Prothonotary Warbler(Protonotaria citrea) |
Year | Season | N | S | |
1945 | Summer | | | 11 nests, Washington Co., July 10, Brother Hubert; nest, Washington Co., June 3, William Longley. |
1961 | Spring | | | Seen 13 May in Twin City area by A. C. Rosenwinkel and same day at La Crescent by A vi faunal Club members. Blue-winged and Golden-winged Warblers: Seen in same bush in Whitewater park area on 13 May. |
1961 | Summer | | | Dean Honetschlager reports them as summer residents at Marine-on-St. Croix. |
1962 | Spring | | | May 11 Winona, Hiawatha Valley Bird Club; May 16 Reno, Houston Co., W. R. Pieper and R. Huber. |
1963 | Spring | | | May 11, Washington Co., D. Honetschlager; May 15, Rice Co., 0. Rul)tad; May 18, La Cres- cent, Houston Co., R. Janssen. |
1964 | Spring | | | 5-11 Collegeville, Stearns Co, RPR & EAH; 5-3 La Crescent, BT. |
1964 | Summer | | | breeding Houston (RLH) and Anoka (FL) Counties. |
1965 | Spring | | | 5-8 Frontenac, AEA; 5-11 Goodhue Co, DB and Collegeville, RPR; 5-15 Houston Co, EMB; 5-17 Washington Co, DH; 5-19 Fargo-Moorhead area, many observers (MGA, LWJ, et. al.); 5-28 "abundant" at Winona, KK; northward strays are noteworthy. |
1966 | Spring | | | 5-7 Frontenac, BL, Houston, Wabasha, Chisago Co's, EMB; 5-8 Wabasha, DGM and Frontenac, GD, GG, FV; 5-10 Frontenac, EHH, DB; 5-13 Agassiz Refuge, Marshall Co, 2, DLO (awaiting details; extremely northern record); 5-15 Washington Co, DS; 5-15 Frontenac, MIG and Winona, GD, GG, FV; 5-17 Duluth, good description, ME; 5-18 Goodhue Co, EWJ and Washington Co, WWL; two northern records are most interesting. |
1966 | Summer | | | reported from Wabasha, Goodhue and Dakota Co's. |
1967 | Spring | | | early 5-13 Goodhue Co., MIG; 5-14 Goodhue Co., HFH, EMB; 5-18 Winona Co., FV/ HVBC. |
1967 | Summer | | | reported from Houston, Wabasha, Ramsey Co's. |
1967 | Fall | | | 9-3 Lake Harriet, Hennepin Co., 1 female, FN/MAS; this species usually leaves its Minnesota breeding haunts in early August; see Notes of Interest. |
1968 | Spring | | | 5-10 Washington Co., WWL; 5-11 Hennepin Co., TKS and Goodhue Co., AFR; 5-14 Houston Co., FL; 5-14 Goodhue Co., EHH; 5-30 Wabasha Co., DGM. |
1968 | Summer | | | 6-23, pair carrying food to nesting box, Hennepin Co, RBJ. |
1969 | Spring | | | 5-9 Houston Co., FL; 5-15 Goodhue Co., FN/ MAS, WKE; 5-17 Swift Co., MHM; 5-28-29 Ramsey Co., MIG. |
1969 | Summer | | | 6-24 Hennepin Co. GES, only report. |
1970 | Spring | | | only 4 reports Goodhue JAH (see notes of interest in June issue); 5-3 Rice JAH; 5-7 Houston FL, TV; 5-12 Rice RG. |
1970 | Summer | | | nested in WASHINGTON Co. (St. Croix River, 2 ad and 1 y on 7-5, EC.) |
1971 | Spring | | | only 3 reports EJ; 5-13 Houston FL; 5-17 Goodhue FN. |
1971 | Summer | | | 6-19 Wabasha WDM, only report; this species seems to be decreasing in numbers lately. |
1972 | Summer | | | seen in Houston, Dakota Chisago (Franconia Twp.). ' |
1972 | Fall | | | was in Anoka Co. on 8-22 (SC). ; |
1973 | Summer | | | Nested in Wabasha (6-16 DM); Houston (7-21 RBJ & FL); also seen in Itasca (7-2 BB). Golden-winged' Warbler Breeding cards from Aitkin, Crow Wing, & St. Louis; seen in Hennepin, Washington, Chisago, Mille Lacs, Kanabec, & Cass. |
