MOURC Proceedings Archive - Old World Sparrows Accepted
This is the 1981 to present Records Committee Proceedings archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Boobies and Gannets
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Flycatchers
Old World Sparrows
Longspurs and Snow Buntings
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Old World Sparrows
Eurasian Tree Sparrow

Eurasian Tree Sparrow (C) (Passer montanus)Start Date 0000-00-00
62:175-1771990indexA Eurasian Tree Sparrow in Minnesota
63:411990-06-19WoodburyWashington(vote 1-9) all ten members vote on potential first state records) . The sketchy and incomplete description was thought to be inadequate for a first state record and did not preclude the possibility of juvenile House Sparrow. The fact that two individuals were reported also made the record less credible. Not Accepted
163:411990-06-201990-06-27EaganDakota(vote 10-0 all ten members vote on potential first state records; The Loon 62:175-177). Accepted
1990-06-201990-07-06Dakota6/20-7/6 Dakota (first summer record)
First state record; one bird at a feeder in Eagan, Dakota Co., 6/27-7/6 (The Loon 62:175-177).
65:1461993-04-04Coon Rapids Dam ParkAnoka(vote 0-7). The brief description included no mention of a black smudge on the ear coverts, and it was felt this record of such Fall1993 an unusual species could not be acceptable without this key field mark. Not Accepted
270:1561998-06-061998-07-15near RollagClay(photo record #98-61, vote 7–0). Accepted
1998-06-061998-07-10Clay6/6-7/2, 7/7, 10 Clay (first state record) (first county record)
Second state record. Single bird first identified on 6/6 and observed through 7/2 at a feeder near Rollag in Clay PaS, mob.
372:401999-05-201999-06-06Parke Twp.Clay(record #99–46, vote 7–0). Accepted
1999-05-311999-06-06Clay5/31-6/6 Clay (second state record) (second county record)
473:352000-06-112000-08-15Parke Twp.Clay(record #2000-57, vote 7–0, The Loon 72:133– 134). Accepted
2000-06-112000-09-01Clay6/11-9/1 Clay (third state record) (third county record)
Presumably the same bird was seen for the third consecutive year at a feeder in Parke Twp., Clay Co. (6/11 through August; †PHS, mob). Of interest was the presence of a second bird, possibly a hybrid with the House Sparrow. Please see The Loon 72:133–134 and 135–138 for a review of this and other extralimital records.
2005-04-112005-04-16Cook4/11, 16 Cook (fourth state record) (first county record)
Fifth state record 4/16 Cook (Schroeder) ph. †CJT.
578:402005-04-16SchroederCook(record #2005-044, vote 7–0). Photographed at a feeder during its brief stay. Fifth state record, three of which pertain to what was probably the same individual for three consecutive years. Accepted
679:1232006-12-152007-01-15Fergus FallsOtter Tail(record #2007-006, vote 7–0). Identifiably photographed during one of its sporadic visits to a backyard feeder. Sixth state record. Accepted
2006-12-152007-01-31Otter Tail12/15-1/31 Otter Tail (fifth state record) (first county record)
Sixth state record was a sporadic visitor to a feeder 12/15–1/31 Otter Tail †SPM, ph. †DTT, SMT.
779:1232007-04-15VirginiaSt. Louis(record #2007016, vote 7–0). Seventh state record. Photographed. Accepted
2010-11-202010-11-28Kandiyohi11/20-28 Kandiyohi (sixth state record) (first county record)
New county record: 11/20–28 Kandiyohi RAE, †HHD, ph. DAC, m.ob.
883:992010-11-222010-11-28AtwaterKandiyohi(record #2010047, vote 7–0, photographed). The following records from 2011 were voted on by e-mail and were Accepted: Accepted
985:992013-05-26CorcoranHennepin(record #2013-042, vote 7–0). Adult, photographed. Ninth state record and first county record. Accepted
2013-05-26Hennepin5/26 Hennepin (seventh state record) (first county record)
Ninth state record 5/26 Hennepin (Corcoran) ph. †ABL.
1086:1072014-04-152014-04-22University of Minnesota Crookston-CampusPolk(record #2014-002, Casual, vote 7–0). Adult, photographed. Tenth state and first county record. Accepted
2014-04-152014-04-22Polk4/15-22 Polk (eighth state record) (first county record)
Tenth state record 4/15–22 Polk (University of Minnesota, Crookston campus) ph. VLa, ph. †SAu, ph. CBh, †JMJ, ph. †RTe, m.ob.
