MOURC Proceedings Archive - Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles Accepted
This is the 1981 to present Records Committee Proceedings archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Boobies and Gannets
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Flycatchers
Old World Sparrows
Longspurs and Snow Buntings
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
White-tailed Kite
Swallow-tailed Kite
Golden Eagle
Cooper's Hawk
American Goshawk
Mississippi Kite
[Common Black Hawk]
Red-shouldered Hawk
Broad-winged Hawk
Swainson's Hawk
Rough-legged Hawk
Ferruginous Hawk

Ferruginous Hawk (A) (Buteo regalis)Start Date 1987-01-01
20:831948indexFerruginous Rough-leg (Buteo regalis) in Minnesota in July
35:103-1041963indexTwo Additional Records of the Ferruginous Hawk
36:1081964indexFerruginous Hawk Sight Record for Traverse County
37:1091965indexFerruginous Hawk Sight Record for Morrison County
38:751966indexAdult Ferruginous Hawk
48:741976indexFirst Winter Record for a Ferruginous Hawk
48:121-1221976indexFerruginous Hawk at Lake Benton
76:391976-09-05TracyLyon(record #200341, vote 3–4). This record previously had been voted on and Not Accepted, and the current Committee voted to reconsider the record and reaffirm that decision. The description could fit Red-tailed Hawk in all respects, since the only feature in the description suggesting Ferruginous was “windows present at the bases of the primaries.” However, immature Red-taileds also have wing windows or panels in this same area, and there is no mention of whether the windows extended on to the coverts, an important distinction between these two hawks. The record is also weakened by the fact that the bird was said to be 100 yards away and only seen with the naked eye. Not Accepted
49:1761977indexProbable Ferruginous Hawk in Lyon County
49:176-1771977indexImmature Ferruginous Hawk in Rock County
49:2341977indexSummer Observation of a Pair of Ferruginous Hawks
51:1021979indexFerruginous Hawk, Traverse County
51:150-1511979indexDark Phase Ferruginous Hawk
54:421979-06-07Clay(vote 0-7) Although originally accepted by M.O.R.C. in 1979 by a 4-3 vote, this vote was reversed when it was pointed out that the identification was based on a white patch on the upper wing surface, the white underside of the tail, and the white at the base of the tail; many paler Red-taileds also match this description, and the observers admitted they lacked experience with such Red-taileds. Not Accepted
52:90-911980indexImmature Ferruginous Hawk
1:053:1291980-10-01Traverse(vote 6-1, Loon 53:115-116) Accepted
53:1291980-10-20Lake CrystalBlue Earth(vote 1-6)Not enough description of this dark-phase buteo was given to eliminate the possibility of Rough-legged or "Harlan's" Hawk. Identification was based primarily on the underside of the tail which "was clear of any banding and . . . as pale as the un-derside of the primaries," but such an under tail pattern is also shared by other species. Not Accepted
53:115-1161981indexFerruginous Hawk, Traverse County
2:054:421981-08-07WillmarKandiyohi(vote 7-0) 1981: Accepted
54:1471981-09-28Wilkin(vote 1-6) Since the identification was based primarily on the "white with some pinkish" tail and on "white patches on the outer upperwing surface," the possibility of a paler Red-tailed Hawk was not precluded. Not Accepted
3:054:421981-10-02near HendersonSibley(vote 7-0) Accepted
