Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Grebes Occurrence
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Boobies and Gannets
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Chickadees, Titmice
Martins, Swallows
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Flycatchers
Old World Sparrows
Longspurs and Snow Buntings
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Grebes
Pied-billed Grebe
Horned Grebe
Red-necked Grebe
Eared Grebe
Western Grebe
Clark's Grebe
[Western Grebe X Clark's Grebe]
[Aechmophorus grebe]

Pied-billed Grebe(Podilymbus podiceps)
1930SummerEarliest nest, found by Stanley Stein and Leander Fischer near Shakopee, May 18th, containing !even eggs, Last, found by Marius Morse, at Crystal Lake, July 16thJ contents, three young, just hatch. -26
1931SummerA nest uith five eges found June 14th by Rn+ph Woolsey and Leander Fischer.
1932SummerA nest with 6 eggs was found on l~y 14 {Morse). ihe last nest held 8 eggs on June 26, and was seen by Swru1son at Eri~sburg. / -20 -The Common Flicker, 1932
1933Summer Three nests 'or thls species were reported. The first, containing 4 eggs, was found near St. Paul by Risser on May 13th. On May 21st Nariu.s Morse and Sterling Brackett located a nest near Robbinsdale which held 6 eggs, Tho last nest was found by Hiemenz near Baku.s, Cass County, on June 15th, on which date its contents oon~isted of 4 eggs.
1934Summer The only nest of this species with cggs·was reported by Hanson from Lake \tlinnibigoshish. It contained 5 eggs on the 19th of June. Four do.ys later, at the same place, he found young about a week old.
1935Summer George Rysgaard saw a Dabchiok nest with 7 eggs May 30th, and Robert Upson saw another on tho s~e dcte. Breckenridge found 7 eggs in a nest at Round L~te on June 13th, and Sl..fanson is next 'nth a nest with 8 eggs at Long Lake June 23rd. On June 28th Breckenridge returned to the nest he had found just in time to get some re..'11arkable motion pictures of the young hatching and climbing onto the parent bird's back. Charles Evans and Upson saw the last nest on July 4th when it contained 3 eggs.
1936Summer Of the four "Hell-divers" nests reported, the t\Jo earliest were found by Robert Upson. The first, found on May 12th, contained seven eggso Arnold Erickson repoJ:·ted seeing three young with adults on June 25th and another b1·ood of two,.Tith parents at st. Croix National Park on the th~.rticth af tho same month~
1937SummerTwo nests of this species were reported. The earliest was found at Tanner's Lake by Dana Struthers on June 23; it held 7 young; the second was located by Robert Upson at Minneapolis June 25. It held two eggs.
1938SummerTen nest of the Hell Diver were reported. The earliest was found at Frontenac on May 20 by K. Carlander; it contained eggs. Three nests with 4, 5, and 6 eggs each were discover­ed on May 23 by R. Both and W. Hieb­ert at Maiden Lake in Cottonwood Coun­ty. Nests containing eggs were found at Minneapolis on May 21 and 3 r by Bob Upson. Upson and Owre found a nest of 7 eggs on June 17 in Beltrami County. On May 29 a nest of 5 eggs was discov­ered by G. Swanson at Heron Lake. The last nest was found by \Y./. J. Breckenridge on June 29 in Anoka County; it held r r eggs.
1940SummerThere were two records for this Grebe. The first nest, found on a pond near Pleasant Lake contained r downy young; several others swam about. The second nest was located on a pond near Grand Lake. Both reports were submitted by the T. S. Roberts Ornithology Club and were for June I2.
1943SummerJune 29, 7 birds, C'ity Limits Mpls. F. S. Davidson. July 25, nest with eggs, Lee.:h Lake. K. Carlander.
1945Summer2 nests with eggs, May 27, Hennepin Co., Don and Eldeen Jacobs; 2 nests with eggs, May 26, Hennepin Co., Fred Blanch anj Larry Flahavan.
1945WinterSeveral records in the Twin City region. St. Paul, December 29, 1940, (William Cummings and Byron Harrell); near Minneapolis, December 27, 1946, (Members of Audubon Society).
1946Summer1 egg, May 12, Goodhue Co., Barrett; 1 young, June 25, Ramsey Co., Bro. Hubert. Nests throughout the state.
1947Summer3 nests with 14 eggs, May 25; 2 nests with 11 eggs, May 29; 1 nest with 6 eggs, June 6, Lac qui Parle Co., Willis; 2 nests with 14 eggs, Richfield, Jacobs; 2 nests with 9 eggs, June 30, McLeod Co., Barrett. DOUBLE-CRESTED CORMORANT. 25 to 30 nests with young, June 23, Lake Traverse, Pratt.
1961SummerH. Huber saw an adult with five chicks in Minneapolis on 10 June; on 24 June, many young of all sizes seen at Swan Lake by the Huber brothers; in Mahnomen County, near Waubun, Avifaunal Club members saw an adult with three young on 4 July; A. C. Rosenwinkel reports four broods near St. Paul on 1 July. PELICANS:
1962SummerJuly 28, Marsh Lake, Lac qui Parle Co., Adult, young, Richard K. Olson.
1962FallDec. 15, Winona, Winona Co., Brother Theodore.
1963SummerRamsey Co., July 13, 9 broods -seen, A. C. Rosenwinkel. Nobles Co., near Round Lake, July 27, ad, 4y, Avifaunal Club.
1963WinterJan 4, Winona, Avifaunal Club, Jan 18, NSP Blackdog Plant, Dakota Co., R. B. Janssen.
1964Summerbreeding in Ramsey (ELC), Lake (JP), Itasca (JAM), Clay (DM), Stevens (RBJ) and Hubbard (ACR) Counties.
1964Fall9-6 Two Harbors, RK; 10-12 Crow Wing Co, 20, TEM; 11-10 Ramsey Co, ACR; 11-12 Wright Co, EC; 11-15 Stevens Co, ES, RAG.
1965Falllatest 10-31 Collegeville, RPR (none in Nov?). ;
1965Winter Last, South: 12/2, Hennepin, VL. 1/9, "Black Dog", Dakota Co., RBJ, RG.
1966Springearliest 3-13 Rice Co, OAR, 3-17 Wabasha, DGM and 3-19 Goodhue Co, EMB and Hennepin Co, RBJ.
1966Summernested in Stearns Ramsey, Hennepin and Dakota Co's; als~ reported from Carver, Lincoln, Lac qui Parle, Dakota, Nicollet, Faribault, LeSueur, Crow Wing, Carver, Beltrami, Rice, Wright and Nobles Co's. White Pelican.: 6-25 Agassiz Refuge, Marshall Co, 90, DLO; 7-6 Traverse Co, 75, RG.
1966FallLatest 11-6 St. Louis Co., JGH; 11-12 Stearns Co., RPR; 11/6 Ramsey Co., BL; 11-26 Hennepin Co., HFH; VL.