1186:1072014-06-072014-06-10Florida Creek, 140th Street and 250th AvenueYellow Medicine(record #2014-028, Casual, vote 7–0). Adult, photographed. Eleventh state and first county record. The following records were voted on and were Not Accepted. (Please note that a record which is only means that the documentation was not complete or convincing enough to include the sighting in The Loon, the journal of the MOU, or in the MOU's archives of confirmed bird records. Such a vote does not necessarily mean the observer misidentified the bird or did not see it. Summaries of the reasons why a record was are included here. These are in no way intended to be critical of the observer. The only purpose is to highlight the difficulties an observer may encounter while identifying or documenting these and similar species.): Accepted
2014-06-072014-06-10Yellow Medicine6/7, 8, 9, 10 Yellow Medicine (ninth state record) (first county record)
Seen 6/7–10 Yellow Medicine (140th St. just north of 250th Ave.) †DWK, ph. SBM, m.ob.
1287:42014-12-272015-03-15Orr Avenue & 197th Street East, Rave TownshipDakota(record #2014-056, vote 7–0). Adult, photographed. Twelfth state record and second winter record. The fact that there were three separate, documented records for this species in widely divergent locations in 2014 may indicate a range expansion into Minnesota. The following records were voted on and were Not Accepted. (Please note that a record which is only means that the documentation was not complete or convincing enough to include the sighting in The Loon, the journal of the MOU, or in the MOU's archives of confirmed bird records. Such a vote does not necessarily mean the observer misidentified the bird or did not see it. Summaries of the reasons why a record was are included here. These are in no way intended to be critical of the observer. The only purpose is to highlight the difficulties an observer may encounter while identifying or documenting these and similar species.) Accepted
2014-12-272015-02-13Dakota12/27-31, 1/1-2/13 Dakota (second winter record)
The second winter record of this species frequented a feeding station in Dakota (Ravenna Twp.) 12/27–2/13 (but also see Spring 2015 report) †ADS, †TAT, †RMD, ph. †PEB, †LS, ph. RTe, ph. ANy. Photographic documentation also submitted to eBird by five others.
1388:912016-04-082016-04-13East Grand ForksPolk(record #2016-006, vote 7–0). Accepted
2016-04-082016-04-13Polk4/8-13 Polk (tenth state record) (second county record)
Reported from two counties in a season for the first time; the fourth consecutive year this species has been reported. One north report 4/8–13 Polk (feeder, East Grand Forks) ph. †SAu, ph. MSp, HHD, RAE, represents the second county record. One south report of two birds frequenting a feeder in Eagan 4/18–19 Dakota (third county record) ph. †KvM, m.ob.
1488:912016-04-182016-04-19EaganDakota(record #2016-008, vote 7–0). Two birds, photographed together. Accepted
1589:872016-11-212017-05-15various locations in Two HarborsLake(record #2016-045, vote 7–0). Photographed. First county record. Accepted
2016-11-212016-11-30Lake11/21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30 Lake (eleventh state record) (first county record)
New county record for Lake frequented feeders in and near downtown Two Harbors from 11/21 through the end of the season ph. JWL, †BMu, ph. †PHS, ph. JPR, plus photographs from six additional observers via eBird.
2016-12-012017-02-21Lake12/1-31, 1/4-2/21 Lake (twelfth state record) (second county record)
Third winter record of this species: 12/1–2/21 Lake (Two Harbors) ph. JPR, ph. PHS, m.ob. (continuing bird first found 11/21 by JWL, The Loon 89:143).
89:872016-12-19University of Minnesota East BankHennepin(record #2016-047, initial vote 4–3, recirculated vote 1–6). The observer viewed the bird without the aid of optics. Having no experience with the species, the observer claims the ability to discern the call note of the species among the throng of House Sparrows also present at the location. Not Accepted
2017-04-022017-05-05Lake4/2, 5, 4/7-0, 7, 19, 22, 5/5 Lake (thirteenth state record) (third county record)
Overwintering individual in downtown Two Harbors reappeared 4/2 after a long absence and continued through 5/5 Lake ph. JWL, ph. LAt, LEv, RBJ, EEO. This represents the fifth consecutive spring this species has been recorded in Minnesota.
90:832018-05-032018-05-04Minnesota Avenue and 37th Street, Park Point DuluthSt. Louis(record #2018-009, vote 7–0). Adult, photographed. Not Accepted
