wilkin SDM, late north 10/15 Crow Wing WM, 10/16 Roseau KB, 10/25 Polk RJ; early south 8/14 Jackson KB; late south 10/10 Martin BBo, 10/20 Blue Earth MF, 10/30 Chippewa AB.
1994Spring Early south 4/27 Lyon HK, 4/30 Lac qui Parle DB and Yellow Medicine DBM; early north 5/7 Roseau PS, 5/14 Wilkin SDM, 5/21 Mahnomen TBr.
1994Summer Only report: 6/4 Roseau.
1994Fall Late north 9/27 Pennington KS, 10/8 Douglas DN, 10/19 St. Louis TW. Late south 11/11 Dodge JW and McLeod TT, 11/13 McLeod RG.
1995Spring Early south 4/30 Lyon AB, 5/7 Hennepin KB; only reports north 5/20 Aitkin DB and St. Louis WM, 5/21 Clearwater DJ, Roseau PS (no date).
1995Summer Only reports: 6/15 Anoka, and 7/29 Polk County.
1995Fall Late north 10/13 Lake of the Woods (30) PS, 10/15 Lake of the Woods KB, 10/18 St. Louis NJ. Late south 8/10 Dakota TT, 9/9 Olmsted JSt, 10/9 Lac qui Parle ABo.
1996Spring All reports: south 5/18 Lac qui Parle PJ, 5/19 Dakota RG, TT, 5/26 Hennepin SC; north 5/18 Clearwater ABo and St. Louis mob.
1996Summer Only report: 6/1 Marshall.
1996Fall Late north 10/25 Carlton CG, BMu, 10/26 Lake WM, 10/27 Polk PS. Late south 10/27 Hennepin KB, SC, 10/28 Winona CS. Peak numbers 9/21 Hennepin (13) TT, 10/12 St. Louis (15) SCM.
1997Spring Early south 5/15 Freeborn ABa, 5/18 Big Stone LE and Lac qui Parle PS. Early north 5/18 Becker RJ and Clay PP, 5/23 Morrison RJ. Peak count 5/24 Traverse (13) WM.
1997Summer Several reports: 6/1 Clearwater and Polk, 7/29 Lac qui Parle, 7/30 Big Stone.
1997Fall Late north 10/5 Polk PS, 10/25 Carlton BMu, CG. Late south 10/11 Carver DBo, 10/26 Big Stone LE and Lyon RgS. Peak counts 8/17 Waseca (10) JSe, 9/21 Marshall (11) PS.
1998Spring Early south 5/2 Carver and McLeod mob. Early north 5/16 Marshall and Norman AH, PS, 5/22 Koochiching RJ. Late south 5/26 Cottonwood ED. Peak count 5/18 Dakota (20) DBS.
1998Summer Many late spring reports: 6/3 Roseau, 6/3–5 Olmsted, 6/4 St. Louis, 6/7 Swift, 6/17 St. Louis. Only fall report 7/26 Marshall.
1998Fall Late north 10/12 Marshall (6) PS, 10/13 Polk (49) KB, PS, 10/24 St. Louis (1) TT. Late south 11/1 Faribault JDa, 11/7 Lac qui Parle DN, 11/25 (record late date) Dakota (2) DBS. Peak count 10/10 Faribault (90 at Minnesota Lake) JDa.
1999Spring Fewer reports than usual, with all occurrences during the second half of May. Early south and peak count 5/16 Dakota (7) SL, SWe. Reported from only three north counties.
1999Summer Spring migrants reported in St. Louis, Lake, Swift; late migrant 6/7 Swift.
1999Fall Migration north and south congruent with median dates. North reports all between 9/23 St. Louis NWi and 10/23 Marshall JJ. Early south 8/6 Lac qui Parle (BSNWR) BOl, 8/22 Hennepin TT. Late south 11/9 Dakota DBS, 11/13 Big Stone PC. Reported from all nine regions in October. Only significant count 10/19 Roseau (17) PS.
2000Spring Observed in seven south counties, first seen 4/26 Waseca JSt, 4/29 Freeborn ABa. Early north 5/7 St. Louis PS. Like last spring, reported from only three north counties, including peak 5/22 St. Louis (18) DZ.
2000Fall Early north 8/31 St. Louis KJB, 9/1 Lake JWL. Aside from additional September reports in St. Louis, all other north observations were during October. Early south 8/8 Big Stone KJB, SLC, 8/20 Freeborn AEB. Late north 10/26 Cook RBJ, 10/30–31 Aitkin CRM, WEN. Late south 10/28 Wright (20) DFJ, 11/3 Meeker RBJ. Also seen 10/18 Isanti AXH.
