Species Index to The Loon - Finches

This is a complete species index to The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union through 2024-08-22.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.

Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Boobies and Gannets
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Chickadees, Titmice
Martins, Swallows
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Flycatchers
Old World Sparrows
Longspurs and Snow Buntings
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Finches
Evening Grosbeak
Pine Grosbeak
Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch
[Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch (Hepburn's)]
[Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch (Gray-crowned)]
[Black Rosy-Finch]
House Finch
Purple Finch
Cassin's Finch
Common Redpoll
Hoary Redpoll
[Hoary Redpoll (exilipes)]
[Hoary Redpoll (hornemanni)]
Red Crossbill
White-winged Crossbill
Pine Siskin
Lesser Goldfinch
American Goldfinch

Brambling (Fringilla montifringilla)Vol.PageKey
1984A Brambling -- Minnesota's First Asiatic Species5679-80A
1989Minnesota's Second Brambling Record6156-58AP
1989Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee61121-123A
1994Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee66127-128A
1994Brambling -- A Third Record for Minnesota66148-149NP
1999Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee71156-159A
2002Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee74161-167A
2012Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee84107-112A
Evening Grosbeak (Coccothraustes vespertinus)Vol.PageKey
1936Evening Grosbeak812N
1943Feeding Grosbeaks in Winter1540N
1944Evening Grosbeaks at Duluth1618N
1944Evening Grosbeaks on our Campus1685N
1950Feeding Habits of the Evening Grosbeak22125-126N
1955Pine and Evening Grosbeaks in Otter Tail and Becker Counties2743N
1964Evening Grosbeaks in Minnesota -- Summer 196436115-119AP
1965Banding Evening Grosbeaks at Chisholm, Minnesota3795-99A
1965Notes on Nesting Evening Grosbeaks at Look Lake, Cass County37151-152N
1974Southerly Nesting of Evening Grosbeaks4691N
1976Evening Grosbeak Predation on House Sparrow4877-78N
1983An Evening Grosbeak Gynandromorph5522-24AP
1984Xanthochroistic Evening Grosbeak in Aitkin County56188-189NP
Pine Grosbeak (Pinicola enucleator)Vol.PageKey
1929Pine Grosbeaks19N
1933Pine Grosbeaks561N
1933A Few More561N
1940Pine Grosbeaks in Duluth1219N
1947Pine Grosbeaks at Sauk Rapids1923N
1955Pine and Evening Grosbeaks in Otter Tail and Becker Counties2743N
1957Not All Red Birds are Robins2938N
1962Pine Grosbeak Nesting in St. Louis County3426N
1980Late Pine Grosbeaks in Anoka County52120N
1987Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee59143-144A
1989Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee6110-13A
1990Pine Grosbeaks Invade -- Winter 1989-199062123-125A
1995Summer Pine Grosbeaks Seen in Lake of the Woods County6765N
1995Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee67165-166A
1995Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee67166A
2003Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee75160-163A
Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch (Leucosticte tephrocotis)Vol.PageKey
2000Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee72163-168A
2001Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee73168-171A
2005Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee77169-174A
2007Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee79123-129A
2008Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee805-13A
2008Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee805-13A
2009Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee817-12A
2009Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee81115-119A
2010Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee82103-106A
2010Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee82103-106A
2012Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee843-7A
[Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch (Hepburn's)] (Leucosticte t. littoralis)Vol.PageKey
[Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch (Gray-crowned)] (Leucosticte t. tephrocotis)Vol.PageKey
[Black Rosy-Finch] (Leucosticte atrata)Vol.PageKey
House Finch (Haemorhous mexicanus)Vol.PageKey
1971House Finch Record for Minnesota43127N
1972Possible House Finch in Minneapolis4453-54N
1981House Finch in Minnesota53109N
1981Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee53129-131A
1983Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee5541-43A
1983Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee55117-119A
1984House Finch in Hennepin County5664NP
1984House Finch at Mankato56130-131N
1984Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee56160-161A
1984A House Finch in Aitkin County56189-190NP
1984House Finch at St. Cloud56194N
1984A House Finch in Mower County56198-199N
1985Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee5734-36A
1985Male House Finch at LeSueur57134N
1985House Finch in Winona County57137NP
1986Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee5842-45A