90:832018-05-082018-08-21First Street and Fourth Avenue East and the 300 block of East First Street, DuluSt. Louis(record #2018-010, vote 7–0). Adult, photographed. Not Accepted
90:832018-05-09private residence, Maple GroveHennepin(record #2018-015, vote 7–0). Adult, photographed. Not Accepted
2018-05-09Hennepin5/9 Hennepin (fourteenth state record) (second county record)
One south report 5/9 Hennepin at a feeder in Maple Grove ph. †NVe represents the second county record. Two north reports, possibly of the same individual, 5/3–4 St. Louis (Park Point, 37th Street) ph. †BEA, JLK, JPR, 5/8–31+ St. Louis (Essentia Health campus and vicinity) JWL, †KRE, ph. a.t. †PHS, m.ob.; these were the second and third records for St. Louis County.
2018-06-012018-07-31St. Louis6/1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 7/1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 St. Louis (first summer record)
Seen 6/1–7/31+ St. Louis (male, Essentia Health Wellness Garden and vicinity, Duluth, continuing from spring season) ph.† PHS, ph. † KEm, ph. † JWd, ph. † RZi, m.ob. First state breeding record 8/10 St. Louis (adult feeding juvenile, possibly a hybrid) ph. † PHS.
2018-08-012018-08-21St. Louis8/1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 St. Louis (second fall record)
 Two individuals, both in the Northeast: 8/1–21 St. Louis (Essentia Health Wellness Garden, Duluth) † PHS, † EzH, m.ob. continued from the summer; 9/22–23 Lake (Lakeview Cemetery, Two Harbors) ph. † JWL, † KRE, m.ob. The latter report is the second record for Lake County.
1691:32018-09-222018-09-23end of gravel drive to the east of the cemetery building, Two HarborsLake(record #2018-041, vote 7–0). Adult, photographed. Accepted
2018-09-222018-09-23Lake9/22, 23 Lake (fourth fall record)
 Two individuals, both in the Northeast: 8/1–21 St. Louis (Essentia Health Wellness Garden, Duluth) † PHS, † EzH, m.ob. continued from the summer; 9/22–23 Lake (Lakeview Cemetery, Two Harbors) ph. † JWL, † KRE, m.ob. The latter report is the second record for Lake County.
1791:892019-01-182019-01-25private residence in DasselMeeker(record #2019-002, vote 7–0). Adult, photographed. First county record. Accepted
2019-01-182019-01-25Meeker1/18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25 Meeker (first county record)
First winter reports since 2016:1/18–1/25 Meeker ph. † BNn, m.ob., 2/21 Lake of the Woods ph. SnL.
1891:892019-02-21Baudette TownshipLake of the Woods(record #2019-005, vote 7–0). Adult, photographed. First county record. Accepted
2019-02-21Lake of the Woods2/21 Lake of the Woods (fifteenth state record) (first county record)
First winter reports since 2016:1/18–1/25 Meeker ph. † BNn, m.ob., 2/21 Lake of the Woods ph. SnL.
1991:892019-04-112019-04-14private residenceDakota(record #2019-006, both birds accepted, 7–0). Two adults photographed together at a feeder. This species had occurred previously at this same residence in 2014 and lingered into 2015 (The Loon 87:7). Accepted
2091:892019-05-04Cascade MeadowsOlmsted(record #2019012, vote 7–0). Adult. First county record. Accepted
2019-05-04Olmsted5/4 Olmsted (first county record)
All south reports 4/11–14 Dakota (2) ph. JRd, 5/4 Olmsted (Cascade Meadows) † JJS. All north 5/5 St. Louis (Park Point R.A.) ph. StK, 5/21–23 Lake (3, Silver Bay) ph. ABm, JIB.
2192:32019-05-212019-05-23Secret CoveLake(record #2019-043, vote 7–0). Three birds photographed — all three birds accepted. Accepted
2019-05-212019-05-23Lake5/21, 22, 23 Lake (fifth county record)
All south reports 4/11–14 Dakota (2) ph. JRd, 5/4 Olmsted (Cascade Meadows) † JJS. All north 5/5 St. Louis (Park Point R.A.) ph. StK, 5/21–23 Lake (3, Silver Bay) ph. ABm, JIB.
2292:922019-11-112020-04-15private residence, Ravenna TownshipDakota(record #2019-064, vote 7–0). Adult, photographed. This individual was first observed at a Ravenna Township residence 11 November and remained through the winter. This feeding station also hosted a Eurasian Tree Sparrow in the winter of 2014–2015 (The Loon 87:7). New records of this invasive species are rapidly accruing throughout many regions of the state with a current concentration in Dakota County where it was first discovered in the state (The Loon 87:7-177) in 1990. Accepted
2019-11-11Dakota11/11 Dakota (third fall record)