4:054:1471981-12-12Clay(vote 4-3) Accepted
54:161-1641982indexField Identification of the Ferruginous Hawk
54:179-1801982indexFerruginous Hawk and Snowy Egret at Big Stone Dam
54:1911982indexFerruginous Hawk at Agassiz NWR, Marshall County
5:054:1471982-04-17Chippewa(vote 7-0) Accepted
6:054:1471982-04-24Big Stone N.W.R.Lac qui Parlevote 7-0, Loon 54:179 Accepted
7:054:411982-05-07Agassiz N.W.R.Marshall(vote 7-0, Loon 54:191) Accepted
8:054:411982-05-15Cottonwood(vote 6-1) Accepted
56:2681984indexImmature Ferruginous Hawk -- Wilkin County
57:138-1391985indexFerruginous Hawk -- Further Notes on Identification
57:1801985indexFerruginous Hawk in Big Stone County
9:160:1081987-08-16Land Twp.Grant(vote 7-0; The Loon 60:52). Accepted
1987-08-16Grant8/16 Grant (first state record) (first county record)
60:521988indexFerruginous Hawk in Grant County
61:921989indexFerruginous Hawk in Dodge County
61:1211989-01-07La Moille Winona(vote 2-5). The observation was made somewhat casually, with the observer having claimed to have seen this species more than once before in Winona. Only one useful mark the "dark V of the legs" was given, but this was mentioned only in passing with more emphasis given to other features shared by other Buteos, especially Krider'stype Red-taileds. (Also, when very pale or albinistic Red-taileds fly overhead, the darkest part of their underparts is their tarsi; the feathering on the tarsus is dark on a Ferruginous, and should be stated as such). Also, two individuals were reported, which tends to make the record less credible. Not Accepted
10:261:1211989-05-10near EdenDodge(vote 7-0; The Loon 61:92) . Accepted
1989-05-10Dodge5/10 Dodge (second state record) (first county record)
Only report: 5!10 Dodge BSE (The Loon 61 :92).
11:363:411989-06-03Mound Twp.Rock(vote 7-0 The Loon 62:64). Accepted
1990-06-031990-06-25Rock6/3, 25 Rock (first summer record)
63:641991indexSummer Record of Ferruginous Hawk
63:200-2011991indexImmature Ferruginous Hawk in Wilkin County
63:2791991indexFerruginous Hawk at Felton Prairie
12:464:151991-07-24Felton prairieClay(vote 7 -0; The Loon 63:279). Accepted
1992-03-291992-03-31Otter Tail3/29-31 Otter Tail (third state record) (first county record)
Only report 3/29–31 Otter Tail CS/KC.
1993-05-08Stevens5/8 Stevens (fifth state record) (first county record)
Reported 5/8 Stevens fide PB, 5/25 Pope HH.
1993-05-25Pope5/25 Pope (fourth state record) (first county record)
Reported 5/8 Stevens fide PB, 5/25 Pope HH.
1994-05-07Roseau5/7 Roseau (sixth state record) (first county record)
Reported 4/16 Big Stone DN et al., 4/30 Lac qui Parle HK, 5/7 Roseau PS.
1994-09-19Dakota9/19 Dakota (seventh state record) (first county record)
Reported 8/28 Red Lake KSS, 9/19 Dakota TT.
1995-04-23Yellow Medicine4/23 Yellow Medicine (eighth state record) (first county record)
Only reports 4/22 Lac qui Parle AB, DB, OJ and 4/23 Yellow Medicine DBM.
1995-08-15Itasca8/15 Itasca (ninth state record) (first county record)
Unusual report 8/15 Itasca (immature) SCM (The Loon 67:187).
1997-05-10Lincoln5/10 Lincoln (eleventh state record) (first county record)
All reports: 5/10 Lincoln (Tyler) PS, 5/12 Jackson (Delafield Twp.) PS, 5/18 Lac qui Parle (Perry Twp.) AH, PH, PS.
1997-05-12Jackson5/12 Jackson (tenth state record) (first county record)
All reports: 5/10 Lincoln (Tyler) PS, 5/12 Jackson (Delafield Twp.) PS, 5/18 Lac qui Parle (Perry Twp.) AH, PH, PS.
