[mou] MOU RBA 20 May 2004

Anthony X. Hertzel axhertzel@sihope.com
Thu, 20 May 2004 18:56:35 -0500

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This is the Minnesota Birding Report for Thursday, May 20th.

A potential second state record CURLEW SANDPIPER was found near near 
Clinton, Big Stone County, on the 16th and it was still present the 
following day. From U.S. Highway 75, go west on Big Stone County Road 
4 for four miles, then turn north on County Road 61 for 8/10ths of a 
mile. Park and walk to the east into the field with a track of wheel 
ruts, The wetland where the bird was found is just to the northeast 
after walking about 200 yards.

The three BLACK-NECKED STILTS found on the 16th at the Belle Plaine 
sewage ponds in Scott County were still present today. The ponds are 
along Scott County Road 6 about a mile west of town. Three more 
Black-necked Stilt were reported last week in Steele County, but I 
have no recent information on those birds. The location was along 
County Road 19, one half mile west of the entrance to Rice Lake State 
Park. Another Black-necked Stilt was found in Kandiyohi County on May 
18th at the Gustavus Aldolphus research site. From state highway 7, 
go two miles west of the Lake Lillian turn off, then north on 129 for 
two miles. Turn west and drive about a mile and a half to the wetland 
on the south side of the road.

On May 19th, a male PAINTED BUNTING was at the feeders of Rich Pemble 
of Moorhead, Clay County. Rich lives at 2411 Rivershore Drive. Take 
I-94 to the U.S. Highway 75 exit, go north to the stop light at 24th 
Avenue South and turn left. At the end of 24th turn left and park. 
Rich asks birders to walk around the south side of the garage and 
watch either from the wooden deck or from the yard sloping toward the 

Shawn Conrad reported a LARK BUNTING bear Nashwauk, St. Louis County, 
on the 16th. A possible Lark Bunting was reported on the 18th in Lyon 
County along state highway 68 about a mile and a half northwest of 

There were two CATTLE EGRETS at the Annandale sewage ponds in Wright 
County on the 15th. In Scott County, another Cattle Egret was 
reported on the 17th on the east side of County Road 18 just south of 
Crossings Boulevard.

On the 18th, a PIPING PLOVER was found in a wild rice paddy north of 
Aitkin in Aitkin County. From Aitkin, go north on U.S. Highway 169, 
the left on County Road 21. Take the first gravel road to the right 
and look for the first rice paddy on the south side of the road.

In Lynd, Lyon County, a EURASIAN COLLARED-DOVE was seen on May 17th 
across from the post office.

A singing BELL'S VIREO was at McCarthy Lake in Wabasha County on the 
15th. From U.S. Highway 61 take Wabasha County Road 84 to the 
entrance to McCarthy Lake WMA. Look for the thicket on the left 
before reaching the parking lot. Another Bell's Vireo was at Cliff 
Fen Park in Dakota County on the 19th. From the parking lot, hike 
east  around the soccer fields then turn north,  crossing  the 
railroad tracks. Follow the path north to the second electric tower 
and listen.

Dedrick Benz found a NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD on the 21st at Blue Mounds 
State Park in Rock County. The bird was in the first Burr Oak on the 
Burr Oak Trail which starts at the interpertive center. Another 
Mockingbird was in Dory Spence's yard near Schroeder, Cook County, on 
the 20th.

On the 15th, a male HOODED WARBLER was found in Black's Grove Park 
west of the town of Wadena in east-central Otter Tail County. From 
the parking lot go past the picnic shelter and take the trail where 
the orange bridge crosses the creek. Follow this trail to a "T," then 
turn left. Walk about 100 yards to where the trail takes a sharp turn 
right and look in the nearby vegetation. And on the 18th Hooded 
Warbler was at the northeast corner of Medicine Lake in Hennepin 
County, near 34th Avenue north.