One report 11/11–30+ Dakota ph. fide ADS. This individual was first observed at a Ravenna Township residence 11/11 and remained through the winter. This feeding station also hosted a Eurasian Tree Sparrow in the winter of 2014–2015.
2392:32019-12-142019-12-31private residence, Silver LakeMcLeod(record #2019-060, vote 7–0). Adult, photographed. First county record. Accepted
2019-12-142019-12-31McLeod12/14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 31 McLeod (first county record)
 For second winter in a row, two reports of single birds: one found in mid-November overwintered in Dakota (Ravenna Twp.) AJF, † EzH, ph. JWZ, m.ob.; another 12/14–12/31 McLeod (Silver Lake) ph. † PRH, m.ob.
2019-12-282020-02-12Dakota12/28, 30, 31, 1/1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 11, 13, 14, 20, 21, 26, 2/3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, 12 Dakota (fourth county record)
 For second winter in a row, two reports of single birds: one found in mid-November overwintered in Dakota (Ravenna Twp.) AJF, † EzH, ph. JWZ, m.ob.; another 12/14–12/31 McLeod (Silver Lake) ph. † PRH, m.ob.
2492:922020-04-08Fillmore County (record #2020-005Fillmore(record #2020-005, vote 7–0). Two adults both photographed. First county record. Accepted
2020-04-08Fillmore4/8 Fillmore (first county record)
All south reports, 3/1 – 4/5 Dakota (continuing at a feeder in Ravenna Twp. since prior fall; final date is approximate) JRd, IVa, AJF, GUn, DGu; first county record 4/8 Fillmore ph. ToM; 4/18 Dakota (2, Burnsville) ph. DEn. One north 5/29–31+ Lake (Two Harbors) SLL, JWL, ph. LBa, JBu.
2592:922020-04-18private residence, BurnsvilleDakota(record #2020-010, vote 7–0). Two adults, both photographed. Accepted
2692:922020-05-292020-06-04Lake County (record #2020-027Lake(record #2020-027, vote 7–0). Adult, photographed. Accepted
2020-05-292020-05-31Lake5/29, 30, 31 Lake
All south reports, 3/1 – 4/5 Dakota (continuing at a feeder in Ravenna Twp. since prior fall; final date is approximate) JRd, IVa, AJF, GUn, DGu; first county record 4/8 Fillmore ph. ToM; 4/18 Dakota (2, Burnsville) ph. DEn. One north 5/29–31+ Lake (Two Harbors) SLL, JWL, ph. LBa, JBu.
2020-06-012020-06-17Lake6/1, 2, 3, 4, 17 Lake
 Continuing from spring 6/1–4, 6/17 Lake (Two Harbors) ph. JtE, CLR, KWR, JWL, SLL, ASu, DFe, ebd.
2793:472020-10-052021-04-15WindomCottonwood(record #2020-062, vote 7–0). Adult, photographed. First county record. Accepted
2020-10-052020-11-30Cottonwood10/5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, 11/6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 18, 20, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 Cottonwood (first fall record)
New county record 10/5 through the end of the season Cottonwood (Windom) †KEM, m.ob. Other south reports 11/13–21+ Dakota †KDS, CTS, 11/22 McLeod (Silver Lake, likely the same bird from the previous winter) †ph. JWZ.
2893:472020-11-132021-03-15private residenceDakota(record #2020-074, vote 7–0). Adult, photographed. Accepted
2020-11-132020-11-21Dakota11/13, 14, 21 Dakota (fifth county record)
New county record 10/5 through the end of the season Cottonwood (Windom) †KEM, m.ob. Other south reports 11/13–21+ Dakota †KDS, CTS, 11/22 McLeod (Silver Lake, likely the same bird from the previous winter) †ph. JWZ.
2020-11-22McLeod11/22 McLeod (second county record)
New county record 10/5 through the end of the season Cottonwood (Windom) †KEM, m.ob. Other south reports 11/13–21+ Dakota †KDS, CTS, 11/22 McLeod (Silver Lake, likely the same bird from the previous winter) †ph. JWZ.
2020-12-012021-01-02Cottonwood12/1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 28, 29, 30, 31, 1/1, 2 Cottonwood (second winter record)
 Observed in a season-high three south counties at four locations. One found in early October lingered until 1/2 Cottonwood KEm. Additional reports: 12/12, 2/21–28 Dakota (Marshan Twp.) KDS, 1/2–4 Dakota (Hampton feed lot) †DBz, m.ob., 1/18 – 2/17 McLeod (Silver Lake) FFa, m.ob.
2020-12-122021-02-28Dakota12/12, 1/2, 3, 4, 2/21, 23, 25, 26, 28 Dakota
 Observed in a season-high three south counties at four locations. One found in early October lingered until 1/2 Cottonwood KEm. Additional reports: 12/12, 2/21–28 Dakota (Marshan Twp.) KDS, 1/2–4 Dakota (Hampton feed lot) †DBz, m.ob., 1/18 – 2/17 McLeod (Silver Lake) FFa, m.ob.
2993:32021-01-022021-01-04 HamptonDakota (record #2021-002, vote 7–0). Adult.

