MOURC Proceedings Archive - Gulls, Terns Accepted
This is the 1981 to present Records Committee Proceedings archive for
The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Boobies and Gannets
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Martins, Swallows
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Flycatchers
Old World Sparrows
Longspurs and Snow Buntings
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Gulls, Terns
Black-legged Kittiwake
Ivory Gull
Sabine's Gull
Black-headed Gull
Little Gull
Ross's Gull
Laughing Gull
Short-billed Gull
California Gull
Iceland Gull
Lesser Black-backed Gull
Slaty-backed Gull
Glaucous-winged Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
Least Tern
Gull-billed Tern
[White-winged Tern]
Common Tern
Arctic Tern
Forster's Tern
[Royal Tern]
Sandwich Tern
Elegant Tern
[Black Skimmer]

Laughing Gull (C) (Leucophaeus atricilla)Start Date 0000-00-00
47:185-1861975indexLaughing Gull at Stoney Point
1MOU1975-08-16Stoney PointSt. LouisThe Loon 47:185Accepted
1975-08-16St. Louis8/16 St. Louis (first fall record)
First state record was an immature bird seen at Stoney Point St. Louis county on 8-16 by RJ, PE, and R. Glassel.
50:167-1681978indexFirst Adult Laughing Gull for Minnesota
50:1681978indexAnother Laughing Gull at Duluth
50:209-2101978indexAnother Laughing Gull at Stoney Point
50:210-2111978indexImmature Laughing Gull at Stoney Point
2MOU1978-05-201978-05-26DuluthSt. LouisThe Loon 50:168Accepted
3MOU1978-08-07Stoney PointSt. LouisThe Loon 50:209Accepted
1978-08-071978-08-26St. Louis8/7, 26 St. Louis (second fall record)
8-5 St. Louis (Stoney Pt.) JD, 8-26 KE (1 imm).
4MOU1978-08-26Stoney PointSt. LouisThe Loon 50:210Accepted
54:2411982indexFifth Minnesota Record of a Laughing Gull
554:411982-05-181982-05-22DuluthSt. Louis(vote 7-0, Loon 54:241) Accepted
55:1251983indexLaughing Gull Seen on Lake Pepin
55:125-1261983indexSub-adult Laughing Gull at Sand Point, Frontenac
56:171983-06-091983-06-10FrontenacGoodhue(vote 7-0; Loon 55: 125). Recirculated
68:1641983-06-091983-06-15Frontenac State ParkGoodhueA previously accepted and published record (The Loon 55:125–126) which was reevaluated this year. As with the other records of birds originally identified as adult Laughing Gulls and recently reconsidered (see above), the observers were unaware of the similar wing pattern shown by firstand second-summer Franklin's Gulls, which are not precluded by the documentation. Not Accepted
55:1171983-06-131983-06-15FrontenacGoodhue(vote 7-0; Loon 55:125126) Recirculated
1983-06-131983-06-15Goodhue6/13-15 Goodhue (first state record) (first county record)
One sub-adult, 6/13-6/21 Frontenac, Goodhue Co. (m. ob.; Loon 55:125-126).
