-RBA *Minnesota *Minnesota Statewide *September 3, 1997 *MNST9808.03 -Birds mentioned
Hotline: Minnesota Statewide
Date: September 3, 1997
Sponsor: Minnesota Ornithologists' Union (MOU)
Reports: (612) 780-8890
Compiler: Anthony Hertzel
Transcriber: Anthony Hertzel
Re-transcriber: David Cahlander (dac@skypoint.com)
This is the Minnesota statewide birding report for Thursday September 3rd sponsored by the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The best bird of the week is the SAY'S PHOEBE reported by Tom Tustison on Thursday, September 3rd at Resurrection Cemetery in Mendota Heights, Dakota County. The cemetery is located just southwest of the junction of Lexington Avenue and state highway 110. The bird was seen at 2:00 P.M. Thursday afternoon in the southwest corner of the cemetery near the mausoleum and the nearby gate. Note that the gate is marked with a "No Trespassing" sign.
The LARK BUNTING seen on August 25th was possibly refound on the 31st. The location is the ball fields found at the end of 66th Street in Richfield, west of the Minneapolis Airport.
A CAROLINA WREN has been reported at the old Cedar Avenue bridge in Bloomington along the trail leading west from the parking lot. It was seen August 28th about 100 yards past the second long boardwalk. The bird was also reported on August 30th. WINTER WRENS are also being seen in the area. In Rochester, Olmsted County, that CAROLINA WREN seen at Leslie Kotkke's feeder on August 18th has not been seen since the 27th, but it may still be in the area. Please call Leslie before visiting.
Thousands of shorebirds are still being reported from Minnesota Lake in northeastern Faribault County. Most of these are LESSER YELLOWLEGS, PECTORAL SANDPIPER, and STILT SANDPIPERS, but many BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPERS are turning up as well, as are a few RED-NECKED PHALAROPES. The first DUNLIN of the season were found here on August 29th by Michael Tarachow.
Warbler migration continues to be better than usual with both a large variety of species and many individuals being reported. One good location has been Cedar Lake in Minneapolis where, on August 30th, Steve Carlson and Chet Meyers found 15 species including CONNECTICUT WARBLER, MOURNING WARBLER, and GOLDEN-WINGED WARBLER. NORTHERN PARULA and BAY-BREASTED WARBLER seem to be especially well represented this fall as well.
And a possible unidentified jaeger was reported by Dave Sovereign on August 25th and again on he 29th from White Bear Lake in Ramsey County. Unfortunately, Dave couldn't a close enough view to be certain of any kind of identification.
For information on joining our state wide bird organization write the MOU at
10 Church Street SE, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis MN, 55455
or e-mail us at
The next scheduled update of this tape is Thursday September 10th.
Send your rare and unusual Minnesota sightings to our electronic hotline: MnRBA@linux.winona.msus.edu. To learn more, send a message (the message being these two words: info end) to mnrba-request@linux.winona.msus.edu.