3094:32021-01-072021-01-20 rural HartlandFreeborn (record #2021-097, vote 7–0). Adult, photographed. First county record.

2021-01-072021-01-20Freeborn1/7, 20 Freeborn (first county record)
 Observed in a season-high three south counties at four locations. One found in early October lingered until 1/2 Cottonwood KEm. Additional reports: 12/12, 2/21–28 Dakota (Marshan Twp.) KDS, 1/2–4 Dakota (Hampton feed lot) †DBz, m.ob., 1/18 – 2/17 McLeod (Silver Lake) FFa, m.ob.
2021-01-182021-02-17McLeod1/18, 19, 24, 28, 30, 31, 2/7, 17 McLeod (third county record)
 Observed in a season-high three south counties at four locations. One found in early October lingered until 1/2 Cottonwood KEm. Additional reports: 12/12, 2/21–28 Dakota (Marshan Twp.) KDS, 1/2–4 Dakota (Hampton feed lot) †DBz, m.ob., 1/18 – 2/17 McLeod (Silver Lake) FFa, m.ob.
3193:32021-04-20 LeonardClearwater (record #2021-012, vote 7–0). Adult, photographed. First county record.

2021-04-20Clearwater4/20 Clearwater (first county record)
This species continues to increase in the state. All south 3/1–16 Dakota (continuing from winter at a rural Hastings residence) ph. †NMe, KDS, m.ob., 4/27, 4/28 Cottonwood (2, continuing at Windom residence, 2 only present on 4/27) ph. †KEm, SC, MiO, 5/2 Hennepin (Minneapolis) ph. †DvN. All north 4/20 Clearwater (Leonard) ph. SSv.
3293:32021-04-272021-04-28 WindomCottonwood (record #2021-014, vote 7–0). Two adults, photographed. 

2021-04-272021-04-28Cottonwood4/27, 28 Cottonwood (third county record)
This species continues to increase in the state. All south 3/1–16 Dakota (continuing from winter at a rural Hastings residence) ph. †NMe, KDS, m.ob., 4/27, 4/28 Cottonwood (2, continuing at Windom residence, 2 only present on 4/27) ph. †KEm, SC, MiO, 5/2 Hennepin (Minneapolis) ph. †DvN. All north 4/20 Clearwater (Leonard) ph. SSv.
3393:32021-05-02 private residence MinneapolisHennepin (record #2021-020, vote 7–0). Adult, photographed.

2021-05-02Hennepin5/2 Hennepin (third county record)
This species continues to increase in the state. All south 3/1–16 Dakota (continuing from winter at a rural Hastings residence) ph. †NMe, KDS, m.ob., 4/27, 4/28 Cottonwood (2, continuing at Windom residence, 2 only present on 4/27) ph. †KEm, SC, MiO, 5/2 Hennepin (Minneapolis) ph. †DvN. All north 4/20 Clearwater (Leonard) ph. SSv.
2021-10-132021-11-14Meeker10/13, 28, 30, 11/2, 6, 7, 14 Meeker (second county record)
New fall record: 10/13 – 11/14 Meeker (near Dassel) ph. †PKF, ph. †TBu, ph. †KEm, m.ob.
3494:1152021-12-20 Bluestem PrairieClay (record #2022-099, vote 6–1). Adult, photographed. Accepted
2021-12-20Clay12/20 Clay (fourth winter record)
 Four reports of this species that has been observed in four consecutive winters, but only five of the past 20 winters. All reports: 12/20 Clay ph. BWn, 12/28 – 1/4 Renville (rural north of Morton) ph. SCH, GWe, 1/20 Dakota ph. JRd, 1/18 – 2/20 Meeker (Dassel) ph. PKF, m.ob.
2021-12-282022-01-04Renville12/28, 1/1, 3, 4 Renville (first county record)
 Four reports of this species that has been observed in four consecutive winters, but only five of the past 20 winters. All reports: 12/20 Clay ph. BWn, 12/28 – 1/4 Renville (rural north of Morton) ph. SCH, GWe, 1/20 Dakota ph. JRd, 1/18 – 2/20 Meeker (Dassel) ph. PKF, m.ob.
3594:32022-01-032022-01-04 private residence along Township Road 197 about one mile south of county road 1Renville (record #2022-070, vote 7–0). Adult, photographed. First county record.

