MOURC Proceedings Archive - Blackbirds, Orioles Accepted
This is the 1981 to present Records Committee Proceedings archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Boobies and Gannets
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Flycatchers
Old World Sparrows
Longspurs and Snow Buntings
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Blackbirds, Orioles
Bullock's Oriole
[Spot-breasted Oriole]
Baltimore Oriole
Scott's Oriole
Brewer's Blackbird
Great-tailed Grackle
[Quiscalus grackle]

Great-tailed Grackle (R) (Quiscalus mexicanus)Start Date 1936-01-01
1982-06-19Dakota6/19 Dakota (first county record)
55:83-841983indexA Probable Great-tailed Grackle in Dakota County
56:171983-08-24RosevilleRamsey(vote 0-7) While this grackle may have been a Great-tailed, its apparently larger size and longer tail were only impressions with "nothing around for size comparison". The observer also states only that it was "perhaps" larger than a Common Grackle; more certainty is needed to accept such an unusual species. Not Accepted
65:1481993indexA Minnesota Great-tailed Grackle
65:148-1501993indexA Minnesota Great-tailed Grackle With Notes on the Species' Range Expansion in the Midwest
165:1461993-04-021993-04-10Wells L.Rice(vote 10-0; The Loon 65:148-150). Accepted
1993-04-041993-04-10Rice4/4-10 Rice (first county record)
First confirmed state record, 4/4–10 Rice KS, mob (The Loon 65:148–150).
270:1561998-04-181998-05-15Grover's L.Jackson(record #98-41, vote 7–0, The Loon 70:183). Accepted
372:401999-03-261999-08-14Grover's L.Jackson(record #99–40, vote 7–0). Accepted
472:401999-05-13Middletown Twp.Jackson(record #99–41, vote 7–0). Accepted
572:401999-09-111999-10-23Minneota Twp.Jackson(record #99–42, vote 7–0). Accepted
72:1642000-03-19ChaskaCarver(record #2000-22, vote 1–6). The two “larger” grackles were documented from memory nearly two months after the observation, since no field notes were taken at the time. The description does not state whether the Common Grackles present with them were males or females; if females, this leaves open the possibility the two larger birds might have just been male Common Grackles since it is not stated how much larger they were. In addition, the “shiny metallic green color” on their wings would seem to fit Common Grackle better than Great-tailed. Not Accepted
672:1642000-04-012000-04-09Grover's L.Jackson(record #2000-23, vote 7–0). Accepted
772:1642000-04-09Sec. 29, Minneota Twp.Jackson(record #2000-24, vote 6–1). Accepted
76:392000-04-29Walter TownshipLac qui Parle(record #2003-62, vote 1–6). The documentation for this record apparently was written only from memory more than three years after the observation. After such a long delay, the majority had too much doubt about the accuracy of the observer's memory and description for the record to be accepted. Not Accepted
873:352000-05-14Little Swan L.Cottonwood(record #2000-45, vote 7–0). Accepted
973:1682000-05-202000-06-02Minneota TownshipJackson(record #2001-14, vote 7–0, The Loon 73:108–114). Accepted
1074:362001-04-04Black Rush LakeLyon(record #2001-44, vote 7–0). This represents one of the few records of this species outside of Jackson County. Accepted
2001-05-072001-05-25Olmsted5/7-12, 25 Olmsted (first county record)
Seen 4/8 Lyon (male at Black Rush L.) †RJS, 5/7+ Olmsted (pair at county road 9 marsh near Rochester) DSq et al., †PHS.
2001-05-122001-05-25Nicollet5/12-15, 25 Nicollet (first county record)
Seen 4/8 Lyon (male at Black Rush L.) †RJS, 5/7+ Olmsted (pair at county road 9 marsh near Rochester) DSq et al., †PHS.
1174:362001-05-12RochesterOlmsted(record #200141, vote 7–0). Seen by many observers, but only one of them provided documentation. Accepted
1274:362001-10-17Minneota TownshipJackson(record #2001-58, vote 6–1). The lone dissenting voter felt the possibility of Boat-tailed Grackle was not eliminated. The following records were voted on August–December 2001 and found to be means the provided documentation was not complete or convincing enough to include the sighting in The Loon or in the MOU's archives of bird records. An Unacceptable vote does not necessarily mean the observer misidentified the bird.) Accepted
1374:1612002-05-06Grover's LakeJackson(record #2002-25, vote 7–0). The three males and four females were all described, with the males heard vocalizing and precluding the very unlikely possibility of these being Boattailed Grackles. Accepted
2002-05-092002-05-21Nicollet5/9-21 Nicollet (second county record)
Found for the fifth consecutive year at Grovers L., 5/6+ Jackson (3 males, 4 females) †PHS, m.ob. Also seen 5/10–12 Murray (male at Hiram Southwick W.M.A.) †PCC, †CRG, m.ob., 5/27 Lyon (male at Lyon County landfill) †RJS.