1973 | Fall | | | One unusual report 9-23 Pope, R. Zink (was this a disoriented migrant, or are there western Minnesota nesting sites?) |
1974 | Spring | | | 5 reports: 5-7 Houston (1) FL; 5-13 Freeborn (1) DG; 5-17 Ramsey (2) BDC; 5-20 Hennepin (1) DB; 5-26 Hennepin (1) FN. |
1974 | Summer | | | Three reports; 6-1 Whitman, Winona Co., three (JF); 6-1 and 7-13 Houston (KE, RJ). |
1975 | Spring | | | 9 reports: 5-6 Henepin (1) RAG, Houston (2) FL; Olmsted (1) JF; 5-10 Washington (1) REH; 5-14 Goodhue (1) ETS; 5-15 Hennepin JC; 5-17 Hennepin DY; 5-22 Rice (1) RDi; 5-27 Goodhue CF. |
1975 | Summer | | | Reported from Goodhue (CF) and Houston (6-17, RJ). |
1975 | Fall | | | 8-23 Ramsey GC; 8-30 Washington GC; only reports. |
1976 | Summer | | | nested in Houston (JB) where there were also 3 other reports, including a peak of 5 at Reno (KE). |
1977 | Spring | | | 5 reports: 5-3 Houston (1) FL; 5-12 Hennepin ES, WE; 5-14 Goodhue TS; 5-17 Hennepin DB, WE, ES, GSP, VL; 5-29 Houston (7) KE. |
1977 | Summer | | | Nested in Houston; also reported from Winona. |
1977 | Fall | | | Only report from an unusual location 8-24 Morrison (PM). |
1978 | Spring | | | 1 report out of usual range 5-29 Murray AD. ; |
1978 | Summer | | | Breeding reported from Hennepm (Roberts Sanctuary); seen also in Houston and Winona. |
1979 | Spring | | | Four reports, 5-8 Anoka KL, 5-12 Ramsey FKB, 5-20 Sherburne JH, 5-22 Freeborn DG. |
1979 | Summer | | | Seen in Houston, Hennepin (Long Meadow Slough, Nine Mile Creek). |
1980 | Spring | | | Four reports, 5-9 Houston GS, 5-11 Goodhue JB, 5-17 Le Sueur MF, Freeborn DG. |
1980 | Summer | | | Seen in Houston. |
1981 | Spring | | | Five reports: 5-10 Houston JP/ AM, 5-14 Blue Earth MF, 5-16 Goodhue RR, Houston SM, 5-21 Houston FL. |
1981 | Summer | | | Breeding data from Wabasha. Seen in Washington (Denwark Twp., BL). |
1981 | Fall | | | One report: 9-23 Houston CMB. |
1982 | Spring | | | Four reports: 5-15 Olmsted BE, 5-20 Ramsey SC, 5-22 Houston DGW, 5-23 Houston RJ. |
1982 | Summer | | | Seen in Houston, Ramsey, Washington, Anoka, Chisago. |
1982 | Fall | | | One report: 8/27 Goodhue BL. |
1983 | Spring | | | Five reports south 5/5 Mower RRK, 51 II Hennepin ES, 5/14 Ramsey SC, 5/15 Olmsted JEB, 5/28 Houston KJ. |
1983 | Summer | | | Seen in Houston, Wabasha, Goodhue, Ramsey (Crosby Lake Pk), Washington (O'Brien SP). |
1983 | Fall | | | One report 8/13 Goodhue RG. |
1984 | Spring | | | All reports 5/8 Winona JH, 5/14 Ramsey SC, RJ, 5/19 Chisago RH, Houston AB, 5/20 Ramsey BL, 5/31 Hennepin DB. |
1984 | Summer | | | nested in Ramsey (Pig's Eye L., 4 young -SSt) and Brown (New Ulm, 4 young in nest JS); also seen in Houston. |
1984 | Fall | | | All reports: 8/9 Brown JSp, 8/17 Goodhue BL, 8/28 Houston RJ, 9/3 Goodhue BC, 9/30 Hennepin M. Case (needs details). |
1985 | Spring | | | All reports 51 I Winona JH, 51 II Chisago RH, Goodhue SSt, 5/18 Dakota JD, Goodhue JD, 5/19 Dakota JPIAM, 5/23 Hennepin SC, 5/24 Scott DB. |
1985 | Summer | | | Nested in Brown (New Ulm, JSp). Also seen in Dakota, Goodhue. |
1985 | Fall | | | Two reports: 8/18-8/21 Goodhue DZ, BL. |
1986 | Spring | | | Early south 5/6 Mower JM, 5/7 Dakota JD, 5/8 Dakota TTu. |
