[mou] MEP at the Capitol

tnejbell@comcast.net tnejbell@comcast.net
Mon, 19 Jan 2004 16:35:33 +0000

MOU members. Lobby Day at the Capitol can be a rewarding experience. It is hoped to have 500 environmental enthusiasts at the Capitol. If you have never talked one on one with your Senator or Representative about things you care about, this is an excellent opportunity. 
  If you are willing and able to attend let me know as the organizers would like to know how many from each organization will attend. 

Protect Our Water Citizens’ Day at the Capitol

**Register at:  www.ProtectOurWater.info**
Register early so we can reserve time with your Legislators!

DATE:  February 25, 2004

PLACE:  Science Museum of Minnesota
120 W. Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul
(651) 221-9444

TIME:  8:00 am – 4:00 pm
8:00am - 8:30am:  Check-in, continental breakfast
8:30am - 11:30am:  Legislative Trainings (Science Museum of MN, downtown St. Paul)
12:00noon - 12:30pm:  Rally in the Rotunda (State Capitol, St. Paul)
12:30pm - 4:00pm:  Legislative meetings (Capitol and State Office Building, St. Paul)

Bus/Van transportation provided to and from communities across Minnesota.  Call for times and locations.

Join us for the 3rd Annual Protect Our Water Citizens’ Day at the Capitol!  Hundreds of Citizens from across Minnesota will Rally in the Capitol Rotunda and meet with their Legislators to urge them to Protect Our Water!  Join in the fun and make a difference!

The Minnesota Environmental Partnership will work to Protect Our Water at the Minnesota Legislature.  Protect Our Water is practical, achievable and is supported broadly across Minnesota.  Protecting our water is the right thing to do; Protect Our Water is the right way to do it.

Reward Farmers Who Voluntarily Protect Rivers and Streams:  MEP supports Gov. Pawlenty’s Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program to protect 100,000 acres of land along our rivers, streams and wetlands.   

Clean Up Minnesota’s Most Contaminated Waters:  MEP supports a new commitment to make the clean-up of our most polluted rivers, lakes and streams a priority.  We pledge to work with state leaders to find a fair and equitable plan to raise the $75 million that is needed each year to get the job done.

Create a Legacy of Clean Water, Protected Lands and Healthy Communities:  MEP supports a package of long-term bonding projects that make clean water, protected lands and healthier communities a real priority.  

Strengthen Community Rights:  When state laws aren’t tough enough, or aren’t being enforced, local communities must have the right to protect their local environment by controlling the growth of polluting industries, housing developments and large livestock operations. 

Reduce Phosphorus That Turns Our Lakes Green With Algae:  MEP supports legislation for phosphorus-free dishwasher detergent and statewide adoption of the phosphorus-free lawn fertilizer law.

REGISTER TODAY!  We can help coordinate transportation and make appointments with your Legislators!*

REGISTER ON-LINE at www.ProtectOurWater.info
Call (612) 623-3666, or Email pcaso@cleanwater.org

For more details, visit Protect Our Water at www.ProtectOurWater.info

*We cannot guarantee that Legislators will be available to meet with every constituent, but we will do our best.

The Minnesota Environmental Partnership (MEP) is a network of more than 87 non-profit environmental and conservation organizations working together to protect, restore and enjoy Minnesota's precious natural resources.

Tom Bell
MEP representative for MOU