1966Winter1-3 (BL), 1-20 (DB), 2-25 (RBJ), 2-28 (VL) Dakota Co.
1967Springearly 3-1 Dakota Co., EMB; 3-8 Goodhue Co., VL; 3-11 Dakota Co., EMB; 3-14 Wabasha Co., DGM.
1967Summernested in Ramsey, Hennepin, Beltrami Co's; also reported from Stevens, Big Stone, Traverse, Lac qui Parle, Morrison, Nobles, Hubbard, Washington, Cass, Crow Wing Co's.
1967Fall latest 11-3 Stearns Co., KE; Fargo-Moorhead, EGA; 11-13, 11-15 Wabasha Co., DGM; 11-21 Ramsey Co., ELC.
1967Winter 12-2(CLH) and 12-12 (VL) Minneapolis, 1.
1968Spring earliest 3-16 Morrison Co., DF; 3-23 Dakota Co., VL, DB, EMB; 3-27 Wabasha Co., DGM and Aitkin Co., CEP; 3-28 Olmsted Co., HBW.
1968Summer nested in Hubbard & Clearwater Co.; Also reported from Carver, McLeod, Lyon, Morrison, Washington, Blue Earth, Carlton, Nobles, Swift, Sherburne, Crow WinF' Anoka, Wright, Beltrami, Rice, Hennepm, Roseau, Winona Co.'s.
1968Fall8-12 Watonwan DMF; 10-24 Cook MC; 11-2 Crow Wing MSB; 11-4 Hennepin VL.
1968Winter12-7 Hennepin (Minneapolis) 2 RG.
1969Spring3-22 Dakota Co., BL, RBJ, and Winona Co., BT; 4-12 Aitkin Co., JCG; 4-13 (8) St. Louis Co., MMC.
1969Fall9-7 Wright ETS; 10-2 Washington 12+ RHJ; latest 11- 15 Houston FL; 11-23 Hennepin VL; 11-29 Duluth BL and RGL.
1969Winter11-29 (RG, BL), 12-26 (MMC) Lake Superior, St. Louis Co.; 12-1 Hennepin FN; 12-13 Winona FZL; 1-26 Olmsted KRE; 1-24 (RG), 2-15 (EMB) Goodhue.
1970Springearly south 3-22 Winona KE, Pe ; 3-28 Hennepin EB; 3-31 Olmsted HW; early north 4-6 St. Louis LM; 4-8 Duluth JG. ;
1970Summernested in Mille Lacs, Kandiyohi, Swif_t, Pope, Washington, Wright, and Stevens Co's; also reported from Winona, Crow Wing, Hennepin, Marshall, Meeker, Carver, and Ramsey Co's. No summer reports from the NE in over 7 years! Wh y??
1970Falllate south 10-31 Washington WL; 11-3 Carver KH; 12-2 Winona TV; late north 10-29 Marshall A R and Lake )G; peak 8-22 Pope (60) BH.
1970WinterI2·4 Hennepin CLH.
1971Springearly south 3-14 Winona KE, PE and Wabasha KE, PE, WDM and Dakota KJG and Nobles HH; early north 4-8 Duluth KE; 4-9 Marshall AR; peak 5-6 Marshall (370) AR.
1971Summernested in Kandiyohi, ·wright, Stevens, Swift, Pope, Sherburne, Hennepin, Carver, Lyon, Scott, Morrison and Houston; also reported from 8 other counties.
1971Fall)ate south 11-16 Lac qui Parle; ll-21 Jlennepin 11-27 Wri!l"ht; late north 11-13. Crow Wing; 11-14 Ottertail.
1971Winter12-30 Wabasha DGM; 1-1 Anoka DB; 12-18 (2) -2-27 Fergus Falls KRE; 12-12 1- 1 -2·19 (2) Black Dog, Dakota Co.
1972SummerbreedinHorned Grebe
1972Winter12-17 and 1-7 Ottertail KRE; 228 Dakota WHL.
1973Summer Nested in 10 counties; seen in 11 others, including Itasca (6-4 GN), St. Louis (6-23 St. Louis River JCG) and (6-2 GN).
1973Fall Reported from 15 counties. Late north 11-1 Marshall (7) (AWR); 11-30 Mille Lacs (TS). Late south 11-5 Wabasha (3) (DWM); 11-10 Wright (BAH); 11-24 Le Sueur (GR). Peak 8-29 Marshall (1640) (AWR).
1973Winter Reported by several observers at Black Dog L., Dakota Co. until 1-23; another was in Sherburne Co. on 12-10 (BD). lO!i
1974Summer Nested in Marshall, Lac qui Parle Pipestone, Rock, Hennepin; also re: ported from 21 other counties.
1974Fall Late south 11-17 Hennepin ES; Wright BH; 11-29 Le Sueur GR; late north 11-8 Marshall AR; 11-9 Pope RBJ; 11-16 Lake JG.
1974Winter Reported on the Bloomington and Fergus Falls Christmas Counts; also 1-2 Dakota (RG).
1975Spring Early south 3-21 Olmsted JF; 3-22 Scott RBJ; 3-23 Olmsted VH; early north 4-12 St. Louis MMC, GJN; 3 reports on 4-14.
1975Falllate south 11-15 Hennepin EM; 11-16 Washington DGW; late north 11-15 Itasca MS; 1/30 Ottertail SM.
1975Winteroverwintered at Fergus Falls, Otter Tail Co. (SM); several also lingered until Christmas Count time in Aitkin, Kandiyohi, Big Stone and Hennepin Co's; also wintered at Black Dog L., Dakota as is almost normal.
1976Spring Early south 3-14 Hennepin ETS; 3/8 Rice OR; 3-19 Olmsted VH; early north 3-24 Crow Wing DK; 4-1 Otter Tail GW; 4-5 St. Louis DS and Mille Lacs MI.
1976Summernested in Marshall, Kandiyohi, Anoka, Hennepin and Washington; also reported from 17 other counties northeast to St. Louis and Cook.
1976Fall Late north 11-7 Otteer Tail, 11-6 St. Louis.
1976Winter 4 reports: St. Paul Christmas Count; 1-1 Hennepin (BJ); 1-23 and 2-11 Dakota (DGW, KG); 12-12, 2-20, and 2-21 Otter Tail (SM, GO).
1977Spring Early south 3-11 Wright PH and Anoka HCP; 2 reports 3-12; early north 3-10 Crow Wing DK; 3-11 Otter Tail SM; 3-13 Crow Wing TS.
1977Summer Nested in Marshall, Lake of the Woods, Beltrami, Cass, Roseau, Becl\er and Wright; also reported from 14 other counties throughout the state.
