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-RBA *Minnesota *Duluth/North Shore *November 10, 1998 *MNDU9811.10 -Birds mentioned
Hotline: Minnesota Duluth/North Shore
Date: November 10, 1998
Sponsor: Minnesota Ornithologists' Union(MOU)
Reports: (218) 525-5952
Compiler: Kim Eckert (kreckert@cp.duluth.mn.us)
Transcriber: Catherine Severin, Mn Bird Volunteer (mahces@means.net)
Re-transcriber: David Cahlander (dac@skypoint.com)
This is the Duluth-Superior birding report for November 9th, sponsored by the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union and this tape is being updated today only because I will be out of town on Thursday.
For the third consecutive weekend the birding in Duluth and up the north shore of Lake Superior has been generally slow, with an overall lack of both species and individual birds in most places. There were again, however, a few noteworthy species in this weekend including two PACIFIC LOONS, BLACK SCOTER, WHITE-WINGED SCOTERS, THAYER'S GULL, GLAUCOUS GULL, LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL, a GREAT GRAY OWL, and a BLACK-BACKED WOODPECKER.
That PACIFIC LOON which was found on the Burlington Bay side of Two Harbors in Lake County on October 31st was seen again November 7th and it was still present today. Another PACIFIC LOON was seen yesterday on the east side of Lake Winnibigoshish in Cass County.
Both BLACK and WHITE-WINGED SCOTERS were seen in Cook County this weekend along with a few OLDSQUAW flocks. The BLACKS were at Good Harbor Bay a few miles southwest of Grand Marais and in Grand Marais, while the WHITE- WINGEDS were at Sugar Loaf Cove which is 2.4 miles northeast of the Lake/Cook County line, at the Lutsen Sea Villas, and in Grand Marais.
Both THAYER'S and GLAUCOUS GULLS were at the Superior entry breakwater at the South end of Park Point on Saturday, and that third winter LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL which was first seen in mid-October was also relocated there.
A GREAT GRAY OWL was found yesterday in the Sax-Zim Bog area northwest of Duluth along St. Louis County Road 7 about 3 and miles north of the County Road 133 intersection. Last week's tape also reported on a GREAT GRAY seen November 1st along Aitkin County Road 18 four miles east of U.S. Highway 169.
And a BLACK-BACKED WOODPECKER was relocated at the pine plantation at Hawk Ridge in Duluth which is located about 3/4 of a mile beyond the main overlook.
Other birds of interest seen over the weekend were large flocks of BOHEMIAN WAXWINGS at Knife River in Lake County and between Grand Marais and Hovland in Cook County, RED CROSSBILLS in Two Harbors along First Street, WHITE-WINGED CROSSBILLS at the Lutsen Sea Villas and several late-lingering migrants up the North Shore including NORTHERN FLICKER, EASTERN BLUEBIRD, a YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLER today just east of Grand Marais, SAVANNAH SPARROW, WHITE-CROWNED SPARROW, and RUSTY BLACKBIRDS.
The next scheduled update of this tape will be a week from Thursday, that is, November 19th and as always, if you have birds to report you can either leave a message after the tone or call Dave Benson (728-5812) or Mike Hendricksen (626-2268).
Send your rare and unusual Minnesota sightings to our electronic hotline: MnRBA. To learn more, send a message (the message being these two words: info end) to mnrba-request@linux.winona.msus.edu
Sightings can be called in directly to the tape, (218) 525-5952, by leaving a message after the tone at the end of the tape.