2022-01-182022-02-20Meeker1/18, 22, 23, 24, 29, 30, 2/1, 2, 5, 10, 17, 20 Meeker (third county record)
 Four reports of this species that has been observed in four consecutive winters, but only five of the past 20 winters. All reports: 12/20 Clay ph. BWn, 12/28 – 1/4 Renville (rural north of Morton) ph. SCH, GWe, 1/20 Dakota ph. JRd, 1/18 – 2/20 Meeker (Dassel) ph. PKF, m.ob.
3694:32022-01-202022-05-25 private residence, Ravenna TownshipDakota (record #2022-064, vote 7–0). Adult, photographed. The last date seen is approximate.

2022-01-20Dakota1/20 Dakota
 Four reports of this species that has been observed in four consecutive winters, but only five of the past 20 winters. All reports: 12/20 Clay ph. BWn, 12/28 – 1/4 Renville (rural north of Morton) ph. SCH, GWe, 1/20 Dakota ph. JRd, 1/18 – 2/20 Meeker (Dassel) ph. PKF, m.ob.
2022-03-042022-03-05Meeker3/4-5 Meeker (fourth county record)
All south 3/4–5 Meeker (Dassel, continuing) ph. †PKF, TWe, 3/21 Fillmore (5, Holt Twp.) †DBz, ph. ANy, 3/30–31 Mower (Austin) ph. †RNS, 4/14–16 Olmsted (Rochester) †RRi, 4/19 – 5/13 Rice (2, Sakatah Lake Narrows) WPS, †BAb, ph. †LHl, ph. †KEm, ph. †AXH, ph. LiH, 4/25–28 Fillmore (3, Rushford) ph. †ToM, JWH, 5/9 Freeborn (Bath Twp.) ph. †LPy, 5/12 Rice (Faribault) ph. TGa. All north 4/15–23 St. Louis (Tower) ph. SGW, 5/11–15 St. Louis (2, Park Point) SWo, ph. †PHS, m.ob.
3794:32022-03-21 Deep River Road near the intersection of Root River State Trail, Holt TownshipFillmore (record #2022-003, vote 7–0). Five adults, photographed.

2022-03-212022-04-28Fillmore3/21, 4/25-28 Fillmore (second county record)
All south 3/4–5 Meeker (Dassel, continuing) ph. †PKF, TWe, 3/21 Fillmore (5, Holt Twp.) †DBz, ph. ANy, 3/30–31 Mower (Austin) ph. †RNS, 4/14–16 Olmsted (Rochester) †RRi, 4/19 – 5/13 Rice (2, Sakatah Lake Narrows) WPS, †BAb, ph. †LHl, ph. †KEm, ph. †AXH, ph. LiH, 4/25–28 Fillmore (3, Rushford) ph. †ToM, JWH, 5/9 Freeborn (Bath Twp.) ph. †LPy, 5/12 Rice (Faribault) ph. TGa. All north 4/15–23 St. Louis (Tower) ph. SGW, 5/11–15 St. Louis (2, Park Point) SWo, ph. †PHS, m.ob.
3894:32022-03-302022-03-31 private residence, 29th Street Southwest, AustinMower (record #2022-004, vote 7–0). Adult, photographed. First county record.

