Families |
Species: Flycatchers |
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (C) (Tyrannus forficatus) | Start Date 1987-01-01 | ||||||||
Ref | First | Last | Location | County | 2 | 3 | Comment | Status | |
1:0 | MOU | 1930-06-05 | Minneota Twp. | Jackson | The Loon 73:39 | Accepted | |||
2:0 | MOU | 1957-07-03 | 1957-07-07 | Long Point | Lake of the Woods | The Loon 30:37, 73:39 | Accepted | ||
30:37 | 1958 | index | Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (Muscivora Forficata) in Northern Minnesota | ||||||
3:0 | MOU | 1958-10-23 | Cloquet | Carlton | The Loon 73:39 | Accepted | |||
4:0 | MOU | 1959-06-05 | Anoka | The Loon 31:74 | Accepted | ||||
35:107 | 1963 | index | Scissor-tailed Flycatcher in Hennepin County | ||||||
5:0 | MOU | 1963-08-10 | Minnesota River | Hennepin | The Loon 35:107 | Accepted | |||
6:0 | MOU | 1964-05-16 | Castle Danger | Lake | The Loon 36:51 | Accepted | |||
38:108 | 1966 | index | Scissor-tailed Flycatcher | ||||||
7:0 | MOU | 1966-05-14 | Frontenac | Goodhue | The Loon 38:108 | Accepted | |||
39:136 | 1967 | index | Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Near Elba, Minnesota | ||||||
39:136 | 1967 | index | Scissor-tailed Flycatcher in Wright County | ||||||
8:0 | MOU | 1967-06-10 | Elba | Winona | The Loon 39:126, 39:136 | Accepted | |||
9:0 | MOU | 1967-06-19 | Buffalo | Wright | The Loon 39:136 | Accepted | |||
10:0 | MOU | 1968-06-14 | Castle Danger | Lake | The Loon 40:123 | Accepted | |||
44:52 | 1972 | index | Scissor-tailed Flycatcher at Duluth | ||||||
11:0 | MOU | 1972-05-16 | Lutsen | Cook | The Loon 44:79 | Accepted | |||
12:0 | MOU | 1972-05-24 | Duluth | St. Louis | The Loon 44:52 | Accepted | |||
45:65-66 | 1973 | index | Scissor-tailed Flycatcher in Mille Lacs County | ||||||
13:0 | MOU | 1973-05-25 | Onamia | Mille Lacs | The Loon 45:65 | Accepted | |||
46:121 | 1974 | index | Scissor-tailed Flycatcher in Hubbard County | ||||||
46:175 | 1974 | index | A Scissor-tailed Flycatcher in Edina | ||||||
14:0 | MOU | 1974-05-13 | 1974-05-16 | Akeley | Hubbard | The Loon 46:121 | Accepted | ||
15:0 | MOU | 1974-06-27 | Edina | Hennepin | The Loon 46:175 | Accepted | |||
16:0 | MOU | 1975-07-02 | Royalton | Morrison | The Loon 49:54 | Accepted | |||
17:0 | MOU | 1975-10-25 | 1975-10-28 | Stoney Point | St. Louis | The Loon 48:34, 48:100 | Accepted | ||
48:34-35 | 1976 | index | Scissor-tailed Flycatcher and Cattle Egret in Duluth | ||||||
18:0 | MOU | 1976-04-30 | dead, near Two Harbors | Lake | The Loon 73:39, 48:165 | Accepted | |||
19:0 | MOU | 1976-06-28 | Blue Mounds SP | Rock | The Loon 49:35 | Accepted | |||
49:54 | 1977 | index | Scissor-tailed Flycatcher and Prairie Falcon in Morrison County | ||||||
50:212 | 1978 | index | Scissor-tailed Flycatcher in Sibley County | ||||||
20:0 | MOU | 1978-07-06 | Sibley Twp. | Sibley | The Loon 50:212, 51:38 | Accepted | |||
51:105 | 1979 | index | Early Scissor-tailed Flycatcher in Duluth | ||||||
51:199-200 | 1979 | index | Scissor-tailed Flycatcher in Clay County | ||||||
21:0 | MOU | 1979-04-29 | Duluth | St. Louis | The Loon 73:39, 51:105, 51:187 | Accepted | |||
22:0 | MOU | 1979-07-08 | 1979-07-22 | Moorhead | Clay | The Loon 51:199 | Accepted | ||
23:0 | MOU | 1982-10-23 | 1982-10-28 | Aitkin | Aitkin | The Loon 55:35 | Accepted | ||
55:35-36 | 1983 | index | Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Near Aitkin | ||||||
55:92 | 1983 | index | Scissor-tailed Flycatcher at Roberts Sanctuary | ||||||
24:0 | 55:117 | 1983-04-27 | Grand Portage | Cook | (vote 7-0) | Accepted | |||
25:0 | 55:117 | 1983-05-10 | Minneapolis | Hennepin | (vote 7-0; Loon 55:92) | Accepted | |||
26:0 | 56:17 | 1983-05-16 | Tamarac N.W.R. | Becker | (vote 7-0). | Accepted | |||
56:17 | 1983-06-11 | Minneapolis | Hennepin | (vote 0-7) This identification was only based on a sketchy description which mentioned only a "very long tail. . . with narrow feathers like the look of a Bam Swallow", "white throat and chest, light above", a call described as a harsh "kep or kek", and that the bird was "soaring around like nighthawk but slower". Although the description could fit a Scissortailed, the details were thought to be too vague, the observers appeared to be relatively inexperienced, the bird 's call and visual appearance would also fit a tern (which was not considered in the details) , and while the flight behavior could fit a Scissor-tailed Flycatcher in courtship flight, it also suggests a tern. | Not Accepted | ||||
