Families |
Species: Warblers |
Prairie Warbler (C) (Setophaga discolor) | Start Date 0000-00-00 | ||||||||
Ref | First | Last | Location | County | 2 | 3 | Comment | Status | |
33:92 | 1961 | index | Prairie Warbler in Minneapolis | ||||||
1 | MOU | 1961-05-12 | Bass Ponds, Bloomington | Hennepin | The Flicker 33:92 | Accepted | |||
avian information | 1961-05-12 | Hennepin | 5/12 Hennepin (first state record) (first county record) Previously unreported for the state, was seen by Mrs. Leach and other observers on 13 May at the lzaac Walton League Bass Ponds, in Bloomington, just south of Minneapolis. They had time to study the bird closely. | ||||||
40:59-60 | 1968 | index | Prairie Warbler Sight Observation | ||||||
2 | MOU | 1968-05-30 | Wayzata | Hennepin | The Loon 40:59 | Accepted | |||
avian information | 1968-05-30 | Hennepin | 5/30 Hennepin (second state record) (second county record) 5-30 Wayzata, Hennepin Co., 1 singing, seen by Mrs. Andrew Fuller (see Notes of Interest in previous issue); second report for state. | ||||||
3 | MOU | 1975-06-10 | Spring Grove | Houston | The Loon 48:70 | Accepted | |||
avian information | 1975-06-10 | Houston | 6/10 Houston (third state record) (first county record) | ||||||
48:70 | 1976 | index | Third Minnesota Prairie Warbler | ||||||
54:42 | 1981-09-15 | Grand Marais | Cook | (vote 2-5) It was felt that for such an unusual species, identification should be based on more than just one feature (the "triangular black whisker mark"). There was also doubt based on the fact that this warbler was never seen to wag its tail. | Not Accepted | ||||
61:82-83 | 1989 | index | Prairie Warbler in Hennepin County | ||||||
4 | 61:121 | 1989-05-13 | Elm Creek Park Reserve | Hennepin | (vote 7-0; The Loon 61:82-83) . | Accepted | |||
avian information | 1989-05-13 | Hennepin | 5/13 Hennepin (fourth state record) (third county record) 5/13 Elm Creek Park, Hennepin Co. SC (The Loon 61:82-83). | ||||||
64:174-175 | 1992 | index | Prairie Warbler in Rock County | ||||||
5 | 64:138 | 1992-06-06 | Blue Mounds S. P. | Rock | (vote 7-D; The Loon 64:174-175). The following records were voted on (note that several of these records had previously been voted on, accepted and/or published): | Accepted | |||
avian information | 1992-06-06 | Rock | 6/6 Rock (fifth state record) (first county record) Fifth state record: one singing bird was observed on 6/6 at Blue Mounds S. P. in Rock County DZ (The Loon 64:174–175). | ||||||
65:152 | 1993 | index | Prairie Warbler in Pope County | ||||||
6 | MOU | 1993-05-01 | Cyrus | Pope | The Loon 65:152 | Accepted | |||
avian information | 1993-05-01 | Pope | 5/1 Pope (sixth state record) (first county record) Specimen 5/1 Pope CB. (The bird was photographed when it died soon after being found; this is the sixth state record and first documented record.) (The Loon 65:152). | ||||||
66:148 | 1994 | index | Prairie Warbler in Anoka County | ||||||
7 | 66:127 | 1994-05-31 | Cedar Creek N.H.A. | Anoka | (The Loon 66:148). | Accepted | |||
avian information | 1994-05-31 | Anoka | 5/31 Anoka (seventh state record) (first county record) Reported 5/31 (singing male) Cedar Creek Natural History Area, Anoka Co. JH (The Loon 66:148). Seventh state record. | ||||||
68:58 | 1994-08-26 | Montessippi County Park | Wright | The description perfectly fits a male of this species in breeding plumage, but it is unlikely an adult male in late August would be as boldly marked on the face as described. The identification was apparently influenced by consulting field guides during and after the observation, and the description was only written from memory eight months later. | Not Accepted | ||||
8 | 76:39 | 1994-10-15 | Grand Marais | Cook | (record #2003-45, vote 7-0). The documentation for this ten-yearold record, which had never been voted on, had only recently been found. Since it includes original field notes and a sketch made at the time of the observation, the record was able to be Accepted. | Accepted | |||
avian information | 1994-10-15 | Cook | 10/15 Cook (eighth state record) (first county record) | ||||||
9 | 68:164 | 1996-06-04 | 1996-06-24 | Cedar Creek Natural History Area | Anoka | (photo record). | Accepted | ||
