Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Towhees, Sparrows Occurrence
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Boobies and Gannets
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Chickadees, Titmice
Martins, Swallows
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Flycatchers
Old World Sparrows
Longspurs and Snow Buntings
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Towhees, Sparrows
Cassin's Sparrow
Grasshopper Sparrow
Black-throated Sparrow
Lark Sparrow
Lark Bunting
Chipping Sparrow
Clay-colored Sparrow
Field Sparrow
Brewer's Sparrow
Fox Sparrow
American Tree Sparrow
Dark-eyed Junco
[Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored)]
[Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon)]
[Dark-eyed Junco (Pink-sided)]
[Dark-eyed Junco (White-winged)]
[Dark-eyed Junco (Gray-headed)]
White-crowned Sparrow
[White-crowned Sparrow (Eastern)]
[White-crowned Sparrow (Gambel's)]
Golden-crowned Sparrow
Harris's Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
[Dark-eyed Junco X White-throated Sparrow]
Vesper Sparrow
LeConte's Sparrow
Nelson's Sparrow
Baird's Sparrow
Henslow's Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Lincoln's Sparrow
Swamp Sparrow
Abert's Towhee
Green-tailed Towhee
Spotted Towhee
Eastern Towhee
[Spotted Towhee X Eastern Towhee]
[Pipilo towhee]

Lark Bunting(Calamospiza melanocorys)
1936Summer Adults were seen feG«Ung young at Lac qui Parle by Mrs. E. o. Wilson<" on July 19th. The following day Mrs. c. E. 'Peterson at Madison ~ound a nest ot four eggs. On August 5th Mrs. Peterson saw tw broods or yoMg being fed out of the nest.
1961FallR. Oehlenschlager saw several on the Cass County-Wadena County line, east of Nimrod, on 31 Aug. and 1 Sep.
1962SpringMay 12, one adult male was seen and heard singing on a telephone wire 3 miles west of Dawson Lac qui Parle Co., Avifaunal Club. '
1963FallSept. 1, Manley, Rock Co., Avifanual Club.
1964Spring5-9 Schroeder, Cook Co, one male, Marie Aftreith; 5-24 Two Harbors, one male, RK; 5-24 Salt Lake, LaJc qui Parle Co, colony, RAG; 5-26 Big Stone Co, TJ, several males·, not seen again on 5-27.
1964Summer5-31, Salt Lake, Lac qui Parle Co, nest and 4e, RAG, photographed by ES; (see photo section); Rock Co, all summer, 100 or more, BWA.
1964Fall9-5 Salt Lake, Lac QuiParle Co, 1, RBJ.
1965Springretreated westward again this year and no nests noted in eastern Dakotas; in view of this, these two records are of special interest: May (exact date?), Nobles Co, near Adrian, HSH and 5-11 Grand Marais, BAF (see Notes of Interest in previous issue).
1966Spring5-23 Mille Lacs Co, S. of Onamia, 1 male, ELC, TRC, good details; 5-24 Lac qui Parle Co, 1, DB, EHH; 5-24 Cook Co, Tofte, 2, MOP (details?); 5-31 Duluth, JCG; also on 5-19 DGM saw a bird in Wabasha Co which he felt may have been this species. Savannah Sparrow earliest 4-5 Mille Lacs Co, WJH; 4-22 Agassiz Refuge, DLO; 4-28 Two Harbors, RK, Hibbing, SM and Cook Co, MAF.
1966Summer6-4 Rock Co, 1 male in each of 2 different townships, BL; 6-6 Indian Lake Township, 1 male, Nobles Co, HSH; 6-11 Salt Lake, Lac qui Parle Co, 3, ELC; 6-19 Nobles Co, Hersey December, 1966 Township, 3 males, HSH; 7-14 Yellow Medicine Co, 3 males and Lac qui Parle Co, 3 males, RG, RLH.
1966Fall10-29 Cook Co., 3 mi S of Split Rock, EMB, BL, RG, photographed in color by HFH.
1968Spring 5-27 St. Paul, Ramsey Co., 1 ad male, KH (see Notes of Interest in previous issue).
1968Summer 6-1 Mountain Lake, Cottonwood Co, 1, LAF ; 6- 18 Cottonwood, Yellow Medicine Co, 1 ad male, PE; 6-19 western Nobles Co, 1, HSH.