1986Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee58146-147A
1986Another Minnesota House Finch58204N
1987Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee5957-58A
1987Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee59143-144A
1987House Finches in Minneapolis59212N
1987A House Finch at Hastings59219NP
1988Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee6013-16A
1988House Finch at Forest Lake6054N
1988Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee60108-109A
1988House Finch in Northwest Minnesota60131N
1988House Finches in Mankato60185N
1988House Finches in Albert Lea60186N
1989Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee6110-13A
1989Minnesota's First House Finch Nest6193N
1989Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee61121-123A
1989House Finches in Lac Qui Parle County61144-145NP
1989First House Finch Record in Duluth61151N
1989House Finch Nesting in Rice County61207NP
1991An Unusual Nesting63274NP
1992The House Finch in Minnesota6479-81A
1996Moving day for the House Finches68177-178N
2006Apparent Two-headed House Finch in Washington County78233NP
Purple Finch (Haemorhous purpureus)Vol.PageKey
1941Purple Finch Nesting Near St. Cloud1334N
Cassin's Finch (Haemorhous cassinii)Vol.PageKey
1988Minnesota's First Cassin's Finch603-5A
1988Cassin's Finch: The Documentation and Research606-9AP
1989Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee6110-13A
1992Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee6415-18A
Common Redpoll (Acanthis flammea)Vol.PageKey
1955Common Redpoll in Otter Tail County2741N
1957Not All Red Birds are Robins2938N
1960Winter Roosting of Common Redpolls32124-125N
1970Greater Redpoll Specimen4277N
1970Banding Redpolls and Siskins at Fargo, North Dakota4294A
1981Notes on Winter Redpoll Movements53229-230N
1990Food Consumption of Common Redpolls62166-167NP
Hoary Redpoll (Acanthis hornemanni)Vol.PageKey
1967Hoary Redpoll Observations3960-61N
1967Hoary Redpoll Identification39102N
1981Notes on Winter Redpoll Movements53229-230N
1982May Record of a Hoary Redpoll54191N
[Hoary Redpoll (exilipes)] (Acanthis h. exilipes)Vol.PageKey
[Hoary Redpoll (hornemanni)] (Acanthis h. hornemanni)Vol.PageKey
Red Crossbill (Loxia curvirostra)Vol.PageKey
1949Red Crossbills in Duluth2121-22N
1952Red Crossbills at Morris2434-35NP
1957Not All Red Birds are Robins2938N
1958Crossbills and Pine Siskins at Itasca Park30116N
1959Comments on Winter Invasions of Birds3135-39A
1964Red Crossbills at Fargo-Moorhead36140N
1967Red Crossbill Nesting at Moorhead39106-107N
1970Curious Crossbill-Siskin Behavior4237N
1970Nesting Red Crossbills, Washington County42144N
1970Crossbills and Siskins in Chisago County42144N
1971Pine Siskins and Red Crossbills Nesting Outside Usual Range in 19704327N
1988The Red Crossbill Invasion of 198860177-178N
White-winged Crossbill (Loxia leucoptera)Vol.PageKey
1941Juvenile White-winged Crossbill in St. Louis County, Minnesota1331N
1955White-winged Crossbill in Itasca Park2742N
1958Crossbills and Pine Siskins at Itasca Park30116N
1969White-winged Crossbills in Watonwan County41128-129N
1970Crossbills and Siskins in Chisago County42144N
1972Feeding Behavior of a White-winged Crossbill4492-93NP
1975Summer Sightings of White-winged Crossbill and Bonaparte's Gull in Southern Minnesota47139-140N
1990A Major Invasion of White-winged Crossbills, 1989-19906269-71A
1996White-winged Crossbill nest in Rice County6886-89AP
Pine Siskin (Spinus pinus)Vol.PageKey
1949Notes from Duluth2119N
1958Crossbills and Pine Siskins at Itasca Park30116N
1959Early and Late Arrivals3160-61N
1961A Minnesota Pine Siskins Nest3355-56NP
1961Pine Siskins Common and Breeding in the Duluth Area3390N
1966Pine Siskin Nest38109-109N
1968Pine Siskin Nest4060N
1970Curious Crossbill-Siskin Behavior4237N
1970Young Pine Siskins4275-76N
1970Banding Redpolls and Siskins at Fargo, North Dakota4294A
1970Crossbills and Siskins in Chisago County42144N
1970Pine Siskins Probably Nesting, Hennepin County42145N
1971Pine Siskins and Red Crossbills Nesting Outside Usual Range, 19704327N
1973Nesting Pine Siskins4596-97N
1982Banded Pine Siskins54251N
1984First Confirmed Nesting of Pine Siskins in Southeastern Minnesota56197-198N
1985Siskins Again Nest at Winona57141N
1992Pine Siskin Travels 1300 Miles6463N
Lesser Goldfinch (Spinus psaltria)Vol.PageKey
American Goldfinch (Spinus tristis)Vol.PageKey
1943Nesting of the Thistle Bird1536-37N
1943The Goldfinch Likes Chard1538N
1943Observations on Goldfinches1552N
1944Notes on Goldfinch Nesting, 19441683-84N
1948Goldfinches in St. Paul2047-51A
1952Thistle-Nesting Goldfinches24104-110AP
1952Goldfinches Choose Odd Nesting Sites24159N
1955Cowbird Parasitizing Goldfinch27131N


Each entry to the index is preceded with a code, which denotes one of the following:
-- the reference is a major or minor article
-- the reference is a major or minor article and is accompanied by a photograph
-- the reference is a Note of Interest
-- the reference is a Note of Interest and is accompanied by a photograph
Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Click on the volume number to see The Loon reference pages.

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