56:199-200 | 1984 | index | Scissor-tailed Flycatcher in Winona County | ||||||
27:0 | 56:160 | 1984-05-11 | Elba | Winona | (vote 5-2; The Loon 56:199-200). | Accepted | |||
28:0 | 57:34 | 1984-08-18 | Forest Rd. 424 | Lake | (vote 6-1). | Accepted | |||
57:34 | 1984-08-19 | Duluth | St. Louis | (vote 3-4). Although it was agreed that the bird was probably a Scissor-tailed, the observer only had a brief look as it flew over and was therefore unable to provide anything more than a sketchy description of the size and shape of the bird. | Not Accepted | ||||
57:109 | 1985 | index | Scissor-tailed Flycatcher at Rochester | ||||||
57:181 | 1985 | index | Scissor-tailed Flycatcher at Grand Marais | ||||||
29:0 | 57:119 | 1985-05-07 | near Marion | Olmsted | (vote 7-0; The Loon 57:109). | Accepted | |||
MOU | 1985-05-07 | Marion | Olmsted | The Loon 57:109 | Duplicate | ||||
30:0 | 58:146 | 1985-05-24 | near Borup | Norman | (vote 7-0). | Accepted | |||
31:0 | 58:42 | 1985-10-02 | Grand Marais | Cook | (vote 5-2; The Loon 57:181). | Accepted | |||
58:136-137 | 1986 | index | Scissor-tailed Flycatcher in Cook County | ||||||
32:0 | 58:146 | 1986-05-17 | near Grand Marais | Cook | (vote 7 -0; The Loon 58:136-137) . | Accepted | |||
59:217 | 1987 | index | Scissor-tailed Flycatcher in Goodhue County | ||||||
73:168 | 1987-05-05 | Cook | (record #2001-06, vote 1-6). This record had been filed in the MOU archives of records without ever having been voted on. While the gray plumage, long tail and reddish color on the wings certainly suggest the identification was correct, the description is second-hand, written by someone who did not see the bird. There is also no information provided about size, distance, optics, light conditions, observer experience and other variables. | Not Accepted | |||||
33:1 | 60:13 | 1987-10-16 | Prairie Island | Goodhue | (vote 7-0; The Loon 59:217). | Accepted | |||
avian information | 1987-10-16 | Goodhue | 10/16 Goodhue (first state record) (first county record) 10/16 Goodhue C. Hanson. | ||||||
60:179-180 | 1988 | index | Report of Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Near Ely | ||||||
34:2 | MOU | 1988-05-22 | Duluth | St. Louis | The Loon 61:203 | Accepted | |||
35:3 | 61:10 | 1988-08-02 | 1988-08-08 | near Ely | St. Louis | (vote 7/0; The Loon 60:179-180). | Accepted | ||
61:203 | 1989 | index | Scissor-tailed Flycatcher in Duluth | ||||||
62:227 | 1990 | index | Scissor-tailed Flycatcher in Rock County | ||||||
36:4 | 63:41 | 1990-07-21 | Mound Twp. | Rock | (vote 7-0; The Loon 62:227). | Accepted | |||
MOU | 1990-07-21 | Mound Twp | Rock | The Loon 62:227 | Accepted | ||||
avian information | 1990-07-21 | Rock | 7/21 Rock (second state record) (first county record) First summer record since 1979; one bird seen 7/21 Rock (The Loon 62 :227). | ||||||
37:5 | 63:41 | 1990-09-26 | Rockwell Twp. | Norman | (vote 7-0; The Loon 62:62). | Accepted | |||
avian information | 1990-09-26 | Norman | 9/26 Norman (third state record) (first county record) 9/26 Norman PS (The Loon 63:62). | ||||||
63:62 | 1991 | index | Scissor-tailed Flycatcher in Norman County | ||||||
63:99 | 1991 | index | A Scissor-tailed Flycatcher in Duluth | ||||||
63:208 | 1991 | index | Scissor-tailed Flycatcher in Anoka County | ||||||
63:277 | 1991 | index | Scissor-tailed Flycatcher in Lac Qui Parle County | ||||||
63:278 | 1991 | index | A Scissor-tailed Flycatcher in Knife River | ||||||
38:6 | 64:15 | 1991-07-10 | 1991-07-11 | near Dawson | Lac qui Parle | (vote 7-0; The Loon 63:277). | Accepted | ||
MOU | 1991-07-10 | 1991-07-11 | Dawson | Lac qui Parle | The Loon 39:136 | Accepted | |||
avian information | 1991-07-10 | 1991-07-11 | Lac qui Parle | 7/10-11 Lac qui Parle (first summer record) Unusual number of reports: immature observed on 7/10-11 in Lac qui Parle CMB (The Loon 63:277); one seen on 7/15 in Anoka RK (The Loon 63:208); adult male observed on 7/19 in Duluth KE (The Loon 63:199). | |||||
39:7 | 64:15 | 1991-07-15 | Ramsey | Anoka | (vote 7-0; The Loon 63:208). | Accepted | |||
avian information | 1991-07-15 | Anoka | 7/15 Anoka (fourth state record) (first county record) Unusual number of reports: immature observed on 7/10-11 in Lac qui Parle CMB (The Loon 63:277); one seen on 7/15 in Anoka RK (The Loon 63:208); adult male observed on 7/19 in Duluth KE (The Loon 63:199). | ||||||