avian information | 1996-06-04 | 1996-06-24 | Anoka | 6/4-24 Anoka (ninth state record) (second county record) Third summer record for the state. Three singing males discovered on 6/4 at Cedar Creek Natural Area in Anoka Co. JH (The Loon 68:183–186); birds remained on territory (although the number gradually diminished to one) through 6/24 mob. | |||||
69:28 | 1996-06-13 | Agram Township | Morrison | Although the observer is familiar with the song of this species and describes well the song which was heard, the bird was only heard and never seen. Because warblers often sing aberrant songs, the majority was reluctant to accept such a record of a heardonly accidental species. For example, the Golden-winged Warbler, which would be found in the habitat described, also has a buzzy song which can vary considerably in pattern and might conceivably resemble a Prairie Warbler's. | Not Accepted | ||||
10 | 70:44 | 1997-05-18 | Fridley | Anoka | (record #97-34, vote 7-0). | Accepted | |||
avian information | 1997-05-18 | 1997-05-21 | Anoka | 5/18-21 Anoka (tenth state record) (third county record) Only report: 5/18–21 Anoka SC, GP, mob. | |||||
11 | 70:44 | 1997-06-08 | Cannon River Bike Trail | Goodhue | (record #97- 57, vote 7-0). | Accepted | |||
avian information | 1997-06-08 | Goodhue | 6/8 Goodhue (twelfth state record) (first county record) Two summer reports: singing male observed on 6/8 along the Cannon River Bike Trail in Goodhue CaB; one male observed 7/4–24 Fillmore (mob). | ||||||
12 | 70:44 | 1997-07-04 | 1997-07-24 | near Lanesboro | Fillmore | (photo record #97-72). | Accepted | ||
avian information | 1997-07-04 | 1997-07-24 | Fillmore | 7/4-24 Fillmore (eleventh state record) (first county record) Two summer reports: singing male observed on 6/8 along the Cannon River Bike Trail in Goodhue CaB; one male observed 7/4–24 Fillmore (mob). | |||||
13 | 72:40 | 1999-05-02 | 1999-05-10 | Lake Byllesby | Dakota | (record #99-68, vote 7-0). | Accepted | ||
avian information | 1999-05-02 | Dakota | 5/2 Dakota (thirteenth state record) (first county record) One was photographed 5/2 (second earliest south) Dakota (L. Byllesby) KG et al. | ||||||
avian information | 1999-06-12 | 1999-06-26 | Dakota | 6/12-26 Dakota (fourteenth state record) (second county record) | |||||
14 | 72:40 | 1999-08-12 | 1999-08-19 | Richfield | Hennepin | (record #99-54, vote 7-0). | Accepted | ||
avian information | 1999-08-12 | 1999-08-19 | Hennepin | 8/12-19 Hennepin (fifteenth state record) (fourth county record) First fall report ever! This bird was found at the Richfield community gardens west of the MSP airport on 8/12 Hennepin †TT. The bird was seen by many, documented by few, and lingered through 8/19. This will be the last remarkable discovery at this migrant trap (which produced Sage Thrasher and Lark Bunting in recent years), as the gardens are being paved over for a new runway as part of the airport expansion. | |||||
avian information | 2000-04-30 | Rice | 4/30 Rice (first county record) | ||||||
15 | 73:168 | 2001-04-30 | Faribault | Rice | (record #2001-19, vote 5-2). | Accepted | |||
avian information | 2001-04-30 | Rice | 4/30 Rice (second county record) One seen 4/30 (record early date) Rice (Faribault) †TFB et al. | ||||||
16 | 75:41 | 2002-04-20 | Coon Rapids Dam Regional Park | Hennepin | (record #2002-49; vote 5-2 on first individual; vote 0-7, Not The observer who originally found the bird(s) provided an adequate description of a singing male. A second individual present at the time was thought to have been a female Prairie Warbler, but both the observation and the description were too brief, and this second bird was not accepted. Other observers also reported seeing a Prairie Warbler at this same location through at least 25 April, but none of these reports could be accepted since none was accompanied by adequate documentation. | Accepted | |||
avian information | 2002-04-20 | 2002-04-25 | Hennepin | 4/20-25 Hennepin (fifth county record) Episodic reports 4/20–25 Hennepin (Coon Rapids Dam) JKS, †RLR, †OLJ. This bird was apparently difficult to relocate as many observers searched in vain multiple times. | |||||
17 | 76:39 | 2003-06-02 | 2003-06-03 | Murphy-Hanrehan Park Reserve | Scott | (record #2003-60, vote 7-0). This bird was seen by many observers and photographed. | Accepted | ||