On the 16th, a Summer Tanager was at Lebanon Hills Park in Dakota 
County but I have no specific directions. On the 15th a Summer 
Tanager was at Murphy-Hanrehan Park in Scott County. Park along the 
road near marker 14 and hike east to marker 15. At the trail 
crossing, take the trail to the right. Hike about 100 yards past 
marker 15 to a low marshy area. A second Summer Tanager was also 
reported from the park on the 18th, halfway between main parking lot 
and marker 1 by  the lake. And Dave Lothner saw a male Summer Tanager 
at Prairie Portage, Cook County, on the 15th.

This state-wide birding report is brought to you and financially 
supported by the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union (MOU). The MOU is 
Minnesota's oldest and largest bird club.

The report is composed from observations generously submitted by MOU 
members and other birders throughout the state. You can support this 
weekly update by submitting your bird reports to Anthony Hertzel at 
axhertzel@sihope.com or by calling the hotline directly at 
763-780-8890 and leaving a detailed message.

MOU members receive this report directly on MOU-net, the club's free 
e-mail listservice, which is available to anyone interested. For 
information contact David Cahlander at <david@cahlander.com>.

MOU members receive the organization's quarterly journal "The Loon" 
and the bimonthly magazine, "Minnesota Birding". For membership 
information, send an e-mail message to our membership secretary at 

In cooperation with the Minnesota Office of Tourism, highlights of 
this hotline can be now heard at a toll free number which is 
available to callers outside the Twin Cities area. The number is 

The MOU is pleased to offer this service. Thank you, and good birding.

The next scheduled update of this tape is Thursday, May 27th.