40:8 | 64:15 | 1991-07-19 | Duluth | St. Louis | (vote 7-0; The Loon 63:199). | Accepted | |||
avian information | 1991-07-19 | St. Louis | 7/19 St. Louis (first summer record) Unusual number of reports: immature observed on 7/10-11 in Lac qui Parle CMB (The Loon 63:277); one seen on 7/15 in Anoka RK (The Loon 63:208); adult male observed on 7/19 in Duluth KE (The Loon 63:199). | ||||||
41:9 | 64:15 | 1991-10-04 | 1991-10-22 | Knife River | Lake | (vote 7-0; The Loon 63:278). | Accepted | ||
avian information | 1991-10-04 | 1991-10-22 | Lake | 10/4-22 Lake (fifth state record) (first county record) 10/4-22 Knife River, Lake Co. KE, MH, mob (The Loon 63:278), 10/18-20 Lutsen, Cook Co. BL, mob, 10/26 Gooseberry Falls State Park, Lake Co. FN. | |||||
42:10 | 64:15 | 1991-10-18 | 1991-10-22 | Lutsen | Cook | (vote 7-0). | Accepted | ||
43:11 | MOU | 1991-10-26 | Gooseberry Falls State Park | Lake | The Loon 64:94 | Accepted | |||
65:214 | 1993 | index | Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Record for Hubbard County | ||||||
44:12 | 73:168 | 1993-05-22 | Washington | (record #2001-07, vote 6-1). This record had been filed in the MOU archives of records without ever having been voted on. | Accepted | ||||
avian information | 1993-05-22 | Washington | 5/22 Washington (sixth state record) (first county record) | ||||||
45:13 | 66:43 | 1993-06-10 | Duluth | St. Louis | (vote 7-0). | Accepted | |||
avian information | 1993-06-10 | St. Louis | 6/10 St. Louis (second summer record) Two reports: 6/10 St. Louis TW (one bird at Park Point, Duluth) and 7/25–26 Hubbard AB (single bird near Hubbard; The Loon 65:214). There have now been summer records in three of the past four years. | ||||||
46:14 | 66:43 | 1993-07-25 | 1993-07-26 | near Hubbard | Hubbard | (vote 7-0; The Loon 65:214). | Accepted | ||
avian information | 1993-07-25 | 1993-07-26 | Hubbard | 7/25-26 Hubbard (first summer record) Two reports: 6/10 St. Louis TW (one bird at Park Point, Duluth) and 7/25–26 Hubbard AB (single bird near Hubbard; The Loon 65:214). There have now been summer records in three of the past four years. | |||||
47:15 | MOU | 1993-10-23 | Duluth | St. Louis | The Loon 66:85 | Accepted | |||
48:16 | 67:165 | 1994-10-16 | 1994-10-20 | Ely | St. Louis | Accepted | |||
49:17 | 67:45 | 1994-10-21 | near Rothsay W.M.A. | Wilkin | (The Loon 67:63). | Accepted | |||
avian information | 1994-10-21 | Wilkin | 10/21 Wilkin (seventh state record) (first county record) 10/16–20 Ely, St. Louis Co., SS, BT, 10/21 Wilkin KE et al (The Loon 67:63). | ||||||
67:63 | 1995 | index | A Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Near Rothsay | ||||||
50:18 | 70:44 | 1997-06-04 | 1997-07-17 | near Elk River | Sherburne | (photo record #97-80, vote 7-0, The Loon 69:183-185). | Accepted | ||
avian information | 1997-06-04 | 1997-07-17 | Sherburne | 6/4-7/17 Sherburne (eighth state record) (first county record) A single female was observed 6/4 – 7/17 near Elk River in Sherburne Co. mob (The Loon 69:183–185); the bird built several nests in association with a male Western Kingbird. | |||||
70:44 | 1997-06-13 | near Knife River | Lake | (record #97-53, vote 0-7). The entire description only mentions that “it was a bird with a tail approximately twice the length of its body.” While it is quite possible the bird was correctly identified, there is nothing to indicate whether this bird was a passerine or raptor or water bird, etc. (And, even if it were a flycatcher, the possibility of Forktailed Flycatcher remains.) | Not Accepted | ||||
51:19 | 70:44 | 1997-10-02 | Duluth | St. Louis | (photo record #97-74, vote 7-0). | Accepted | |||
52:20 | 70:156 | 1998-05-15 | near Randall | Morrison | (photo record #98-49, vote 7-0). | Accepted | |||
avian information | 1998-05-15 | Morrison | 5/15 Morrison (tenth state record) (first county record) Two reports: 5/15 Morrison (near Randall) WB, 5/24 Carlton (near Eagle Lake) StM. | ||||||
53:21 | 71:36 | 1998-05-24 | near Cromwell | Carlton | (record #98-69, vote 6-1). | Accepted | |||
avian information | 1998-05-24 | Carlton | 5/24 Carlton (ninth state record) (first county record) Two reports: 5/15 Morrison (near Randall) WB, 5/24 Carlton (near Eagle Lake) StM. | ||||||
54:22 | 71:36 | 1998-09-29 | Tofte | Cook | (record #98-84, vote 7-0). | Accepted | |||