avian information | 2003-06-02 | 2003-06-03 | Scott | 6/2-3 Scott (first county record) Observed 6/2–3 Scott (2 males reported but only one was documented and accepted at Murphy-Hanrehan P.R.) †WMS, ph. TPB, m.ob. | |||||
18 | 76:152 | 2004-05-20 | St. John's University, St. Cloud | Stearns | (record #2004-028, vote 7-0). Three observers each submitted convincing written details. Independently prepared documentation from multiple observers, especially if accompanied by contemporaneous field notes, greatly enhances the validity of sight records. | Accepted | |||
avian information | 2004-05-20 | Stearns | 5/20 Stearns (first county record) Singing adult male 5/20 Stearns (St. John's University) †TDH, †BR, †HHD. | ||||||
avian information | 2005-05-21 | Stearns | 5/21 Stearns (second county record) | ||||||
19 | 78:40 | 2005-06-06 | 2005-07-02 | Ritter Farm Park | Dakota | (record #2005-038, vote 7-0). This territorial male attracted scores of observers, but sadly no female Prairie Warblers. | Accepted | ||
avian information | 2005-06-06 | 2005-07-02 | Dakota | 6/6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, 7/2 Dakota (third county record) Reported 6/6–7/2 Dakota (singing male at Ritter Farm Park) ph. †JPM; also documented by †CMB, †PCC, ph. †DAC, ph.†PHS, †DTT, SMT. | |||||
avian information | 2005-06-18 | Scott | 6/18 Scott (second county record) Reported 6/6–7/2 Dakota (singing male at Ritter Farm Park) ph. †JPM; also documented by †CMB, †PCC, ph. †DAC, ph.†PHS, †DTT, SMT. | ||||||
20 | 78:126 | 2006-06-04 | 2006-06-05 | near Ellsworth | Nobles | (record #2006-052, vote 7-0. Digital images and written details were submitted by multiple observers. | Accepted | ||
avian information | 2006-06-04 | 2006-06-06 | Nobles | 6/4-5, 6 Nobles (first county record) Twentieth state record 6/4–5 Nobles (singing male near Ellsworth) †DBz, COB; ph. DAC, †PHS. | |||||
21 | 79:123 | 2007-05-28 | 2007-05-31 | Ritter Farm Park | Dakota | (record #2007-034, vote 7-0). Of special interest was this bird's presence at the same location where a territorial male sang 6 June - 2 July 2005 (The Loon 78:30, 78:44). | Accepted | ||
avian information | 2007-05-28 | 2007-05-31 | Dakota | 5/28-31 Dakota (fourth county record) Singing adult male 5/28–31 Dakota (Ritter Farm Park) JSw, †CMB, †JLO, †PEB, ph. TPB, ph. CLW, m.ob. | |||||
22 | 81:115 | 2009-05-13 | Dundas | Rice | (record #2009-016, vote 6-1). Second county record. Adult male, photographed at a banding station. | Accepted | |||
avian information | 2009-05-13 | Rice | 5/13 Rice (third county record) Two reports: 5/13 Rice (male, banded) ph. DAT, and a new county record 5/23 Blue Earth †ChH in his Mankato yard. | ||||||
23 | 81:115 | 2009-05-23 | Mankato | Blue Earth | (record #2009-028, vote 7-0). First county record. Singing adult male. | Accepted | |||
avian information | 2009-05-23 | Blue Earth | 5/23 Blue Earth (first county record) Two reports: 5/13 Rice (male, banded) ph. DAT, and a new county record 5/23 Blue Earth †ChH in his Mankato yard. | ||||||
83:99 | 2011-05-20 | Courthouse County Park, St. Mary Township | Waseca | (record #2011-022, vote 0-7). The description is quite casual and could have been much more informative given the closeness of the bird and the length of the observation. | Not Accepted | ||||
84:107 | 2012-05-16 | Nicollet | (record #2012-013, vote 0-7). Voice-only records require careful scrutiny. The observer does not state that he has any actual voice-identification field experience with Prairie Warblers. While it is possible to learn the song from tapes alone (especially for species with distinctive calls or songs), the Committee prefers to err on the side of caution with such records. This is especially true when the observer's actual voice-identification field experience is either limited or otherwise unknown. The brief written description might pertain to other species as well. | Not Accepted | |||||
24 | 87:95 | 2015-06-07 | Hastings Sand Coulee S.N.A. | Dakota | (record #2015-023, vote 7-0). Vocalization recorded. | Accepted | |||
avian information | 2015-06-07 | Dakota | 6/7 Dakota (fifth county record) Seen 6/7 Dakota (Hastings Sand Coulee S.N.A.) a.t. †BAF, SHF, †ADS, †ALw. | ||||||
