MOURC Proceedings Archive - Towhees, Sparrows Accepted
This is the 1981 to present Records Committee Proceedings archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Boobies and Gannets
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Flycatchers
Old World Sparrows
Longspurs and Snow Buntings
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Towhees, Sparrows
Cassin's Sparrow
Black-throated Sparrow
Lark Sparrow
Lark Bunting
Chipping Sparrow
Clay-colored Sparrow
[Black-chinned Sparrow]
Brewer's Sparrow
American Tree Sparrow
White-crowned Sparrow
Golden-crowned Sparrow
Harris's Sparrow
Nelson's Sparrow
Baird's Sparrow
Henslow's Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow
Swamp Sparrow
Abert's Towhee
Green-tailed Towhee
Spotted Towhee

Baird's Sparrow (A) (Centronyx bairdii)Start Date 0000-00-00
1885-05-05Becker5/5 Becker (first state record) (first county record)
1885-08-04Norman8/4 Norman (second state record) (first county record)
1896-05-17Kittson5/17 Kittson (third state record) (first county record)
1897-05-10Kittson5/10 Kittson (fourth state record) (second county record)
1929-05-30Traverse5/30 Traverse (sixth state record) (first county record)
1929-05-31Polk5/31 Polk (fifth state record) (first county record)
1Roberts1937-06-181937-06-20near WarrenMarshallLogbook of Minnesota Bird Life. page 329. The Flicker 9:29.Accepted
2MOU1937-06-20near EuclidPolkTwo Eggs. The Flicker 9:35Accepted
1937-06-20Polk6/20 Polk (second summer record)
Evanson, Ry­ ~gaard, Pittelkow and Risser found a nest of two eggs near Euclid, on June 20.
3MOU1959-06-20Buffalo River State ParkClayThe Flicker 31:83Accepted
4MOU1959-06-20BarnsvilleWilkinThe Flicker 31:83Accepted
5MOU1961-06-22between Felton and UlenClayThe Flicker 33:78Accepted
6MOU1961-07-04Felton PrairieClayThe Flicker 35:70Accepted
7MOU1963-05-24between Felton and UlenClayThe Flicker 35:58Accepted
8MOU1965-06-15Roseau River NWRRoseauThe Loon 38:111Accepted
9MOU1965-07-25GreenbushRoseauThe Loon 38:111Accepted
38:111-1121966indexSummer Observations in Roseau County
10MOU1967-04-26WarroadRoseauThe Loon 39:97Accepted
1967-04-26Roseau4/26 Roseau (seventh state record) (first county record)
4-26 Warroad, Roseau Co., 3, PEB, very good details.
11MOU1967-06-04Pine CreekRoseauThe Loon 39:130Accepted
12MOU1968-05-301968-07-21Felton PrairieClayThe Loon 40:87 The Loon 40:129 The Loon 41:28Accepted
41:281969indexBaird's Sparrow
42:95-961970indexBaird's Sparrow in Clay County
13MOU1970-05-231970-06-13Felton PrairieClayThe Loon 42:95Accepted
14MOU1971-05-131971-05-23Felton PrairieClayThe Loon 43:21 The Loon 43:88Accepted
15MOU1972-05-21Salt LakeLac qui ParleThe Loon 44:79Accepted
16MOU1972-07-31FeltonClayThe Loon 44:110Accepted
17MOU1973-05-26FeltonClayThe Loon 45:126Accepted
18MOU1976-05-22ClayThe Loon 48:171Accepted
19MOU1976-05-31RothsayWilkinThe Loon 48:171 The Loon 49:102Accepted
49:1021977indexBaird's Sparrow Singing at Rothsay
49:1751977indexBaird's Sparrow at Felton
20MOU1977-05-11WilkinThe Loon 49:226Accepted
21MOU1977-05-291977-06-18Blazing Star Prairie SNAClayJanssen sighting. 1 seen - another heard The Loon 49:175Accepted
22MOU1978-05-141978-07-31ClayThe Loon 50:202 The Loon 51:43Accepted
23MOU1980-05-231980-07-31ClayThe Loon 52:167Accepted
58:131-1321986indexBaird's Sparrow in Crow Wing County
24MOU1986-06-241986-06-28near CrosbyCrow WingThe Loon 58:131–132Accepted
1986-06-241986-07-11Crow Wing6/24-28, 7/11 Crow Wing (eighth state record) (first county record)
Seen in Clay (7/6 Felton prairie, LCF) and Crow Wing (6/24-28, The Loon 58:131-132; first sighting in state away from western prairies). These are the first summer reports in the state since 1980.