1977Winter Five reports: 12-18 Ramsey (DGW) and Wabasha (DWM); until 1-1 Kandiyohi (DoA); 1-1 (MJ) and 2-12 (DGW) Black Dog L., Dakota Co.
1978Summer Breeding reported from Marshall, Beltrami, Becker, Stearns, Sherburne, Wright, Anoka, Ramsey, Kandiyohi, Lac qui Parle, Watonwan, and Martin; also seen throughout the state.
1978Fall Late north 11-8 Marshall ANWR, 11-11 Mille Lacs WL, 11-25 Otter Tail GO.
1978Winter Four reports: until 1-21 Otter Tail (SM); 2-10 Scott (OJ); from 2-11 on Hennepin (BJ); overwintered Martin (EB).
1979Spring Early south 3-2 Nicollet JCF, 3-11 Dakota RE, 3-15 Martin EB; early north 4-11 Becker TNWR, 4-17 Marshall ANWR, 4-18 Beltrami JM. Peak 5-8 Marshall ANWR (880).
1979Summer Breeding reported from Marshall, Todd, Big Stone, Lac qui Parle, Pope, Stearns, Sherburne, Hennepin, Anoka, Washington; also seen throughout the state except the Northeast.
1979Fall Late north 10-30 St. Louis KE, 11-11 Itasca DB, 11-24 Otter Tail GMO.
1979Winter Three reports: Overwintered at Fergus Falls (GMO). Also reported from Hennepin 1-20 (BJ), 2-23 (VL} and Big Stone 12-15 (CMB).
1980Spring Early south 3-8 Hennepin ES, 3-15 Anoka KL, Nicollet JCF; early north 3-9 Otter Tail GMO, 4-5 Cook KE, 4-6 St. Louis KMH, Marshall ANWR.
1980Summer Breeding reported from 13 counties, including Cook; seen also throughout the state.
1980Fall Late north 10-5 Pennington KSS, 10-9 Itasca JC, 10-12 Mahnomen JC.
1980Winter Overwintered in Nicollet (JCF) and CROW WING (TS). A very late migrantin Itasca on 12-28 (TL).
1981Spring Early south 3-2 Nicollet JCF (wintered), 3-21 Olmsted EJB, 3-22 Anoka KL and Blue Earth MF; early north 3-25 Becker TNWR, 3-27 Beltrami JP, 3-28 Otter Tail SM and St. Louis TW.
1981Summer Breeding data from Itasca, Cass, Becker, Todd, Pope, Kandiyohi, Hennepin. Seen throughout state.
1981Fall Late north 11-7 Beltrami JP, 11-13 Pennington KSS, 11-26 Otter Tail GW.
1981Winter Three reports: an overwintering individual at Fergus Falls, Otter Tail Co., (SDM) (GMO); one in Sibley Park, Mankato on 12-15 (JCF) and an early migrant in Dakota, 2-25 (RBA).
1982Spring Early south 3-18 Olmsted JEB, 3-24 Lac qui Parle HK, 3-27 Anoka SC and Faribault RJ; early north 3-14 Otter Tail SDM, 4-3 Beltrami AS, 4-4 Marshall JSP and St. Louis LW.
1982Summer Breeding data from Roseau, Marshall, Clay, Douglas, Todd, Steams, Pope, Wright, LeSueur, Martin. Seen throughout the state.
1982Fall Late north 10/14 Polk KSS, 10/31 Hubbard HJF, I I 16 Beltrami JP; late south I I I 4 Nicollet JCF, 1/16 Lyon RJ, 11/7 Wabasha WDM.
1982Winter Reported only from Lake Cornelia, Hennepin Co., Ill thru 2/28 (mob).
1983Spring Early south 3/4 Nicollet JCF, 3/5 Dakota DB, JD, (wintering?) 3/7 Wabasha WDM; early north 3/30 Beltrami JP, 4/11 Marshall ANWR, 4/16 St. Louis AB.
1983Summer Breeding data from Aitkin, Crow Wing, Stearns, Redwood. Seen throughout the state.
1983Fall 11/7 Aitkin AB, 1/18 Beltrami AS, Pennington KSS; late south 11/11 Nicollet JCF, Wabasha WDM Waseca RJ, 11/16 Ramsey RH.
1983Winter Reported on the Willmar and Bloomington CBC's. Also reported from Black Dog, Dakota Co. from 2-12 through the end of the period (mob).
1984Spring Early south 3/1 Dakota JD, 3/24 Mower PP; RRK, Olmsted PP, early north 4/1 Otter Tail SDM, 4/4 Marshall ANWR, 4/7 Becker, Clay AB.
1984Summernested in Roseau, Marshall, Polk, Aitkin, Clay, Steams, Sherburne, Hennepin, Watonwan, Brown and Le Sueur; also seen in 30 other counties
1984Fall Late north II/5 Beltrami RJ, 11/7 Otter Tail KL, 11/22 Wadena AB; late south 11/15 Wabasha WDM, 11/29 Hennepin SC, Yellow Medicine FE.
1984Winter Hennepin County until 12-5 (mob) and Sibley Park, Nicollet Co., 12-7 (JCF).
1985Spring Early south 3/15 Mower RRK, 3/17 Dakota ES, TT, 3/19 Olmsted PP; early north 3/29 Marshall ANWR, 4/5 Morrison AB, 4/10 Otter Tail SDM.
1985Summer Nested in Polk, Mahnomen, Big Stone (WT), Todd, Kandiyohi, Isanti (RJ), Ramsey, Hennepin, McLeod (BG), Nicollet, Cottonwood, Lyon, Lincoln, Yellow Medicine (JS). Also seen in 21 other counties throughout most of the state but not in the Southeast region and only St. Louis in the Northeast.
1985Fall Late north 10/13 Aitkin WN, Mille Lacs ES, 1l/3 Traverse GAM; late south 11/27 Hennepin SC, Ramsey DS, 11/30 Dakota TTu.
1985Winter One at Black Dog, Dakota County on 12/8, (ES), only report.
1986Spring Early south 3/9 Nicollet JCF, Dakota TTu, 3/11 Olmsted JEB, PP; early north 3/28 Otter Tail SDM, 3/29 Duluth KE, Marshall ANWR, Wilkin GAM.
1986Summer Nested in St. Louis (Ely, SS), Kittson (AB), Clearwater (AB), Pope, Stearns, Sherburne, Blue Earth (RJ), Faribault (NHo), Freeborn (NHo), Fillmore (AP). Also seen in 25 other counties throughout the state except Lake, Cook.
1986Fall Late north 10/25 Mahnomen RJ, 10/26 Kanabec AB, 10/29 Wilkin GAM; late souti:J 11/15 Wabasha, Winona AP, 11/20 Ramsey KB, 11/30 Hennepin RG.
1986Winter One at Sucker Creek, Ramsey Co. until 11/4 (m.ob.).