25 | 88:91 | 2016-06-15 | Sand Coulee S.N.A., Hastings | Dakota | (record #2016-024, vote 7-0). Audio recorded. Comparison of sonograms with a Prairie Warbler also recorded at this same location on 7 June 2015 indicates the bird is almost certainly different from the 2015 male, taking into consideration pronounced differences in the songs. | Accepted | |||
avian information | 2016-06-15 | Dakota | 6/15 Dakota Seen 6/15 Dakota (Hastings Sand Coulee S.N.A., same area as the previous summer) a.t. †AJF. | ||||||
89:87 | 2017-05-20 | Indian Point Campground trail | St. Louis | (record #2017-012, vote 3-4). Another record that may be legitimate given the observer's experience, but it is unfortunately poorly described. Other than having red streaks on its back and lacking a rusty cap, there is nothing else provided to support the identification of a Prairie Warbler. The observer even notes “face markings” and “undertail coverts,” but doesn't actually describe their appearance. | Not Accepted | ||||
26 | 89:87 | 2017-05-26 | private property in Blackduck | Beltrami | (record #2017-023, vote 6-1). Adult male, photographed and audio recorded. First county record. | Accepted | |||
avian information | 2017-05-26 | Beltrami | 5/26 Beltrami (first county record) One report 5/26 Beltrami (Blackduck) a.t. †WEB (The Loon 89:87–91). | ||||||
27 | 91:89 | 2019-05-31 | 2019-06-29 | Gordon Anderson Recreation Area, Richard J. Dorer State Memorial Hardwood Forest | Houston | (record #2019-029, vote 7-0). Adult male, photographed. | Accepted | ||
avian information | 2019-05-31 | Houston | 5/31 Houston (second county record) One report that continued into the summer season 5/31 Houston (Richard J. Dorer S.F., Gordon Anderson R.A.) a.t. DBz. | ||||||
avian information | 2019-06-01 | 2019-06-29 | Houston | 6/1-29 Houston (third county record) Â Continuing from spring (since 5/31) through 6/29 Houston (Gordon Anderson R.A.) a.t. † EzH, ph. RZi, ph. GHo, ph. ToM, ph. MHn, m.ob. Song recorded by no fewer than 14 observers! | |||||
28 | 92:92 | 2020-06-06 | 2020-06-07 | Hillside Road several miles north of the junction with State Highway 26 | Houston | (record #2020-032, vote 7-0). Two singing males; one photographed. Both were described as singing their “diagnostic slightly buzzy ascending series of notes.” The species may have persisted until 17 June 2020 as evidenced by a couple of other reports in proximity to this location. | Accepted | ||
29 | 92:92 | 2020-06-06 | 2020-06-28 | Richard J. Dorer State Forest, Gordon Anderson Recreation Area | Houston | (record #2020-033, vote 7-0). Adult male, photographed. A second bird may also have been present here; but the documentation was insufficient for MOURC to accept more than one bird. Interestingly, a Prairie Warbler was documented very near this location in May and June 2019. | Accepted | ||
avian information | 2020-06-06 | 2020-06-28 | Houston | 6/6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26, 27, 28 Houston (fourth county record) Found 6/6–28 Houston (Gordon Anderson R.A.) FFa, ph. †LBa, ph. †KvM; a.t. and ph. submitted by many to eBird. | |||||
30 | 95:3 | 2023-05-17 | 2023-05-19 | Silverwood Park, St. Anthony | Ramsey | (record #2023-051, vote 7-0). Adult male, photographed. First county record (The Loon 95:50-51). | Accepted | ||
avian information | 2023-05-17 | 2023-05-19 | Ramsey | 5/17, 18, 19 Ramsey (first county record) Seventh spring record over last 20 years: 5/17–19 Ramsey (Silverwood Park) ph. †JrM, †EzH, ph. †NMe, ph. †APi, ph. †TPu, m.ob. | |||||
  | |||||||||
  | Thirty-four records: 17 spring, 1 spring-summer, 14 summer, and 2 fall. Recorded in six of the last ten years, most recently 2023. |
The information in the above table comes from several different sources. The count in column 1 indicates which of the sources is considered the primary source. | ||
'Accepted' MOURC entries from The MOURC Proceedings | ||
'Not Accepted' or 'Rejected' MOURC entry from The MOURC Proceedings | ||
Accepted MOU records assembled by David Cahlander | ||
Sighting records for () | ||
Avian information from the occurrence maps, in dark red, assembled by Robert Janssen. Seasonal report for the species/season published in The Loon or The Flicker has been added. | ||
Information from The Loon index assembled by Anthony Hertzel and David Cahlander |