2559:571986-07-06Felton prairieClay(vote 5-2) . Accepted
60:132-1331988indexBaird's Sparrow at Felton Prairie
2661:101988-06-24Felton prairieClay(vote7-0; The Loon 60:132-133). Accepted
63:2751991indexBaird's Sparrow at Felton Prairie
63:284-2851991indexBaird's Sparrow in Roseau County
2764:151991-06-01Felton prairieClay(vote 7-0; The Loon 63:275). Accepted
2864:151991-06-191991-07-09Roseau River W.M.A.Roseau(vote 7-0; The Loon 63:284-285). Accepted
1991-06-191991-07-09Roseau6/19-7/9 Roseau (ninth state record) (second county record)
One observed on 6/1 in Felton Prairie area, Clay Co. KR (The Loon 63:275); also singing male observed 6/19 to 7/9 within Roseau River WMA, Roseau Co. KB (The Loon 63:284-285).
65:1571-581993indexBaird's Sparrows at Felton Prairie
2966:431993-06-261993-06-30Felton PrairieClay(vote 7-0; The Loon 65:157-158). Accepted
3070:441997-06-061997-06-09near FeltonClay(record #97–52, vote 7–0, The Loon 70:62). Accepted
70:441997-06-07near StrandquistMarshall(reconsidered record #97–56, vote 0–7). This record was previously accepted by the majority of the Committee since the plumage description seems to be consistent with this species and since the song heard reportedly matched a Baird's Sparrow tape recording. However, the record was reconsidered after further discussion for several reasons: 1) the song was never actually described; 2) the plumage description of the facial pattern is incomplete; 3) the observer had no previous experience with this species, which is a relatively difficult sparrow for even experienced birders to identify; 4) the field guide used during the observation to identify the bird has an inaccurate illustration of this species; 5) the description appears to be only written from memory three months after the sighting; and 6) a subsequent visit to the site by other observers revealed the habitat was a mix of stubble cornfield, hayfield and trees, which would be atypical for a Baird's Sparrow. Not Accepted
73:352000-07-13Pembina Trail Scientific & Natural AreaPolk(record #2000-71, vote 0–7). The incomplete description of the bird's plumage only includes mention of a light eyebrow and some faint stripes on the sides of the breast, which is not enough to determine what kind of sparrow was seen. The song was heard and described, but the musical trill with “a lower note” at the end is more suggestive of Savannah Sparrow and would be inconsistent with a normal Baird's Sparrow's song. Not Accepted
73:352000-07-25Felton PrairieClay(record #2000-72, vote 0–7). This bird was never actually seen, and many species have vocalizations which can easily be misidentified, especially when the observers have limited experience with them; atypical songs of other similar species do occur. The description of the song (as in the above record) also fits Savannah Sparrow well, since the introductory notes are described as lower pitched than the trill — in the Baird's Sparrow's song, these notes are higher pitched. Not Accepted
75:412002-06-012002-06-30Felton PrairieClay(record #2002-66, vote 0–7). Three individuals were reported, but the plumage and song of only one of them is described, and this documentation is inconclusive. The song is described only as “three short notes and a high musical trill,” but this is not clear enough to indicate Baird's Sparrow and eliminate other possibilities. And while most of the plumage description would be consistent with Baird's, it is stated there was no malar or mustachial markings, which does not fit this species (and would better describe a Grasshopper Sparrow). Not Accepted
3175:412002-06-182002-07-15Tilden TownshipPolk(record #2002-51, vote 7–0, The Loon 75:52–53). This individual was not only seen by many observers and photographed, its distinctive song was recorded. Accepted
3275:412002-07-14Glacial Ridge N.W.R.Polk(record #2002-78, vote 5–2). This bird was found at a different location by the same observer who had discovered the first Polk County Baird's Sparrow. The documentation of this second bird was not as complete, but its diagnostic song was heard. Accepted
2002-08-10Polk8/10 Polk (third fall record)
Reported in Polk (at The Nature Conservancy's Glacial Ridge Project) through 8/10 fide AXH. A photograph of this bird appeared on the cover of the previous issue.
77:1692005-05-05Felton PrairieClay(record #2005-018, vote 2–5). This report of an early Baird's Sparrow singing in atypical microhabitat (disturbed grassland with discarded farm equipment and materials) was not supported by field notes and the description did not conclusively eliminate other grassland sparrows. Not Accepted
3388:912016-06-132016-06-20on Ost Road about one mile west of County Road 6Douglas(record #2016-023, vote 7–0). Adult male, video and audio recorded. First county record. Accepted
2016-06-132016-06-20Douglas6/13, 14, 19, 20 Douglas (tenth state record) (first county record)
Reported 6/13–20 Douglas (Ost Rd. and C.R. 6) DaC, v.t. BWF, SC, †ADS, m.ob.
 Former summer resident northwest. Last breeding record 1937. State designation: Endangered. Last recorded in 2002.


The information in the above table comes from several different sources. The count in column 1 indicates which of the sources is considered the primary source.
'Accepted' MOURC entries from The MOURC Proceedings
'Not Accepted' or 'Rejected' MOURC entry from The MOURC Proceedings
Accepted MOU records assembled by David Cahlander
Sighting records for ()
Avian information from the occurrence maps, in dark red, assembled by Robert Janssen. Seasonal report for the species/season published in The Loon or The Flicker has been added.
Information from The Loon index assembled by Anthony Hertzel and David Cahlander