1986 | Summer | | | Probable nesting in Houston. Also seen in Ramsey, Dakota, Wabasha, Winona. |
1986 | Fall | | | Late south 9/3 Wabasha WDM, 9/23 Olmsted JB. |
1987 | Spring | | | Early south 5/8 Ramsey SC, 5/10 Brown JS, 5/14 Winona RG. |
1987 | Summer | | | Nested in Brown (Minnecon Park, New Ulm, JSp); probable nesting in Nicollet (Courtland Twp., next to Minnecon Park, JSp). Also seen in Scott, Rice (619, RHo), Goodhue. |
1987 | Fall | | | One report 8/ I thru 8/5 Hubbard JL (needs details). |
1988 | Spring | | | Early south 5/1 Freeborn GS, 5/3 Mower RRK, 5/4 Ramsey AB. |
1988 | Summer | | | Nested in Brown; probable nesting in Chisago. Also seen in Hennepin, Ramsey, Washington, Dakota, Nicollet (6/12-26, JS). |
1988 | Fall | | | Late south 8/1 Hennepin SC, 8/31 Olmsted JB. |
1989 | Spring | | | Early south 5/6 Dakota JD, Goodhue SC, GP, 5/7 Hennepin m.ob. |
1989 | Summer | | | Nested in Brown, Anoka, Nicollet JSp. Also seen in Ramsey, Washington, Goodhue. |
1989 | Fall | | | Late south 8/6 Hennepin PS, 9/5 Winona CS. |
1990 | Spring | | | Early south 4/28 Houston FL, 5/8 LeSueur EK, 5/10 Anoka GP; one report north 5/19 Pope PS. |
1990 | Summer | | | Nested in Brown; probable nesting in Hennepin , Goodhue. Also seen in Le Sueur, Winona, Nicollet, Rice, 6/13,15 Otter Tail SDM. |
1990 | Fall | | | One report 9/2 Winona CS. |
1991 | Spring | | | Early south 5/3 Winona CS, 5/10 Hennepin KB, PB, 5/11 Goodhue EL, DZ. |
1991 | Summer | | | Probable nesting in Winona; also seen in Hennepin, Ramsey, Dakota, Houston. |
1991 | Fall | | | Late south 8/27 Winona CS. |
1992 | Spring | | | Early south 5/2 Hennepin RB, 5/9 Houston DN and Sherburne KR (The Loon 64:170). |
1992 | Summer | | | Nested in Sherburne SNWR (extending known nesting range), Winona HVA; also seen in Hennepin, Carver, Dakota, Houston. |
1992 | Fall | | | Late south 8/27 Winona CS. |
1993 | Spring | | | Early south 4/30 Winona CS, 5/3 Rice TB, 5/6 Hennepin KB. |
1993 | Summer | | | Probable nesting in Ramsey; also seen in Washington, Scott, Winona. |
1993 | Fall | | | Late south 8/21 Hennepin TT, Winona KE, 9/5 Winona ASM. |
1994 | Spring | | | Early south 4/30 Hennepin DZ, 5/3 Winona CS. |
1994 | Summer | | | Many reports; over twice the number of last year. Nested in Hennepin, Nicollet, Winona; probable nesting in Ramsey, Washington. Also seen in Chisago, Dakota, Goodhue, Wabasha, Brown. |
1994 | Fall | | | All reports: 8/5 Nicollet JS, 8/10 Goodhue BL, 9/5 Winona CS. |
1995 | Spring | | | Early south 5/2 Hennepin KB, 5/10 Rice JL, 5/13 Mower RRK and Winona DB, RJ, CS. |
1995 | Summer | | | Probable breeding in Ramsey, Winona, Houston; also seen in Nicollet, Hennepin, Washington. |
1995 | Fall | | | All reports: 8/2 Goodhue KB, 8/30 Winona CS. |
1996 | Spring | | | Early south 5/11 Goodhue DZ, 5/14 Blue Earth MF, 5/15 Goodhue DBo; also (no date) Freeborn ABa, 5/18, 5/29 Fillmore NO. |
1996 | Summer | | | Nested in Houston; probable nesting in Hennepin, Scott, Brown; also observed in Nicollet, Ramsey, Washington, Wabasha, Winona. |
1996 | Fall | | | All reports 8/1 Nicollet JSp, 9/2 Winona CS. |
1997 | Spring | | | Early south 5/9 Goodhue RJ and Olmsted CH, 5/13 Goodhue DZ. No north reports. |
