[mou] North Shore 1/2/04

David Benson drbenson@cpinternet.com
Fri, 2 Jan 2004 17:52:05 -0600

The HARLEQUIN DUCKS were again at French River and at Agate Bay in Two 
Harbors. The bird in Two Harbors has significantly more white on the 
front patch than the bird at French River.

Three first-winter GLAUCOUS GULLS and one first-winter RING-BILLED GULL 
were among the 30 or so HERRING GULLS at Two Harbors (Agate Bay).

Don Kienholz saw the HOARY REDPOLL at his feeder on Martin Road as 
recently as yesterday. The bird is coming to feeders on the back side 
of the house.

Josh Watson reported a NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD in Grand Marais today.

Dave Benson