1475:412002-05-102002-05-12Slayton TownshipMurray(record #2002-59, vote 7–0). Both individuals were males, and both were accepted. One of these was singing (which some consider significant, so that the remote possibility of Boat-tailed Grackle from the Atlantic coast is precluded). Accepted
1575:412002-05-20Swan LakeNicollet(record Long-billed Curlew, 20 July 2002, Lino Lakes, Anoka County. Photo by Chris Fagyl. #2002-58; vote 6–1 as unidentified Greattailed/Boat-tailed; vote 4–3, Not Acceptable as Great-tailed). The description of this lone silent male was accepted as an unidentified Greattailed/Boat-tailed grackle. Since this species is still currently considered Accidental, a 6–1 vote is needed for acceptance. Accepted
1675:412002-05-27near LyndLyon(record #2002-70, vote 7–0). This report was of a lone singing male. Accepted
75:412002-07-14near HutchinsonMcLeod(record #2002-71, vote 2–5). This female grackle perched on a utility wire may have been correctly identified, but it was seen without the use of any optics, and was only briefly viewed for a few seconds from a car traveling at highway speeds. Under such circumstances, it is very difficult to clearly and accurately discern field marks, especially on subtly plumaged birds such as female grackles or blackbirds. And when unusual species are involved, it is necessary to see them for more than just a few seconds from a moving car with a naked eye. Not Accepted
1775:412002-09-202002-10-13Minneota TownshipJackson(record #2002-88, vote 6–1). None of the 11 individuals was heard singing, with the lone dissenting voter only willing to accept them as an unidentified Great-tailed/Boat-tailed grackles. Accepted
1875:1602003-04-172003-04-19near AustinMower(record #2003-13, vote 7–0). Accepted
2003-04-172003-04-19Mower4/17-19 Mower (first county record)
Accepted records 4/17–19 Mower (adult male near Austin) ph. †JEM et al., 4/18–23 Brown (2 adult males near Sleepy Eye lagoons) †BSm, m.ob., 4/26 Dakota (adult male by Vermilion, present since 4/22 according to local residents) †JR, †ADS, ph. DDM, 5/31+ Rock (3 males and 3 females at Hills) †KRE et al. Reported for the sixth consecutive year in Jackson (Grovers L.) but unfortunately without details.
1976:392003-04-182003-04-23Sleepy EyeBrown(record #2003-36, vote 7–0). This species is now considered Regular in the state. Not Accepted Records The following records were voted on (It is important to be aware that a record which is Not Accepted only means the provided documentation was not complete or convincing enough to include the sighting in The Loon, the journal of the MOU, or in the MOU's archives of confirmed bird records. Such a vote does not necessarily mean the observer misidentified the bird or that it cannot be included on one's personal list. In this sense, therefore, MOURC is only acting as an editor of the records submitted to the MOU. Also note a summary of the reasons why a record was Not Accepted are included. These are, of course, in no way intended to be critical of the observer. The only purpose is instructional: that is, to show the difficulties an observer had in identifying or documenting a bird, so that these can be avoided by other observers when documenting future reports of this and similar species.) Accepted
2003-04-182003-04-27Brown4/18, 21, 22, 27 Brown (first county record)
Accepted records 4/17–19 Mower (adult male near Austin) ph. †JEM et al., 4/18–23 Brown (2 adult males near Sleepy Eye lagoons) †BSm, m.ob., 4/26 Dakota (adult male by Vermilion, present since 4/22 according to local residents) †JR, †ADS, ph. DDM, 5/31+ Rock (3 males and 3 females at Hills) †KRE et al. Reported for the sixth consecutive year in Jackson (Grovers L.) but unfortunately without details.
2075:1602003-04-26near VermilionDakota(record #2003-21, vote 6–1). Accepted
2003-04-26Dakota4/26 Dakota (second county record)
Accepted records 4/17–19 Mower (adult male near Austin) ph. †JEM et al., 4/18–23 Brown (2 adult males near Sleepy Eye lagoons) †BSm, m.ob., 4/26 Dakota (adult male by Vermilion, present since 4/22 according to local residents) †JR, †ADS, ph. DDM, 5/31+ Rock (3 males and 3 females at Hills) †KRE et al. Reported for the sixth consecutive year in Jackson (Grovers L.) but unfortunately without details.
75:1602003-05-08Pierce LakeMartin(record #200323, vote 3–4). Unfortunately, this was yet another narrow 3-4 decision involving a bird that was probably correctly identified. The identification was based primarily on vocalizations which were heard coming from a grackle-like bird which was not clearly seen or described. Also, the description of this bird's calls only says it “had a buzzy quality similar to a Pine Siskin,” which alone doesn't necessarily indicate this species. Not Accepted
2175:1602003-05-312003-06-17HillsRock(record #2003-30, vote 7–0). All three records include birds which were heard singing, thus eliminating the remote possibility of Boat-tailed Grackle. The following records were voted on January – July 2003 and were found to be (It is important to be aware that a record which is not accepted only means the provided documentation was not complete or convincing enough to include the sighting in The Loon, the journal of the MOU, or in the MOU's archives of confirmed bird records. Such a vote does not necessarily mean the observer misidentified the bird or that it cannot be included on one's personal list. In this sense, therefore, MOURC is only acting as an editor of the records submitted to the MOU. Also note a summary of the reasons why a record was not accepted are included. These are, of course, in no way intended to be critical of the observer. The only purpose is instructional: that is, to show the difficulties an observer had in identifying or documenting a bird, so that these can be avoided by other observers when documenting future reports of this and similar species.) Accepted
2003-05-312003-06-17Rock5/31-6/17 Rock (first county record)
Accepted records 4/17–19 Mower (adult male near Austin) ph. †JEM et al., 4/18–23 Brown (2 adult males near Sleepy Eye lagoons) †BSm, m.ob., 4/26 Dakota (adult male by Vermilion, present since 4/22 according to local residents) †JR, †ADS, ph. DDM, 5/31+ Rock (3 males and 3 females at Hills) †KRE et al. Reported for the sixth consecutive year in Jackson (Grovers L.) but unfortunately without details.