1987Spring Early south 3/7 Winona RG, 3/8 Murray RJ, Dakota TI; early north 3/27 Marshall ANWR and Wilkin SDM, 3/29 Becker GAM and Clay LCF.
1987Summer Nested in Aitkin, Steams, Stevens, Swift, Murray (AB, RJ). Also seen in 37 other counties in all regions but only St. Louis in the northeast and Wabasha, Olmsted in the southeast.
1987Fall Late north 10/17 Aitkin WN, 10/24 Beltrami KH, 11/6 Mille Lacs DB; late south 11/1 Olmsted JEB, ll/11 Washington TBB, 11/14 Hennepin SC.
1987Winter A north report from the Bemidji CBC, and south reports of six individuals in December and mid-January from the Twin Cities and SE region.
1988Spring Early south 3/9 Dakota SC, ES, 3/13 Mower RRK, 3/17 Olmsted JB; early north 4/1 Wadena AB, 4/5 Duluth KE and Aitkin WN.
1988Summer Nested in Hubbard, Aitkin, Pine (AB), Anoka, Big Stone, Stevens; probable nesting in Pennington, Cottonwood. Seen in 28 other counties throughout the state except the northeast.
1988Fall Late north 10/16 Aitkin WN, 10/23 Mille Lacs BSE, 10/24 Otter Tail DS; late south 11/8 Rice FKS, 11/14 Hennepin SC, 11/30 Olmsted JB.
1988Winter Reported in Rochester from 12/2 until 12/15, PP.
1989Spring Early south 3/24 Anoka ES, Hennepin AB, SC, 3/26 Dakota, Lac qui Parle, Lyon, Olmsted m.ob.; early north 3/26 OtterTail SDM, 4/4 Aitkin WN, 4/13 Beltrami DJ. Homed Grebe Early south 3/26 Cottonwood ED, 3/29 Winter 1989 Goodhue AP, 4/13 Freeborn RJ; early north 4/15 Duluth KRS, 4/16 Kanabec AB, GS, 4/24 Beltrami DJ.
1989Summer Breeding recorded in Polk, Clearwater, Mahnomen, Wilkin; probable nesting in Big Stone, Hennepin. Seen in 31 other counties throughout the state but only Cook in northeast and Lincoln in southwest.
1989Fall Late north 10/8 Itasca AB, 10/9 Cook KMH, 10/15 Aitkin WN; late south ll/LO Olmsted JB and Ramsey RH, 11/28 Washington AB, 11/30 Hennepin SC.
1989Winter Reported from Otter Tail 12/2 MO; Olmsted; St. Paul NE CBC; Washington 1/1 AB. No overwintering noted.
1990Spring Early south 3/12 Olmsted JB, 3/21 Cottonwood ED and Rice TB, OR: early north 4/2 Lake DV, 4/6 Todd PH, 4/7 Beltrami DJ.
1990Summer Nested in Clay, Anoka, Rice FKS; probable nesting in Hubbard, Otter Tail, Le Sueur, Steele. Seen in 25 other counties in all regions except northeast; scarce in west central and southwest.
1990Fall Late north 10/21 Aitkin WN, 10/28 Pen nington KSS, 11/4 Clay MO; late south ll/9 Winona CS, 11/10 Lincoln RJ, 11/20 Hennepin SC.
1990Winter Late migrants noted in Cook 12/ I AB; on the Bemidji and Duluth CBCs; Wabasha 12/8 RJ ; Lake Harriet, Hennepin 12/15 & 17 SC; and Ramsey 12/29. No overwintering noted.
1991Spring Early south 3/10 Anoka PS, 3/14 Rice OR, 3/18 Sherburne DO; early north 3/29 Becker TEB, 4/5 Cook PS, 4/6 Beltrami DJ, Clay MO.
1991Summer Nested in Kandiyohi, Hennepin, Martin; probable breeding in eight counties. Seen in 25 additional counties statewide.
1991Fall Late north 10/13 Clay LCF, Otter Tail MO, 11/1 Becker BB, 11/6 Aitkin WN; late south 11/22 Ramsey KB, 11/25 Hennepin SC, 11/28 Dakota DZ.
1991Winter Two late migrants Wabasha 12/8 KB and Dakota 12/13 DZ.
1992Spring Early south 3/2 Dakota DN, 3/13 Rice TB, 3/16 Mower JM; early north 3/24 Kanabec CM, 4/1 Becker BBe, and 4/5 Otter Tail SDM.
1992Summer Nested in Marshall, Kandiyohi, Sherburne, Wright, Anoka, Le Sueur; probable breeding in McLeod, Rice. Seen in 33 other counties statewide.
1992Fall Late north 10/24 Aitkin WN, 11/10 Becker BBe, 11/15 Beltrami DJ; late south 11/14 Mower RJ and Wabasha DWM, 11/15 Hennepin fide PB.
1992Winter Recorded on the Hastings/Etter and Austin (count week) CBCs.
1993Spring Early south 3/5 Dakota RG, 3/24 Hennepin TBe, 3/26 Sherburne DO. Early north 3/28 Otter Tail SMD, 4/1 Duluth TD, TW, 4/4 Aitkin WN.
1993Summer Fewest reports in at least nine years. Nested in seven counties, probable nesting in four; seen in 18 other counties in all regions.
1993Fall Late north 10/25 Polk RJ, 11/16 Aitkin WN, 11/30 Beltrami DJ. Late south 11/13 Martin BBo, 11/27 Hennepin SC, 11/29 Winona CS.
1993Winter Only report 12/4 Beltrami DJo.
1994Spring Early south 3/12 Dakota DN, 3/18 Winona CS, 3/19 Goodhue BL, Lincoln RG, RJ and Rice TB, TF.
1994Summer Nested in ten counties including Grant SDM; probable nesting in four. Seen in 18 other counties in all regions except northeast.
1994Fall Late north 11/25 Kanabec CM, 11/29 Beltrami DJ, 11/30 St. Louis KE. Late south 11/20 Carver DBM, 11/25 Hennepin SC, 11/27 Washington WL.
1994Winter Two reports of late migrants until 12/11 Hennepin mob and on the St. Paul CBC, and one report of a possible early migrant 2/23 Cottonwood ED.
1995Spring Early south 3/3 Olmsted CK, 3/11 Dakota PJ and Goodhue BL; early north 3/18 Douglas KKW, 3/19 Aitkin WN, 3/23 St. Louis DBe.
1995Summer Nested in Lac qui Parle JB/TS, Winona HVA, Polk, Hennepin; probable nesting in five counties. Observed in 24 additional counties statewide.
1995Fall Peak of 140 on 10/14 Becker BBe et al.; peak of 170 on 10/13 Anoka KB.
1995Winter Late migrant reported on the St. Paul CBC and an early migrant reported 2/26 Dakota RJ (second earliest date on record).
