Seasonal Report Archive for The Loon - Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys Occurrence
This is the 1930 to present seasonal report archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Boobies and Gannets
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Chickadees, Titmice
Martins, Swallows
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Flycatchers
Old World Sparrows
Longspurs and Snow Buntings
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Wild Turkey
Ruffed Grouse
Spruce Grouse
Willow Ptarmigan
Rock Ptarmigan
Sharp-tailed Grouse
Greater Prairie-Chicken
[Sharp-tailed Grouse X Greater Prairie-Chicken]
Gray Partridge
Ring-necked Pheasant

Wild Turkey(Meleagris gallopavo)
1961FallWild, 34-37 Turn!.tone, Ruddy, 81
1962FallSept. 19, about 9 miles west of Minnesota-South Dakota line, near Big Stone Lake, adult female and 6-8 young seen by R. and L. Grant; The South Dakota Dept. of Agriculture has introduced them in recent years in the western part of South Dakota. This is apparently first record for eastern part of that statE: and perhaps indicates an eastward spread. If such be the case, the Wild Turkey can eventually be looked for in west ern Minnesota (Big Stone, Lac qui Parle, Traverse Counties).
1967Spring5-21 Clay Co., 3 miles SE of Felton, 1 ad male and 1 ad female seen together at the virgin prairie spot where the Chestnut-collared Longspurs usually nest, RLH, HEH; clean, crisp plumage; both ran swiftly when pursued; presumed to be a mated pair; successfully introduced by conservation forces in northeastern South Dakota and also also introduced by sportsmen's clubs near Dilworth, a few miles to the south of Felton. Observers in the westernmost counties should keep an eye open for this one.
1968Winter2-13 Whitewater Management Area, 9, part of flock of Merriam race, live-trapped in South Da kota and released 1967, DMF.
1971Springon 5-14 OJ reported this species from Battle Lake, Ottertail Co.; wild birds however had been ralsed In the area since 1969, nests and young were observed In 1970, and during the winter of '7(}.'71, 16 Individuals were seen winter ing in the area.
1971SummerOJ again reports that several pairs of Wild Wild Turkeys nested this summer on P. Deutsch's farm near Battle Lake, Ottertail Co.
1973Winter One seen on 2-24 (RBJ) and 23 seen on 2-2 (RR) at Whitewater Wildlife Area, Winona Co.; the introduced flock near Beaver seems to be well established.
1974Summer No reports from the wild birds at Whitewater W. M. A., but CH reports that birds have been introduced locally near Correll, Big Stone Co.; he says they inhabit farm groves and that young have been seen.
1974Fall 9-7 Houston (7ad. 28y) Herbert Zarwell fide FL.
1974Winter No reports from Whitewater, but FL reported four from Freeburg, Houston Co. on 1-8 and says they are wild.
1975Spring 3-8 Wabasha OLJ-only report.
1976Spring 4-18 Wabasha (1) RL; 3-28 Winona (20) JB, TS.
1976Winter One of the wild Houston Co. flock was seen near Eitzen on 2-11 (EMF); a flock of 25 was flushed at Whitewater W.M.A. on 1-22 (KE, BJ).
1977Spring 3-5 (3) FL; 3-6 (6) SM; both in Whitewater State Park, Winona Co.
1977Summer Recorded from 6-2 to 6-16, Winnebago Twp., Houston Co. (EMF); it has been reported that there are more wild turkeys in Houston Co. than in Whitewater W.M.A.
1977Fall 10-6 Huston (EMF).
1977Winter Truly wild birds again reported only from Whitewater W.M.A., Winona Co. and from Houston Co. (two locations).
1978Spring Reported from Winona and Houston counties.
1978Summer Seen in Houston; wildness of other birds needs documentation.
1978Fall 9-30 Fillmore GBE. The Loon
1978Winter Again reported from Houston Co. and Whitewater W.M.A.
1979Spring 5-15 Houston EMF, only report.
1979Winter Reported only from Houston (MEF).
1980Spring 4-5 Wabasha JB, 5-17 Houston BL; only reports. Sa·ndhill Crane Early south 3-21 Anoka BH, 4-4 Houston KSS, 4-5 Anoka KL; early north 4-5 Marshall ANWR, 4-11 Becker TNWR, Otter Tail GMO, Polk KSS.
1980Summer Seen in Houston, Winona.
1980Winter Reported only from Houston (MEF).
1981Spring 4-13 Houston EMF, only report.
1981Summer Nesting reported from Houston.