76:392003-06-26Sioux Valley TownshipJackson(record #2003-63, Not Accepted 5–2 as Great-tailed Grackle / Accepted 6–1 as large grackle, sp.). As an Accidental species in 2003, a 6–1 vote was required to accept this record. The two dissenting voters felt that the remote possibility of Boat-tailed Grackle was not precluded. Not Accepted
76:1522004-04-12Lac qui Parle State ParkLac qui Parle(record #2004-035, Not Accepted 3–4 as Great-tailed Grackle / Accepted 5–2 as Great-tailed/Boat-tailed Grackle). Although the status of Great-tailed Grackle is now Regular in Minnesota, the description of this female Quiscalus suggested Boat-tailed Grackle and the record was therefore evaluated, and ultimately Accepted only as a large grackle. Not Accepted
2004-05-01Rock5/1 Rock (second county record)
Male and two females reported without details in Rock (Hills) during May, first documented 6/2 (please see summer report). One male with pale yellow irides and long, wedge-shaped tail was singing “a confusing, varied series of clacks, rattles, and whistles” 5/8 Lac qui Parle (near Madison) †BJU. Two additional reports from Lac qui Parle County lacked sufficient details. Also see undocumented reports.
2004-05-08Lac qui Parle5/8 Lac qui Parle (first county record)
Male and two females reported without details in Rock (Hills) during May, first documented 6/2 (please see summer report). One male with pale yellow irides and long, wedge-shaped tail was singing “a confusing, varied series of clacks, rattles, and whistles” 5/8 Lac qui Parle (near Madison) †BJU. Two additional reports from Lac qui Parle County lacked sufficient details. Also see undocumented reports.
2005-04-162005-05-23Rock4/16, 5/1, 23 Rock (third county record)
Documented 4/5 Jackson (male at Heron Lake) ph. BRB, 4/16 Rock (five at Hills W.T.P.) †MTA, RMD, CFa, 5/23 Rock (male and 2 females at Hills) †PHS; also reported from usual location in Jackson (near Grovers Lake) beginning 4/4 CRM et al. Undocumented reports from Lyon, Martin, Stearns.
2005-04-29Martin4/29 Martin (first county record)
Documented 4/5 Jackson (male at Heron Lake) ph. BRB, 4/16 Rock (five at Hills W.T.P.) †MTA, RMD, CFa, 5/23 Rock (male and 2 females at Hills) †PHS; also reported from usual location in Jackson (near Grovers Lake) beginning 4/4 CRM et al. Undocumented reports from Lyon, Martin, Stearns.
2005-05-08Faribault5/8 Faribault (first county record)
Documented 4/5 Jackson (male at Heron Lake) ph. BRB, 4/16 Rock (five at Hills W.T.P.) †MTA, RMD, CFa, 5/23 Rock (male and 2 females at Hills) †PHS; also reported from usual location in Jackson (near Grovers Lake) beginning 4/4 CRM et al. Undocumented reports from Lyon, Martin, Stearns.
78:1262005-06-23Walter TownshipLac qui Parle(record #2006-012, vote 1–6 as Great-tailed Grackle, also Not Accepted as Boat-tailed/Great-tailed Grackle, vote 3–4). It was unclear how this female's calls were distinguished from the many grackles, blackbirds, and cowbirds in the same tree. Its call was described as “a dry, somewhat soft ‘chuk,' ” but female Greattailed and Boat-tailed grackles “both... give chut warning notes” (Selander and Giller 1961). Not Accepted
2005-07-10Chisago7/10 Chisago (first county record)
Documented at new locations 7/10 Chisago (pair) ph. NWa, 7/13 Lac qui Parle (vocalizing male, Walter Twp.) †BJU, 7/15 Yellow Medicine (vocalizing male, Hazel Run Twp.) †BJU, 7/18 Nicollet (vocalizing, Swan L.) †BJU. Continuing observations (see spring report) through mid-July Rock (female carrying food at Hills) CRM et al. and throughout season in Jackson (max. 13, Minneota Twp.) PEB, m.ob. Also see undocumented reports.
2005-07-112005-07-19Rock7/11, 15, 17, 19 Rock (fourth summer record)
Documented at new locations 7/10 Chisago (pair) ph. NWa, 7/13 Lac qui Parle (vocalizing male, Walter Twp.) †BJU, 7/15 Yellow Medicine (vocalizing male, Hazel Run Twp.) †BJU, 7/18 Nicollet (vocalizing, Swan L.) †BJU. Continuing observations (see spring report) through mid-July Rock (female carrying food at Hills) CRM et al. and throughout season in Jackson (max. 13, Minneota Twp.) PEB, m.ob. Also see undocumented reports.
2005-07-15Yellow Medicine7/15 Yellow Medicine (first summer record)
Documented at new locations 7/10 Chisago (pair) ph. NWa, 7/13 Lac qui Parle (vocalizing male, Walter Twp.) †BJU, 7/15 Yellow Medicine (vocalizing male, Hazel Run Twp.) †BJU, 7/18 Nicollet (vocalizing, Swan L.) †BJU. Continuing observations (see spring report) through mid-July Rock (female carrying food at Hills) CRM et al. and throughout season in Jackson (max. 13, Minneota Twp.) PEB, m.ob. Also see undocumented reports.