2001Spring Observed in 8 south and 12 north counties, twice as many as last spring. No reports from Southwest, and only Wabasha in Southeast. First county record 5/17 Red Lake RBJ. Early south 4/18 Sherburne LMC, RMN, 4/27 Dakota ADS. Early north 5/17 in three counties. Peak counts 5/18 Wilkin (51 in Manston Twp.) KJB, 5/23 Roseau (30) KJB.
2001SummerEarly migrant 7/31 Lyon CRM. [Corrected]
2001Fall Early north 8/25 Wilkin (1) TAT, 9/9–10 St. Louis (2) m.obs. Early south 8/5 Lac qui Parle (1) FZL, 8/10 Big Stone (6) RJS. Late north 11/4 Aitkin PCC, PHS and St. Louis JRN, 11/17 St. Louis (Duluth) AXH. Late south 11/5 Steele (6) NFT, 11/16 Lac qui Parle (1) BEO. High count 10/12 Lac qui Parle (16 at Big Stone N.W.R.) BEO.
2002Spring Observed in 13 south and 6 north counties. Early south 4/21 Meeker (2) DMF, 5/9 Faribault JJS. Early north 5/15 Clearwater (25, high count) JEB, RBJ and St. Louis (5) FJN. Noteworthy total 5/23 Dakota (17 at L. Byllesby) ADS.
2002Summer All reports: 6/8 Traverse (12) PCC, 6/7 and 6/17 Becker (Hamden Slough N.W.R.) DPJ, fide AXH.
2002Fall Observed in six north and nine south counties in all regions except the North-central. Early north 8/4–9 Roseau (9–12) PHS, JMJ, 8/7 Traverse (1) KJB, PCC. Early south 8/1 (1), 8/5 (9) Jackson (Heron L.) KJB. Late north 10/13 Traverse (2) PHS, 10/20 Lake (2) JWL, PHS. Late south 11/11 Brown (3) BSm, 11/15–19 Dakota ADS. Three reports of 12 birds; all other counts single digits.
2003Spring Reported from seven south and five north counties. Early south (recent median 5/9) 5/10 Goodhue m.ob., 5/11 Dakota KJB. Early north 5/9 Traverse KJB, 5/18 Marshall JEB, RBJ, JMJ. Peak migration 5/19–27 statewide, including 5/19 Dakota (18 at L. Byllesby, ADS and 45 near county roads 66/79, CBr, LM), 5/19 Hennepin (20 near county roads 13/144, JCC), 5/22 Marshall (18 at Warren, PHS), 5/27 Marshall (43 at Agassiz N.W.R., KJB).
2003Summer All reports: 6/1 Lac qui Parle, 6/12 Big Stone BJU, 6/15 Traverse PCC, 7/6 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) PHS, JMJ, 7/30 Marshall (4) KJB.
2003Fall Observed in five north and seven south counties in all regions except the Southeast. Early north (but see summer report) 8/2 (4), 8/9 (3) Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) PHS, SAS; arrived elsewhere 8/31 Lake of the Woods KRE et al. Early south 8/7 Lac qui Parle (1) and Lyon (2) KJB, 8/16 Big Stone/Lac qui Parle PCC. First juvenile 9/6 Marshall PHS, JMJ. Late north 10/9 Polk CRM, 10/18 Polk (5) PHS. Last reported 10/25 Big Stone/Lac qui Parle (max. 6) PCC, BJU. All counts single digits except 9/16 St. Louis (31 at Duluth) MH.
2004Spring Observed in 10 south and 6 north counties. Early south 4/28 Lac qui Parle BJU and Wright PRH, 5/14 Olmsted JJS. Early north 5/17 St. Louis DRB, 5/18 Aitkin (3) MMc et al. Highest reported counts 5/15 (19, Perry Twp.) and 5/16 (63 in flight, Manfred Twp.) Lac qui Parle BJU.
2004Summer All reports: 6/1 Cook RBJ, 6/4 Lac qui Parle BJU, 6/5 Lac qui Parle (2) PHS, 6/6 Yellow Medicine BJU, 6/26 Traverse PCC.