2022-03-302022-03-31Mower3/30-31 Mower (first county record)
All south 3/4–5 Meeker (Dassel, continuing) ph. †PKF, TWe, 3/21 Fillmore (5, Holt Twp.) †DBz, ph. ANy, 3/30–31 Mower (Austin) ph. †RNS, 4/14–16 Olmsted (Rochester) †RRi, 4/19 – 5/13 Rice (2, Sakatah Lake Narrows) WPS, †BAb, ph. †LHl, ph. †KEm, ph. †AXH, ph. LiH, 4/25–28 Fillmore (3, Rushford) ph. †ToM, JWH, 5/9 Freeborn (Bath Twp.) ph. †LPy, 5/12 Rice (Faribault) ph. TGa. All north 4/15–23 St. Louis (Tower) ph. SGW, 5/11–15 St. Louis (2, Park Point) SWo, ph. †PHS, m.ob.
2022-04-142022-04-16Olmsted4/14-16 Olmsted (second county record)
All south 3/4–5 Meeker (Dassel, continuing) ph. †PKF, TWe, 3/21 Fillmore (5, Holt Twp.) †DBz, ph. ANy, 3/30–31 Mower (Austin) ph. †RNS, 4/14–16 Olmsted (Rochester) †RRi, 4/19 – 5/13 Rice (2, Sakatah Lake Narrows) WPS, †BAb, ph. †LHl, ph. †KEm, ph. †AXH, ph. LiH, 4/25–28 Fillmore (3, Rushford) ph. †ToM, JWH, 5/9 Freeborn (Bath Twp.) ph. †LPy, 5/12 Rice (Faribault) ph. TGa. All north 4/15–23 St. Louis (Tower) ph. SGW, 5/11–15 St. Louis (2, Park Point) SWo, ph. †PHS, m.ob.
2022-04-142022-05-13Rice4/14, 19, 21, 24, 4/28-30, 5/2, 5/5-8, 5/11-13 Rice (first county record)
All south 3/4–5 Meeker (Dassel, continuing) ph. †PKF, TWe, 3/21 Fillmore (5, Holt Twp.) †DBz, ph. ANy, 3/30–31 Mower (Austin) ph. †RNS, 4/14–16 Olmsted (Rochester) †RRi, 4/19 – 5/13 Rice (2, Sakatah Lake Narrows) WPS, †BAb, ph. †LHl, ph. †KEm, ph. †AXH, ph. LiH, 4/25–28 Fillmore (3, Rushford) ph. †ToM, JWH, 5/9 Freeborn (Bath Twp.) ph. †LPy, 5/12 Rice (Faribault) ph. TGa. All north 4/15–23 St. Louis (Tower) ph. SGW, 5/11–15 St. Louis (2, Park Point) SWo, ph. †PHS, m.ob.
3994:1152022-04-152022-04-23 TowerSt. Louis (record #2022-083, vote 7–0). Two birds were reported from this location, but the second bird was not documented so MOURC did not vote whether to accept a second bird. Accepted
4094:32022-04-192022-05-13 Sakatah State Park bridge at The NarrowsRice (record #2022-006, vote 7–0). Two adults, photographed. First county record.

4194:32022-04-252022-04-28 private residence, RushfordFillmore (record #2022-010, vote 7–0). Three adults, photographed.

4294:32022-05-09 private residence, Bath TownshipFreeborn (record #2022-053, vote 7–0). Adult, photographed.

2022-05-09Freeborn5/9 Freeborn (second county record)
All south 3/4–5 Meeker (Dassel, continuing) ph. †PKF, TWe, 3/21 Fillmore (5, Holt Twp.) †DBz, ph. ANy, 3/30–31 Mower (Austin) ph. †RNS, 4/14–16 Olmsted (Rochester) †RRi, 4/19 – 5/13 Rice (2, Sakatah Lake Narrows) WPS, †BAb, ph. †LHl, ph. †KEm, ph. †AXH, ph. LiH, 4/25–28 Fillmore (3, Rushford) ph. †ToM, JWH, 5/9 Freeborn (Bath Twp.) ph. †LPy, 5/12 Rice (Faribault) ph. TGa. All north 4/15–23 St. Louis (Tower) ph. SGW, 5/11–15 St. Louis (2, Park Point) SWo, ph. †PHS, m.ob.
4394:1152022-05-112022-06-05 Park Point near 42nd Street, DuluthSt. Louis (record #2022-032, vote 7–0). Adult, photographed. Two birds were reported from this location, but the second bird was not documented so MOURC voted to accept only one bird (vote 3–4). Accepted
4494:32022-05-12 FaribaultRice (record #2022-054, vote 7–0). Two adults, photographed.

2022-06-05St. Louis6/5 St. Louis (third summer record)
Reported 6/5 St. Louis (Park Point R.A.) ALw.
2022-08-292022-11-26Meeker8/29, 9/4, 11/19, 20, 26 Meeker (fifth county record)
All north 11/24 Polk (East Grand Forks) ph. †SAu. All south 8/29 – 11/26 Meeker (continuing birds in Dassel area yard) †AXH, m.ob.; new county record 10/13 Goodhue (Minneola Twp.) ph. †JlF.
4594:1152022-10-132022-11-15Goodhue (record #2022-088, vote 7–0). Adult, photographed. First county record. Accepted
2022-10-13Goodhue10/13 Goodhue (first county record)
All north 11/24 Polk (East Grand Forks) ph. †SAu. All south 8/29 – 11/26 Meeker (continuing birds in Dassel area yard) †AXH, m.ob.; new county record 10/13 Goodhue (Minneola Twp.) ph. †JlF.
4694:1152022-11-24Polk (record #2022-095, vote 7–0). Adult, photographed. Accepted
2022-11-24Polk11/24 Polk (third county record)
All north 11/24 Polk (East Grand Forks) ph. †SAu. All south 8/29 – 11/26 Meeker (continuing birds in Dassel area yard) †AXH, m.ob.; new county record 10/13 Goodhue (Minneola Twp.) ph. †JlF.
2022-12-032023-02-14Goodhue12/3, 4, 10, 18, 1/8, 2/14 Goodhue (second county record)
Three reports of this species that has been observed in five consecutive winters, but only once in ten preceding years. All reports: 12/3 – 2/4 Goodhue JlF, ph. †KEm, m.ob., 12/31 Dakota †KDS, 1/1 – 2/18 Meeker (Dassel Twp.) PRH, m.ob.
4795:32022-12-31 northeast quadrant county road 89 and Hogan AvenueDakota (record #2022-102, vote 5–2). Adult.