1996Spring Reported from 64 counties. Peak 4/19 Lake Winona, Winona County. (76) CS.
1996Summer Nested in seven counties, probable nesting in Kandiyohi; observed in 31 additional counties statewide.
1996Fall Peak 10/11 Anoka (156) KB. Reported in 19 north and 33 south counties. Late north 11/10 Clay MRN, 11/19 Becker (1) BBe. One found stranded on land was released 11/26 Mountain Lake, Cottonwood ED.
1996Winter More reports than usual. Overwintered in Otter Tail SDM, the first such report since 1982–83. Two additional reports on the Bloomington CBC and 2/16 Minnesota River, Eagan, Dakota County SWe may represent the same overwintering individual. Additional reports as late as early January were in Todd, Cottonwood, Winona and Olmsted. The Rochester, Olmsted Co. bird was picked up dead on 1/1 CH.
1997Spring Reported from 61 counties statewide.
1997Summer New nesting record in Jackson RHo; probable nesting in Olmsted. Seen in 31 additional counties statewide.
1997Fall Reported from 15 north and 26 south counties. Late north 11/11 Lake GN. Late south 11/24 Hennepin KB.
1997Winter Overwintered in Otter Tail SDM (second year in a row). The report 1/26 Cass fide AH may also represent overwintering. Lingering individuals noted 12/13 Olmsted CH, 12/21 Goodhue KB, and the Excelsior and St. Paul CBCs.
1998Spring Reported from 57 counties. Early south 3/3 Rice TBo.
1998Summer Seen in 36 counties throughout the state. New nesting record in Dakota TT; probable nesting in seven counties.
1998Fall Peak count 10/17 Anoka (143 on Coon L.) KB. Reported from 18 north and 34 south counties. Many December reports north and south (see winter report).
1998Winter Overwintered in Becker BBe, Dakota mob, and Olmsted CH, BBr. Mid-winter reports 1/12 Beltrami RgS and 1/13 Sherburne fide AH. An additional seven reports of late migrants in six southern counties through early January.
1999Spring South arrivals were about a week late, with only one report before mid-March: 3/6 Olmsted CH. Early north 3/23 Crow Wing PP, 3/27 Morrison WB, 3/29 Otter Tail KKW.
1999Summer Fewest reports in 15+ years. Seen in only 25 counties in all regions except northeast and southeast.
1999Fall Peak north 10/4 Becker (110) BBe. Late north 11/4 St. Louis JN, 11/6 Aitkin WN and Cass MRN. See winter report for late south migrants.
1999Winter Reported from nine south counties. None overwintered. Late south 12/18 Mankato CBC, 12/21 Hennepin SC. Five reports of early south migrants beginning 2/21 Cottonwood ED (record early south, found on snow!) and 2/26 Dakota PJ.
2000Spring See winter report for early migrants south. Early north 3/7 Kanabec CM, 3/17 Morrison WB. Peak count 4/9 Hennepin (93) SC. Reported from all nine regions.
2000Summer Most reports since 1992; observed in 41 counties statewide.
2000Fall Concentrations peaked in mid-September, including 228 on 9/14 in Anoka (3 locations) KJB and 75 on 9/16–17 in Becker BAB. Late north 11/23–28 St. Louis PHS, 11/29 Otter Tail SDM. Also see winter report.
2000Winter One overwintered at Black Dog Lake, Dakota County mob. Another seen 1/2–20 Hennepin (Stone Arch bridge, Minneapolis) SLC, TAT. Also reported on the St. Paul (count week) and †Morris CBCs.
2001Spring Reported from 43 south and 25 north counties. See winter report regarding overwintering in Dakota; first migrants 3/17 Hennepin SLC and Olmsted CRG, 3/21–23 in four south counties. Early north 3/22 St. Louis fide KRE, 3/31 Wadena PJB.
2001Summer Reported in 32 counties statewide. Possible nesting Ramsey DFJ. [Corrected]
2001Fall Reported from 14 north and 36 south counties. High count 9/3 Hennepin (301 at French L.) SLC. Late north 11/15 Douglas REH and St. Louis JRN. Also see winter report.
2001Winter Nine individuals reported from eight counties. Two overwintered in Otter Tail (Fergus Falls) SPM. Only other north reports: 12/15 Bemidji CBC and 1/5 †Battle Lake CBC. Latest south report 1/6 Winona JDa.
2002Spring Reported from 43 south and 21 north counties. Arrived late and reported as scarce (RBJ). Early south (median 3/8) 3/18 Hennepin OLJ and Washington KJB, then 3/28–30 in nine counties. Early north (median 3/28) 4/4 Beltrami DPJ, 4/5 St. Louis NAJ.
2002Summer Record-high number of reports. Seen in 47 counties statewide; new nesting record in Benton MN, JS.
2002Fall Reported from 27 north and 39 south counties. Late north 11/1–4 in four counties, 11/10 Otter Tail DPS. Late south 11/28 Waseca JPS, but also see winter report.
2002Winter Late north 1/4 Battle Lake CBC. Late south 12/14 St. Paul (North) CBC, 12/14 Willmar CBC, 12/15 Dakota CRM, 1/1 Hennepin (Minneapolis) SLC. All reports.
2003Spring Reported from 38 south and 21 north counties statewide. Early south (median 3/9) 3/14 Washington KJB, 3/16–18 in five counties. Early north (median 3/28) 3/25 Kanabec CAM, 3/29–30 in four counties.
2003Summer Observed in 39 counties in all regions except Southeast.
2003Fall Reported from 22 north and 31 south counties. Late north 11/2 Marshall JMJ, 11/27 Otter Tail CRM. Late south 11/28 Dakota PEJ, 11/29 Waseca JPS. Also see winter report.
2003Winter Reported 12/3 Dakota TAT and 12/20 St. Cloud CBC.
2004Spring Reported from 34 south and 22 north counties statewide. Early south 3/13 Swift BJU, 3/17 Freeborn AEB. Early north 3/26 St. Louis SLF, 3/27 Beltrami DPJ.
2004Summer Reported in 32 counties in all regions of state except the Southeast.
2004Fall Reported from 15 north and 25 south counties. Second highest fall count 10/23 Meeker (373 on L. Ripley) DMF. Late north 11/4 Hubbard MAW, 11/6 Polk EEF. Late south 11/8 Hennepin SLC, 11/28 Wright REH.
2004Winter No reports.
2005Spring Observed in 40 south and 25 north counties. Early south 3/8 Sherburne HHD, 3/21 Olmsted PWP. Early north 3/28 St. Louis SLF, 3/30 Beltrami PJR.
2005Summer Reported from 39 counties statewide.
2005Fall Reported from 30 north and 32 south counties. Late north 11/19 Todd BWF, 11/23 Kanabec AXH. Late south 11/19 Rice DAB, 11/27 Dakota BAF, but also see winter report.