2004Fall Observed in five north and ten south counties in all regions except the Southeast. Early north 8/6 (4), 8/12 (6) Traverse (Mud L.) KJB; arrived elsewhere 8/20 St. Louis (2) FJN. Early south 8/16 Hennepin WCM, 8/21 Freeborn AEB and Lac qui Parle (2) PCC et al. Highest reported count 9/7 St. Louis (29 at Duluth) PHS. First juveniles 9/11 Traverse PCC, 9/12 Big Stone PHS et al. Late north 10/21 Polk (5) PHS, 10/24 St. Louis (10) TAT. Late south 10/20 Big Stone (1) and Lac qui Parle (10) PHS, 10/21, 11/5 Dakota JPM.
2005Spring Observed in only eight counties (16 last spring). All south reports: 4/28 Scott †CMB, LM, 5/16 Big Stone WCM. Early north 5/19 Beltrami JEB, RBJ, 5/20 Wilkin (6) AXH, PHS; also reported from Lake of the Woods (5), Mahnomen, Pennington, St. Louis. All counts single digits.
2005Summer All reports: northbound migrant 6/12 Lac qui Parle BJU. Mid-summer report 7/9 Lac qui Parle PCC. First southbound migrant 7/27 Clay BJU.
2005Fall Observed in eight north and nine south counties, and in all regions except the Central. Early north 8/26 St. Louis PHS, 8/27 Becker SN. Early south 8/13 Lac qui Parle BJU, 8/26 Hennepin CMB, ADS. First juvenile 9/3 St. Louis PHS. High count 10/21 Lac qui Parle (24 at Salt L.) PHS. Late north 10/18 Cook SLF, 10/27–31 Lake m.ob. Late south 11/9, 11/13 Dakota JPM, ADS.
2006Spring Single digit counts reported from ten south and three north counties. Early south 4/26–27 Dakota JPM, JLO, 5/7 Lac qui Parle BJU. Early north 5/27 Polk PHS and St. Louis DWK, 5/28 Marshall (7 at Agassiz N.W.R.) PHS.
2006Summer High count 6/1 Polk (11, Glacial Ridge N.W.R.) PHS. Northbound migrants in six counties including late south 6/11 Lac qui Parle PCC, PHS, late north 6/24 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) PHS.
2006Fall Observed in 5 north and 11 south counties, none in Southwest or Southeast. Early north 8/11 Marshall PHS, 8/12 St. Louis SLF. Early south 8/6 Lac qui Parle (6) PCC, PHS, 8/11 Lac qui Parle BJU and Nicollet RBW. First juveniles 9/17 Lac qui Parle (5) PCC. High counts 10/1 Lac qui Parle (13) BJU, 10/24 Marshall (13 at Agassiz N.W.R.) PHS; only subsequent north report 10/28 Mille Lacs JLO. Reported on six different mid-November dates in Dakota (same bird?) until 11/17 JLO.
2007Spring514 Early south 4/23 Dakota (Lake Byllesby) m.ob., 5/3 Pope RBW (median 5/2). Early north 5/13 Wilkin (3, Manston Marsh W.M.A.) JCC, 5/18 Marshall m.ob. (median 5/17). Additional north reports from Becker, Cass, St. Louis. High counts 5/23 Sherburne (10) PLJ, 5/25 St. Louis (8, Hearding Is., Duluth) DWK, 5/28 Big Stone (9) PHS.
2007Summer23 Late south 6/13–14 Hennepin (2) DWK, HCT. Late north 6/12 St. Louis PHS.
2007Fall1117 Early north 8/3 Marshall PHS, JMJ. Early south 8/4 Lac qui Parle PCC, RSF, PHS, 8/5 Jackson KJB. First juveniles 9/8 Marshall (2) PHS. Late north 10/30–11/4 St. Louis (3, Park Point ballfields, Duluth) m.ob. Late south 10/31, 11/5 Dakota (2 in basic plumage) JPM. High counts 10/8 St. Louis (21 at Park Point, Duluth) KJB, 9/23 St. Louis (20 total from Park Point, Hearding Island, Interstate Island, Miller Creek, 40th Ave. West, and Morgan Park) PHS.
2008Spring78 Early south (median 5/1) 5/1 Lac qui Parle BJU, 5/3 Mower (Le Roy W.T.P.) JWH. Early north 5/3 Douglas JPE, 5/16 Wilkin HHD. High count 5/11 Lac qui Parle (19, Big Stone N.W.R.) BJU. Late south 5/26 Nicollet (5) DWK and Rice TFB, 5/27 Lac qui Parle (8) PHS (median 6/6). See summer report for late north.
2008Summer31 Northbound migrants 6/1 Cass BAW, 6/1 St. Louis (2) PHS, (2) SLF, 6/1 Traverse (4) RBW, 6/1, 6/6 Lac qui Parle BJU, 6/6 St. Louis (1) MLH, PHS.