78:1262005-07-16Mud LakeSt. Louis(record #2006013, vote 1–6 as Great-tailed Grackle, also Not Accepted as Boat-tailed/Great-tailed Grackle, vote 3–4). The majority felt that a more complete description and one which unambiguously ruled out the remote possibility of Boat-tailed Grackle would be necessary to confirm the first record of Great-tailed Grackle for northern Minnesota. Not Accepted
2005-07-18Nicollet7/18 Nicollet (third county record)
Documented at new locations 7/10 Chisago (pair) ph. NWa, 7/13 Lac qui Parle (vocalizing male, Walter Twp.) †BJU, 7/15 Yellow Medicine (vocalizing male, Hazel Run Twp.) †BJU, 7/18 Nicollet (vocalizing, Swan L.) †BJU. Continuing observations (see spring report) through mid-July Rock (female carrying food at Hills) CRM et al. and throughout season in Jackson (max. 13, Minneota Twp.) PEB, m.ob. Also see undocumented reports.
2006-03-242006-04-18Wright3/24, 4/15-18 Wright (first county record)
First county record 4/15–18 Wright (adult male uttering “a variety of rattles and whistles... reminiscent of water slapping on a shoreline and the static of an old ham radio” at Pelican Lake) ph. KTP, †CMB, m.ob. Also documented 4/17 Lac qui Parle (2 adult males vocalizing “clacks, croaks, and mainly of harsh rising whistles” near Rosen) †BJU; 5/1–2 Lac qui Parle (2 adult males with very pale irides, one giving “harsh croaks interspersed with rising whistles” in Walter Twp.) †BJU; 5/3 Brown (adult male vocalizing “clucks and whistles” at Sleepy Eye) †BTS; 5/6+ Brown (female nest-building while 2 males displayed at Rosenau-Lambrecht W.M.A.) †BTS; 5/15–23 Olmsted (male at Eastside W.M.A.) RLE, JWH, ph. PWP. Reported without details from traditional location in Jackson (state highway 86 and CR 4) m.ob.
2006-04-172006-05-02Lac qui Parle4/17, 23, 27, 5/1-2 Lac qui Parle (second county record)
First county record 4/15–18 Wright (adult male uttering “a variety of rattles and whistles... reminiscent of water slapping on a shoreline and the static of an old ham radio” at Pelican Lake) ph. KTP, †CMB, m.ob. Also documented 4/17 Lac qui Parle (2 adult males vocalizing “clacks, croaks, and mainly of harsh rising whistles” near Rosen) †BJU; 5/1–2 Lac qui Parle (2 adult males with very pale irides, one giving “harsh croaks interspersed with rising whistles” in Walter Twp.) †BJU; 5/3 Brown (adult male vocalizing “clucks and whistles” at Sleepy Eye) †BTS; 5/6+ Brown (female nest-building while 2 males displayed at Rosenau-Lambrecht W.M.A.) †BTS; 5/15–23 Olmsted (male at Eastside W.M.A.) RLE, JWH, ph. PWP. Reported without details from traditional location in Jackson (state highway 86 and CR 4) m.ob.
2006-05-032006-05-23Brown5/3, 6, 7, 23 Brown (second spring record)
First county record 4/15–18 Wright (adult male uttering “a variety of rattles and whistles... reminiscent of water slapping on a shoreline and the static of an old ham radio” at Pelican Lake) ph. KTP, †CMB, m.ob. Also documented 4/17 Lac qui Parle (2 adult males vocalizing “clacks, croaks, and mainly of harsh rising whistles” near Rosen) †BJU; 5/1–2 Lac qui Parle (2 adult males with very pale irides, one giving “harsh croaks interspersed with rising whistles” in Walter Twp.) †BJU; 5/3 Brown (adult male vocalizing “clucks and whistles” at Sleepy Eye) †BTS; 5/6+ Brown (female nest-building while 2 males displayed at Rosenau-Lambrecht W.M.A.) †BTS; 5/15–23 Olmsted (male at Eastside W.M.A.) RLE, JWH, ph. PWP. Reported without details from traditional location in Jackson (state highway 86 and CR 4) m.ob.
2006-05-062006-05-18Olmsted5/6, 15, 18 Olmsted (second county record)
First county record 4/15–18 Wright (adult male uttering “a variety of rattles and whistles... reminiscent of water slapping on a shoreline and the static of an old ham radio” at Pelican Lake) ph. KTP, †CMB, m.ob. Also documented 4/17 Lac qui Parle (2 adult males vocalizing “clacks, croaks, and mainly of harsh rising whistles” near Rosen) †BJU; 5/1–2 Lac qui Parle (2 adult males with very pale irides, one giving “harsh croaks interspersed with rising whistles” in Walter Twp.) †BJU; 5/3 Brown (adult male vocalizing “clucks and whistles” at Sleepy Eye) †BTS; 5/6+ Brown (female nest-building while 2 males displayed at Rosenau-Lambrecht W.M.A.) †BTS; 5/15–23 Olmsted (male at Eastside W.M.A.) RLE, JWH, ph. PWP. Reported without details from traditional location in Jackson (state highway 86 and CR 4) m.ob.
