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The Minnesota Ornithologists’ Union


Reports listed here, especially those of Accidental and Casual species, are considered tentative until they are documented and confirmed.
Notable Recent MOU Reports

July 02

Trumpeter Swan (rare)
Herb H. DingmannBenton County
Sharp-shinned Hawk (rare)
Herb H. DingmannSherburne County
Red Crossbill (rare)
Herb H. DingmannBenton County
Henslow's Sparrow (Rr)Miller Prairie
Douglas L. PierzinaTraverse County

July 01

Snowy Egret (Rr)
Douglas L. PierzinaBig Stone County
Black-billed Magpie (rare)
Paul J. BinekWadena County
Red-breasted Nuthatch (rare)
David F. NeitzelWinona County
Yellow-throated Warbler (C)
Ronald A. ErpeldingMower County

June 30

Common Merganser (rare)
Nancy HenkeBecker County
Common Gallinule (Rr)
Tony LauWright County
Hooded Warbler (Rr)
Brad AbendrothStearns County
Blue Grosbeak (Rr)
Brad AbendrothScott County

June 28

Bufflehead (< 3/5)
Mark JunghansAnoka County
Common Gallinule (Rr)
Bob WilliamsSibley County

June 27

Eared Grebe (< 4/11)
Herb H. DingmannBenton County
American Pipit (rare)
Lon BaumgardtCook County

June 26

Mute Swan (Rr)
Mark JunghansLake County
Tundra Swan (< 3/9)
Howard TowleOlmsted County
Red-shouldered Hawk (rare)
Chad HeinsWadena County
Yellow-throated Warbler (C)
Howard TowleOlmsted County

June 25

Horned Grebe (rare)
Herb H. DingmannDouglas County
Merlin (< 3/20)
Tony LauWright County
Common Raven (rare)
Tony LauWright County
Prothonotary Warbler (rare)
Tony LauWright County
(C) – Casual species
(A) – Accidental species
(P) – Potential new state record
(Rr) – Rare Regular
(rare) – county/species combination with fewer than 5 reports
(e/l) – earlier or later than the median early/late dates.
Nearby Notable eBird Reports

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