55:23 | 71:156 | 1998-10-24 | Grand Marais | Cook | (record #99-09, vote 7-0). | Accepted | |||
56:24 | 71:156 | 1999-05-22 | 1999-05-23 | Duluth | St. Louis | (record #99-23, vote 7-0, The Loon 71:168). | Accepted | ||
57:25 | 71:156 | 1999-05-27 | near Nevis | Hubbard | (record #99-24, vote 7-0, The Loon 71:168). | Accepted | |||
avian information | 1999-05-27 | Hubbard | 5/27 Hubbard (eleventh state record) (second county record) Two reports: 5/22–23 St. Louis (Boy Scout Landing in Gary-New Duluth) mob, 5/27 Hubbard (White Oak Twp.) PP (The Loon 71:168). | ||||||
58:26 | 72:40 | 1999-06-02 | Duluth Twp. | St. Louis | (record #99-34, vote 7-0). | Accepted | |||
avian information | 1999-06-02 | St. Louis | 6/2 St. Louis (third summer record) One was photographed on 6/2 at Duluth in St. Louis Co. TFr. | ||||||
71:156 | 1999-06-23 | North Germany Twp. | Wadena | (record #99-26, vote 1-6). The identification was probably correct, since the bird was described as being a “medium-size passerine with an extremely long tail,” as “light-colored with no obvious markings,” and with a darker tail. However, the light conditions were poor at the time, the observer was not using optics, and the possibility of it being a Fork-tailed Flycatcher is not precluded. The efforts of all those observers who document their reports of unusual species are appreciated, whether or not those records are accepted. Accordingly, the Committee acknowledges with thanks those who provided documentation for the records listed in this article: David Alexander, Chuck Bailey, Al Batt, Peg Benedict, Betsy Beneke, Tom Boevers, Terry Brashear (two records), Judd Brink, Paul Budde, Philip Chu, Kim Eckert (two records), Fred Eckhardt, Wayne Edgerton, Paul Egeland, Audrey Evers, Janet Green, Anthony Hertzel (five records), Bob Janssen, Robbye Johnson, Jeanie Joppru, Curt McCamy, David Neitzel, Art Overcott, Pam Perry, Tom Ramsay, Jeff Stephenson, Peder Svingen (seven records), Tom Tustison, Warren Woessner, and Kevin Woizeschke. There were also other observers who documented records which were not submitted for a vote to the Committee. Their documentations, though not mentioned here, are also appreciated. Summary: 31 records voted on: 20 Ac*Unacceptable* | Not Accepted | ||||
59:27 | 73:35 | 2000-06-10 | 2000-06-11 | Duluth | St. Louis | (record #2000-56, vote 7-0, The Loon 72:180). | Accepted | ||
avian information | 2000-06-10 | 2000-06-11 | St. Louis | 6/10-11 St. Louis (fourth summer record) Seen 6/10–11 St. Louis (Park Point in Duluth) JAB, †PHS (The Loon 72:180), and 7/8 Olmsted †DMA. | |||||
60:28 | 73:35 | 2000-07-08 | Olmsted | (record #2000-70, vote 7-0). | Accepted | ||||
avian information | 2000-07-08 | Olmsted | 7/8 Olmsted (first summer record) Seen 6/10–11 St. Louis (Park Point in Duluth) JAB, †PHS (The Loon 72:180), and 7/8 Olmsted †DMA. | ||||||
61:29 | 73:168 | 2001-05-10 | near Northome | Koochiching | (record #2001-31, vote 6-1). | Accepted | |||
avian information | 2001-05-10 | Koochiching | 5/10 Koochiching (twelfth state record) (first county record) Two reports: 5/10 Koochiching (west of Northome) †RLu (The Loon 73:254), 5/12 Pope (near Starbuck) †DPe (The Loon 73:252). | ||||||
62:30 | 73:168 | 2001-05-12 | near Starbuck | Pope | (record #2001-24, vote 6-1). | Accepted | |||
avian information | 2001-05-12 | Pope | 5/12 Pope (thirteenth state record) (first county record) Two reports: 5/10 Koochiching (west of Northome) †RLu (The Loon 73:254), 5/12 Pope (near Starbuck) †DPe (The Loon 73:252). | ||||||
63:31 | 74:161 | 2002-05-25 | near Split Rock Lighthouse State Park | Lake | (record #2002-45, vote 7-0). The pale head and pinkish color visible on the belly and under wings as mentioned in the description preclude Fork-tailed Flycatcher. | Accepted | |||
avian information | 2002-05-25 | Lake | 5/25 Lake (fourteenth state record) (second county record) Only documented report: 5/25 Lake (Split Rock R.) †CJT. | ||||||
64:32 | 75:160 | 2003-05-24 | 2003-05-25 | Two Harbors | Lake | (record #2003-27, vote 7-0). This individual was seen by numerous observers, and the descriptions provided preclude the possibility of Fork-tailed Flycatcher, the only similar species. | Accepted | ||
avian information | 2003-05-24 | 2003-05-25 | Lake | 5/24-25 Lake (fifteenth state record) (third county record) One documented 5/24–25 Lake (Two Harbors) †RMD, †KRE, ph. JWL, †PHS; subsequently refound through 5/27 m.ob. | |||||