1997 | Summer | | | Probable nesting in Houston; also recorded in Washington, Ramsey, Dakota, Scott, Nicollet, Brown. |
1997 | Fall | | | All reports: 8/10 Scott DN, 8/13 Goodhue KB, 8/24 Winona CB, 9/1 Goodhue BL. |
1998 | Spring | | | Early south 5/9 Hennepin SC, 5/10 Scott ABo, 5/15 Pope SDM. Unusual south report 5/22 Lac qui Parle AH, PS. Only north report 5/20 Todd SDu. |
1998 | Summer | | | Probable nesting in Dakota; also observed in Anoka, Hennepin, Ramsey, Washington, Scott, Nicollet, Brown, Houston. |
1998 | Fall | | | Exceptional north location and first county record 8/29–30 Aitkin WN, CMG. All south reports: 8/1 and 8/6 Hennepin TT, 8/8 Rice TBo, 8/11 Ramsey RJ, 8/12 Dakota KB. |
1999 | Spring | | | More reports than usual. Arrived south on time, where first reported 5/4 Hennepin SC, 5/8 in three counties. Unusual report 5/11 Meeker (Darwin-Dassel Park) DF. Also reported in Brown, Nicollet, Scott, Dakota, Ramsey, Washington, Rice, Goodhue, Winona, Houston. Only north report 5/29 Kanabec CM. |
1999 | Summer | | | Reported in Nicollet, Hennepin, Ramsey, Washington, Scott, Dakota, Goodhue, Winona; plus 7/9 Stearns SWi. |
1999 | Fall | | | Only report: 8/30 Dakota DBS, compared to five last fall. |
2000 | Spring | | | Arrived south 5/4 Hennepin SC, 5/5 Nicollet JSp. First county record 5/7 Kandiyohi (Willmar) RJF. Also reported in Brown, Scott, Rice, Dakota, Goodhue and Houston. No north reports. |
2000 | Summer | | | New nesting record in Washington DDM, BJM; also observed in Ramsey, Hennepin, Dakota, Scott, Le Sueur, Nicollet, and Brown. |
2000 | Fall | | | All reports were in south: 8/10 Dakota (2) ADS, 8/12 Dakota SWe, 8/25 Freeborn RBJ, and 9/2 Dakota ADS. |
2001 | Spring | | | Arrived south 4/30 Rice TFB and Mower RDK, RCK, 5/3 Hennepin SLC. Exceptional location and first county occurrence 5/15 Lake of the Woods (Morris Point) CRM. Also reported south in Nicollet, Dakota, Wabasha. |
2001 | Summer | | | Reported in Hennepin, Ramsey, Washington, Dakota, Blue Earth, Le Sueur, Goodhue, Houston. [Corrected]
2001 | Fall | | | No reports. |
2002 | Spring | | | Early south 4/20 Hennepin †RLR, 5/4 Goodhue OWB and Meeker DMF. First county occurrence 5/11 Steele NFT; also reported from Blue Earth, Dakota, Freeborn, Houston, Le Sueur, Nicollet, Rice. No north reports. |
2002 | Summer | | | Reported in Chisago, Hennepin, Scott, Dakota, Goodhue, Winona. |
2002 | Fall | | | No reports. |
2003 | Spring | | | Observed in ten south counties as far north as Anoka, Carver and Hennepin, and as far west as Freeborn, Le Sueur and Nicollet. Early south 5/10 in four Southeast counties, the date of the NAMC; since 1985, species has arrived later than 5/10 only once. |
2003 | Summer | | | Reported in Hennepin, Carver, Scott, Dakota, Goodhue. |
2003 | Fall | | | August reports from Carver, Dakota and Hennepin, then record-late 9/26 Hennepin †CBr. |
2004 | Spring | | | Found in ten south counties, including early birds 5/8 Mower RDK, RCK and Rice DAB, 5/9 Houston FZL. Also notable were West-central reports: 5/15 Lac qui Parle (Lac qui Parle S.P.) BJU, 5/23 Chippewa (Lac qui Parle W.M.A.) BJU. |
2004 | Summer | | | Lowest number of records since 1981: reported 6/6, 6/14 Hennepin EOr, BWF, 6/7, 6/8 Houston FZL, KTP. |
2004 | Fall | | | No reports. |
