Families |
Species: Rails, Coots and Cranes |
Yellow Rail Black Rail King Rail Virginia Rail |
Sora Purple Gallinule Common Moorhen American Coot |
[Caribbean Coot] Sandhill Crane Whooping Crane |
Yellow Rail (Coturnicops noveboracensis) | ||||
N | Yellow Rail Captured Near St. Paul | 1950 | 22:45-47 | |
N | Yellow Rail at Duluth | 1950 | 22:47-48 | |
A | Yellow Rails in Becker and Mahnomen Counties, Minnesota | 1959 | 31:82-83 | |
NP | Yellow Rails Again Found in Becker County, Minnesota | 1960 | 32:102 | |
N | Preliminary Observations on a Yellow Rail in a Becker County Marsh | 1963 | 35:28-29 | |
N | Yellow Rail Specimen from Lake County | 1964 | 36:66 | |
N | Possible Yellow Rail in Minneapolis | 1967 | 39:68 | |
N | New Yellow Rail Area | 1974 | 46:41-42 | |
N | Yellow Rail Heard in Beltrami County | 1978 | 50:205-206 | |
NP | Yellow Rails of Aitkin County | 1984 | 56:68-69 | |
A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1985 | 57:34-36 | |
N | Yellow Rail in Lac Qui Parle County | 1987 | 59:149 | |
N | Yellow Rail in Hennepin County | 1989 | 61:204 | |
AP | The Yellow Rails of McGregor Marsh | 1991 | 63:92-97 | |
A | Yellow Rails Recorded from Unusual Locations in Minnesota | 1993 | 65:196-199 | |
Black Rail (Laterallus jamaicensis) | ||||
N | Unusual Minnesota Records: Black Rail (?) | 1965 | 37:52 | |
N | Black Rail Seen in Anoka County | 1968 | 40:101 | |
N | Black Rail in Goodhue County | 1971 | 43:58 | |
N | Black Rail in Bloomington | 1972 | 44:121 | |
N | A Black Rail in Hennepin County | 1979 | 51:142 | |
A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1988 | 60:13-16 | |
King Rail (Rallus elegans) | ||||
N | Four Rails on a Road | 1945 | 17:64-65 | |
N | Interesting Observations from Kandiyohi and Lac Qui Parle Counties | 1956 | 28:127 | |
N | Breeding Observations of the King Rail in Martin County, Minnesota - 1962 | 1964 | 36:28-29 | |
N | More on Breeding Observations of the King Rail in Southcentral Minnesota | 1966 | 38:76 | |
N | King Rails Near Buffalo Lake | 1966 | 38:112 | |
N | King Rails in Houston County | 1966 | 38:145 | |
N | King Rail Seen at Agassiz Refuge | 1969 | 41:27 | |
N | King Rail in Duluth | 1974 | 46:121-122 | |
NP | King Rail in St. Paul | 1981 | 53:225-226 | |
N | King Rail Nesting in Stearns County | 1984 | 56:72 | |
N | A King Rail in Duluth | 1984 | 56:190-191 | |
A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1985 | 57:34-36 | |
A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1988 | 60:108-109 | |
N | A King Rail Observation | 1991 | 63:73-74 | |
A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1991 | 63:154-155 | |
A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1992 | 64:15-18 | |
N | King Rail in Swift County | 1992 | 64:64-65 | |
A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1992 | 64:138-140 | |
N | Unusual Feeding Behavior Observed for King Rail | 1992 | 64:162-163 | |
NP | King Rail Record | 1992 | 64:170 | |
Virginia Rail (Rallus limicola) | ||||
A | Marsh Bird Community Study | 1938 | 10:1(13)-3(15) | |
A | A Field Study of Sora Rail and Virginia Rail in Central Minnesota | 1954 | 26:2-32 | |
N | Wintering Virginia Rails in Minnesota | 1959 | 31:23 | |
A | Plover, Rail and Godwit Nesting on a Study Area in Mahnomen County, Minnesota | 1960 | 32:5-9 | |
N | Our Virginia Rail | 1965 | 37:54 | |
N | Virginia Rail Chick on Upper Rice Lake | 1969 | 41:58-59 | |
N | Late Virginia Rail Sighting | 1988 | 60:55 | |
A | Social Preening in Soras and in Virginia Rails | 1988 | 60:59-63 | |
N | Heard-Only King and Virginia Rails | 1991 | 63:139 | |
N | Early Date for Virginia Rail | 1993 | 65:101 | |
Sora (Porzana carolina) | ||||
A | Marsh Bird Community Study | 1938 | 10:1(13)-3(15) | |
A | A Field Study of Sora Rail and Virginia Rail in Central Minnesota | 1954 | 26:2-32 | |
A | Plover, Rail and Godwit Nesting on a Study Area in Mahnomen County, Minnesota | 1960 | 32:5-9 | |
