March 23
Cinnamon Teal (Rr) | |
Andrew Nyhus | Le Sueur County |
Dunlin (< 4/16) | |
Herb H. Dingmann | Stearns County |
Northern Mockingbird (Rr) | |
Herb H. Dingmann | Benton County |
Chipping Sparrow (< 3/24) | |
Paul and Koni Fank | Meeker County |
Fox Sparrow (< 3/28) | |
Shawn Conrad | Itasca County |
Harris's Sparrow (< 4/3) | |
Ronald A. Erpelding | Kandiyohi County |
March 22
Greater White-fronted Goose (< 3/22) | |
Philip C. Chu | Traverse County |
Northern Shoveler (< 3/26) | |
Philip C. Chu | Traverse County |
Green-winged Teal (< 3/26) | |
Philip C. Chu | Traverse County |
Wilson's Snipe (< 3/23) | |
Douglas W. Kieser | Le Sueur County |
Common Loon (< 3/27) | Mott Lake |
Douglas W. Kieser | Waseca County |
Turkey Vulture (< 3/26) | |
Kyle Woitalla | Wilkin County |
Townsend's Solitaire (> 3/30) | |
Herb H. Dingmann | Benton County |
American Pipit (< 3/31) | |
Herb H. Dingmann | Stearns County |
Yellow-headed Blackbird (< 4/9) | |
Philip C. Chu | Traverse County |
Rusty Blackbird (< 3/23) | |
Philip C. Chu | Traverse County |
March 21
Wilson's Snipe (< 3/23) | |
Bob Williams | Dakota County |
Glaucous Gull (< 3/28) | |
Bob Williams | Washington County |
Common Loon (< 3/27) | Little Waverly Lake East End(Wright County) |
Dan and Pam Guynn | Wright County |
Golden-crowned Kinglet (< 3/23) | |
Douglas L. Pierzina | Lac qui Parle County |
March 20
Snow Goose (< 3/21) | |
Josh Anderson | Grant County |
Snow Goose (< 3/21) | |
Josh Anderson | Traverse County |
Ross's Goose (< 3/27) | |
Josh Anderson | Grant County |
Ross's Goose (< 3/27) | |
Josh Anderson | Traverse County |
Greater White-fronted Goose (< 3/22) | |
Josh Anderson | Grant County |
Mute Swan (Rr) | |
Philip C. Chu | Washington County |
Northern Shoveler (< 3/26) | |
Josh Anderson | Grant County |
Gadwall (< 3/20) | |
Josh Anderson | Grant County |
American Wigeon (< 3/27) | |
Josh Anderson | Grant County |
Green-winged Teal (< 3/26) | |
Josh Anderson | Grant County |
Greater Scaup (< 3/31) | |
Josh Anderson | Grant County |
Iceland Gull (Rr) | |
Tate Putman | Dakota County |
Lesser Black-backed Gull (Rr) | |
Tate Putman | Dakota County |
American White Pelican (< 3/21) | |
David F. Neitzel | Dakota County |
Snowy Owl (rare) | |
Milton J. Blomberg | Yellow Medicine County |
Merlin (< 3/20) | |
Herb H. Dingmann | Stearns County |
Savannah Sparrow (< 4/2) | |
Bob Williams | Le Sueur County |
March 19
Common Loon (< 3/27) | |
Conny M. Brunell | Hennepin County |
Merlin (< 3/20) | |
Douglas L. Pierzina | Big Stone County |
Brewer's Blackbird (< 3/19) | |
Milton J. Blomberg | Stearns County |
March 18
Tundra Swan (< 3/18) | |
Ronald A. Erpelding | Traverse County |
Gadwall (< 3/20) | |
Ronald A. Erpelding | Traverse County |
American Wigeon (< 3/27) | |
Ronald A. Erpelding | Traverse County |
Greater Yellowlegs (< 3/26) | Lake Byllesby |
Paul E. Jantscher | Goodhue County |
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (< 3/27) | |
David F. Neitzel | Rice County |
Eastern Phoebe (< 3/21) | |
Paul E. Jantscher | Wabasha County |
Tree Swallow (< 3/19) | |
Tony Lau | Wright County |
Eurasian Tree Sparrow (Rr) | |
Andrew Nyhus | Olmsted County |
White-crowned Sparrow (< 4/21) | |
Bob Williams | Rice County |
Brewer's Blackbird (< 3/19) | |
Andrew Nyhus | Olmsted County |
March 17
Cackling Goose (< 3/18) | |
Milton J. Blomberg | Traverse County |
Wood Duck (< 3/18) | |
Nancy Henke | Becker County |
Wood Duck (< 3/18) | |
Milton J. Blomberg | Traverse County |
Blue-winged Teal (< 3/30) | |
Douglas L. Pierzina | Traverse County |
Northern Pintail (< 3/18) | |
Douglas L. Pierzina | Traverse County |
Redhead (< 3/23) | |
Douglas L. Pierzina | Traverse County |
Ring-necked Duck (< 3/17) | |
Douglas L. Pierzina | Traverse County |
Pied-billed Grebe (< 3/25) | |
Nancy Henke | Becker County |
Killdeer (< 3/17) | |
Douglas L. Pierzina | Traverse County |
Wilson's Snipe (< 3/23) | |
Philip C. Chu | Olmsted County |
Greater Yellowlegs (< 3/26) | |
David F. Neitzel | Dakota County |
Short-eared Owl (< 3/21) | |
Milton J. Blomberg | Traverse County |
American Pipit (< 3/31) | |
David F. Neitzel | Goodhue County |
American Pipit (< 3/31) | |
Philip C. Chu | Olmsted County |
Fox Sparrow (< 3/28) | |
Nancy Henke | Becker County |
Vesper Sparrow (< 3/28) | |
David F. Neitzel | Goodhue County |
Western Meadowlark (< 3/17) | |
Douglas L. Pierzina | Traverse County |
Brewer's Blackbird (< 3/19) | |
Bob Williams | Le Sueur County |
(C) – Casual species
(A) – Accidental species
(P) – Potential new state record
r) – Rare Regular
(rare) – county/species combination with fewer than 5 reports
(e/l) – earlier or later than the median early/late dates.