2022-12-31Dakota12/31 Dakota
Three reports of this species that has been observed in five consecutive winters, but only once in ten preceding years. All reports: 12/3 – 2/4 Goodhue JlF, ph. †KEm, m.ob., 12/31 Dakota †KDS, 1/1 – 2/18 Meeker (Dassel Twp.) PRH, m.ob.
2023-01-012023-02-18Meeker1/1, 8, 2/8, 12, 17, 18 Meeker
Three reports of this species that has been observed in five consecutive winters, but only once in ten preceding years. All reports: 12/3 – 2/4 Goodhue JlF, ph. †KEm, m.ob., 12/31 Dakota †KDS, 1/1 – 2/18 Meeker (Dassel Twp.) PRH, m.ob.
2023-03-032023-03-19Meeker3/3, 19 Meeker
2023-03-132023-04-01Goodhue3/13, 15, 4/1 Goodhue (third county record)
4895:32023-03-30 unspecified locationWabasha (record #2023-004, vote 7–0). Three adults, photographed. First county record.

2023-03-302023-04-23Wabasha3/30, 4/17, 20, 23 Wabasha (first county record)
2023-04-09Lake4/9 Lake
4993:1152023-04-112023-05-15 Park PointSt. Louis (record #2023-123, vote 7–0). Three adults, photographed and video recorded.

5095:1152023-04-112023-05-15 Park PointSt. Louis (record #2023-123, vote 7–0). Three adults, photographed and video recorded.

5195:32023-04-13 northeast corner of the intersection of Wilkin Avenue and Maple Street, BreckenWilkin (record #2023-007, vote 7–0). Adult, photographed. First county record.

2023-04-13Wilkin4/13 Wilkin (first county record)
5295:32023-04-172023-04-23 private residence, near the southeast quadrant of the intersection of 670th StrWabasha (record #2023-010, vote 7–0). Three adults reported, but only one photographed and Accepted.

5395:32023-04-27 RochesterOlmsted (record #2023-022, vote 7–0). Two adults, photographed.

2023-04-27Olmsted4/27 Olmsted (third county record)
5495:32023-04-29 private residence, Tindolph Avenue North, Thief River FallsPennington (record #2023-027, vote 6–1). Adult, photographed. First county record.

2023-04-29Pennington4/29 Pennington (first county record)
5595:32023-04-30 private residence, East Madison Street, ElySt. Louis (record #2023-029, vote 7–0). Adult, photographed.

5693:1152023-07-292023-08-19 about 0.6 miles east of Sumner Center Methodist Church on county road 102Fillmore (record #2023-091, vote 7–0). Three adults, photographed.

5795:1152023-07-292023-08-19 about 0.6 miles east of Sumner Center Methodist Church on county road 102Fillmore (record #2023-091, vote 7–0). Three adults, photographed.

5893:1152023-11-202023-11-21 Cottage GroveWashington (record #2023-124, vote 7–0). Adult, photographed.

5995:1152023-11-202023-11-21 Cottage GroveWashington (record #2023-124, vote 7–0). Adult, photographed.

 Introduced in North America. Nineteen records: eight spring, one spring-summer, one spring-fall, three summer, one summer-fall, two fall, one fall-spring, one winter, and one winter-spring. One breeding record (2018), possibly involving a hybrid pairing with House Sparrow (P. domesticus). Recorded in five of the last ten years, most recently 2018.


The information in the above table comes from several different sources. The count in column 1 indicates which of the sources is considered the primary source.
'Accepted' MOURC entries from The MOURC Proceedings
'Not Accepted' or 'Rejected' MOURC entry from The MOURC Proceedings
Accepted MOU records assembled by David Cahlander
Sighting records for ()
Avian information from the occurrence maps, in dark red, assembled by Robert Janssen. Seasonal report for the species/season published in The Loon or The Flicker has been added.
Information from The Loon index assembled by Anthony Hertzel and David Cahlander