2005 | Spring | | | Early south 5/11 Anoka (Kordiak Park in Columbia Heights) fide MLH, 5/13 Houston FZL, 5/14 Hennepin HCT and Ramsey REH, followed by reports from Houston, Dakota, Hennepin, Meeker (5/21, DMF), and Watonwan (5/31, BRB). Only north report: 5/16 Cass (Schoolcraft S.P.) RBJ. |
2005 | Summer | | | Observed 6/1 Ramsey REH, 6/5 Hennepin WCM, 6/11 Carver ChH, 6/20, 7/15 Nicollet RMD, BJU, 7/17 Le Sueur BJU. |
2005 | Fall | | | All reports: third county record 8/13 Lac qui Parle †BJU, 8/18 Goodhue RPR, 8/21 Winona CAS, 8/27 Washington LBF. |
2006 | Spring | | | Early south 5/5 Fillmore ADB (median 5/4), followed by reports beginning 5/13 from Goodhue, Dakota, Ramsey, Hennepin, Le Sueur. Only north report: second county record 5/16 Polk (Maple Lake area) ph. BDF. |
2006 | Summer | | | Found in Hen-nepin, Ramsey, Carver, Scott, Le Sueur, Houston. |
2006 | Fall | | | All reports: 8/13, 8/23 Dakota LEC, 9/4 Anoka CMa. |
2007 | Spring | | 8 | Early south 5/7 Hennepin (Fort Snelling S.P.) CMB, 5/9 Washington JMP, 5/12 Goodhue JJS. Scarce; other than multiple reports from Hennepin and Goodhue, only single reports from Meeker, Washingon, Dakota, Ramsey, Washington, Winona. |
2007 | Summer | | 7 | Observed in Sherburne, Hennepin, Ramsey, Dakota, Nicollet, Goodhue, and Winona. |
2007 | Fall | | 1 | Only two reports, 8/11 Dakota LEC and 8/14 Dakota JLO (median late south 9/2). |
2008 | Spring | | 15 | Early south (median 5/4) 5/3 Goodhue DAC, SWe, Washington LKe, 5/5 Ramsey (Maplewood Nature Center) EEO. An individual observed by DMF on 5/7 near Granite Falls, Chippewa County subsequently flew across the Minnesota River into Yellow Medicine, furnishing a new county record. High count 5/25 Houston (6, Millstone Landing and La Crescent) KRE. |
2008 | Summer | | 10 | Most reports since 1994. Found in Sibley, Carver, Scott, Hennepin, Ramsey, Dakota, Brown, Blue Earth, Goodhue, Winona. |
2008 | Fall | | 2 | Only two reports, both of small groups: 8/9 Scott (4, Louisville Swamp unit Minnesota Valley N.W.R.; 2 adults and 2 probable hatch-year birds in loose group) BAF, 8/16 Carver (6, Rapids Lake Unit, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) JCy. |
2009 | Spring | 1 | 10 | Early south (median 5/4) 5/6 Hennepin CMB, 5/9 Goodhue SWe, 5/11 Winona ANy. All north (median 5/18) 5/17 Morrison RAE. High count 5/28 Houston (5) RPR. |
2009 | Summer | | 8 | Multiple reports in June from Nicollet (Traverse des Sioux Historic Site, 2 adults at presumed nesting cavity in tree stump) m.ob. High count 7/27 Houston (12 at public access to Mississippi River bottoms) CLW. All other reports from Twin Cities 13-County Metro Area. |
2009 | Fall | | 2 | Only two reports. The first was a migrant found 8/2 in Washington at Wind in the Pines Park, DBM. The second was an extremely late individual discovered by RHi on the Bluff Trail, Minnesota Valley N.W.R., Hennepin on 10/27. This exceeded the previous late date by over one month; the bird remained until 11/1 †BAF, SLC, m.ob. |
2010 | Spring | | 12 | Early south (median 5/4) 5/2 Houston (Millstone Landing) DBM, 5/6 Ramsey SLo, KRo. New county record 5/18 Redwood (Lower Sioux Agency Historic Site) WCM. No north reports, and no counts of more than two birds. |