66:53-551994indexSummer Record for Ferruginous Hawk
66:212-2131994indexFerruginous Hawk Seen in Red Lake County
67:1871995indexFerruginous Hawk in Itasca County
13:570:1561997-08-10McKinley Twp.Kittson(record #9803, vote 7–0). Accepted
1997-08-10Kittson8/10 Kittson (thirteenth state record) (first county record)
All reports: 8/10 Kittson PS, 8/24 Aitkin WN, WSf (The Loon 60:65).
14:670:441997-08-24near AitkinAitkin(record #97–59, vote 6–1, The Loon 70:65). Accepted
1997-08-24Aitkin8/24 Aitkin (twelfth state record) (first county record)
All reports: 8/10 Kittson PS, 8/24 Aitkin WN, WSf (The Loon 60:65).
1999-08-21Polk8/21 Polk (fourteenth state record) (first county record)
After no fall 1998 reports, two or three were documented this year: 8/15 Polk †SKS, 8/21 Polk (adult at Mentor Ranch) †PS, 9/25 Lac qui Parle (adult along the Auto Tour at BSNWR) †AH.
2001-05-12Yellow Medicine5/12 Yellow Medicine (fifteenth state record) (second county record)
Only report: 5/12 Yellow Medicine (Florida Twp.) †TAT.
74:1612002-03-30Big Stone State ParkBig Stone(record #2002-26, vote 0–7). The identification was based on the bird's apparent lack of a dark patagium and its limited amount of red in the tail. Since the observer mentions in the documentation that he had no experience with this species or Krider's-type Redtailed Hawks, the description provided could just as easily fit a Red-tailed. Not Accepted
2002-04-19St. Louis4/19 St. Louis (first county record)
All reports: 4/19 St. Louis (adult light morph at W.S.H.C., Duluth) ph. †FJN, DSC, 4/25 Clay (adult light morph, Hawley Twp.) †KJB. [Corrected]
2002-09-21Jackson9/21 Jackson (second county record)
Immature light morph in kettle of eight Swainson's Hawks 9/21 Jackson (2.5 miles south of Sandy Pt. C.P.) †KRE et al., adult light morph 10/12 Clay (Felton Prairie) †PHS. Also see undocumented reports.
2003-10-14Stevens10/14 Stevens (second county record)
Three reports from West-central: 10/9 Big Stone (adult light morph) †BJU, 10/12 Lac qui Parle (juvenile near Salt L.) †RMD, JWH (The Loon 76:110), 10/14 Stevens (2, Synnes Twp.) †RBJ, JEB.
2005-09-17Yellow Medicine9/17 Yellow Medicine (third county record)
Two documented reports: 9/17 Yellow Medicine (imm. near Canby) †KRE, 10/8 Mahnomen (adult in Lake Grove Twp.) †BJU.
2005-10-08Mahnomen10/8 Mahnomen (first county record)
Two documented reports: 9/17 Yellow Medicine (imm. near Canby) †KRE, 10/8 Mahnomen (adult in Lake Grove Twp.) †BJU.
2006-04-14Swift4/14 Swift (first county record)
All reports: 4/14 Swift (immature light morph at Lac qui Parle W.M.A.) †BJU, 4/17 Big Stone (adult light morph near Twin Lakes) †BJU, 4/21 Lac qui Parle (adult light morph near Dawson) †BJU, 5/1 Lac qui Parle (adult light morph in Baxter Twp., same individual as 4/21?) †BJU.
2008-05-03Sherburne5/3 Sherburne (first county record)
All documented reports: 5/3 Sherburne/Stearns (juvenile) †MCA, 5/22 Marshall (adult at Agassiz N.W.R.) †PHS.
2008-05-03Stearns5/3 Stearns (first county record)
All documented reports: 5/3 Sherburne/Stearns (juvenile) †MCA, 5/22 Marshall (adult at Agassiz N.W.R.) †PHS.
2008-05-22Marshall5/22 Marshall (first county record)
All documented reports: 5/3 Sherburne/Stearns (juvenile) †MCA, 5/22 Marshall (adult at Agassiz N.W.R.) †PHS.