1981Fall Permanent resident; reported Houston EMF, no dates.
1981Winter Reported from Whitewater and Reno, Houston Co., in the southeast.
1982Spring Reported 3-1 to 5-31 Houston EMF, 5-22 Winona DGW, 5-27 Houston BL.
1982Summer Seen in Houston.
1982Fall 10/16 Houston EMF, 11/22 Houston EMF.
1982Winter Reported only from the extreme SE in Houston, Winnebago Valley (EMF) and near Hokah (FL).
1983Spring Permanent resident, reported Houston EMF.
1983Summer Seen in Houston.
1983Fall 11/20 Houston (I) EMF.
1983Winter Ten on the LaCrosse-LaCrescent CBC and a report from Wabasha, 2-9 (4) (MS).
1984Spring Permanent resident, reported 5/12 Goodhue (3, wild?) TBB, 5/19 Wabasha, Winona AB, 5/27 Houston KE, Houston (1-2 resident) EMF.
1984Summerseen in Houston (EMF).
1984Fall 10/24 Hou s ton (10) EMF, 1/13 Houston (30) FL.
1984Winter Reported from Houston Co., Millstone Landing on 2-5 (8) (FL) and on 1-15 (52) (RRK). The individuals reported in the Carlos A very and Cedar Creek areas of Anoka County are from Whitewater birds live-trapped and first released in 1978. Within a few years they may become a viable (and thus countable) wild population.
1985Spring Permanent resident, reported 4/13 Houston (I) FL, Houston "resident" EMF.
1985Summer Seen in Houston.
1985Fall Permanent resident, reported only from Houston (no date) JM, (resident, I to 35 individuals) EMF.
1985Winter Reported only in Houston, up to 25 (mob).
1986Spring EPermanent resident, reported 51 I 0 Winona RJ, 5/31 Houston KE, Houston ("resident") EMF.
1986Summer Probable nesting in Fillmore AP; first summer record in county?). Also seen in Houston. [Northern Bobwhite Reported from Sherburne, Ramsey and Olmsted, all likely released birds, which would make this the third consecutive year with no reports of wild birds.]
1987Winter Reported from Winona, Houston and Fillmore.
1988Summer Probable nesting in Fillmore; also seen in Houston.
1989Summer Probable nesting in Fillmore; also seen in Winona, Houston, Goodhue three birds, TFB (wild?).
1990Summer Observed in Houston, Winona, Fillmore, Olmsted.
1990Fall Reported from Fillmore, Houston and Wabasha Counties.
1990Winter Recorded in seven counties (9 l.y.) including Rice where DNR reports birds are established and "wild. "
1991Summer Seen in Fillmore, Houston. Also reported from Rice, Goodhue, Mower (status in these counties unclear).
1991Fall Reported throughout the season in Houston EMF.
1991Winter Reported from Houston, Fillmore, Olmsted and the Wabasha and Winona CBC's. Many others on additional CBC's outside the southeast region were escapes or recent releases.
1992Spring Reported from Fillmore, Goodhue, Le Sueur, Nicollet, Olmsted, Rice, Steele, Wabasha and Winona counties.
1992Summer Many more reports than usual. Probable breeding in Winona; also seen in Houston, Olmsted. There are additional records from areas where the status of the species is in question (most likely escapees or recently introduced birds): breeding in Crow Wing JS/MN, Goodhue HH; seen in Clay, Kandiyohi, Nicollet, Rice, Washington.
1992Fall Reported from Houston, Olmsted and Rice counties.
1992Winter Reported from Rice, Goodhue, Olmsted, Winona and Houston. Others on CBCs outside these counties were probably escapes or recent releases: Washington, Anoka, Becker and Carver counties.
1993Spring Reported from 18 south counties (some of these were of questionable origin).
1993Summer More reports than usual, for second consecutive year. Nested in Winona JPo; also seen in Houston. There are additional records from areas where the status of the species is in question: probable breeding in Goodhue and sightings in Chisago, Washington, Scott, Rice, Clay.
1993Fall Reported from two north and eight south counties.
1993Winter Large numbers reported from southeast in Houston, Winona, Olmsted, Dodge, Wabasha, Goodhue, Rice, and Dakota. Maximum of 70 seen 2/27 Winona FL. Also reported from Lyon, Carver and Anoka (probably not wild birds).
1994Spring Reported from 14 south counties.
1994Summer Nested in Winona and seen in Houston, Olmsted, Goodhue, Rice; also reported in Anoka, Kandiyohi (? status).