Anthony X. Hertzel -- axhertzel@sihope.com
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<html><head><style type="text/css"><!--
blockquote, dl, ul, ol, li { padding-top: 0 ; padding-bottom: 0 }
 --></style><title>MOU RBA 20 May 2004</title></head><body>
<div><font color="#000000">This is the Minnesota Birding Report for<b>
Thursday, May 20th</b>.<br>
A potential second state record<b> CURLEW SANDPIPER</b> was found near
near Clinton, Big Stone County, on the 16th and it was still present
the following day. From U.S. Highway 75, go west on Big Stone County
Road 4 for four miles, then turn north on County Road 61 for 8/10ths
of a mile. Park and walk to the east into the field with a track of
wheel ruts, The wetland where the bird was found is just to the
northeast after walking about 200 yards.</font><br>
<font color="#000000"></font></div>
<div><font color="#000000">The three<b> BLACK-NECKED STILTS</b> found
on the 16th at the Belle Plaine sewage ponds in Scott County were
still present today. The ponds are along Scott County Road 6 about a
mile west of town. Three more<b> Black-necked Stilt</b> were reported
last week in Steele County, but I have no recent information on those
birds. The location was along County Road 19, one half mile west of
the entrance to Rice Lake State Park. Another<b> Black-necked
Stilt</b> was found in Kandiyohi County on May 18th at the Gustavus
Aldolphus research site. From state highway 7, go two miles west of
the Lake Lillian turn off, then north on 129 for two miles. Turn west
and drive about a mile and a half to the wetland on the south side of
the road.</font></div>
<div><font color="#000000"><br>
On May 19th, a male<b> PAINTED BUNTING</b> was at the feeders of Rich
Pemble of Moorhead, Clay County. Rich lives at 2411 Rivershore Drive.
Take I-94 to the U.S. Highway 75 exit, go north to the stop light at
24th Avenue South and turn left. At the end of 24th turn left and
park. Rich asks birders to walk around the south side of the garage
and watch either from the wooden deck or from the yard sloping toward
the river.<br>
Shawn Conrad reported a<b> LARK BUNTING</b> bear Nashwauk, St. Louis
County, on the 16th. A possible<b> Lark Bunting</b> was reported on
the 18th in Lyon County along state highway 68 about a mile and a half
northwest of Marshall.<br>
There were two<b> CATTLE EGRETS</b> at the Annandale sewage ponds in
Wright County on the 15th. In Scott County, another<b> Cattle
Egret</b> was reported on the 17th on the east side of County Road 18
just south of Crossings Boulevard.<br>
On the 18th, a<b> PIPING PLOVER</b> was found in a wild rice paddy
north of Aitkin in Aitkin County. From Aitkin, go north on U.S.
Highway 169, the left on County Road 21. Take the first gravel road to
the right and look for the first rice paddy on the south side of the
In Lynd, Lyon County, a<b> EURASIAN COLLARED-DOVE</b> was seen on May
17th across from the post office.<br>
A singing<b> BELL'S VIREO</b> was at McCarthy Lake in Wabasha County
on the 15th. From U.S. Highway 61 take Wabasha County Road 84 to the
entrance to McCarthy Lake WMA. Look for the thicket on the left before
reaching the parking lot. Another<b> Bell's Vireo</b> was at Cliff Fen
Park in Dakota County on the 19th. From the parking lot, hike east&nbsp;
around the soccer fields then turn north, &nbsp;crossing&nbsp; the
railroad tracks. Follow the path north to the second electric tower
and listen.<br>
Dedrick Benz found a<b> NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD</b> on the 21st at Blue
Mounds State Park in Rock County. The bird was in the first Burr Oak
on the Burr Oak Trail which starts at the interpertive center.
Another<b> Mockingbird</b> was in Dory Spence's yard near Schroeder,
Cook County, on the 20th.<br>
On the 15th, a male<b> HOODED WARBLER</b> was found in Black's Grove
Park west of the town of Wadena in east-central Otter Tail County.
>From the parking lot go past the picnic shelter and take the trail
where the orange bridge crosses the creek. Follow this trail to a
&quot;T,&quot; then turn left. Walk about 100 yards to where the trail
takes a sharp turn right and look in the nearby vegetation. And on the
18th<b> Hooded Warbler</b> was at the northeast corner of Medicine
Lake in Hennepin County, near 34th Avenue north.<br>
On the 16th, a<b> Summer Tanager</b> was at Lebanon Hills Park in
Dakota County but I have no specific directions. On the 15th a<b>
Summer Tanager</b> was at Murphy-Hanrehan Park in Scott County. Park
along the road near marker 14 and hike east to marker 15. At the trail
crossing, take the trail to the right. Hike about 100 yards past
marker 15 to a low marshy area. A second<b> Summer Tanager</b> was
also reported from the park on the 18th, halfway between main parking
lot and marker 1 by&nbsp; the lake. And Dave Lothner saw a male<b>
Summer Tanager</b> at Prairie Portage, Cook County, on the
<div><font color="#000000"><br></font></div>
<div><font color="#000000">This state-wide birding report is brought
to you and financially supported by the Minnesota Ornithologists'
Union (MOU). The MOU is Minnesota's oldest and largest bird club.<br>
The report is composed from observations generously submitted by MOU
members and other birders throughout the state. You can support this
weekly update by submitting your bird reports to Anthony Hertzel at
axhertzel@sihope.com or by calling the hotline directly at
763-780-8890 and leaving a detailed message.<br>
MOU members receive this report directly on MOU-net, the club's free
e-mail listservice, which is available to anyone interested. For
information contact David Cahlander at
MOU members receive the organization's quarterly journal &quot;The
Loon&quot; and the bimonthly magazine, &quot;Minnesota Birding&quot;.
For membership information, send an e-mail message to our membership
secretary at moumembers@yahoo.com.<br>
In cooperation with the Minnesota Office of Tourism, highlights of
this hotline can be now heard at a toll free number which is available
to callers outside the Twin Cities area. The number is
The MOU is pleased to offer this service. Thank you, and good
<font color="#000000"></font></div>
<div><font color="#000000">The next scheduled update of this tape
is<b> Thursday, May 27th</b>.</font></div>
<div>Anthony X. Hertzel -- axhertzel@sihope.com</div>