81:1152009-05-04Forest City TownshipMeeker(record #2009-012, vote 3–4). This hawk may have been correctly identified, but the diagnostic features of Ferruginous Hawk were not clearly described. For example, the observer noted “white feathering in the primaries” but did not describe the location, shape, or extent of this feathering. The tail was described as “white with a rufous wash to it”, which fits either Ferruginous Hawk or western Red-tailed Hawk (B. jamaicensis). Field notes or a sketch showing the exact wing and tail pattern might have assuaged these concerns. Not Accepted
83:992010-09-08eight miles southeast of Warroad on County Road 2Roseau(record #2010-037, vote 2–5, photographed). Many members thought the photo and description were insufficient to rule out the more probable Red-tailed Hawk. The observer also had reservations about the bird and thought it possibly may have been a Redtailed Hawk. Not Accepted
83:992010-10-25adult in Walter TownshipLac qui Parle(record #2010-042, vote 6–1, photographed). Recirculated
87:42010-10-25adult in Walter TownshipLac qui Parle(record #2010-042, vote 6–1, photographed).Rejected
83:992011-03-21Section 33, adult light morph at Garfield TownshipLac qui Parle(record #2011-006, vote 6–1, photographed). Recirculated
87:42011-03-21Section 33, adult light morph at Garfield TownshipLac qui Parle(record #2011-006, vote 6–1, photographed).Rejected
83:992011-05-15Carver Park Reserve, VictoriaCarver(record #2011-020, vote 0–7). The description is far too brief and casual for a species that's often involved in misidentifications in Minnesota. Several members felt that the more likely “Krider's” Red-tailed Hawk was not eliminated by the description. Not Accepted
84:1072012-06-23along U.S. Highway 75Traverse(record #2012-019, vote 0–7). The photos clearly show a pale Red-tailed Hawk, possibly a similar-looking juvenile “Krider's.” Both observers mentioned that the legs were feathered (“lower on the legs” and “black spots on the tibia and tarsal feathers”). However, the photos are equivocal and seem to show unfeathered lower tarsi (a Ferruginous Hawk should be feathered to the toes). There are characters that seem at odds with a Ferruginous Hawk, including the white speckling on the upperparts (photo), the seeming lack of a dark eye line (photos), the description of rufous back and shoulders (juvenile Ferruginous Hawks lack rufous on the upperparts). There is no description of the tail or the wing pattern in flight (these are important identification features), even though the bird was seen flying initially. There are too many uncertainties in the description and the photos are too distant for confirmation of this record. Not Accepted
85:32012-07-21County Road 24Pope(record #2012-027, vote 0–7). Photographed. The observers themselves indicated that they were not comfortable with the identification. MOURC members overwhelmingly thought this was a juvenile Red-tailed Hawk. Not Accepted
15:786:32013-06-26County Roads 102 and 9Polk(record #2013-070, vote 5–2). Age undetermined. Considerable weight was given to the experience of the observers. Accepted
2013-06-26Polk6/26 Polk (second county record)
One documented 6/26 Polk (about 2 mi. SE of Crookston) †MaG, DKi.