2005Winter One north report 1/27 Otter Tail fide JMJ. Recorded on the Rochester (1) and Bloomington (2) CBCs. Presumably one of the latter lingered at Black Dog Lake, Dakota: 1/7 JPM, 1/13 ADS, 2/7 KJB.
2006Spring Seen in 47 south and 25 north counties. Early south 3/3 Rice DAB, FVS, TFB, 3/4 Lac qui Parle BJU (median 3/9). Early north 3/29 St. Louis SLF, 3/30 Cass MRN (median 3/27).
2006Summer Seen in 64 counties statewide. First nesting records for Waseca JPS, Olm-sted PWP.
2006Fall Reported from 26 north and 44 south counties. High count 8/25 Yellow Medicine (92 at Miller L.) WCM. Late north 10/30 Traverse BJU, 11/22 Beltrami DPJ (median 11/22). Late south 11/22 Winona DWK, 11/23 Rice DAB, but also see winter report.
2006Winter11 All reports: 12/14, 1/8 Cass (Brockway L.) BAW, 12/22 Lac qui Parle (BSNWR) BJU.
2007Spring2850 Early south 3/5 Hennepin SCa, 3/9 (median) Dakota PEJ and Rice TFB. Early north 3/16 Otter Tail SPM, 3/25 St. Louis SLF (median 3/28).
2007Summer1836 Observed in all regions except Southeast.
2007Fall2943 High count 10/11 Big Stone (93 on Big Stone L.) BJU. Late north 11/10 St. Louis PEB, 11/11 Beltrami DPJ. Late south 11/19 Olmsted JWH, 11/25 Hennepin PEB, but also see winter report.
2007Winter22 North reports 12/2 Itasca (one lingering on the Mississippi River at Cohasset) fide JWL, 12/23 Beltrami DPJ. Late south 12/3 Washington CRM, 12/8 Washington BAF, 1/4 Rice PHi. Also reported on Excelsior and North St. Paul CBCs.
2008Spring2951 Early south (median 3/9) 3/12 Brown BTS, 3/15 Ramsey BAF. Early north (median 3/28) 3/5 St. Louis NAJ, 3/14 Itasca EEO, 3/21 Cass BAW, St. Louis SLF.
2008Summer1525 Found in all regions except Northwest, Southeast. First county breeding record for Renville DWK.
2008Fall3043 High count 8/1 Big Stone (41) PHS. Late north 11/13 Mille Lacs RBJ, 11/19 Cass MRN (median 11/27). Late south 11/17 Sherburne CRM, 11/18 Meeker PRH (median 12/20).
2008Winter1 Only report 1/7 Rice TFB.
2009Spring2749 Early south (median 3/9) 3/7 Dakota PEJ, 3/14 Meeker DMF. Early north 3/27 (median) Cass BAW, 4/3 Marshall JMJ. High counts 4/8 Olmsted (100) CWG, 4/20 Hennepin (63, Lake Harriet/Calhoun) CMB.
2009Summer1526 Observed in all regions of state.
2009Fall2444 High count 9/23 Hennepin (167, Lake Harriet/Lake Calhoun) CMB. Late north 10/31 Traverse DPG, Wadena RBW, 11/1 Douglas JPE, 11/14 Todd MJB, 11/15 Cass MRN (median 11/27). Late south 11/21 Houston DFN, PEJ, 11/25 Blue Earth ChH, 11/28 Mower HHD (median 12/21), but also see winter report.
2009Winter13 All reports 12/1 Meeker (2, Lake Ripley) DMF, Waseca DBM, 12/5 St. Louis (Duluth) MLH, PHS, 12/19 Willmar CBC.
2010Spring2649 Early south (median 3/9) 3/6 Hennepin BWi, 3/8 Rice TFB, 3/13 Scott DWK, PEB. Early north (median 3/27) 3/23 Cass ABi, 3/26 Douglas JPE, 4/1 Marshall MA, GAK, Mille Lacs ASc.
2010Summer1834 Reported from all regions except Southeast.
2010Fall3046 High counts 10/9 Stearns (57, Pearl Lake and Grand Lake) PCC, 8/7 Renville (31) WCM. Late north 11/19 Hubbard MAW, 11/23 Cass DAY (median 11/27), but also see winter report.
2010Winter13 All reports: 12/2 Lac qui Parle (Minnesota River below Churchill dam) BJU, 12/8 Rice TFB, Scott RZi, 12/18 Fergus Falls CBC.
2011Spring2452 Early south 3/5 Goodhue DFN, PEJ, 3/11 Chippewa, Lac qui Parle, Swift BJU, Rice DAB, 3/13 Dakota CMB, PEJ. Early north (median 3/27) 3/18 Itasca EEO, SC, 3/19 Polk SAu, 3/21 Cass BAW, Polk SRo.
2011Summer1532Observed in all regions except Southeast.
2011Fall2748 High counts 8/28 Lac qui Parle (50, Salt Lake) ACr, 10/8 Dakota (38, Gun Club Lake) PEJ. Late north 11/12 Beltrami DPJ, Morrison MJB, FGo, 11/15 Itasca SC, 11/19 Douglas JPE (median 11/27).
2011Winter5Two overwintered: 12/4–2/25 Scott (Blue Lake W.T.P.) m.ob., 12/17–1/31 Dakota (Black Dog Lake/Nicols Road) m.ob. Other reports include 12/1 Lac qui Parle BJU, 12/9–17 Hennepin (Lake Harriet) m.ob., 12/26 Goodhue (Prairie Island) PEJ.
2012Spring3053 Early south (median 3/9) 3/6 Wabasha PEJ, 3/7 Hennepin JFR, CMB, RTe, Olmsted CWG, Rice JLO, DAB, DAT, Steele NFT, 3/9 Carver JCy. Early north (median 3/27) 3/13 St. Louis SLF, 3/20 Mille Lacs ASc, 3/24 Douglas FGo, JPE. High counts 4/20 Blue Earth (81, Lily Lake) ChH, 4/16 Watonwan (80) AnK, 4/19 Hennepin (75) CMB.
2012Summer2643 Seen throughout state. High count 7/30 Marshall (33, impoundment near Warren) HHu. First county breeding records for Kanabec DPG, Red Lake fide BBA.
2012Fall3349 High counts 10/11 Aitkin (72) PEJ, 10/8 Wabasha (50, Weaver Bottoms) KLi, 9/13 Hennepin (48) CMB. Late north 11/9 Traverse BJU, 11/10–13 Beltrami DPJ, SVo, 11/16 Todd JeM (median 11/27), but also see winter report for late lingering migrants.