1994Fall Reported from seven south counties.
1994Winter Reported from 13 counties mostly in the southeastern portion of state as far north as Isanti and as far west as Sibley. Reports on the Fargo/Moorhead, Wild River, St. Paul NE, Excelsior, Wabasha, Rochester, Faribault, and Winona CBCs totaled 398 individuals. Many of the reports north of Wabasha may be of introduced birds which are not permanently established.
1995Spring Reported from 15 south counties. Number of reports up from last year.
1995Summer Status of this species has recently been re-evaluated. Wild populations are now considered to be established in the southern half of the state; there are also wild birds in North Dakota that range to the Red River Valley in Clay Co. Nested in Anoka PKL; probable nesting in Fillmore. Also observed in Carver, Washington, Dakota, Rice, Goodhue, Winona, Houston; plus Crow Wing (wild?).
1995Fall Reported from one north (wild?) and seven south counties.
1995Winter Reported from 20 south counties. CBC total 628 with 243 individuals counted on the Wabasha CBC.
1996Spring Reported from 21 south counties, up from 15 last year.
1996Summer Nested in Rice FKS, Fillmore NO; probable nesting in Sibley, Freeborn. Also reported in Big Stone, Brown, Anoka, Washington, Waseca, Goodhue, Wabasha, Dodge, Olmsted, Winona, Houston.
1996Fall Reported from 1 north and 17 south counties including (wild?) birds in Becker, Lac qui Parle, Lyon.
1996Winter Numbers continue to increase. Reported from 25 south counties plus Clay and Becker (wild?) in the north. CBC total 744.
1997Spring Reported from 23 south and 2 north (wild?) counties.
1997Summer Many reports, similar to previous year. Seen in 14 counties as far west as Jackson and as far north as Anoka. New nesting records in McLeod RbS and Olmsted fide DA, BE; probable breeding in Anoka, Scott.
1997Fall Reported from 14 counties south, plus Becker (wild?).
1997Winter Reported from 29 south counties plus Becker in the north. CBC total 298 (744 l.y).
1998Spring Reported from 26 south counties, plus Otter Tail.
1998Summer Record high number of reports. New nesting records in Lac qui Parle FE, Scott ABo; probable breeding in Stearns, Rice, Waseca, Olmsted, Fillmore, Houston. Additional probable nesting recorded in Becker (wild?) BBe. Observed in Big Stone, McLeod, Nicollet, Chisago, Dakota, Goodhue, Freeborn, Mower.
1998Fall Reported from 18 south counties, plus 8/6 Becker (hen with nine young) BBe.
1998Winter Reported from 26 south counties plus Becker in the north. CBC total a record 988.
1999Spring Reported from 30 south counties, plus Otter Tail, Douglas, Todd, Morrison. This species continues to expand its range north and west of the southeast region.
1999Summer Record high number of reports. Observed in 20 southern counties as far west as Kandiyohi, Cottonwood; plus 6/20 Kittson (seven adults and two young near Caribou WMA; wild?) PS, 6/15 Becker (wild?) RJ. New nesting record in Steele CH.
1999Fall Reported in 20 south counties, plus 8/1 Traverse PS, 10/29 Todd RJ.
1999Winter Reported from 27 south counties. Peaks 1/6 Washington (106) AH, PH, and 12/26 St. Paul (northeast suburban) CBC (315).
2000Spring Observed in 31 south counties, including largest flock of 17 in Carver RTD. All north reports: Traverse (3 locations, DN), Douglas RH, Otter Tail mob, 3/30 Clay (3) RO. The latter may refer to recently released or escaped birds, though populations are flourishing in nearby Sheyenne National Grasslands of southeastern North Dakota.
2000Summer Record high number of reports, following trend of recent population increase. Observed in 22 central, east central, south central, and southeast counties; plus Lac qui Parle. New nesting records in Todd JSK, Hennepin ABo.
2000Fall Reported from Becker, Douglas, and Todd in the north, plus 14 south counties.
2000Winter Observed in 29 counties as far north as Otter Tail, Todd, and Pine. Peak count on the Rochester CBC (213).
2001Spring Observed in 33 south counties, including 5/18 Pope REH. Peak count 55 crossing road in single file near Houston KAK. Expanding farther north, though some may be released or escaped birds, e.g. 5/19 Kittson (2 near Caribou) PHS. All other north reports: Traverse, Douglas, Becker, Clay, Todd, 4/13 Mille Lacs DDM, BJM, 3/9 Pine (30) KIM, BAP.