1968Fall9-12 St. Louis 1 female JCG.
1969Spring6-4 (31) Rock and Nobles Co.'s, BL; 5-24 Nobles Co., HSH.
1969Summer6-10 Felton, Clay Co., 6 photographed, FL.
1969Fall9-18 Duluth MC.
1970Spring3 reports (2) LF; 5-27 Rock and Nobles (2) H H; 5-31 jackson (1) HH.
1971Spring5-16 Nobles (1) RBJ; 6-7 Nobles (1) 1-IH; only reports.
1971Fall8-12 Watonwan LF; 10-8, 9, 10 Tofte, Cook Co. JP.
1973Summer 6-24 Rock (KE), 6-25 Aitkin (BB), 6-5 St. Louis (Minn. Pt. JCG).
1975Spring 5-31 Pipestone (1) RAG, RBJ; 5-30, 5-31 Rock (6 male, 1 female) L. Campbell, (4) ETS, 5-31 (4 male, 1 female) KG, 5-31 (1 male) KE; 7 male and 1 female reported on MOU weekend 531, 6-1 Rock Co.
1975Summer Two males were found on 6-15 in Rock and Pipestone Co. (BDC); very few summer reports recently, probably late migrants.
1975Fall9-20 Duluth, RJ, JG.
1976Summerone male seen on 6-13 near Lake Benton, Lincoln Co., (LK); probably a late migrant; continues to be scarce in summer.
1976Fall From 9-26 to 9-30 in Duluth DS, JG; at the W. Snyder feeder in Winona from 11-11 through the winter; 10-2 Cottonwood (6) CMB.
1976Winter Even more amazing than the Ivory Gull was this male Lark Bunting wintering at the W. Snyder feeder in Winona from November into April; not only was it Minnesota's first winter record, but perhaps the first winter report ever from the North Central U.S.; it managed to survive January temperatures in the -30°F range which some House Sparrows in the yard did not survive!
1977Spring 3 reports 3-5 to 4-22 Winona (1) SM, RJ, TS, JB; 5-17 Nobles (1) AD; 5-21, 5-22 (2) 5-30 (1) Lac qui Parle CB. Winter 1977
1977Summer 2 reports: 7-12, Collegeville, Stearns Co. (S. Hansen); 7-17 Rock (2, BE); probably post-breeding wanderers.
1977Fall Only report 8-6 Pipestone (OJ, RJ).
1979Summer Late migrants 6-2 Traverse (fide RBJ), 6-8 Lake (SW). Early migrants 7-25, two males, Pipestone (NMH).
1980Summer Late migrants seen in Traverse (6-4 KRE), Lac qui Parle (6-7 KRE), Rock (6-21 RBJ).
1982Spring One report: 5-12 Lake USFS.
1982Summer Late migrants: 6/7 male, Felton, Clay Co. (KRE); 6/7 female, s. of Moorhead, Clay Co. (L&CF). Male on 7/4 near Canby, Yellow Medicine Co. (KL).
1983Summer One male, 6/14 near Hawley, Clay Co. (KRE).
1983Fall One report 9/6 St. Louis SC.
1984Spring Two reports 5/18 Nobles AD, 5/20 Aitkin WN (The Loon 56:191).
1985Spring All reports 4/27 Lyon HK, 5/5 Cook KMH, Wilkin GAM, 5/18 Mahnomen MHa, 5/24 Cook Holly Peirson.
1986Spring Two reports 5/6 St. Louis KE, 5/27 Blue Earth MF.
1986Fall Unusual reports north 10/19 Cook KMH 10/29 Duluth J. Newman (TheLoon59:53).
1987Spring One report 5/15 Blue Earth MF.
1988Spring One report 5/26 Cook KMH.
1988Summer Adult male seen in Clay (6/20, LCF; 7/2, BHa); up to three birds in Big Stone (6114-21, copulation observed, BHa); two males in Aitkin (6/20-29, The Loon 60:137).
1989Summer One singing male observed 6/22-23 Wilkin KB.
1989Fall One report 8/28 Cook KMH.
1991Spring One report 4/27 Big Stone DC.
1991Summer One male observed 6/23 Chippewa CMB.
1992Summer Two records, both unusually far north. One adult male observed on 6/4 just south of Thief L. WMA in Marshall Co. MCBS; another male seen on 6/5,6 at Felton Prairie in Clay Co. KR et al.