2012Winter16 Two north reports: 12/3 Cass (4, Gull Lake) BAW, 12/4 Cass (Leech Lake) BAW. December south reports from Hennepin (1–2, through 12/10, Lake Harriet, Lake Calhoun) CMB, m.ob., 12/5 Houston (Pool 8, Upper Mississippi River N.W.F.R.) KJB, Winona (through 12/15, Lake Winona) ANy, 12/16 Washington DWK, 12/22 Dakota DFN. January reports from Wabasha (Lock and Dam 4): 1/6 MGo, 1/19 CRM, 1/26 (2) ph. RQu.
2013Spring3452 Early south (median 3/9) 3/11 Hennepin CMB, 3/28 Chippewa DLP, Goodhue GLM, Dakota GLa, RAE. Early north (median 3/27) 3/25 Mahnomen KMy, 3/29 Itasca SC, 3/30 St. Louis SLF. High counts 5/5 Carver (72) WCM, 4/8 Goodhue (64, Prairie Island) GJM.
2013Summer2738 Reported from all regions of state. First county breeding record for Carlton fide BBA.
2013Fall3047 High counts 9/14 Wabasha (94 in one flock at Weaver) DBM, 9/28 Washington (55, Oneta Lake, Hugo) MJB. Late north 11/10 Beltrami HHD, Cass HHD, 11/11 Hubbard (4, Spider Lake; seen regularly since 9/26) MAW (median 11/27). Late south 11/20 Hennepin (Mill Ruins Park, Minneapolis) SOa, 11/22 Hennepin (Lake Calhoun) DWK, (3, French R.P.) ALD (median 12/21).
2013Winter1 One report: 12/14 Fergus Falls CBC.
2014Spring2952Early south (median 3/9) 3/13 Dakota PEJ, CMB, 3/20 Goodhue RTe, 3/22 Olmsted MiD. Early north (median 3/27) 3/31–4/1 Crow Wing PSP, ph. JPR,, 4/2 Cass PSP, Hubbard MaH. High counts 4/17 Dakota (250, estimated count, Lake Byllesby) ADS, 4/25 Hennepin (202) CMB.
2014Summer2334Observed in all regions of state. High count 6/8 Grant (30, North Ottawa Impoundment) SBM.
2014Fall3252 High counts 10/3 Douglas (75, Lake Osakis) JEl, 9/1 Renville (63, Round Lake) WCM, 10/12 Carver (54, Rice Lake) WCM. Late north 11/4 Aitkin HHD, 11/5 Cass (Walker) BJq, 11/7, 11/13 Douglas BEc (median 11/27). Late south 11/22–23 Hennepin (Lake Calhoun) JGg, TAT, Scott PEJ, 11/29 Hennepin (Lake Harriet) TAT, CMB (median 12/21).
2014Winter14 One north report: 12/20 Fergus Falls CBC (2). All south: 12/20–21 Olmsted (Rochester) Rochester CBC, JWH, 1/1–3 Ramsey (Kaposia Landing) †BAF, †ASi, 1/19–2/6 Dakota (Black Dog Lake) PEJ.
2015Spring2853 Early south (median 3/9) 3/12 Cottonwood PEJ, 3/21 Dakota SBE, Lyon GWe. Early north (median 3/27) 4/1 Crow Wing ABi, JPR, 4/2 Morrison KEm, Otter Tail KPe, 4/3 Clay PBB. High count 4/25 Hennepin (200: 100 on Lake Harriet, 100 on Lake Calhoun) BCl.
2015Summer2136 Seen statewide.
2015Fall3150 High count 8/22 Grant (200, North Ottawa Impoundment) ToL. Late north 11/14 Itasca SC, (3) EEO, 11/21 Hubbard (2) RAE, HHD, 11/26–28 St. Louis (3) BeA (median 11/30). See winter report for another late north migrant and many individuals found south.
2015Winter28 All north reports: 12/3 St. Louis (2, Silver Lake,Virginia.) SLF, 12/25 Douglas RAE, 1/2 Alexandria CBC, 1/5 Douglas BEc, 2/20 Douglas JPE. South reports after December include: through 1/13 Scott (Blue Lake W.T.P.) m.ob., 1/15 Goodhue (Lock and Dam 3) GHo, KDS, 1/24 Kandiyohi (Mill Pond, New London) RAE, 1/24–2/29 Winona (Prairie Island Road/Riverview Drive, Winona) DBz, m.ob.,
2016Spring3152 Overwintering bird 3/2–5 Kandiyohi HHD, JoS. Early south 3/7 Carver JCy, Hennepin CMB, PEJ, 3/8 Dakota DVe, Olmsted KNK, Scott JEB. Early north (median 3/25) 3/11–18 Mille Lacs KNo, Morrison MEm, KEm, 3/20 Wadena PJB, 3/24 Becker HeH, ShG. High count 4/14 Hennepin (329, Lakes Harriet, Calhoun and Nokomis in Minneapolis) CMB.
2016Summer2345 Seen in all regions. High count 7/28 Marshall (40, Agassiz N.W.R.) SHd, JHd.
2016Fall3452 High counts 9/13 Steele (116, Oak Glen Lake) PSu, 9/20 Steele (100, Oak Glen Lake) JnS. Late north 11/14 Morrison DFe, St. Louis JLK, 11/19 Cass JWM, 11/23 Todd JeM (median 11/30). Late south 11/27–30 Hennepin CMB, RCo, ElR, 11/30 still being seen in five counties (median 12/19).
2016Winter49 All north reports: 12/1–6 St. Louis (5 initially, Silver Lake, Virginia) SLF, 12/2 Cass JWM, Hubbard (Shingobee Lake) MAW, 12/11 Mille Lacs (Onamia) KNo. December reports south (all 1–3 birds) from nine counties. All reports after December were from Rice (Cannon/Wells Lake): 1/12 TFB, then 2/18 to end of month (1–3 birds) m.ob.
2017Spring3153 Early south (median 3/7) 3/2–7 Rice TFB, m.ob., 3/5–7 Goodhue (Lake Byllesby) PNi, m.ob., 3/5 Hennepin (2) RHe, m.ob. Early north (median 3/25) 3/21–24 St. Louis JPR, 3/23 Beltrami JMJ, Lake (Gooseberry Falls S.P.) JTo. High count 4/17 Hennepin (207, individually counted on Lakes Harriet and Calhoun) CMB.
2017Summer2842 Seen in every region. High count 7/21 Lac qui Parle (35, Big Stone N.W.R.) LiH, ASu.
2017Fall3451 High counts 9/16 Becker (110, Tamarac N.W.R.) ToR. Late north 11/10 Douglas JPE, Mille Lacs KnM, 11/11 Todd RAE, 11/12–18 Itasca TCL, (median 12/2). Late south 11/26 Hennepin IWe, RSA, Olmsted ebd, 11/30 Washington BDo (median 12/21).
2017Winter2 Two reports: 12/1–24 Washington (Grey Cloud Island) KIs, m.ob., 1/13 Goodhue (Red Wing) †CAs.