65:33 | 76:39 | 2003-10-18 | 2003-10-19 | Spring Lake Regional Park | Dakota | (record #2003-71, vote 7-0). This bird was seen by several observers and photographed. | Accepted | ||
avian information | 2003-10-18 | 2003-10-19 | Dakota | 10/18-19 Dakota (first county record) One discovered on St. Paul Audubon Society field trip 10/18 Dakota (Schaar's Bluff) †JPS et al. was refound 10/19 †PEB, †ADS, †TAT, ph. TPB, ph. DAC (latest south date). | |||||
66:34 | 76:152 | 2004-05-12 | Camden State Park | Lyon | (record #2004-052, vote 7-0). | Accepted | |||
avian information | 2004-05-12 | Lyon | 5/12 Lyon (first county record) One seen 5/12 Lyon (Camden S.P.) †SMo. | ||||||
67:35 | 77:9 | 2004-09-06 | Anna Gronseth Prairie | Wilkin | (record #2004-092, vote 7-0). | Accepted | |||
avian information | 2004-09-06 | Wilkin | 9/6 Wilkin (second county record) Second county record 9/6 Wilkin (Anna Gronseth Prairie) †RAE; the first was at Rothsay W.M.A., 21 October 1994 (The Loon 67:63). More expected was one along the North Shore of Lake Superior 10/7–9 St. Louis (40th Avenue West/Erie Pier area, Duluth) †MTA; documentation also provided by †CBr, ph. MH, ph. EEO, †PHS. | ||||||
68:36 | 77:9 | 2004-10-07 | 2004-10-09 | 40th Avenue West, Duluth | St. Louis | (record #2004-102, vote 7-0). | Accepted | ||
78:126 | 2005-08-06 | 2005-08-07 | Big Stone N.W.R. | Lac qui Parle | (recirculated record #2006-015, first vote 4-3, second vote 3-4). This bird was aged as a juvenile by an observer who had no experience with this species. Members were concerned that documentation was submitted five months after the sighting and that no photographs were obtained, even though the bird was refound the following day. | Not Accepted | |||
69:37 | 78:126 | 2006-04-23 | Garfield Township | Lac qui Parle | (record #2006-036, vote 7-0). | Accepted | |||
avian information | 2006-04-23 | Lac qui Parle | 4/23 Lac qui Parle (second county record) Two second county records: 4/23 Lac qui Parle (Garfield Twp.) †HJF et al., ph. BJU, 5/1–2 Clay (near Downer) †MM, †RHO, BWF. | ||||||
70:38 | 78:126 | 2006-05-01 | 2006-05-02 | near Downer | Clay | (record #2006-043, vote 7-0). | Accepted | ||
avian information | 2006-05-01 | 2006-05-02 | Clay | 5/1-2 Clay (first county record) Two second county records: 4/23 Lac qui Parle (Garfield Twp.) †HJF et al., ph. BJU, 5/1–2 Clay (near Downer) †MM, †RHO, BWF. | |||||
71:39 | 79:123 | 2006-06-07 | Twin Lakes Township | Carlton | (record #2006-101, vote 5-2). | Accepted | |||
avian information | 2006-06-07 | Carlton | 6/7 Carlton (second county record) Single adults seen 6/7 Carlton (Twin Lakes Twp.) †LAW, 7/1 Yellow Medicine (Echo Twp.) †AF. | ||||||
72:40 | 79:50 | 2006-07-01 | section 33, Echo Township | Yellow Medicine | (record #2006-063, vote 7-0). | Accepted | |||
avian information | 2006-07-01 | Yellow Medicine | 7/1 Yellow Medicine (first county record) Single adults seen 6/7 Carlton (Twin Lakes Twp.) †LAW, 7/1 Yellow Medicine (Echo Twp.) †AF. | ||||||
avian information | 2006-07-07 | Hennepin | 7/7 Hennepin (first county record) Single adults seen 6/7 Carlton (Twin Lakes Twp.) †LAW, 7/1 Yellow Medicine (Echo Twp.) †AF. | ||||||
73:41 | 79:123 | 2007-04-23 | 2007-04-26 | New Haven Township | Olmsted | (record #2007-018, vote 7-0). | Accepted | ||
avian information | 2007-04-23 | 2007-04-26 | Olmsted | 4/23-26 Olmsted (second county record) One found 4/23 Olmsted (near Oronoco) LAV stayed through 4/26 (†CMB, †LEC, ph. †JPM, m.ob.). Another was discovered at Minnesota Point in St. Louis, 5/23–25 ph. SCZ. | |||||
74:42 | 79:123 | 2007-05-23 | 2007-05-25 | Park Point | St. Louis | (record #2007-030, vote 7-0). | Accepted | ||
avian information | 2007-06-07 | Carlton | 6/7 Carlton (third county record) New county record: 6/7 Cass (Bena) KeC, †SC. | ||||||
75:43 | 79:123 | 2007-06-07 | Bena | Cass | (record #2007-037, vote 7-0). | Accepted | |||
avian information | 2007-06-07 | Cass | 6/7 Cass (first county record) New county record: 6/7 Cass (Bena) KeC, †SC. | ||||||
76:44 | 82:3 | 2009-06-26 | south of Henderson | Sibley | (record #2009-040, vote 6-1). Second county record. Photographed. | Accepted | |||
avian information | 2009-06-26 | Sibley | 6/26 Sibley (first county record) Two reports: 6/26 Sibley (south of Henderson) ph. LAR, LER, 7/25+ Dodge (Ellington Twp.) MaM, ph. †DAB, †CMB, ph. †DWK, †LS, m.ob. | ||||||