2001Summer Record high number of reports for second consecutive year. Seen in 22 counties within the Central, East-central, South-central, and Southeast regions; plus Douglas, Clay. New nesting record in Kandiyohi RPK.
2001Fall Reported from Becker, Pine (7 along St. Croix Trail), and Todd (7), plus 25 south counties. Reportedly breeding in the vicinity (fide CRM) was an adult with two young 8/15 Pipestone (Pipestone National Monument) CRM, NED. Peak count 9/21 Lyon (35) RJS.
2001Winter Observed in 29 counties as far north as Otter Tail, Todd, and Pine. Peak count on the St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) CBC (354). Also reported 2/24 Kittson PHS, JMJ, SAS.
2002Spring Observed in 38 counties as far north as Clay (3 locations), Otter Tail, Wadena (4/7+, PJB), Cass (3/15, SWS), Pine.
2002Summer Record-high number of reports, continuing recent trend. Observed in 31 counties as far north as Otter Tail, Pine; new nesting record in Carver MN, JS.
2002Fall Reported from Clay (max. 17), Otter Tail (3), Pine (max. 4), Todd, and Traverse in the north, plus 27 south counties. Record-high count 11/22 Olmsted (180 near Rochester) DPS.
2002Winter Reported from 33 counties as far north as Polk, Cass and Aitkin.
2003Spring Observed in 43 counties as far north as Clay (Barnesville W.M.A.), Mahnomen (4/17, JEB, RBJ), Todd (max. 25), Wadena, Morrison, Kanabec, Pine.
2003Summer Many reports, similar to last year. Found in 30 counties as far north as a line through Clay, Cass, Pine; new nesting records in Yellow Medicine FAE, Pine JMP, Sherburne PLJ.
2003Fall Reported from 30 counties as far north as Becker, Clay, and Polk (10/20, one near Crookston, JMJ, PHS) in the Northwest, Wadena and Cass (max. 12, MRN) in the North-central, and Kanabec (max. 23, JMP) and Pine (max. 26, JMP) in the East-central region. Some north reports probably refer to recently released birds. Only report from the Southwest: 8/5 Yellow Medicine (hen with 6 young) FAE. Excepting 10/23 Lac qui Parle (40 in section 25, Yellow Bank Twp.) BJU, peak counts 20–30 birds in southern regions.
2003Winter Reported from 36 counties as far north as a line from Clay to Carlton, plus Marshall fide JMJ. Maximum CBC tally 12/20 Wild River CBC (269). Highest reported non-CBC counts from Linwood Twp., Anoka County (93) and 1/31 Nicollet (69 along Hwy 169 “this side of St. Peter”) RHy, RMD.
2004Spring Recorded in 51 counties (43 last spring) as far north as Kittson (two locations), Pennington (13), Hubbard, Crow Wing, Kanabec, Pine. Peak count of 49 in Traverse SPM. Some north reports probably refer to released birds.
2004Summer Seen in 23 counties as far north as a line through Otter Tail, Todd, Pine. New nesting records for Kanabec JMP, Washington REH.
2004Fall Reported from 26 counties as far north as Clay, Wadena, and Pine (max. 26, JMP). Some north reports probably refer to recently released birds.
2004Winter Reported from 29 counties statewide as far northwest as Clay and as far southwest as Yellow Medicine. Highest reported count (non-CBC) 2/5 Douglas (105) JPE; total of 284 tallied 12/18 St. Paul (North) CBC fide JPS.
2005Spring Found in 54 counties as far north as Polk, Mahnomen, Becker, Wadena, Crow Wing, Aitkin, Pine, Carlton (escaped?). Peak count of 50 in Becker RAE, HDD.
2005Summer Tied with 2002 for most reports ever: Observed in 31 counties as far north as Otter Tail, Mille Lacs, Pine. New nesting record for Otter Tail DTT, SMT.
2005Fall Found in 34 counties as far north as Kittson (adult with young, LW), Polk, Hubbard, and Pine (max. 44, JMP). Some north reports probably refer to recently released birds.
2005Winter CBC total of 2,078 on 43 counts. Reported from 35 counties statewide ranging from Kittson (2/8 fide JMJ) in the Northwest to Pine in the East-central to Redwood in the Southwest, thus reflecting this species' continuing expansion north and west.
2006Spring Reported from 56 counties as far north as Pennington, Becker, Wadena, Cass, Crow Wing, Aitkin, Pine. Peak count of 50 in Dakota JPM.