2008Fall815 Early north (median 8/10) 8/9 Marshall (5) PHS, 8/24 Marshall PHS. Early south (median 8/7) 8/9 Yellow Medicine (10) PCC, 8/16 Lac qui Parle PCC. First juvenile 9/4 St. Louis (Duluth) PHS. High count 9/20 Lac qui Parle (22) PCC. Late north 10/17 Cass m.ob., 11/1 Cass (Little Pelican Island, Leech Lake) BAW (median 10/25). Late south 11/5 Brown (Sleepy Eye W.T.P.) BTS (median 11/4).
2009Spring513 Early south (median 5/1) 4/20–22 Dakota JPM, 5/2 Stevens DBM. Early north (median 5/16) 5/17 Cass BAW, 5/22 Marshall JMJ. High count 5/23 Marshall (20) REM, m.ob. See summer report for late migrants south and north.
2009Summer32 Northbound migrants: late south 6/3 Stearns RPR; late north 6/3 Cass (2) BAW. All counts <6 birds.
2009Fall58 Early north (median 8/9) 8/9 Itasca EEO, 8/14 Marshall (5) PHS, JMJ. Early south (median 8/8) 8/6 Kandiyohi (3) RBJ, 8/15 Lac qui Parle (4) PCC. Late north 10/10 St. Louis DWK (median 10/26). Late south 9/20 Wright DWK, 10/2 Meeker DMF (median 11/5).
2010Spring1013 Early south (median 5/1) 5/11 Kandiyohi JoS. Early north (median 5/16) 5/14 St. Louis (Park Point) PHS, 5/16 St. Louis PRH, 5/18 Morrison (2) FGo. High count 5/23 Cass (51, Pelican Island, Leech Lake) BAW. See summer report for late migrants south and north.
2010Summer12 Northbound migrants 6/1 Lac qui Parle BJU, 6/8 Blue Earth ChH. Early fall migrant 7/30 Otter Tail (2) KRu.
2010Fall46 Early north (median 8/9) 8/9 Kittson (Joe River S.W.A.) TBr. Early south (median 8/8) 8/3 Lac qui Parle (Cory Lake) BJU. High count 8/11 Kittson (17, Joe River S.W.A.) TBr. Late north 10/16 St. Louis (Park Point, Duluth) PHS (median 10/26). Late south 10/17 Houston (3, south of Brownsville) JWH and Lincoln (3) RMD (median 11/5).
2011Spring57 Early south (median 5/1) 5/12 Blue Earth (2) ChH, 5/13 Big Stone, Lac qui Parle (2) BJU. Early north (median 5/16) 5/21 Pine (Sandstone W.T.P.) WCM, 5/23 St. Louis (Park Point R.A.) PHS. High count 5/28 Aitkin (10, Cedarbrook) BU. Late south 5/30 Chippewa, Swift BJU (median 6/6). See summer report for late migrants north.
2011Summer2Northbound migrants 6/3 St. Louis SCZ, 6/5 Aitkin ASc.
2011Fall818 Early north (median 8/9) 8/20 Grant (North Ottawa Impoundment) BJU, 9/11 St. Louis (Hearding Island, Duluth) PHS. Early south (median 8/8) 8/3 Lac qui Parle (Hamlin Twp.) BJU, 8/13 Big Stone and Lac qui Parle PCC. High count 10/23 Dakota (14, Spring Lake) BAF. Late north 10/20 Douglas RAE, 10/24 Kittson (2, Joe River S.W.A.) TrB (median 10/26). Late south 11/9 Brown (Sleepy Eye W.T.P.) BTS, 11/12 Houston (Upper Mississippi N.W.R.) RPn (median 11/5).
2012Spring714 Early south (median 5/1) 5/2 Blue Earth (Gilfillan Lake) RBW, 5/4 Blue Earth RAE, 5/7 Lac qui Parle (2, Salt Lake) BJU. Early north (median 5/16) 5/12 Crow Wing (Ironton W.T.P.) JSB, 5/15 Hubbard DWK and St. Louis (Park Point) PHS. High count 5/22 Blue Earth (30, Gilfillan Lake) RBW. Late south 5/28 Dakota m.ob., 5/30 McLeod JEB, Nobles SC, Wright JEB (median 6/6). See summer report for late migrants north.
2012Summer2 Northbound migrants 6/6 St. Louis (Duluth, Park Point) DBr, 6/9 Traverse DLP.