2010 | Summer | | 11 | Reported south and east of a line from Chisago to Nicollet, plus Lac qui Parle. |
2010 | Fall | | 3 | All south 8/6 Carver JCy, Washington (William O'Brien S.P.) LS, followed by several reports from Hennepin along Minnehaha Creek near Lake Hiawatha, 8/14 DDo, 8/20 BAF, 8/23 DDo, 8/26 TAT (median late 9/1). |
2011 | Spring | | 10 | Early south (median 5/4) 5/1 Hennepin (T. S. Roberts Bird Sanctuary) PEB, 5/8 Hennepin (Hyland P.R.) SLC, 5/12 Goodhue RZi, 5/16 Steele (Rice Lake S.P.) JHD. No north reports. New county record 5/25 Waseca (Blowers Park area) DCu. No reports of more than three individuals. |
2011 | Summer | | 16 | Seen in central regions, Southeast, South-central. |
2011 | Fall | | 6 | Reported from Carver and Winona, and then late south 8/15 Hennepin (migrant at T.S. Roberts Bird Sanctuary) TAT, 8/20 Brown (2, different locations) BTS, Washington LS, 8/28 Brown BTS, 9/2 Dakota JLO (median 9/1). |
2012 | Spring | | 10 | Early south (median 5/4) 5/4 Winona (Prairie Island Road) ANy, 5/5 Goodhue DFN, PEJ. High counts 5/19 Houston (4, Millstone Landing) WCM, 5/19 Goodhue (3) JWH. |
2012 | Summer | | 14 | Reported from Central, East-central, South-central, Southeast. High count 6/16 Hennepin (4, Nine Mile Creek) DWK. First county breeding record from Goodhue GJM. |
2012 | Fall | | 8 | More reports than usual for the season. New county record: 8/5 Benton (Bend in the River R.P.) RZi. Late south 8/20 Meeker JAn, Washington LMS, 8/24 Dakota DVe, 9/4 Carver JCy (median 9/1). |
2013 | Spring | 1 | 16 | Well-represented with reports from 17 counties. Early south (median 5/4) 5/1 Goodhue GJM, 5/2–3 Hennepin BAF, SHF, CMB. New county record 5/27 McLeod (Lake Marion C.P.) PRH. Only north report 5/27 Otter Tail JSe. High count 5/15 Sherburne (4, along a one-mile stretch of Elk River) ADB. |
2013 | Summer | 1 | 13 | Reported from Central, East-central, South-central, Southeast. |
2013 | Fall | | 5 | Reported from Brown, Carver, Dakota, Goodhue, and Hennepin. Late south 8/28 Goodhue ANy, 8/29 Carver (3) JCy, 9/3 Dakota DVe (median 9/1). |
2014 | Spring | | 13 | Early south (median 5/4) 5/7 Scott JEB, Washington PNi, 5/8 Rice DAB, 5/9 Goodhue PRH. High count 5/21 Goodhue (4, Hok-Si-La Park) DCZ. No north reports. |
2014 | Summer | | 9 | Reported from Carver, Chisago, Dakota, Goodhue, Ramsey, Scott, Sherburne, Washington, Winona. High count 6/16 Dakota (5, Vermillion Bottoms) GJM. |
2014 | Fall | | 5 | Reported from Carver, Dakota, Ramsey, Washington, Winona. High count 8/12 Dakota (6, Gores Pools #3 W.M.A.) DVe. Late south 9/6 Dakota DVe, 9/9 Carver JCy (median 9/1). |
2015 | Spring | | 17 | New county record 5/8 Wright (male, Anna and Oscar Johnson C.P.) ANy. Other out-of-range records 5/31 Sherburne DPG, 5/14 Yellow Medicine HHD. Early south (median 5/4) 5/4 Winona DBz, 5/5 Anoka REH, 5/6 Carver JCy. High count 5/13 Carver (6, Minnesota Valley N.W.R., Rapids Lake Unit) JCy. |
2015 | Summer | | 18 | Found in Central, East-central, South-central, Southeast. High count 6/11 Goodhue (5, Vermillion Bottoms) GJM. |
2015 | Fall | | 3 | All reports: 8/7 Steele ph. PSu, 8/21 Winona PTr, 8/30 Carver (male) JCy, 9/1 Carver (female/imm.) JCy (median late south 9/2). |