2006Summer Reported from 43 coun-ties south of a line from Norman to Pine. New nesting records for Hubbard JKa, Kanabec JMP, Washington AXH, RBJ, TEB, Wabasha OWB.
2006Fall Reported from 45 counties as far north as Kittson, Hubbard, Cass, and Pine (max. 52, JMP). Some north reports probably refer to recently released birds.
2006Winter1132 Highest numbers of counties to date reflects this species continuing expansion west and north. High counts north 1/2 Kanabec (44) RBW, 1/26 Pine (47) JMP. Flocks of 50–75 reported from several south counties.
2007Spring2045 Reported as far north as Kittson, Red Lake, Hubbard, Cass, Crow Wing, Mille Lacs, Pine. Probable escapees or released birds also seen in southern St. Louis (3 locations) and Lake (2 locations). Peak count 3/26 Traverse (63) BJU.
2007Summer1333 Reported from record high number of counties in all regions except Northeast. First county breeding records for Stearns PBD, Chisago AKe, Nicollet BTS, Blue Earth ChH.
2007Fall1031 Reported as far north as Kittson and Pennington in the Northwest, Wadena and Cass in the North-central, and Mille Lacs and Pine (max. 85, JMP) in the East-central. Some north reports probably refer to recently released birds.
2007Winter1330 This species continues to expand and thrive statewide except Northeast as reflected by reports from a record 43 counties. The CBC total of 4,706 is up 148% over 2006 and 502% over the 20-year average. High count 1/28 Sherburne (143) PLJ.
2008Spring1943 Reported as far north as Kittson, Red Lake, Hubbard, Cass, Crow Wing, Mille Lacs, Kanabec, Carlton. Peak counts of 70 in Sherburne DPG and 60 in Brown BTS.
2008Summer1032 Observed in all regions except Northwest. New county breeding records for Morrison MRN, Benton DBM, Sibley JCC.
2008Fall1434 Reported as far north as Clay in the Northwest, Wadena and Cass in the North-central, and Mille Lacs and Pine in the East-central. Some north reports probably refer to recently released birds.
2008Winter1132 Introductions now established in well over one-half of the state's counties with exceptions of Northeast, North-central, and Southwest. Expanding in Northwest as evidenced 1/8 Pennington (17) fide JMJ. High counts 2/21 Dakota (106) TJM, 1/19 Morrison (73) MJB. [Corrected]
2009Spring2044 Reported as far north as Kittson, Marshall, Hubbard, Cass, Itasca, Aitkin, and Carlton.
2009Summer1530 Seen in all regions of state. Unusual location 6/26 Pennington RMD. First county breeding records from Cass BAW, Clay RHO, Freeborn fide BBA, Le Sueur fide BBA, Mower fide BBA, Pope fide BBA, Renville JoS, Wright fide BBA, Becker LBF, Ramsey AXH.
2009Fall1533 Reported as far north as Clay in the Northwest, Hubbard and Cass in the North-central, and Itasca, St. Louis and Carlton in the Northeast. Some north reports probably refer to recently released birds. High count 10/31 Traverse (85) DPG.
2009Winter1737 Reported from 53 counties reflecting continuing expansion statewide, including north to Kittson, Wadena, and Pine Counties. Single party high count of 137 in Todd (2/15) MJB. CBC high counts 12/19 Henderson CBC (420), New Ulm CBC (392), and Wild River CBC (308). The species in now well established in the Twin Cities suburban areas where it has achieved “nuisance” status!
2010Spring2345 Reported as far north as Kittson, Pennington, Hubbard, Cass, Itasca, Aitkin, Carlton. High count 3/12 Pennington (80) fide JMJ.
2010Summer1734 Reported from all regions of the state. Unusual report from ~15 miles north of Two Harbors 6/23 Lake KRE. First county breeding records for Carlton DCr, Douglas JPE, Isanti JZe, Mille Lacs DBM.
2010Fall1935 Reported as far north as Marshall in the Northwest, Clearwater (8/21 Itasca S.P.) BNW, Hubbard, and Cass in the North-central, and Aitkin and Pine in the Northeast. Some north reports probably refer to recently released birds.
2010Winter1642 Statewide expansion continues with reports from 58 counties, 4 more than last year and 15 more than 2008. No reports from counties north of line from Clay to Cass to Carlton (except St. Louis), or from extreme southwest. High counts south 12/18 Nicollet (94) ChH, 12/18 Dakota (50); high count north 12/2 Clay (24) RHO. CBC high counts 12/18 Henderson (250), 12/26 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (210).