2012Fall918 Early north (median 8/9) 8/8 St. Louis EBr, 8/14 Grant RAE. Early south (median 8/8) 8/7 Jackson KJB, 8/10 Big Stone PLJ. High count 10/30 Brown (8, Sleepy Eye W.T.P.) BTS. Late north 10/14 Marshall JMJ and St. Louis JLK, 10/21 Douglas and Grant DBM (median 10/26). Late south 10/30 Brown BTS, 11/10 Steele DWK, HCT (median 11/5).
2013Spring1011 Early south (median 5/1) 4/28 Lac qui Parle SOa, 5/10 Steele DAB, HHD, JWH. Early north (median 5/16) 4/27 Beltrami (Lake Bemidji) SVo, 5/12 Crow Wing JSB. High count 5/17 Wright (13, Malardi Lake W.M.A.) RBJ, ANy. Late south 5/24 Freeborn (4) DBz, 5/26 Freeborn DBM (median 6/6). See summer report for late migrants north (median 6/8).
2013Summer2 Northbound migrants 6/5 Itasca SC, 6/11 St. Louis (3, Minnesota side of Superior Entry) PHS.
2013Fall512 Early north (median 8/9) 8/3 Grant HHD, 8/10 Grant (5) ALo, 8/11 St. Louis (Hibbing) DCa. Early south (median 8/8) 8/3 McLeod DBM, Wright ToL. High count 10/8 St. Louis (15, Park Point R.A.) JSa. Late north 10/9 St. Louis (Duluth) KRE (median 10/26). Late south 10/5 Olmsted RMD, 10/3–10 Brown BTS, 11/12 Dakota (2, Miesville Ravine) KDS (median 11/5).
2014Spring1715Early south (median 5/1) 5/4 Carver (2) WCM, 5/9 Faribault (2) ANy, DBz, RMD, Kandiyohi JEB, Renville JEB. Early north (median 5/16) 5/16 Itasca SC, 5/18 Crow Wing (7) PSP, JPR, Norman DFe, JeL. High counts 5/20 Washington (35, Forest Lake Twp.) BRL, 5/25 Kittson (30) KRE. Late south 5/26 Renville (2) GWe, Yellow Medicine RAE, 5/30 Big Stone DLP (median 6/6). See summer report for late north reports.
2014Summer3Northbound migrants 6/1 Grant, 6/1–2 Lake, 6/3 St. Louis. Southbound migrant: early north 7/28 St. Louis RSg. ;
2014Fall1115 Early north (median 8/9) 8/2–16 Grant (North Ottawa Impoundment) PCC, DWK, m.ob., 8/22 St. Louis (2, Park Point) JLK. Early south (median 8/8) 8/10 Sibley (3) DWK, m.ob., 8/11 Faribault DOB, Hennepin (5) BAF. High counts 10/20 Hennepin (18, Long Meadow Lake) PEJ, 10/5 Hennepin (17, Old Cedar Ave. Bridge, all juveniles) BAF. New county record 8/30 Wadena (sod farm, east side of 190th Ave.) RAE. Late north 10/23 St. Louis KRE, 10/24 Lake (Two Harbors) RPR, TAT, 10/25 Lake WCM, LS, RZi (median 10/26). Late south 10/26 Big Stone DLP, 11/1 Lac qui Parle (2) PCC, 11/1–2 Meeker MJB, m.ob. (median 11/5).
2015Spring712 Early south (median 5/1) 5/3 Ramsey MRe, 5/4 Hennepin DVe, DTr, 5/7 Blue Earth ChH. Early north 5/17 St. Louis TRK, KJB, 5/23 Beltrami and Clearwater DWK, PEB, HCT. High count 5/21 Meeker (9) JPr. Late south 5/26–27 Jackson (6, Heron Lake area) KJB, but also see summer report (median 6/6).
2015Summer12 Northbound migrants 6/1–6/9 McLeod (one adult in partial alternate plumage, one in basic plumage, Eagle Lake) PRH, 6/4 Roseau MBS, 6/9 Brown (6, New Ulm Airport) MiO.
2015Fall1011 Early north (median 8/9) 8/7–11 St. Louis (2, Park Point) AaS, AM, JLK, m.ob., 8/10 Grant (2, North Ottawa Impoundment) GHo, KDS. Early south (median 8/7) 8/5 Lac qui Parle DFe, 8/8 Lac qui Parle (2) DLP, 8/19 Chisago (2) ELC. High counts 10/13 Lac qui Parle (37, Big Stone NWR) DLP, 8/22 Grant (9, North Ottawa Impoundment) ToL. After early October, only north reports were 10/18–20 Grant (North Ottawa Impoundment) DWK, HCT, RZi, JCC, 10/14 Marshall SAu, and frequent sightings from Duluth, where last found 11/2 St. Louis (2, Park Point R.A.) ALx. Late south 10/31 Big Stone DLP, 11/1 Dakota MJB, RAE (median 11/5).
