[mou] Peregrine Chicks at Colonade have arrived

Heidi Ferguson Heidi.Ferguson@mci.com
Tue, 18 May 2004 12:17:35 -0500

Checking the TV monitor today I finally saw more than the mother Peregrine
hunkered down on the eggs.  Today at 11:30AM three wobbly chicks  were
receiving a nice lunch of fresh pigeon. 

	For anyone who hasn't seen the Peregrines on the Colonnade here are
the directions. 
	The Colonnade is the first tall building heading west from
Minneapolis on 394.  Take the Xenium/Park Place exit and turn right onto
Xenium.  Then take another immediate right and down into the parking ramp.
I recommend going to the top of the ramp to get very good/close view of the
parents.  They are on the NE corner of the building.  To view the chicks
come inside the lobby.  At the end of the hall of elevators is the TV
monitor.  The lobby is open 8AM to 6PM.   

Heidi Ferguson
Saint Paul