2011Spring2449 Reported as far north as Kittson, Roseau, Beltrami, Cass, Aitkin, Carlton. Probable escapees or released birds also seen in southern St. Louis. Peak count 3/30 Cass (47) ABi.
2011Summer1942Reported throughout state. First county breeding records for Aitkin LS, Big Stone LS, Clearwater GLH, Dodge LS, Stevens DBM.
2011Fall1945 Reported as far north as Marshall in the Northwest, Hubbard and Cass in the North-central, and Aitkin and Carlton in the Northeast. Some north reports probably refer to recently released birds.
2011Winter1740Reported from about the same number of counties as last year, northwest to Pennington (2/4 SAS) and Norman. High counts 1/29 Freeborn (97) RTP, 12/31 Dakota (72) KSm. CBC high counts 12/31 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (269), 12/17 Rochester (235).
2012Spring2550 Reported as far north as Kittson, Marshall, Beltrami, Itasca, Cass, Aitkin, Carlton. Probable escapees or released birds also seen in southern St. Louis (4 locations). Peak counts 3/5 Dakota (52) CMB, 3/8 Goodhue (49, Frontenac) RBJ.
2012Summer2244 Reported from all regions of state. First county breeding records for Murray SWe, St. Louis MSc, Waseca PCo, Wilkin CCa.
2012Fall2341 Reported as far north as Kittson, Marshall, Pennington, and Roseau in the Northwest and St. Louis in the Northeast. Some north reports probably refer to recently released birds.
2012Winter2041 Reported from more north counties than in any of the previous five winters, as far northwest as Marshall, Beltrami. No reports from border counties Lincoln to Rock to Faribault. High counts 1/4 Nicollet (130, in two nearly adjacent fields) RBW, 2/17 Olmsted (112, single flock) SHk, 12/15 Blue Earth (102) ChH. CBC high counts 12/29 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (450), 12/15 Henderson (421), 1/1 Afton (340).
2013Spring2849 Reported as far north as Kittson, Marshall, Beltrami, Itasca, Aitkin, Carlton. Probable escapees or released birds also seen in southern St. Louis. High counts 3/28 Dakota (62) DVe, 3/3 Washington (46) MJB.
2013Summer2647 Reported statewide. New county record 6/4 Koochiching LPf. First county breeding records from Cottonwood TrF, Faribault JSc, Jackson DVr, Lake MSS, Meeker fide BBA, Pennington RBJ, Polk DAC, Redwood ANy, Wadena ANy.
2013Fall2241 Reported as far north as Marshall and Roseau in the Northwest and St. Louis in the Northeast. High counts 11/23 Pennington (50) JMJ, 11/27 Crow Wing (45) KEm.
2013Winter2347 Reported from a record high 70 counties (previous high 61, last year), including as far north as Beltrami, Itasca, Marshall, Pennington. North high counts 2/28 Pennington (73) DBM, 1/18 Otter Tail (60) MJB. South high count 12/21 Dakota (80, Pine Bend Trail) BAF. CBC high counts 12/28 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (327), 12/21 Sherburne N.W.R. (300).
2014Spring2551Reported as far north as Kittson, Roseau, Clearwater, Itasca. Probable escapees or released birds also seen in southern St. Louis (1–2 birds). High count 3/29 Hennepin (45, Brooklyn Park) TLo.
2014Summer2338Seen in all regions of state. High count 7/29 Carver (20, Chanhassen) ROx. First county breeding record from Beltrami PBD.
2014Fall2344 Reported as far north as Roseau, Beltrami, and St. Louis. High counts 11/21 Scott (82) JEB, 9/18 Hennepin (57, Brooklyn Park) TLo, 11/17 Pipestone (55 total in city of Pipestone) RAE.
2014Winter1841 Reported from 59 counties statewide, down from last winter's record 70, from as far north as Marshall, Beltrami, St. Louis. North high counts 12/20 Crow Wing (53) KCR, 2/6 Kanabec (45) DPG. South high counts 2/16 Sibley (82) ArS, 2/6 Steele (75) NFT. CBC high counts 12/20 Henderson (182), 12/28 Red Wing (179), 12/27 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (163).
2015Spring2851 Reported as far north as Kittson, Roseau, Beltrami, Itasca, and St. Louis (Sax-Zim Bog). High count 3/16 Carver (88, Minnesota Valley N.W.R., Rapid Lakes Unit) JCy.