2016Spring1310 Early south (median 5/1) 4/23 Goodhue (2) GJa, m.ob., Jackson JJu, 5/6–7 Stearns (max. 2, Getchell Lake) PCC, m.ob. Early north (median 5/16) 5/12 St. Louis (4) ClN, 5/18 Grant ANy, DBz, 5/19 Crow Wing ABi, Itasca (2) SC, RAE. High count 5/21 Marshall (15, Agassiz Valley Impoundment) SAu. Late south 5/26 Stearns (2) PCC, 5/27 Nobles KRE, m.ob., 5/30 Lac qui Parle (2, Salt Lake) GWe (median 6/6). Late north 5/26 St. Louis JLK, 5/28–29 Lake JWL, 5/29 Becker (2) ClN, (median 6/5).
2016Summer11 Northbound migrants: 6/13 Lake of the Woods MBS, 6/20 Yellow Medicine (1) GWe. Two adults in transitional plumage 7/13 Yellow Medicine (Miedd L.) †GWe may have summered south of their breeding grounds.
2016Fall616 Early north (median 8/9) 8/31 St. Louis BeA, 9/1 Mahnomen CRM, m.ob., 9/3 Marshall (3) RCl. Early south (median 8/6) 8/7 Lac qui Parle (14, Salt Lake) KnM, 8/11 Kandiyohi JoS, JWd, m.ob., 8/21 Carver (Tacoma Ave.) KMS, SSc, m.ob. High counts 8/7 Lac qui Parle (14, Salt Lake) KnM, 11/4 St. Louis (11, Park Point) LiH. Late north 11/2 Grant (2) WPl, 11/6 Cook HCT, DWK, SBM, 11/7 St. Louis (6, Park Point R.A.) RDC, (median 10/25). Late south 10/20 Nobles DAk, 10/21–22 Stearns DFe, AUm, DGu, 10/29 McLeod BHa (median 11/5).
2017Spring911 Early south (median 5/1) 4/29 Lac qui Parle FAE, 5/7 Stearns AnJ, 5/8 Murray GWe. Early north (median 5/16) 5/15–17 Aitkin RAE, KCR 5/16–17 St. Louis (max. 3, Park Point) JLK, JPR, BeA, 5/17 Grant CNn, EGa, JPR. High count 5/18 St. Louis (18, Park Point) JLK. Late south 5/22 Scott (2) BAb, m.ob., 5/31 Big Stone (2) DLP (median 6/7). Late north 5/27 Aitkin ASu, 5/28 Beltrami SC, 5/28–29 Morrison RAE, HHD, but also see summer report (median 6/6).
2017Summer21 Northbound migrants 6/4 Aitkin HCT, DWK, SBM, 6/5 Grant (North Ottawa Impoundment) AxB, REn, 6/15 Big Stone DLP.
2017Fall913 Early north (median 8/9) 8/5 Polk LnT, SAu, 8/5–6 St. Louis (Duluth) PHS, JLK, 8/11 Grant KnM, m.ob. Early south (median 8/7) 8/10 Renville MiO, 8/12 Big Stone KRE, m.ob., 8/19 Lincoln KnM, ASu, Wright RCl. High count 10/10 Grant (20, North Ottawa Impoundment) DOr. Late north 11/5–8 St. Louis (2, Park Point R.A.) MZa, m.ob. (median 10/25). Late south 10/31 – 11/1 Sherburne (C.R. 16) PLJ, 11/12 Yellow Medicine LiH, m.ob. (median 11/5).
2018Spring1113 Early south (median 4/30) 4/30–5/4 Yellow Medicine (Cottonwood) GWe, 5/3–4 Cottonwood (max.3) RAE, HHD, LHl, 5/4 Lyon (Lone Tree Lake) GWe. Early north (median 5/16) 5/8–16 St. Louis (2, Park Point) NWn, JLK, KCo, 5/14 Norman (2) DBz, ANy, 5/16 Becker NaH, Grant (2, North Ottawa Impoundment) RJS. High counts 5/22 Grant (12, North Ottawa Impoundment) WPl, ASu, 5/21 St. Louis (11, Park Point) JPR. Late south 5/28 Steele JCC, m.ob., 5/30 Yellow Medicine GWe (median 6/7). Late north 5/29 St. Louis GJa, 5/30 Traverse (2) ASu (median 6/5). See summer report for latest migrants statewide.