1993Summer Only report: one male in a field near Cyrus, Pope Co. on 6/1 BBo (migrant?).
1994Summer Three observations, all away from usual range: one male on 6/1 at Camp Ripley in Morrison Co. SM (The Loon 66:118), a male photographed on 6/2 near Springsteel Island in Roseau Co. PS/SB, and a single bird on 6/24 near Duluth in St. Louis Co. fide KE.
1995Summer Single report: male on 6/12 at Felton Prairie in Clay Co.
1996Spring No reports.
1996Fall No reports.
1997Spring No reports.
1997Fall No reports.
1998Fall Only documented report: 8/25 Hennepin (MSP Airport) TT, m.ob., 9/28 St. Louis (40th Ave. West in Duluth) SR. [Corrected]
1999SpringOne report 5/20 Yellow Medicine (male, Normania Twp.) PE. [Corrected]
2000Spring One male was well-documented 5/13–17 St. Louis (Stoney Point) RKo, †DBe et al.
2002SpringOne report 5/23 Lac qui Parle (near Dawson) †Beth Dillon. [Corrected]
2004Fall Two reports of this Casual species, both from the Northeast: 9/6 St. Louis (basic-plumaged female at 40th Avenue West/Erie Pier in Duluth) †MTA, ph. MH, ph. †PHS, 10/4 Lake (Gooseberry Falls S.P.) †RPR.
2005Spring Two accepted records: adult female 5/26 St. Louis (Ely) BET, †PHS and adult male 5/27–29 Lake (Castle Danger) ph. LL.
2005Fall One in female-type plumage 8/30 Cook (Schroeder) †CJT.
2006Summer Adult male discovered during Breeding Bird Survey 6/14 Beltrami (Benville Twp.) †BAB.
2006Fall Female/immature found 8/19 Lake (Split Rock Lighthouse S.P.) ph. DAG. [Corrected]
2006Winter1 Late migrant 12/11 St. Louis (Airport Road, Duluth) †DAG, †JWL, ph. KRE.
2007Summer1 Singing male observed 6/23–7/1 Polk (near Glacial Ridge N.W.R.) LS, JCC, †DAB, †PCC, ph. †JMJ, ph. †PHS, m.ob.
2010Spring1 Adult male 5/28–29 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) ph. †BRB. This was the third county record and the first to be photographed for the refuge.
2010Fall A second county record 8/17 Sherburne (Mahnomen Trail, Sherburne N.W.R.) †DMa.
2012Summer1 Seen 6/14 Jackson (Round Lake Twp.) ph. † JSc.
2013Spring1 One report 5/18 Nobles ph. v.t. †RMD, ph. ANy, †DAB, m.ob. This is the tenth modern Nobles county record for this casual species.
2014Fall1 A female/immature was found in Cook along the Old Gunflint Trail on 9/14 ph. †JHn.
2016Spring1 Only report of this Casual species 5/25–26 St. Louis (male, town of Cook) †SuF, ph. †JuG, ph. †DMK.
2016Summer22 Seen 6/4, 6/6 Lac qui Parle (male, C.R. 12, Mehurin Twp.) †PHS, JEB, 6/6 Wilkin (pending acceptance by MOURC) ph. JPk, 6/11 Polk (male, Glacial Ridge N.W.R.) ph. †CBh, 6/21–22 Lyon (Lone Tree L.) ph. †GWe.
2018Fall11 Two reports of this casual species: 8/2 Lac qui Parle (adult male, Hamlin W.M.A.) † LiH, 10/22–24 St. Louis (Park Point R.A.) DEd, ph † PHS, ph † REn, † IsH, † EzH, † KRE, ph LME, ASu, LiH, DOr, m.ob. Also see records awaiting review by MOURC in the introduction.
2019Fall1 One report of this casual species 9/28–29 Lake (Two Harbors) JGW, ph. † KEm, † JWH.
2021Fall1 Fifth fall record in the past decade: 9/26 St. Louis (Park Point R.A.) PAl, ebd, †EzH, ph. IsH, ph. †PHS, m.ob.
2022Summer1 New county record: 6/13 Washington (Lone Oak Trail) RSd, ph. †BAb, †EzH, †LiH, m.ob.
 Former summer resident southwest and west-central. Last breeding record 1964. Recorded in seven of the last ten years, most recently 2018.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.