2006-05-142006-05-15Martin5/14-15 Martin (second county record)
First county record 4/15–18 Wright (adult male uttering “a variety of rattles and whistles... reminiscent of water slapping on a shoreline and the static of an old ham radio” at Pelican Lake) ph. KTP, †CMB, m.ob. Also documented 4/17 Lac qui Parle (2 adult males vocalizing “clacks, croaks, and mainly of harsh rising whistles” near Rosen) †BJU; 5/1–2 Lac qui Parle (2 adult males with very pale irides, one giving “harsh croaks interspersed with rising whistles” in Walter Twp.) †BJU; 5/3 Brown (adult male vocalizing “clucks and whistles” at Sleepy Eye) †BTS; 5/6+ Brown (female nest-building while 2 males displayed at Rosenau-Lambrecht W.M.A.) †BTS; 5/15–23 Olmsted (male at Eastside W.M.A.) RLE, JWH, ph. PWP. Reported without details from traditional location in Jackson (state highway 86 and CR 4) m.ob.
2006-06-012006-06-02Murray6/1-2 Murray (first county record)
MCBS reported vocalizing males 6/1 Murray (Chandler W.M.A.) SPS, 6/2 Murray (Hiram Southwick W.M.A.) MSS, and pair near Hills W.T.P. 6/7–21 Rock MSS. Vocalizing males also documented 6/20 (Hantho Twp.) and 6/26 (2 at Big Stone N.W.R.) Lac qui Parle †BJU.
2006-06-072006-06-21Rock6/7-21 Rock (fifth county record)
MCBS reported vocalizing males 6/1 Murray (Chandler W.M.A.) SPS, 6/2 Murray (Hiram Southwick W.M.A.) MSS, and pair near Hills W.T.P. 6/7–21 Rock MSS. Vocalizing males also documented 6/20 (Hantho Twp.) and 6/26 (2 at Big Stone N.W.R.) Lac qui Parle †BJU.
2006-06-202006-06-26Lac qui Parle6/20, 24, 26 Lac qui Parle (third county record)
MCBS reported vocalizing males 6/1 Murray (Chandler W.M.A.) SPS, 6/2 Murray (Hiram Southwick W.M.A.) MSS, and pair near Hills W.T.P. 6/7–21 Rock MSS. Vocalizing males also documented 6/20 (Hantho Twp.) and 6/26 (2 at Big Stone N.W.R.) Lac qui Parle †BJU.
2006-08-012006-11-30Lac qui Parlefall Lac qui Parle (fourth county record)
Six males and one female observed at traditional location 9/4 Jackson DWK. “At least one of the males gave the rising whistle call several times” 10/6–9 Watonwan (Mud L.) †RBW, m.ob. Reported without details from Cottonwood, Lac qui Parle. [Corrected]
2006-10-062006-10-09Watonwan10/6-9 Watonwan (first county record)
Six males and one female observed at traditional location 9/4 Jackson DWK. “At least one of the males gave the rising whistle call several times” 10/6–9 Watonwan (Mud L.) †RBW, m.ob. Reported without details from Cottonwood, Lac qui Parle. [Corrected]
2006-10-09Cottonwood10/9 Cottonwood (first fall record)
Six males and one female observed at traditional location 9/4 Jackson DWK. “At least one of the males gave the rising whistle call several times” 10/6–9 Watonwan (Mud L.) †RBW, m.ob. Reported without details from Cottonwood, Lac qui Parle. [Corrected]
2007-04-192007-05-25Watonwan4/19-23, 5/25 Watonwan (second county record)
All south reports: 4/20–5/25 Watonwan (Mud Lake and Rosendale W.M.A.) m.ob., 5/7–27 Pipestone (Engbarth Slough W.M.A.) HHD, †BJU, m.ob., 5/18 Jackson DAB, BTS, 5/28 Murray (Big Slough W.M.A.) RMD. None were well documented.
2007-05-072007-05-27Pipestone5/7, 23, 27 Pipestone (first county record)
All south reports: 4/20–5/25 Watonwan (Mud Lake and Rosendale W.M.A.) m.ob., 5/7–27 Pipestone (Engbarth Slough W.M.A.) HHD, †BJU, m.ob., 5/18 Jackson DAB, BTS, 5/28 Murray (Big Slough W.M.A.) RMD. None were well documented.
2007-07-01Martin7/1 Martin (third county record)
All records: 6/1 Watonwan (Odin Twp.) MCBS, 6/2 Jackson AXH, 6/4 Cottonwood (Rose Hill Twp.) MCBS, 6/5, 6/21, 6/27 Martin (2 locations) MCBS, 6/9–23 Jackson (14 different locations) MCBS, 6/18 Pipestone (Engbarth Slough) †BJU.
2008-04-182008-05-21Lac qui Parle4/18, 19, 20, 26, 5/21 Lac qui Parle (fifth county record)
All reports 3/20 Jackson (1/2 mile N/NE of the town of Heron Lake) †BTS, 3/30 Jackson (SR 86) LS, HHD, KRE, 4/6 Jackson (SR 86) DBM, 5/6 Martin (location?) HHD, 5/9 Lyon (Black Rush Lake) RJS, 5/19 Martin (Pierce Lake) JEB.