2016 | Spring | | 14 | Early south (median 5/4) 4/29 Goodhue (Hok-Si-La Park) ChS, Houston DBz, 4/30 Dakota (Mississippi River Lock and Dam #2) ODa. Noteworthy reports outside its usual range: 5/16 Lac qui Parle (Lac qui Parle S.P.) WCM, 5/23 Swift (Pomme de Terre River, US 12 Wayside) DOr. High count 5/19 Carver (6, Minnesota River Valley N.W.R., Rapids Lake) JCy. |
2016 | Summer | | 14 | Found in southern half of state in all regions except West-central. High count 6/18 Goodhue (8 singing males, Cannon River) MaS. First county breeding record 7/8 Yellow Medicine GWe. |
2016 | Fall | | 1 | Only report 8/10 Goodhue (3, Lock & Dam #3) HCT. |
2017 | Spring | | 17 | Early south (median 5/4) 5/7 Rice DAB, 5/10 Goodhue WPo, 5/11 Carver JCy. Noteworthy out-of-range reports 5/12 Faribault TCz, 5/13 Sherburne AnJ, 5/13 Watonwan LiH, 5/18 Benton (Bend in the River C.P.) HHD, DBz, ANy. High count 5/29 Chisago (4, Franconia) CDe. |
2017 | Summer | | 17 | Reported from every region except Northwest, North-central, Northeast, West-central. High count 6/5 Dakota (29, Vermillion River Bottoms between C.R. 68 bridge and public access off Ravenna Trail) RMD. |
2017 | Fall | | 4 | All reports 8/5 Carver (Rapids Lake) JCy, Houston MJB, 8/6 Anoka (Springbrook N.C.) KMa, 8/10 Redwood MiO. |
2018 | Spring | | 17 | Early south (median 5/4) 4/30 Hennepin ebd, Rice JiP, Washington LMS. Unusual reports away from normal range: 5/1–2 Olmsted (County 9 Marsh) JmP, MiD, JPr, 5/3 Freeborn AEB, 5/9 Olmsted (Izaak Walton Wetlands) JoP, LAV, Freeborn HCT, 5/11 Benton (Bend in the River R.P.) JOs, 5/31 Redwood (Honner Twsp.) BTS. High counts 5/14 Carver (6, Rapids Lake, Minnesota Valley N.W.R.) JCy, 5/14 Goodhue (6, Vermillion Bottoms) GJM, 5/24 Washington (5) AXH. |
2018 | Summer | | 14 | Reported from Central, East-central, Southeast, plus Freeborn, Yellow Medicine. High count 6/17 Dakota (8, Vermillion River Bottoms) SKS, ebd. |
2018 | Fall | | 6 | Â All reports 8/1 Sherburne (Riverside Landing Park) PLJ, 8/10 Ramsey (Crosby Farm R.P.) BAF, 8/17 Washington (William O. Brien S.P.) MJB, 8/23 Dakota MwT, 8/26–9/3 Houston (5, La Crescent) ToM, 8/27 Houston (Norwegian Ridge Birding and Nature Trail) ToM, 9/9 Carver (Minnesota Valley N.W.R., Rapids Lake) ebd, 9/10 Houston (Millstone Landing) ToM (median late south 9/2). |
2019 | Spring | 2 | 18 | Early south (median 5/4) 5/4 Goodhue DFN, LiH, Hennepin ebd, 5/5 Hennepin RTu. All north 5/16–20 Marshall (Agassiz N.W.R.) ebd, ph. PEB, m.ob., 5/27–29 Hubbard (West Gulch F.R.) ph. REn, AxB. High counts 5/11 Goodhue (6, Hok-Si-La Park) ebd, 5/20 Anoka (4, Cedar Creek Ecosystem ) ebd. |
2019 | Summer | 1 | 13 | Â Observed in Central, East-central, Southeast. Unusual locations 6/7–20 Pine (Snake River backwaters) m.ob., 6/24 Renville RMD. High counts 6/16 Dakota (9, Vermillion River Bottoms) IVa, 6/18 Sherburne (8, Elk River above Lions Park, Big Lake) DPG. |
2019 | Fall | | 6 | High counts 8/19 Houston (11, Sheperd†™s Marsh) ToM, 8/20 Winona (4) ToM. All south 8/4 Hennepin ebd, 8/17–30 Brown (C.R. 10) MiO, BTS, 8/19–20 Houston ToM, ShG, HeH, 8/20 Winona ToM, 8/21 Dakota PNi, 8/24 Washington (Marine on St. Croix) MBw, 8/30 Washington NMe. |