2018Summer11 Observed 6/1–6 St. Louis (up to 8, Duluth) JLK, BEA, JPR, 6/2 Stevens (C.R. 66, Alberta) AaL.
2018Fall99  Early north (median 8/9) 8/15 Grant CNn, 8/16–20 St. Louis (Park Point) JLK. Early south (median 8/7) 8/3 Murray TAT, 8/5 Freeborn DWK, m.ob., Watonwan (3) LiH, ASu. High count 9/18 St. Louis (15, H.R.N.R.) JPR, ebd. Late north 10/11–15 St. Louis (max. 3, Park Point) JLK, m.ob., 10/12 Hubbard (6, Park Rapids W.T.P.) REn (median 10/25). Late south Murray KEm, JWH, 10/3 Washington PNi, 10/8 Sherburne PLJ (median 11/5).
2019Spring1216 Early south (median 4/30) 5/4 Steele PSu, Watonwan MiO, m.ob., 5/12 Faribault (4) BDo, m.ob., 5/13 Blue Earth LiH. Early north (median 5/16) 5/4–28 St. Louis (Duluth) JPR, m.ob., 5/19 Aitkin (7) KSz, JST. High counts 5/23 St. Louis (19, Park Point ball fields) OGo, JLK, 5/23 Pine (18, near Pine City) ebd, 5/19 Redwood (17, near Sanborn) RAE. Late south 5/25 Chisago ELC, MJB, 5/27 Renville ebd, Stearns LKo (median 6/7). Late north 5/26–27 Cook ANy, m.ob., 5/28 St. Louis JLK (median 6/5).
2019Summer31 Late spring migrants 6/1, 6/4 St. Louis (Park Point, Duluth) MwT, JLK, JPR, MLH, ebd, 6/6 Dakota (Lake Byllesby Regional Park) AJF, 6/9 Cook ANy. Fall migrant 7/30 Grant (North Ottawa Impoundment) MJB.
2019Fall58 First southbound migrant appeared north in Grant at end of summer season. More reports from Grant (chiefly North Ottawa Impoundment) into early September. First north report away from Grant: 8/23 St. Louis ebd. Early south (median 8/7) 8/10 Freeborn (2) DBz, 8/14 Yellow Medicine GWe, 8/17 Lac qui Parle (9) GWe. Late north 10/11 Lake ebd, 10/19 Grant (15, season†™s highest count, North Ottawa Impoundment) KnM, ASu, 10/26 St. Louis DOK (median 10/25). Late south 9/13 Benton ebd, Blue Earth (2) STa, 9/20 Le Sueur CRM, m.ob. (median 11/15).
2020Spring418 Early south (median 4/30) 4/27 Le Sueur BAb, 5/2 Hennepin (Colman Lake) FFa, JMn, 5/3 Jackson (2) KEm, JWH. Early north (median 5/16) 4/26 Clay (Swede Grove Lake) ph. †PBB, 5/15 Grant CNn, 5/16 Clay (6, Swede Grove Lake) PBB. High counts 5/14 Yellow Medicine (13, Timm Lake) KRo, 5/15 Rice (11) TFB. Late south 5/24–26 Yellow Medicine (Timm Lake) JWH, KEm, JGW, GWe, 5/29 Stearns (Albany W.T.P.) PCC (median 6/7). Late north 5/28–30 St. Louis (Park Point) JDx, m.ob., but also see summer report (median 6/6).
2020Summer31 Late spring migrants 6/5 St. Louis (2) ebd. Fall migrants 7/18 Big Stone (Marsh Lake, adult in prebasic molt) KWR, m.ob., 7/27–31 Big Stone (adult, alternate) KJB, 7/29–31 Grant MZa, m.ob., 7/29 Otter Tail (8) ebd.
2020Fall1527 See summer report for early southbound migrants. Late north 10/25 Aitkin (15) EHi, 10/25–26 St. Louis McQuade Small Craft Harbor) JLK, ebd, 11/3–6 St. Louis (Park Point, missing right foot) ClB, KBg, 11/19 Lake (Two Harbors, Agate Bay) HBr (median 10/25). Late south 11/8 Sibley (3) BAb, 11/9 Big Stone DLP, Brown BTS, 11/10 Dakota (2) KDS, NiR (median 11/15).