2015Summer2638 Found in all regions of state.
2015Fall2546 Reported as far north as Kittson, Beltrami, St. Louis, Lake. High count 11/28 Hennepin (45, Brooklyn Park) TLo.
2015Winter2143 Reported from 65 counties statewide, second only to the season record 70 in winter 2013. Absent from the counties bordering Canada (except St. Louis), but reported from as far north as Marshall, Beltrami. North high counts 12/19 Morrison (167; 5 flocks in 87 miles) KEm, MEm, 12/19 Clay (39) PBB, 2/13 Todd (37) ALu. South high counts 12/27 Goodhue (235) JFR, 1/22 Sherburne (69) JlB, 1/2 Washington (64) PRH, 1/31 Dakota (62) ADS. CBC high counts 12/27 Red Wing (350), 12/26 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (284), 12/19 Henderson (256).
2016Spring2750 Reported as far north as Marshall, Beltrami, Itasca, St. Louis. High counts 3/20 Hennepin (43, Fort Snelling S.P.) PNi, MAl, 3/21 Goodhue (42, Pleasant Valley) DVe.
2016Summer2543 Found in all regions of state. High counts 7/24 Morrison (30, Crane Meadows N.W.R.) JEm, SEm, KEm, MEm, 7/25 Scott (27, McGuire Ct.) RiC.
2016Fall2548 Reported as far north as Kittson, Beltrami, Itasca, St. Louis. High count 11/30 Cass (54) RAE.
2016Winter2545 Reported from season record 70 counties statewide (tied with winter 2013), including a record 25 north counties, from as far northwest as Marshall, Beltrami. North high count 1/3 Morrison (139) KEm, MEm. South high counts 1/21 Goodhue (84) AJF, KDS, 1/4 Washington (71) KvM. CBC high counts 12/31 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (347), 12/17 Henderson (223), 12/17 Faribault (186).
2017Spring2953 Reported as far north as Kittson, Roseau, Itasca, St. Louis, Lake. High counts 3/10 Douglas (57) BEc, 3/9 Morrison (52, Crane Meadows N.W.R.) SEm, 3/30 Scott (52, Murphy-Hanrehan Park Reserve) RiC.
2017Summer2346 Observed in all regions.
2017Fall2946 Reported as far north as Roseau, St. Louis, Lake, Cook. High count 8/31 Sherburne (55, Sherburne N.W.R.) JGb.
2017Winter2443 Reported from 67 counties statewide, the second highest total for the winter season (behind 70 counties in 2013, 2016), from as far northwest as Marshall, Beltrami, Roseau, and northeast to Lake (Two Harbors). Statewide high counts were from north counties: 1/3 Todd (141), 12/13 Morrison (132) SEm. South high counts 2/12 Washington (100) PSm, 2/14 Renville (93) BHe. CBC high counts 12/20 Sherburne N.W.R. (288), 12/30 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (251), 12/31 Battle Lake (233).
2018Spring3051 Reported as far north as Kittson, Koochiching, St. Louis. High count 3/27 Nicollet (82) JWg.
2018Summer2747 Observed in every region.
2018Fall2947 Reported as far north as Kittson, Beltrami, Koochiching, St. Louis. High counts 11/29 Sherburne (73) PLJ, 10/13 Wadena (59) RAE.
2018Winter2847 Reported from a season-record 75 counties statewide (previous record was 70 in 2013, 2016), including a record 28 north counties. Notable for the farthest north were 2/9 Kittson (15, Hallock) ebd, 12/9 Roseau (2, near Pelan) NKu, SKu, 2/20 Roseau BSi. North high counts 1/5 Kanabec (112) SPS, 1/12 Norman (112, Ada-Twin Valley airport) SAu, JCJ, 12/8 Pennington (75) ZL. Reported from a record-tying 47 south counties, with high counts 1/22 Nicollet (147, near Courtland, all in one group) ANy, 12/1 Sherburne (112, Elk River) PLJ, 12/30 Washington (90, near Afton S.P.) PNi. CBC high counts 1/5 Pelican Rapids (250), 12/29 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (227), 12/15 Rochester (219), 12/15 Henderson (215).
2019Spring2951 Reported as far north as Kittson, Roseau, St. Louis, Lake. High counts 4/5 Chippewa (51, near Granite Falls) SBE, m.ob.
2019Summer2849 Reported from all regions. First county breeding record: 6/2 Marshall HHu.