87:42014-11-23Bethany Lutheran College, MankatoBlue Earth(record #2014054, vote 1–6). The observer had no prior experience with this often difficult-to-identify species. The written description is missing significant details. Other similar-looking species such as “Krider's” Red-tailed Hawk were not distinguished. Not Accepted
87:952015-05-09Big Stone National Wildlife Area Auto TourLac qui Parle(record #2015-026, vote 0–7). Description given is not diagnostic of Ferruginous Hawk and could easily pertain to Red-tailed Hawk. No statement of experience with the species was given. There was no discussion of how other similar species were eliminated from consideration. Not Accepted
16:890:32017-08-05Lac qui Parle County (record #2017-039Lac qui Parle(record #2017-039, vote 7–0). The photos are marginal at best and don't clearly show the long gape. However, the large gape is mentioned in the description. . The observer mentions field marks pointing to Ferruginous Hawk such as the dark post-ocular eyeline and structure with the head. Accepted
17:990:862017-08-05Lac qui Parle County (record #2017-039Lac qui Parle(record #2017-039, vote 7–0). The photos are marginal at best and don't clearly show the long gape. However, the large gape is mentioned in the description. . The observer mentions field marks pointing to Ferruginous Hawk such as the dark post-ocular eyeline and structure with the head. Accepted
2017-08-22Wilkin8/22 Wilkin (first fall record)
All north 10/16 Red Lake (Plummer) ph. PCt (The Loon 90:79). All south 8/5 Lac qui Parle (State Line Rd.) ph. † DnS, MWS. Also see Documented Records still under Review.
18:1090:32017-10-16Red Lake County (record #2017-045Red Lake(record #2017-045, vote 7–0). Photo is diagnostic. Accepted
19:1190:862017-10-16Red Lake County (record #2017-045Red Lake(record #2017-045, vote 7–0). Photo is diagnostic. Accepted
92:922017-10-23Hawk Ridge Bird ObservatorySt. Louis(record #2017052, vote 2–5). The Committee was somewhat split on this report. Some of the members who ultimately voted not to accept the observation commented on the overall difficulty of this vote. However, the documentation which was submitted two and a half years after the observation was eventually deemed inconclusive. Very distant raptors can be difficult to distinguish with certainty. Enough of the critical field marks needed to confirm the identification either were not seen due to the distance involved or were not mentioned. The bird was apparently so distant that neither an estimate of the distance or height was provided. For example, the upperparts were described as “Sandy-gray wash uniformly across [the] uppersides and tail.” However, there was no description of the shape or extent of the upper wing panel or tail. In addition, there was no discussion of the presence or absence of a patagial bar. Wing tip coloration and markings, if any, were not documented. It was eventually concluded by the Committee that while the documentation suggested Ferruginous Hawk, it was not persuasive enough to eliminate similar subspecies such as Krider's Red-tailed Hawk. Not Accepted
2017-10-23St. Louis10/23 St. Louis (second fall record)
All north 10/16 Red Lake (Plummer) ph. PCt (The Loon 90:79). All south 8/5 Lac qui Parle (State Line Rd.) ph. † DnS, MWS. Also see Documented Records still under Review.
90:32017-11-25Hennepin County (record #2017-049Hennepin(record #2017-049, vote 0–7). Not Accepted
90:862017-11-25Hennepin County (record #2017-049Hennepin(record #2017-049, vote 0–7). Not Accepted
20:1293:1152019-10-11 county road 59 about 0.5 miles south of county road 20Rock (record #2019-072, vote 6–1). Indeterminate age and sex, photographed. 

21:1395:1152019-10-11 county road 59 about 0.5 miles south of county road 20Rock (record #2019-072, vote 6–1). Indeterminate age and sex, photographed. 

22:1493:1112021-08-15 private residence, Old North Shore Road southwest of Two HarborsLake (record #2021-089, vote 7–0). Juvenile light-phase, photographed. The bird was found and photographed alive. It was reported to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources by the landowner and subsequently found dead the following morning.

 Former regular migrant and summer visitant mostly west. Recorded in two (2013, 2017) of the last ten years. Formerly Casual.


The information in the above table comes from several different sources. The count in column 1 indicates which of the sources is considered the primary source.
'Accepted' MOURC entries from The MOURC Proceedings
'Not Accepted' or 'Rejected' MOURC entry from The MOURC Proceedings
Accepted MOU records assembled by David Cahlander
Sighting records for ()
Avian information from the occurrence maps, in dark red, assembled by Robert Janssen. Seasonal report for the species/season published in The Loon or The Flicker has been added.
Information from The Loon index assembled by Anthony Hertzel and David Cahlander