2021Spring1518 Early south (median 4/30) 4/25 Yellow Medicine (Posen Twp.) GWe, 5/1 Yellow Medicine (40, by 10s, season high count, Clarkfield W.T.P.) LiH, SBE, 5/1 Lyon (8, Lone Tree Lake) LiH, SBE, RLF, REn, 5/2 Cottonwood DHr. Early north (median 5/16) 5/12 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) ebd, 5/13 Marshall (2, Warren W.T.P.) HHu, 5/14 Hubbard ebd. Late south 5/28 Cottonwood KEm, JWH, 5/30 Sibley DWK (median 6/7). Late north 5/31 Crow Wing NSg, PSP, Lake of the Woods (2) ANy, DBz, Polk (2) HHu; also see summer report (median 6/6).
2021Summer62 Seen in Big Stone, Grant, Marshall, Polk, Red Lake, Roseau, St. Louis, Yellow Medicine. Late spring migrants 6/5 Red Lake SAu, 6/6, 6/8 Yellow Medicine GWe, MGi.
2021Fall718 Early north 8/4 Grant (North Ottawa Impoundment) VRL, 8/14 – 9/5 St. Louis (max. 9, Park Point) IDv, BLz, ebd (median 8/9). Early south 8/15 McLeod RAE, 8/20 Lyon GWe, 8/22 McLeod (Lewis Lake) TWe. High count 9/18 St. Louis (20, Park Point) IDv. Late north 10/16 Marshall KrM, then only from St. Louis where last reported 10/29 (Mud Lake) JLK, (3) H.R.B.O., 10/30 (Superior Entry) m.ob. (median 10/25). Late south 10/23 Swift DLP, 11/2–7 Big Stone (8) DLP (median 11/5).
2022Spring1322 Early south (median 4/30) 4/24 Steele BLa, 4/26 Faribault PEJ, 4/29 Goodhue PEJ. Early north (median 5/15) 5/5 St. Louis StK, 5/13 Aitkin (2) KWR, CLR, LBa, Grant DAB, Hubbard ebd. One north first-county record 5/18–19 Todd (max. 5, near Sauk Center) RLF, RAE. High count 5/26 Marshall (98, near Middle River, counted individually) IsH, EzH. Late south 5/26 Carver (2) TWe, WCM, ebd, 5/28 Sherburne PLJ (median 6/6). Late north 5/29–30 Roseau (max. 10) EHi, BCS, 5/29–31 St. Louis ALw, JLK, JWL, ebd (median 6/6).
2022Summer32 Encountered in Aitkin, Marshall, Rock, St. Louis, Sibley. One in mostly basic plumage 6/15–17 Aitkin (Rice Lake N.W.R.) ASu, ebd, DnS, PNi was presumably still northbound based on dates. Southbound migrant 7/28–29 Sibley RBW, DWK, SKe.
2022Fall916 Early north (median 8/7) 8/5–6 Grant KTe, ebd, 8/10 Marshall HHu. First south migrant (median 8/6) appeared 7/28–29 Sibley at end of summer season, then 8/3 Sherburne ebd, 8/6 Big Stone DLP. High count 9/10 St. Louis (10, Park Point) ebd. Late north 10/13–14 St. Louis JLK, BLz, ebd, 10/26 Grant (3) CNn (median 10/25). Late south 10/23 Lyon GWe, 10/31 Wright RCl, 11/4 Olmsted JPr, JmP (median 11/5).
2023Spring1018 Early south (median 4/29) 5/4 Dakota (Lake Byllesby) SSc, TPu, CMB, MwT, AnB, TSk, ebd, Goodhue (5, Lake Byllesby) RMS, SDz, ebd, Wright (2) PLJ. Early north (median 5/15) 5/9–16 St. Louis (almost daily reports, all from Park Point) NGi, SeM, m.ob.; away from St. Louis first seen 5/16 Polk (3) SHo, 5/18 Itasca (2) ebd, Otter Tail (6) ebd. High count 5/27 Marshall (21, Agassiz N.W.R.) ebd. Late south 5/29 McLeod (2) LAb, PAl (median 6/7). Late north 5/29 Aitkin JnP, 5/31 St. Louis (max. 3, Park Point) PHS, ebd (median 6/6). See summer report for latest northbound migrants.
2023Summer24 Observed in Anoka, Big Stone, Marshall, Meeker, St. Louis, Wright. Late spring migrants: north 6/3 Marshall ebd, south 6/19 Wright RCl.
 Migrant throughout.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.