N | Late Sora | 1971 | 43:98 | |
N | Sora Nest Building Behavior | 1974 | 46:91 | |
A | Social Preening in Soras and in Virginia Rails | 1988 | 60:59-63 | |
Purple Gallinule (Porphyrula martinica) | ||||
N | Purple Gallinule Specimen Found in Minnesota | 1964 | 36:23 | |
N | Purple Gallinule Near St. Peter | 1970 | 42:119 | |
Common Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) | ||||
N | Common Gallinule at Agassiz Refuge | 1965 | 37:83 | |
NP | Common Gallinule Record for Stevens County | 1965 | 37:106 | |
N | First Common Gallinule Record for Northeastern Minnesota | 1966 | 38:72 | |
N | Common Gallinule Near Grand Rapids | 1966 | 38:109 | |
N | Common Moorhen in Pine County | 1984 | 56:269 | |
N | Breeding Bird Records for Jackson County, 1902-1904 | 1989 | 61:150 | |
N | Common Moorhen in Lake of the Woods County | 1993 | 65:102 | |
A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1993 | 65:146-147 | |
American Coot (Fulica americana) | ||||
N | A Note on Coot Behavior | 1933 | 5:23 | |
AP | Waterfowl Mortality Due to Oil Pollution in the Vicinity of Red Wing, Minnesota | 1952 | 24:116-118 | |
N | Weather-induced Migration of Coots | 1986 | 58:49-50 | |
[Caribbean Coot (Fulica caribaea)] | ||||
A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1984 | 56:17-20 | |
Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis) | ||||
A | Record Flight of Sandhill Cranes | 1941 | 13:2-4 | |
N | Autumn Food Habits of the Sandhill Crane | 1941 | 13:21 | |
A | Nebraska Crane Flight | 1945 | 17:79-81 | |
N | Sandhill Cranes, Wisconsin | 1945 | 17:93 | |
N | Saw-whet Owl, Hawk Owl, and Sandhill Cranes | 1946 | 18:40 | |
N | Spring Migration of Sandhill Cranes | 1946 | 18:43-44 | |
N | Sandhill Cranes in Wilkin County, Minnesota | 1949 | 21:89 | |
N | Sandhill Crane Near Grygla, Marshall County, Minnesota | 1950 | 22:129 | |
N | A Fighting Young Sandhill Crane | 1954 | 26:41 | |
N | Sandhill Cranes on the Roseau River Refuge and Public Hunting Grounds, Roseau, Minnesota | 1955 | 27:93 | |
N | Sandhill Cranes in Morrison County | 1958 | 30:159 | |
N | Sandhill Cranes in Roseau County | 1959 | 31:138 | |
N | Sandhill Cranes | 1961 | 33:125 | |
N | Observations in Martin and Watonwan Counties -- Sandhill Crane | 1962 | 34:29 | |
N | Unusual Fall Migrants in Duluth: Sandhill Crane | 1962 | 34:131 | |
N | Possible Sandhill Crane Breeding | 1966 | 38:139 | |
N | Summer Sandhill Crane at Salt Lake | 1967 | 39:138-139 | |
A | Sandhill Cranes of the Carlos Avery Wildlife Area | 1970 | 42:124-128 | |
A | Results of an Observation Card Survey for Sandhill Cranes in Minnesota for 1977 | 1978 | 50:112-118 | |
A | Fall Migration of Sandhill Cranes in Northwestern Minnesota, 1988-89 | 1990 | 62:14-19 | |
Whooping Crane (Grus americana) | ||||
A | Recollections of the Sixties | 1930 | 2:3-4 | |
N | Whooping Cranes | 1937 | 9(3,4):6 | |
N | 1951 Whooping Crane Record | 1968 | 40:21 | |
N | Possible Whooping Crane in Washington County | 1974 | 46:127 | |
N | Whooping Crane Observations from Kittson County | 1978 | 50:204 | |
A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1982 | 54:42-46 | |
A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1986 | 58:42-45 | |
N | Whooping Cranes in Mahnomen County | 1986 | 58:45 | |
A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1988 | 60:13-16 | |
A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1988 | 60:108-109 | |
AP | A Whooping Crane in Minnesota | 1990 | 62:177-181 | |
A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1991 | 63:41-42 | |
A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1992 | 64:138-140 |
-- the reference is a major or minor article
-- the reference is a major or minor article and is accompanied by a photograph
-- the reference is a Note of Interest
-- the reference is a Note of Interest and is accompanied by a photograph