58:1371986indexLaughing Gulls in Fillmore County
58:1461986-06-16York Twp. Fillmore(vote 7-0; The Loon 58:137). Recirculated
68:1641986-06-16York TownshipFillmoreThis recirculated record had originally been accepted and published (The Loon 58:137), but it was reevaluated this year along with seven other previously accepted Laughing Gull records (see below). The observer's description of these two gulls identified as adults is not specific enough to preclude firstor second-summer Franklin's Gulls, which closely resemble adult Laughing Gulls in their dorsal wing pattern. The observer was apparently unaware of this resemblance and, accordingly, does not explain why the birds were not sub-adult Franklin's. Not Accepted
59:1561987indexA Laughing Gull at Agassiz NWR, Marshall County
60:131987-05-07Agassiz N. W. R.Marshall(vote 7-0; The Loon 59:156). Recirculated
68:1641987-05-07Agassiz National Wildlife RefugeMarshallThis recirculated record had also originally been accepted and published (The Loon 59:156), but reevaluated this year. As with the previous record, the observer was apparently unaware of the similarity in the wing patterns of sub-adult Franklin's Gulls and adult Laughing Gulls, and, therefore, the description of this apparent adult gull is not specific enough to rule out a firstor second-summer Franklin's Gull. Not Accepted
60:131987-05-19DuluthSt. Louis(vote 7-0). Recirculated
6MOU1987-05-19DuluthSt. LouisThe Loon 59:197 (also 1987-05-07 Agassiz NWR, Marshall County)Accepted
60:1341988indexAnother Laughing Gull in Duluth
761:101988-05-05DuluthSt. Louis(vote 7-0; The Loon 60:134). Accepted
61:931989indexAdult Laughing Gulls at Duluth
61:152-1531989indexFive Laughing Gulls at the Dorer Pools, Wabasha County
68:1641989-05-27Florence TownshipGoodhueAn unpublished record not previously voted on and considered unacceptable for the same reasons indicated above. Not Accepted
61:1211989-05-27WhitwaterWMAWabashaWinona(vote 7-0; The Loon 61: 152-153). Recirculated
61:1211989-05-27WhitwaterWMAWabasha(vote 7-0; The Loon 61: 152-153). Recirculated
68:1641989-05-27Whitewater Wildlife Management AreaWabashaAnother previously accepted, published (The Loon 61:152–153), and reevaluated record; considered unacceptable for the same reasons indicated above. Not Accepted
1989-05-27Wabasha5/27 Wabasha (second state record) (first county record)
5/27 Whitewater WMA, Wabasha/Winona Co. (5) RJ, AP (The Loon 61:152-153), 5/28 Duluth (2 ad.) JG (The Loon 61 :93).
61:1211989-05-28Duluth St. Louis(vote 7-0; The Loon 61:93). Recirculated
68:1641989-05-28DuluthSt. LouisAnother previously accepted, published (The Loon 61:93), and reevaluated record; considered unacceptable for the same reasons indicated above. Not Accepted
64:178-1791992indexLaughing Gull in Pipestone County
65:331992-06-281992-06-30RuthtonPipestone(vote 7-0; The Loon 64: 178-179). Recirculated
868:1641992-06-281992-06-30RuthtonPipestone(The Loon 64:178– 179; this and the following record had previously been accepted and published, they were reevaluated this year along with six other Laughing Gull records, and their acceptance was reaffirmed). Accepted
1992-06-281992-07-02Pipestone6/28-7/2 Pipestone (third state record) (first county record)
Third summer record in past ten years. One bird in definitive alternate plumage observed from 6/28 to 7/2 at Ruthton sewage ponds, Pipestone Co. (The Loon 64:178–179).
65:1031993indexLaughing Gull in Houston County
965:1461993-04-22near HokahHouston(vote 7-0; The Loon 65:103). Accepted
1993-04-22Houston4/22 Houston (fourth state record) (first county record)
Reported 4/22 Houston KB (The Loon 65:103).
66:2161994indexLaughing Gull in Otter Tail County
1067:451994-10-19Oscar Twp. Otter Tail(The Loon 66:216). Accepted
1994-10-19Otter Tail10/19 Otter Tail (fifth state record) (first county record)
Reported 10/19 Otter Tail, AH (The Loon 66:216).
67:173-1751995indexLaughing Gull in Polk County
67:1651995-06-15Cameron LakePolk(The Loon 67:173-175). Recirculated
1168:1641995-06-15Cameron LakePolk(The Loon 67:173–175; see above). Accepted
1995-06-15Polk6/15 Polk (sixth state record) (first county record)
Single bird in first-summer plumage observed on 6/15 at Cameron L. in Polk Co. (RJ, MCBS; The Loon 67:173–175). This represents the fifth summer record for the state; however, note that all records of this species are currently being re-evaluated.
1270:1561997-11-281997-11-30Grand MaraisCook(record #98-07, vote 7–0). Accepted
1997-11-281997-11-30Cook11/28-30 Cook (seventh state record) (first county record)
One first-winter bird seen 11/28–30 Cook (Grand Marais) KE, KMH et al. This was not only a first for the county but also the latest ever in the state.
1382:32009-07-27Pool 8, Upper Mississippi National Wildlife and Fish RefugeHouston(record #2009-038, vote 7–0). Thirteenth state record and first ocurrence since November 1997 (The Loon 70:91). Second county record. Adult wearing alternate plumage. Accepted
2009-07-27Houston7/27 Houston (eighth state record) (second county record)
Thirteenth state record and first occurrence since 1997. Adult in alternate plumage 7/27 Houston (Upper Mississippi N.W.F.R., Pool 8) †CLW.