2020 | Spring | | 20 | With some exceptions reported from its typical Southeast and East-central regions starting south (median 5/4) 4/30 Ramsey BSf, 5/1 Hennepin MSc, Houston ASu, Ramsey ebd, Winona ToM. High counts 5/14 Houston (5, Millstone Landing) RLF, 5/23 Dakota (5, Hastings) LHl. Noteworthy out-of-range reports 5/9 Benton (Bend in the River R.P.) DOr, HHD, 5/6 Freeborn (Myre-Big Island S.P.) ToM, 5/22 Martin (Bright Lake C.P.) MAJ, 5/16–18 Olmsted (Kutzky Park) JPr, 5/13 Redwood (two locations) MiO, JSc, 5/24–27 Yellow Medicine (Upper Sioux Agency S.P.) KEm, JWH, JGW, m.ob. |
2020 | Summer | 1 | 17 | Reported from Central, East-central, South-central, Southeast. Unusual report 6/16 Benton (2, Bend in the River C.P.) MJB. |
2020 | Fall | | 4 | Reported from Carver, Dakota, Goodhue, Hennepin. High count 8/6 Goodhue (4, Mississippi River Lock and Dam 3) EBy. Late south 9/4 Goodhue ebd, 9/6 Carver JCy, 9/11 Dakota DVe (median 9/2). |
2021 | Spring | 3 | 21 | Highest number of reporting counties both north and south in state’s history. Most counties were along the Minnesota and Mississippi Rivers in the Southeast, although also detected in Southwest and West-central regions. Early south (median 5/4) 5/1 Carver JCy, Houston EHi, Winona ebd. All north (median 5/17) 5/12–14 Otter Tail (New York Mills) ebd, m.ob., 5/15 Douglas (Miltona) ph. †LGl, 5/25 Pine (2, Bears Ear W.M.A.) KrM. Record-high spring count 5/22 Carver (9, Minnesota Valley N.W.R., Rapids Lake) JCy; another notable tally 5/11 Houston (6, Millstone Landing) EHi. |
2021 | Summer | 1 | 16 | Reported from Central, East-central, Southeast, plus 7/5 Lac qui Parle (near U.S. 75 dam) GWe. High counts 6/14 Carver (8, Minnesota Valley N.W.R., Rapids Lake) JCy, 6/23 Houston (8, Millstone Landing) DvN, ASu. |
2021 | Fall | | 11 | Best fall season ever for this southerly warbler; 129% increase from the 10-year average number of reporting counties. Most reports between Sherburne and Houston, but also 8/12 Brown BTS. No count exceeded two birds. Late south 8/29 Goodhue ebd, Hennepin ebd, 9/5 Houston (2, Millstone Landing) WCM, ph. SuH, 9/10 Houston (Wagon Wheel Trail) ToM (median 9/2). |
2022 | Spring | | 19 | Found along the entire Wisconsin border as far north as Chisago, extending westward to Brown. Early south (median 5/4) 4/23 Ramsey (Arden Hills) †LiH, 4/24 Hennepin (Fort Snelling S.P.) ph. ArM, 5/1 Ramsey ebd. High counts 5/12 Houston (5, Reno Bottoms) BRe, 5/14, 5/31 Carver (4, Minnesota Valley N.W.R., Rapids Lake) JCy, 5/15 Houston (4, Wagon Wheel Trail) ebd. Notable reports 5/9–27 Olmsted (three locations) LAV, MPe, ebd, 5/17 Wright ToL. |
2022 | Summer | 2 | 17 | Reported from Central, East-central, South-central, Southeast regions. First county breeding record: 7/10 Wright RSk. |
2022 | Fall | | 11 | Ties prior fall as the best fall season ever for this species. Reported from most counties along Mississippi River between Sherburne and Houston, but also Renville, Brown, Nicollet, and Carver along the Minnesota River. Highest tally only two. Late south 8/22 Dakota DWK, Nicollet BTS, MiO, Renville ebd, 8/26 Houston (2) EHi, 8/29 Hennepin (2) ebd (median 9/2). |
  | Breeds locally southeast, south-central, and east-central. |