2008-05-062008-05-19Martin5/6, 19 Martin (fourth county record)
All reports 3/20 Jackson (1/2 mile N/NE of the town of Heron Lake) †BTS, 3/30 Jackson (SR 86) LS, HHD, KRE, 4/6 Jackson (SR 86) DBM, 5/6 Martin (location?) HHD, 5/9 Lyon (Black Rush Lake) RJS, 5/19 Martin (Pierce Lake) JEB.
2008-05-19Pipestone5/19 Pipestone (second county record)
All reports 3/20 Jackson (1/2 mile N/NE of the town of Heron Lake) †BTS, 3/30 Jackson (SR 86) LS, HHD, KRE, 4/6 Jackson (SR 86) DBM, 5/6 Martin (location?) HHD, 5/9 Lyon (Black Rush Lake) RJS, 5/19 Martin (Pierce Lake) JEB.
2008-06-02Scott6/2 Scott (first county record)
Observed 6/2 Scott (male, vocalizing near Jordan) JEB, 6/7 Jackson BRB.
2009-05-13Lac qui Parle5/13 Lac qui Parle (sixth spring record)
All reports 3/21 Jackson (10 along SR 86 near CR 4) RMD, 4/16 Jackson (CR 24 east of HeronLake) RJS, 5/1 Jackson JEB, 5/9 Jackson (Sandy Point C.P., Heron Lake) DBM, 5/13 Lac qui Parle ASc.
2010-05-15Lac qui Parle5/15 Lac qui Parle (seventh spring record)
All reports: 3/27+ Jackson (S.R. 86 and C.R. 4) DAB, JWH, 3/31 Jackson (Pletz-Klima W.M.A.) DBM, 5/15 Lac qui Parle (Cory Lake) ph. †BJU.
2010-10-23Carver10/23 Carver (first county record)
All reports 10/6 Jackson (5, C.R. 86, Minneota Twp.) BJU, 10/23 Carver JCy, Sibley DBM (probably same individual).
2010-10-23Sibley10/23 Sibley (first county record)
All reports 10/6 Jackson (5, C.R. 86, Minneota Twp.) BJU, 10/23 Carver JCy, Sibley DBM (probably same individual).
2011-04-26Martin4/26 Martin (fifth county record)
Only reports 4/18 Lac qui Parle (Cory Lake) ph. BJU, 4/26 Martin TAT.
2012-03-31Waseca3/31 Waseca (first county record)
All south 3/31 Waseca (Mott Lake) DBM, 4/11 Lac qui Parle (Plover Prairie East Unit) BJU, 4/30 Yellow Medicine LBF.
2012-07-072012-07-26Lyon7/7, 8, 24, 26 Lyon (first summer record)
Seen 6/1, 7/25 Jackson (3 females, 2 males at traditional location near MN 86 / C.R. 4) SC, ANy, JWH, 7/7, 7/8, 7/24, 7/26 Lyon female at Cottonwood W.T.P. and nearby Sham Lake) ph. GWe, †DWK, †HCT.
2013-05-032013-05-23McLeod5/3-23 McLeod (first county record)
All reports 5/3+ McLeod (male) ph. †PRH, m.ob., 5/3+ Jackson ph. BU, 5/27 Lyon (female, Lone Tree Lake) GWe, 5/29 Big Stone (Odden W.P.A.) RMD.
2013-06-062013-06-13McLeod6/6, 13 McLeod (second county record)
Found 6/6, 6/13 McLeod ph. PRH, 6/14, 6/25, 7/27 Jackson (max. 3) RMD, GHo, KDS, †SBM.
2014-04-05Nobles4/5 Nobles (first county record)
Only report 4/5 Nobles (Lake Okabena) KRE, m.ob.
2014-10-19Swift10/19 Swift (first county record)
All reports 8/1 Lyon (Cottonwood W.T.P) GWe, 8/9 Jackson (12) AXH, 9/14 Jackson BAb, 10/19 Swift (Lubenow W.P.A.) DLP.
2015-06-13Swift6/13 Swift (second county record)
Observed in Cottonwood, Swift.
2015-06-272015-07-17Cottonwood6/27, 28, 30, 7/11, 13, 17 Cottonwood (second county record)
Observed in Cottonwood, Swift.
2016-04-172016-04-26Swift4/17-26 Swift (third county record)
All reports 4/17–26 Swift (Danvers W.M.A.) †KnM, ph. JPR, m.ob., 5/7 Jackson (Caraway W.M.A.) BAb, 5/15 Redwood (2, Gales Lake W.M.A.) MiO, JSc, 5/20 Yellow Medicine (Clarkfield W.T.P.) GWe.
2016-05-15Redwood5/15 Redwood (first county record)
All reports 4/17–26 Swift (Danvers W.M.A.) †KnM, ph. JPR, m.ob., 5/7 Jackson (Caraway W.M.A.) BAb, 5/15 Redwood (2, Gales Lake W.M.A.) MiO, JSc, 5/20 Yellow Medicine (Clarkfield W.T.P.) GWe.
2016-10-29Cottonwood10/29 Cottonwood (third county record)
All reports were late migrants: 10/29 Cottonwood (Talcot Lake State W.M.A.) DAk, 11/2 Yellow Medicine GWe, 11/3 Faribault ClN.