2018Spring3453 Reported statewide. Early south (median 3/7) 3/1–20 Hennepin DWK, m.ob., 3/19 Scott RCo. Early north (median 3/24) 3/21 Otter Tail WPl, 3/22 Itasca SC, 3/25 Crow Wing JnP. High count 4/21 Hennepin (89, Mississippi River Lock and Dam #1) DSh.
2018Summer2546 Seen in all regions.
2018Fall3351  High counts 8/23 Grant (109, North Ottawa Impoundment) DgM, 9/24 Kandiyohi (98) RAE, 10/4 Becker (98, Tamarac N.W.R.) HeH, ShG. Late north 11/20 Beltrami (4) REn, 11/21 Hubbard REn, 11/25 Beltrami DPJ (median 12/2). Late south 11/24 Wabasha DnS, Winona DnS, 11/24–26 Hennepin CMB, RBW, 11/30 Houston BAb (median 12/20).
2018Winter21 Two north reports: 12/8–1/27 Beltrami (Lake Irving) REn, m.ob., 12/15 Fergus Falls CBC. One south report: 12/9–15 Olmsted (Rochester, Cascade Lake) PTr, Rochester CBC.
2019Spring3053 Early south (median 3/7) 3/20 Hennepin MZa, IMc, 3/23 Faribault BAy, 3/24 Olmsted JJS, JPr, JmP. Early north (median 3/24) 3/31 Traverse JMJ, 4/1 Morrison SEm, St. Louis (2) ebd, 4/3 Otter Tail ebd. High counts 4/23, 4/28 Hennepin (37) CMB, 4/13 Mower (35, East Side Lake) SWm, 4/13 Waseca (35, Loon Lake) AaL, BDo.
2019Summer2743 Found in every region.
2019Fall3352 High counts 10/15 Dakota (65) BAF, 10/6 Anoka (50) ebd. Late north 11/4 Beltrami (6) REn, St. Louis ebd, Traverse WCM (median 12/2). Late south 11/27–30 Hennepin RBW, m.ob. (median 12/20), but also see winter report.
2019Winter3 Three reports: 12/1 Hennepin CMB, Ramsey (Gervais Lake) DnS, 12/2 Wabasha (Pool 4) PEJ.
2020Spring2552 Early south (median 3/7) 3/5–6 Scott (Blue Lake W.T.P.) BAb, HHD, PEJ, 3/7 Rice RBW, TFB. Early north (median 3/23) 3/21 Becker NaH, RAE, 3/26 Itasca TCL, 3/27 Crow Wing (3) PSP, Itasca (2) TCL. High counts 4/20 Dakota (42, Orchard Lake) ADS, 4/2 Olmsted (41, County 9 Marsh) LAV.
2020Summer2041 Seen in all regions of state. High count 7/31 Steele (24, Armstrong Wetland Restoration) GHo.
2020Fall3452 High counts 9/13 Grant (60, Niemackl Lake Park) DBg, 9/25 Douglas (47, Osakis) JLK. Late north (median 12/2) 11/27–30 Beltrami (Bemidji) ebd, 11/29 Kanabec SPS, but also see winter report.
2020Winter34 Three north reports: 12/2 Beltrami (Lake Irving) AxB, 12/19, 1/2 Clay (American Crystal Sugar lagoons, Moorhead) PBB, 1/13 Otter Tail (Riverside Park, Fergus Falls) WPl. All south: 12/15 Wabasha PEJ, 12/18–22 Hennepin (Bde Maka Ska) CMB, m.ob., 12/19 Rice (Faribault CBC).
2021Spring3253 Early south (median 3/7) 3/8 Scott (2) ebd, 3/9 Houston ASu, Olmsted ebd, Sherburne JOs. Early north (median 3/23) 3/24 Morrison (2) MJB, 3/25 Cass SC, 3/27 Pine (2) ebd, Traverse (2) SHo, KEm, JWH, Wadena PJB. High counts 4/25 Lyon (114, near Tyler) GWe, 4/13 Hennepin (70) CMB.
2021Summer2945 Seen in every region. High count 7/11 Grant (50, NW of Wendell) EzH m.ob.
2021Fall3351 High count 9/17 Kandiyohi (180, counted individually, Foote Lake) CRM, m.ob. Late north 11/14 Itasca (2) ClB, 11/15 St. Louis ebd, 11/23–25 Beltrami (2) AxB, DPJ (median 12/4). Late south 11/29 Washington FJN, m.ob., 11/30 Hennepin ClB (median 12/20), but also see winter report.
2021Winter13 One north report 12/2–29 Beltrami (3, Lake Bemidji/Lake Irving) REn, RLF, DPJ, DvH. All south: 12/1–3 Hennepin (Taft Lake) WPe, JWl, 12/1–4 Hennepin (Bde Maka Ska) m.ob., 12/2 Houston (Brownsville ovelook) CPa, 12/2–23 Ramsey (Mississippi River, Pigs Eye) m.ob. CBC high count 12/14 Bemidji (3).
2022Spring3452 Reported statewide. Early south (median 3/7) 3/6 Steele DAB, 3/16 Freeborn AEB, Washington BDo, 3/18 Goodhue (3) PEJ, SDz, JtM, Hennepin (2) ebd, Mower SHo. Early north (median 3/23) 3/26 Cass ebd, 3/26 Grant WPl, 4/1 Morrison ebd. High count 4/23 Hennepin (90) CMB.
2022Summer2146 Reported throughout state.
2022Fall3351 High counts 9/4 Roseau (90, Roseau River W.M.A.) BAb, 9/28 Douglas (40, Lake Osakis) MJB, 10/19–22 Carver (40, Lake Waconia) LSw, TWe. Late north 11/24 Beltrami AxB, Clay (2) ebd, 11/25 Itasca ebd (median 12/4). For late south migrants see winter report.
2022Winter18 Only north reports were from about 12/18 (Grand Rapids CBC, count week) and 2/5 Itasca (Grand Rapids) ebd; presumably, both were the same individual. December south reports from seven counties (including 12/4 Wright ToL), with high count 12/4 Hennepin (7, Bde Maka Ska) ASo. Elsewhere, December reports were of 1–2 individuals. After December, reported from three south counties. Overwintered Goodhue (Colville Park) m.ob., and through 1/24 Wabasha (Lake City) PEJ. One reported 2/25 Lac qui Parle DLP.
2023Spring3253 Reported in every county except Kittson, Roseau. See winter report for early south migrants. Early north (median 3/23) 4/2 Cass (2) MJB, Crow Wing MJB, Grant ebd, Itasca ebd, Otter Tail ebd. High counts 4/19 Clearwater (200, Red Lake River, estimate) DvH, 4/22 Hennepin (120, Lake Harriet) ebd.
2023Summer2338 Reported throughout state.
 Breeds throughout.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.