avian information | 2009-07-21 | 2009-08-03 | Dodge | 7/21, 7/25-8/3 Dodge (first county record) Two reports: 6/26 Sibley (south of Henderson) ph. LAR, LER, 7/25+ Dodge (Ellington Twp.) MaM, ph. †DAB, †CMB, ph. †DWK, †LS, m.ob. | |||||
77:45 | 82:3 | 2009-07-25 | 2009-08-03 | ~5.5 miles west of West Concord | Dodge | (record #2009-035, vote 7-0). First county record. Photographed. | Accepted | ||
78:46 | 82:103 | 2010-04-24 | 2010-04-26 | near Cedar Rock Wildlife Management Area, Delhi Township | Redwood | (record #2010-009, vote 7-0). First county record. | Accepted | ||
avian information | 2010-04-24 | 2010-04-26 | Redwood | 4/24-26 Redwood (first county record) Adult male originally found northwest of Redwood Falls 4/24 CPl, relocated 4/26 Redwood RAE, DBM, †BTS was a new county record. | |||||
82:103 | 2010-06-15 | U.S. Highway 169, Blakely Township | Scott | (record #2010-024, vote 1-6). Though possibly correctly identified, this bird was seen for just a few seconds without optics while the observer was driving at highway speeds. | Not Accepted | ||||
79:47 | 84:3 | 2011-10-18 | Wabasha airport | Wabasha | (record #2011-036, vote 7-0). Photographed. First county record. | Accepted | |||
avian information | 2011-10-18 | Wabasha | 10/18 Wabasha (first county record) An adult female was found north 10/28–29 St. Louis (Waseca Industrial Road, west Duluth) ph. †RMD, BWF, †PHS, ph. AXH, m.ob. One south was a new county record 10/18 Wabasha (Wabasha airport) ph. BLi. | ||||||
80:48 | 84:3 | 2011-10-28 | 2011-10-29 | West Duluth, Waseca Industrial Rd | St. Louis | (record #2011-038, vote 7-0). Well-documented and photographed by several seasoned birders. | Accepted | ||
81:49 | 84:107 | 2012-05-24 | Kelliher | Beltrami | (record #2012-016, vote 7-0). The photo is diagnostic. First county record. | Accepted | |||
avian information | 2012-05-24 | Beltrami | 5/24 Beltrami (first county record) One report, first county record 5/24 Beltrami (just north of Kelliher) ph. †ANy. | ||||||
84:107 | 2012-06-23 | Tanberg Township Road 271 | Wilkin | (record #2012-020, vote 2-5). While the identification of this distinctive species is probably correct, the documentation is inadequate to support it. Very little is presented except a statement about “dark colored wings, the long dark tail with a little bit of white patch and the tail did slightly spread as it flew away from us”. The written description lacked sufficient details to support the record. | Not Accepted | ||||
avian information | 2012-06-23 | Wilkin | 6/23 Wilkin (third county record) | ||||||
82:50 | 85:3 | 2012-08-02 | U.S. Highway 71 one mile south of the Redwood County line | Cottonwood | (record #2012-028, vote 7-0). Photographed. First county record. Though the image of the bird in the photograph was poor, the observer has had extensive experience with the species in another state, having seen approximately one hundred Scissor-tailed Flycatchers there. | Accepted | |||
avian information | 2012-08-02 | Cottonwood | 8/2 Cottonwood (first county record) First county record 8/2 Cottonwood (U.S. Highway 71, one mile south of Redwood County line) ph. BRB. | ||||||
83:51 | 85:99 | 2013-06-02 | 2013-06-05 | seen at the mouth of the Brule River, near the Naniboujou Lodge | Cook | (record #2013-028, vote 7-0). Adult, photographed. First summer record for the county. The 3 June 2013 photograph confirms the identification, although there is no written description. This bird was also seen and photographed by a tour group three days after the initial sighting. | Accepted | ||
avian information | 2013-06-02 | 2013-06-05 | Cook | 6/2, 3, 5 Cook (first summer record) Observed 6/2–5 Cook (mouth of Brule River near Naniboujou Lodge) fide JWL, ph. BPl, CLW. | |||||
84:52 | 87:95 | 2015-04-12 | 2015-04-13 | Rice | (record #2015-002, vote 7-0). First county record. | Accepted | |||
avian information | 2015-04-12 | 2015-04-13 | Rice | 4/12, 13 Rice (first county record) One south report, new county record 4/12–13 Rice †TFB. Two north reports, 5/6 Clay (Moorhead) ph. †KaS, 5/13 St. Louis (Stoney Point) ph. †KJB. | |||||
85:53 | 87:95 | 2015-05-06 | Clay | (record #2015-009, vote 7-0). Adult, photographed. | Accepted | ||||
avian information | 2015-05-06 | Clay | 5/6 Clay (second county record) One south report, new county record 4/12–13 Rice †TFB. Two north reports, 5/6 Clay (Moorhead) ph. †KaS, 5/13 St. Louis (Stoney Point) ph. †KJB. | ||||||