2016-11-02Yellow Medicine11/2 Yellow Medicine (second fall record)
All reports were late migrants: 10/29 Cottonwood (Talcot Lake State W.M.A.) DAk, 11/2 Yellow Medicine GWe, 11/3 Faribault ClN.
2016-11-03Faribault11/3 Faribault (second fall record)
All reports were late migrants: 10/29 Cottonwood (Talcot Lake State W.M.A.) DAk, 11/2 Yellow Medicine GWe, 11/3 Faribault ClN.
2017-04-15Lincoln4/15 Lincoln (first county record)
All reports 4/8 Jackson KEm, Rock (Springwater Twp.) REn, 4/11 Jackson (Heron Lake W.M.A.) DAk, 4/15 Lincoln (2, near Hendricks) GWe, 5/11, 5/13 Jackson (max.2, S.R. 86 and 730th) PEB, m.ob., 5/12 Yellow Medicine (Fortier Twp.) RAE, 5/14 Murray (Slayton) LiH, 5/24 Yellow Medicine (Normania Twp.) GWe.
2017-06-032017-06-23Lincoln6/3, 16, 23 Lincoln (second county record)
Found in Cottonwood, Jackson, and 6/3, 6/16, 6/23 Lincoln (3 different locations, none had any details) TCz, RCl.
2017-07-012017-07-24Cottonwood7/1-24 Cottonwood (fourth county record)
Found in Cottonwood, Jackson, and 6/3, 6/16, 6/23 Lincoln (3 different locations, none had any details) TCz, RCl.
2018-04-202018-04-22Grant4/20-22 Grant (first county record)
All south (median 4/8) 4/22 Cottonwood LiH, ASu, 5/2–14 Olmsted (East Landfill Reservoir) DMA, ph. †JPr, ph. GHo, m.ob., 5/13 Cottonwood JSc, MiO, BTS, 5/28 Lyon GWe. Only north report 4/20–22 Grant (North Ottawa Impoundment) ph. LiH, ASu, m.ob.
2018-05-022018-05-14Olmsted5/2-14 Olmsted (third county record)
All south (median 4/8) 4/22 Cottonwood LiH, ASu, 5/2–14 Olmsted (East Landfill Reservoir) DMA, ph. †JPr, ph. GHo, m.ob., 5/13 Cottonwood JSc, MiO, BTS, 5/28 Lyon GWe. Only north report 4/20–22 Grant (North Ottawa Impoundment) ph. LiH, ASu, m.ob.
2018-06-19Lincoln6/19 Lincoln (third county record)
Seen 6/19 Lincoln (Tyler W.M.A.) RAE, 7/7 Sherburne (Blue Hill Trail, Sherburne N.W.R.) PLJ.
2018-07-07Sherburne7/7 Sherburne (first county record)
Seen 6/19 Lincoln (Tyler W.M.A.) RAE, 7/7 Sherburne (Blue Hill Trail, Sherburne N.W.R.) PLJ.
2018-08-16Cottonwood8/16 Cottonwood (fifth county record)
 Only one report 8/16 Cottonwood (2, north of Augusta Lake) LHl.
2019-05-03Pipestone5/3 Pipestone (third county record)
All reports 4/18 Lyon (Susan Drive Wetlands, Marshall) ph. NMe, GWe, 4/20 Jackson LiH and subsequently through 5/24 m.ob., 5/3 Pipestone IVa, 5/11 Cottonwood (Storden W.P.A.) ASu, 5/11 Lyon (Balaton Twp.) GWe, 5/23 Yellow Medicine (Lyon/Yellow Medicine County easement) GWe, 5/28 Murray (5) RJS.
2019-06-15Lyon6/15 Lyon (second county record)
 Seen 6/15 Lyon (pair, Balaton) GWe, 6/28 Redwood (Wabasso) NMe, 7/1 Nobles AJF. None had details.
2019-06-28Redwood6/28 Redwood (second county record)
 Seen 6/15 Lyon (pair, Balaton) GWe, 6/28 Redwood (Wabasso) NMe, 7/1 Nobles AJF. None had details.
2019-07-01Nobles7/1 Nobles (second county record)
 Seen 6/15 Lyon (pair, Balaton) GWe, 6/28 Redwood (Wabasso) NMe, 7/1 Nobles AJF. None had details.
2020-04-072020-05-31Watonwan4/7, 5/9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 31 Watonwan (third county record)
The most spring reports ever. All south (median 4/15) 3/31 Jackson (South Heron Lake) ASu, 4/7, 5/9–31+ Watonwan (near Madelia) BHW, m.ob., 4/11 Yellow Medicine (Timm Lake) REn, RLF, 4/11 – 5/12 Jackson (S.R. 86, Lakefield area) FFa, m.ob., 5/11 Pipestone (Pipestone N.M.) VKl, 5/14–15 Meeker (Ellsworth Twp., Section 13) LiH, BNn, 5/20–23 Lyon (Black Rush W.P.A.) WCM, PME, m.ob, 5/23 Nobles MAJ. High count only a disappointing 2.
2020-05-11Pipestone5/11 Pipestone (fourth county record)
The most spring reports ever. All south (median 4/15) 3/31 Jackson (South Heron Lake) ASu, 4/7, 5/9–31+ Watonwan (near Madelia) BHW, m.ob., 4/11 Yellow Medicine (Timm Lake) REn, RLF, 4/11 – 5/12 Jackson (S.R. 86, Lakefield area) FFa, m.ob., 5/11 Pipestone (Pipestone N.M.) VKl, 5/14–15 Meeker (Ellsworth Twp., Section 13) LiH, BNn, 5/20–23 Lyon (Black Rush W.P.A.) WCM, PME, m.ob, 5/23 Nobles MAJ. High count only a disappointing 2.
