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-RBA *Minnesota *Duluth/North Shore *June 6, 2002 *MNDU0206.06 -Birds mentioned
Hotline: Minnesota, Duluth/North Shore
Date: June 6, 2002
Sponsor: Minnesota Ornithologists' Union (MOU)
Reports: (218) 525-5952
Compiler: David R. Benson (drbenson@cpinternet.com)
Transcriber: David R. Benson (drbenson@cpinternet.com)
This is the Duluth Birding Report for Thursday, June 6, 2002, sponsored by the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
Kim Eckert and others have been busy scouting for the American Birding Association convention and turned up several interesting species:
YELLOW RAILS are back in the McGregor Marsh in Aitkin County, near mile marker 116 on the east side of Hwy 65, .5 mile south of Hwy 210. There were also NELSON'S SHARP-TAILED SPARROWS in the marsh.
A BLACK-BACKED WOODPECKER was in the Sax-Zim area on McDavitt Rd or Cty Rd 213, 4 miles south of the Zim Rd (Cty Rd 27).
GREAT GRAY OWLS were seen on the Blue Spruce Rd (Cty Rd 211), just north of Hwy 133, as well as on Cty Rd 7, 3 miles north of Sax or 2 miles south of Cty Rd 319.
PHILADELPHIA VIREOS were found at several locations along Lake Cty Rd 7, which runs between Finland and Cramer. The easiest spot was just past Cramer.
Lynelle Hanson spotted over 20 AMERICAN WHITE PELICANS over Interstate Island today. Jim Barrett found a RED KNOT on Tuesday and 3 WHIMBRELS on Wednesday at Morgan Park on the St. Louis River.
Uwe Kausch had YELLOW-HEADED BLACKBIRDS, GREEN HERONS, and a NORTHERN SHOVELER in his yard at the end of the Wildwood Road this week. Mike Hendrickson had YELLOW-THROATED VIREO in his yard in Smithville late last week.
As noted, the American Birding Association convention will be held June 10-16. If you know of any "stake-out" birds that might be of interest (and are accessible by bus), please leave a detailed message about them.
The next scheduled update of this report will be on Thursday, June 13.
The phone number for the Duluth Birding Report is (218) 728-5030, and callers can report bird sightings if they wish after the tone at the end of each tape.
The Duluth Birding Report is sponsored and funded by the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union (MOU) as a service to its members. For more information on the MOU, either write us c/o the Bell Museum of Natural History, 10 Church Street SE, Minneapolis MN 55455; or send an e-mail to mou@biosci.umn.edu; or visit the MOU web site at mou.mn.org.