86:54 | 87:95 | 2015-05-13 | Stoney Point | St. Louis | (record #2015-024, vote 7-0). Adult, photographed. | Accepted | |||
87:55 | 87:95 | 2015-06-04 | Grygla | Beltrami | (record #2015-025, vote 7-0). Adult, photographed. There are now eightyeight accepted records for this species. | Accepted | |||
avian information | 2015-06-04 | Beltrami | 6/4 Beltrami (second county record) Observed 6/4 Beltrami (County road 702, about 6 miles east of Grygla) ph. †KJB. | ||||||
88:56 | 89:87 | 2015-06-14 | north side of state highway 7 about three quarters of a mile east of McLeod Coun | McLeod | (record #2015-047, vote 7-0). Photographed. First county record. | Accepted | |||
MOU | 2015-06-14 | McLeod | (record #2015-047, vote 7-0). | Accepted | |||||
89:87 | 2016-08-12 | Lac qui Parle County (record #2016-035 | Lac qui Parle | (record #2016-035, initial vote 4-3, recirculated vote 2-5). The bird was observed while driving 45 miles per hour without the aid of optics. The observer had no previous experience observing this species. The bird appeared to have a long white tail but no black was noted in the tail. There was a quick view of some pinkish or orangish coloration described as similar to what is found on an alternate-plumaged Cattle Egret. However, the observer makes ambiguous statements about the exact nature of the coloration. We were given no indication of the bird's overall size or any other details of coloration such as the paleness of the head or mantle. | Not Accepted | ||||
89:57 | 89:87 | 2017-06-05 | on 250th Street about 970 meters east of Mound Spring Prairie Scientific and Nat | Yellow Medicine | (record #2017-018, vote 7-0). Photographed. Second county record. | Accepted | |||
avian information | 2017-06-05 | Yellow Medicine | 6/5 Yellow Medicine (second county record) Seen 6/5 Yellow Medicine (Mound Spring S.N.A.) ph. †JF, 6/9 Nicollet ph. †JnT, 6/25–7/19 Mower (I-90, just east of Dexter) ph. AS, ph. LiH, †PCC, ph. †REn, 7/1 Rice (west of Dennison) †DFN. | ||||||
90:58 | 89:87 | 2017-06-09 | T110R26 | Nicollet | (record #2017-022, vote 7-0). Photographed. First county record. | Accepted | |||
avian information | 2017-06-09 | Nicollet | 6/9 Nicollet (first county record) Seen 6/5 Yellow Medicine (Mound Spring S.N.A.) ph. †JF, 6/9 Nicollet ph. †JnT, 6/25–7/19 Mower (I-90, just east of Dexter) ph. AS, ph. LiH, †PCC, ph. †REn, 7/1 Rice (west of Dennison) †DFN. | ||||||
91:59 | 89:87 | 2017-06-25 | 2017-07-19 | Mower County (record #2017-026 | Mower | (record #2017-026, vote 7-0). Photographed and video recorded. First county record. | Accepted | ||
avian information | 2017-06-25 | 2017-07-19 | Mower | 6/25-7/19 Mower (first county record) Seen 6/5 Yellow Medicine (Mound Spring S.N.A.) ph. †JF, 6/9 Nicollet ph. †JnT, 6/25–7/19 Mower (I-90, just east of Dexter) ph. AS, ph. LiH, †PCC, ph. †REn, 7/1 Rice (west of Dennison) †DFN. | |||||
92:60 | 90:3 | 2017-07-01 | 1 mile W. Dennison on Denn. Blvd, 1/4 north on Lamb Ave. | Rice | (record #2017-037, vote 7-0). Brief observation, but write up gives an adequate description of the bird. The observer does have experience with the bird. The following records were voted on and were Not Accepted. (Please note that a record which is only means that the documentation was not complete or convincing enough to include the sighting in The Loon, the journal of the MOU, or in the MOU's archives of confirmed bird records. Such a vote does not necessarily mean the observer misidentified the bird or did not see it. Summaries of the reasons why a record was are included here. These are in no way intended to be critical of the observer. The only purpose is to highlight the difficulties an observer may encounter while identifying or documenting these and similar species.) | Accepted | |||
avian information | 2017-07-01 | Rice | 7/1 Rice (second county record) Seen 6/5 Yellow Medicine (Mound Spring S.N.A.) ph. †JF, 6/9 Nicollet ph. †JnT, 6/25–7/19 Mower (I-90, just east of Dexter) ph. AS, ph. LiH, †PCC, ph. †REn, 7/1 Rice (west of Dennison) †DFN. | ||||||
90:83 | 2018-05-31 | 570th Avenue | Blue Earth | (record #2018-026, vote 7-0). Adult, photographed. First county record. | Not Accepted | ||||