1482:1032010-05-02adult at Lake KoronisStearns(record #2010-010, vote 7–0). First county record and 14th state record. Accepted
2010-05-02Stearns5/2 Stearns (ninth state record) (first county record)
Adult bird seen 5/2 Stearns (Lake Koronis) †PCC.
1583:992011-04-282011-04-29Park Point, DuluthSt. Louis(record #2011-012, vote 7–0, photographed on both dates). adult in alternate plumageAccepted
1683:992011-05-03Eggert Lake, MontgomeryLe Sueur(record #2011-014, vote 7–0). Accepted
2011-05-032011-05-04Le Sueur5/3, 4 Le Sueur (tenth state record) (first county record)
Adult found 4/28 St. Louis (Park Point R.A.) was seen and photographed by many through 4/29 (Canal Park) ph. †JLK, ph. †PHS, †KRE, †JCG, ph. MLH. Another adult was found 5/3 Le Sueur (Eggert Lake) †RBW, ph. †RMD, †DWK, †CMB, m.ob. (The Loon 83:193).
84:32011-09-10CottonwoodLyon(record #2011-030, vote 2–5). Size is not significantly larger than Franklin's Gull. Photo is not clear enough to be of any real value. The observer does not state his experience with Laughing Gulls — only with Franklin's Gulls. Several members did not think there was enough detail in the photos or the written record to clearly rule out a sub-adult Franklin's Gull. Not Accepted
85:32012-12-02Red WingGoodhue(record #2012-044, vote 0–7). The observation, made without optics, lacked sufficient detail in the description to completely eliminate Franklin's Gull from consideration. This possibly correct identification did not adequately rule out a second-year Franklin's Gull, which can be difficult to differentiate and is often mistaken for this species. Cassin's Kingbird, record #2012-025, 27 October 2012, Grand Marais, Cook County. Photo by Anthony X. Hertzel. Clark's Nutcracker, record #2012-037, 31 October 2012, Shoreview, Ramsey County. Photo by Anthony X. Hertzel. Not Accepted
1786:32013-11-10Superior Entry, DuluthSt. Louis(record #2013062, vote 7–0). First-cycle, photographed. Accepted
2013-11-10St. Louis11/10 St. Louis (third fall record)
First-cycle seen at Superior Entry in St. Louis 11/10 †AnG, ph. JLK. Sixteenth state record.
1892:922018-05-26on a sandbar near Western Lake Superior Sanitary DistrictSt. Louis(record #2018-066, vote 6–1). Adult. Nineteenth state record. Accepted
1991:892019-06-092019-06-16Wells Wastewater Treatment PlantFaribault(record #2019032, vote 7–0). First-cycle, photographed. First county record. Accepted
2019-06-092019-06-16Faribault6/9-11, 12, 13, 15, 16 Faribault (eleventh state record) (first county record)
 First-cycle 6/9–16 Faribault (Wells W.T.P.) ph. † JWH, ph. † KEm, † EzH, ph. † WCM, m.ob.
93:32019-07-19 Spring Lake Park Reserve, Schaar's BluffDakota (record #2019-039, vote 1–6). Upon recirculation, the consensus of the Committee was that the distance to the bird made it extremely unlikely that the intricate details described in the reports could have unmistakably been correct. In fact, measurements (Google maps) to the nearest sandbar show the distance to be approximately 670 meters, or over 0.4 miles.

Not Accepted
2093:472020-09-262020-09-29Minnesota side of Superior Entry, DuluthSt. Louis(record #2020-061, vote 7–0). Basic-plumaged adult, photographed. Accepted
2020-09-262020-09-29St. Louis9/26, 29 St. Louis (fourth fall record)
Only documented report of this Casual species was a basic-plumaged adult at the Superior Entry in St. Louis 9/29 ph. †PHS.
 Seventeen records: eight spring, three summer, and six fall. Recorded in four of the last ten years, most recently 2013.


The information in the above table comes from several different sources. The count in column 1 indicates which of the sources is considered the primary source.
'Accepted' MOURC entries from The MOURC Proceedings
'Not Accepted' or 'Rejected' MOURC entry from The MOURC Proceedings
Accepted MOU records assembled by David Cahlander
Sighting records for ()
Avian information from the occurrence maps, in dark red, assembled by Robert Janssen. Seasonal report for the species/season published in The Loon or The Flicker has been added.
Information from The Loon index assembled by Anthony Hertzel and David Cahlander