2020-05-142020-05-15Meeker5/14, 15 Meeker (first county record)
The most spring reports ever. All south (median 4/15) 3/31 Jackson (South Heron Lake) ASu, 4/7, 5/9–31+ Watonwan (near Madelia) BHW, m.ob., 4/11 Yellow Medicine (Timm Lake) REn, RLF, 4/11 – 5/12 Jackson (S.R. 86, Lakefield area) FFa, m.ob., 5/11 Pipestone (Pipestone N.M.) VKl, 5/14–15 Meeker (Ellsworth Twp., Section 13) LiH, BNn, 5/20–23 Lyon (Black Rush W.P.A.) WCM, PME, m.ob, 5/23 Nobles MAJ. High count only a disappointing 2.
2020-05-23Nobles5/23 Nobles (third county record)
The most spring reports ever. All south (median 4/15) 3/31 Jackson (South Heron Lake) ASu, 4/7, 5/9–31+ Watonwan (near Madelia) BHW, m.ob., 4/11 Yellow Medicine (Timm Lake) REn, RLF, 4/11 – 5/12 Jackson (S.R. 86, Lakefield area) FFa, m.ob., 5/11 Pipestone (Pipestone N.M.) VKl, 5/14–15 Meeker (Ellsworth Twp., Section 13) LiH, BNn, 5/20–23 Lyon (Black Rush W.P.A.) WCM, PME, m.ob, 5/23 Nobles MAJ. High count only a disappointing 2.
2020-06-06Watonwan6/6 Watonwan (fourth county record)
 Seen 6/6 Watonwan (Madelia) MWS, ebd, 6/26 Nobles (Worthington Rest Area, Hwy 60) ebd, 7/4 Jackson (Lakefield) DnS, ASu.
2020-06-26Nobles6/26 Nobles (fourth county record)
 Seen 6/6 Watonwan (Madelia) MWS, ebd, 6/26 Nobles (Worthington Rest Area, Hwy 60) ebd, 7/4 Jackson (Lakefield) DnS, ASu.
2020-09-172020-09-28Lyon9/17, 19, 28 Lyon (third fall record)
No count exceeded three birds. Bulk of reports came from traditional site in Jackson (Hwy 86 and 730th St. in Lakefield Twp.) 8/5–25 ASu, m.ob. Only other reports were the latest south 9/17–28 Lyon ( Black Rush Lake W.P.A.) RJS, GWe.
2021-03-19Nicollet3/19 Nicollet (fourth county record)
All reports: record-early 3/7 Jackson (South Heron Lake) ph. REn, RLF, 3/19 Nicollet (Nicollet W.T.P.) †KEm, JWH, 3/22, 5/28 Jackson (S.R. 86 & 730th St.) ASu, KEm, JWH, 4/3 – 5/15 Lyon (Black Rush Lake W.P.A.) NMe, GWe, m.ob. No count exceeded two individuals.
2022-04-02Pope4/2 Pope (first county record)
All reports: 3/16 Jackson (Spirit Lake) †DFN, †PEJ, 3/19 – 4/25 Lyon (Black Rush W.P.A.) GWe, m.ob., 4/2 Pope (Lakeshore Park) †LiH, 4/30 – 5/29 Faribault (Pilot Grove Lake) BAy, m.ob., 5/2 Jackson (S.R. 86 and 730th St.) ph. KEm, 5/10 Cottonwood (Lake Augusta) ph. KEm, 5/11 Jackson ANy, DBz, 5/26–30 Jackson (Skunk Lake W.M.A.) KRE, m.ob.
2022-04-302022-05-29Faribault4/30, 5/6, 7, 29 Faribault (third county record)
All reports: 3/16 Jackson (Spirit Lake) †DFN, †PEJ, 3/19 – 4/25 Lyon (Black Rush W.P.A.) GWe, m.ob., 4/2 Pope (Lakeshore Park) †LiH, 4/30 – 5/29 Faribault (Pilot Grove Lake) BAy, m.ob., 5/2 Jackson (S.R. 86 and 730th St.) ph. KEm, 5/10 Cottonwood (Lake Augusta) ph. KEm, 5/11 Jackson ANy, DBz, 5/26–30 Jackson (Skunk Lake W.M.A.) KRE, m.ob.
2022-06-03Murray6/3 Murray (second county record)
Observed 6/3 Murray (MN 91, Chandler) GWe.
2023-05-14Cottonwood5/14 Cottonwood
2023-05-14Murray5/14 Murray (third county record)
 Breeds locally southwest.


The information in the above table comes from several different sources. The count in column 1 indicates which of the sources is considered the primary source.
'Accepted' MOURC entries from The MOURC Proceedings
'Not Accepted' or 'Rejected' MOURC entry from The MOURC Proceedings
Accepted MOU records assembled by David Cahlander
Sighting records for ()
Avian information from the occurrence maps, in dark red, assembled by Robert Janssen. Seasonal report for the species/season published in The Loon or The Flicker has been added.
Information from The Loon index assembled by Anthony Hertzel and David Cahlander