avian information | 2018-05-31 | Blue Earth | 5/31 Blue Earth (first county record) Only report, a new county record: 5/31 Blue Earth (570th Ave. north of 280th St.)TPu, †DAB, m.ob. | ||||||
90:83 | 2018-06-05 | Douglas Road | Carlton | (record #2018-027, vote 7-0). | Not Accepted | ||||
avian information | 2018-06-05 | Carlton | 6/5 Carlton (fourth county record) Observed 6/5 Carlton (Douglas Rd.) ph. JLK. | ||||||
93:61 | 92:92 | 2020-06-08 | southwest quadrant of intersection of County Roads 15 and 58 | Benton | (record #2020-034, vote 7-0). Adult, photographed. First county record. | Accepted | |||
avian information | 2020-06-08 | Benton | 6/8 Benton (first county record) Seen 6/8 Benton (C.R. 15 just west of C.R. 58) †DOr, ph. †HHD, 6/30 Pipestone (Woodstock) ph. RJS, ph. †KEm, †NMe, GWe. | ||||||
94:62 | 92:92 | 2020-06-30 | Rock Township | Pipestone | (record #2020-038, vote 7-0). Adult, photographed. First county record. | Accepted | |||
avian information | 2020-06-30 | Pipestone | 6/30 Pipestone (first county record) Seen 6/8 Benton (C.R. 15 just west of C.R. 58) †DOr, ph. †HHD, 6/30 Pipestone (Woodstock) ph. RJS, ph. †KEm, †NMe, GWe. | ||||||
95:63 | 93:47 | 2020-09-04 | Duluth | St. Louis | (record #2020-051, vote 7-0). Adult, photographed. | Accepted | |||
96:64 | 93:111 | 2020-10-10 | Duluth, Waabizheshikana Trail | St. Louis | (record #2020-092, vote 6-1). Adult, photographed. | Accepted | |||
97:65 | 93:3 | 2021-05-07 | 2021-05-11 | Aitkin | (record #2021-025, vote 7-0). Adult, photographed. | Accepted | |||
avian information | 2021-05-07 | 2021-05-11 | Aitkin | 5/7, 8, 9, 10, 11 Aitkin (first county record) Only report, second county record 5/7–11 Aitkin (Cornish Twp.) ph. SC, ph. †LBa, †EzH, ph. IsH, m.ob. | |||||
avian information | 2021-06-27 | Rock | 6/27 Rock (second county record) Observed 6/27 Rock (C.R. 20, Luverne) ph. †SJy. | ||||||
98:66 | 93:111 | 2021-10-18 | about 0.5 miles southwest of Silver Creek Reservoir | Olmsted | (record #2021-078, vote 7-0). Adult, photographed. | Accepted | |||
avian information | 2021-10-18 | Olmsted | 10/18 Olmsted (third county record) Only report an immature bird 10/18 Olmsted (Haverhill Twp.) ph. †SHk, ph. †JPr, m.ob. | ||||||
99:67 | 95:3 | 2023-05-28 | 2023-05-29 | Grey Cloud Dunes SNA | Washington | (record #2023-064, vote 7-0). Adult, photographed. | Accepted | ||
avian information | 2023-05-28 | 2023-05-29 | Washington | 5/28, 29 Washington (second county record) One north report 5/30 Cass (May Twp., second county record) ph. †CGy. One south report 5/28–29 Washington (Grey Cloud Dunes S.N.A., also a second county record) GrN, ph. †DWK, ph. †TPu, †EzH, †PCC, ph. †APi, ph. TGi, ph. ToM, m.ob. | |||||
100:68 | 95:3 | 2023-05-30 | state highway 64, just south of 112th Street | Cass | (record #2023-066, vote 7-0). Adult, photographed. | Accepted | |||
avian information | 2023-05-30 | Cass | 5/30 Cass (second county record) One north report 5/30 Cass (May Twp., second county record) ph. †CGy. One south report 5/28–29 Washington (Grey Cloud Dunes S.N.A., also a second county record) GrN, ph. †DWK, ph. †TPu, †EzH, †PCC, ph. †APi, ph. TGi, ph. ToM, m.ob. | ||||||
101:69 | 95:115 | 2023-10-19 | 2023-10-27 | West Knife River Road | St. Louis | (record #2023-104, vote 7-0). Adult, photographed. | Accepted | ||
102:70 | 95:115 | 2023-10-20 | 2023-10-21 | Grey Cloud Dunes Scientific and Natural Area | Washington | (record #2023-105, vote 7-0). Adult, photographed. | Accepted | ||
avian information | 2023-10-20 | 2023-10-21 | Washington | 10/20, 21 Washington (third county record) | |||||
  | |||||||||
  | One hundred five records: 39 spring, 35 summer, 1 summer-fall, 29 fall, and 1 undated. One breeding attempt (1997), a mixed-pairing with Western Kingbird (T. verticalis). Recorded in six of the last ten years, most recently 2023. |
The information in the above table comes from several different sources. The count in column 1 indicates which of the sources is considered the primary source. | ||
'Accepted' MOURC entries from The MOURC Proceedings | ||
'Not Accepted' or 'Rejected' MOURC entry from The MOURC Proceedings | ||
Accepted MOU records assembled by David Cahlander | ||
Sighting records for () | ||
Avian information from the occurrence maps, in dark red, assembled by Robert Janssen. Seasonal report for the species/season published in The Loon or The Flicker has been added. | ||
Information from The Loon index assembled by Anthony Hertzel and David Cahlander |