2019Fall2948 Reported as far north as Kittson, Roseau, St. Louis, Lake, Cook. High counts 11/27 Wadena (54) PJB, 11/7 Clearwater (40) fide JMJ, 11/29 St. Louis (40, Sax-Zim Bog) MWS.
2019Winter2748 Reported from 75 counties statewide, tying last year†™s record, from as far northwest as Marshall. New winter county record 12/25 Cook (4, Tofte House) JaJ. North high counts 12/6 Pennington (250, along County road 7) JMJ, 12/22 Pennington (160, west of St. Hilaire) ebd, 12/15 Morrison (67) SEm. Reported from a season-record 48 south counties, with only five counties lacking observations. South high counts 2/22 Renville (105) RAE. 1/26 Dakota (75) ADS. CBC high counts 12/14 Henderson (187), 1/1 Long Prairie (181), 12/15 Cedar Creek Bog (173), 12/14 Faribault (172).
2020Spring3153 Reports from 84 counties, the highest number ever in the spring season; birds were not reported only from Koochiching, Lake of the Woods, Roseau. High count 3/3 Traverse (72, Browns Valley) ebd.
2020Summer2949 Seen throughout state. First county breeding records: 6/27 Chippewa SDz, 8/23 Roseau AAz.
2020Fall3147 Reported statewide. High counts 10/30 Kandiyohi (84) RAE, 11/13 Todd (60) REn.
2020Winter2643 Reported from 69 counties statewide, the fourth highest total for the season. No reports from counties bordering Canada except St. Louis and Lake. North high counts 12/22 Aitkin (100) KEm, SEm, MEm, 1/9 Becker (95) TKa, 1/1 Todd (91) DOr. South high counts 1/2 Sherburne (179, near Elk River) PLJ, 12/25 Stearns (160) DRL, 12/28 Washington (100) CJE. CBC high counts 12/26 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (389), 12/17 Glacial Ridge (313), 12/19 Henderson (308).
2021Spring3352 Reported from 85 counties, the highest number ever for the spring season. High counts 3/8 St. Louis (60, Meadowlands) ebd, 3/14 Polk (59, Maple Lake Area) ebd.
2021Summer3150 Found throughout state. Unusual locations 6/5 Koochiching (2, near Loman) ebd, 6/8 Lake of the Woods (C.R. 95) ASu. First county breeding records: 7/10 Lyon GWe, 8/8 Watonwan KEm.
2021Fall3149 Reported statewide. High counts 11/19 Mille Lacs (60, near Oak Park) ebd, 11/10 Benton (54, near Sauk Rapids) DOr.
2021Winter3149 Reported from a season-record 80 counties, including all but three north and four south; the previous winter high was 75 counties in 2018 and 2019. North high count 2/3 St. Louis (123, Sax-Zim Bog) FJN, m.ob. South high count 12/23 Sherburne (198, farm fields near Elk River) PLJ. CBC high counts 12/21 Sherburne NWR (435), 1/1 Pillager (343), 12/19 Little Falls (313).)
2022Spring3252 Reported from every county except Martin (south) and Koochiching and Lake of the Woods (north). High counts 3/17 Olmsted (90, Rochester) LAV, 3/11 St. Louis (70, Sax-Zim Bog) FJN.
2022Summer3245 Reported statewide.
2022Fall3050 Reported statewide. High counts 10/15 St. Louis (63, Sax-Zim Bog) ebd, 11/17 Hennepin (58, Lakewood Cemetery) BAF.
2022Winter2948 Reported from 77 counties, the second highest total for the season and three fewer than last winter’s record. Found in all but five north counties, and reported in four of the seven counties bordering Canada (Roseau, St. Louis, Lake, and 1/17 Koochiching SHo). North high count 12/2 St. Louis (113, Sax-Zim Bog) KWR, JCk. Elsewhere, north high counts were fewer than 50. South high counts 12/5 Sherburne (124, near Elk River) PLJ, 1/2 Nicollet (116, Swan Lake W.M.A., Northstar Unit) APi. CBC high counts 12/31 St. Paul (Northeast Suburban) (401), Hastings/Etter (275), 12/18 Cedar Creek Bog (234).
2023Spring3352 Reported from every county except Stevens (south) and Lake of the Woods (north). High counts 4/8 Olmsted (76) RMa, 4/8 Otter Tail (60) JsS.
2023Summer3047 Observed throughout state.
 Introduced in Minnesota. Permanent resident throughout, but rare in the far north.


Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Column N  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the North.
Column S  Number of counties where the bird was seen in the South.