Blue-winged Warbler (Vermivora pinus) |
| N | Brewster's Warbler at Whitewater State Park | 1956 | 28:169 |
| N | Sight Record of Lawrence's Warbler in Minneapolis | 1958 | 30:117 |
| N | A Request for Information | 1959 | 31:25 |
| N | Brewster's Warbler in Minneapolis | 1965 | 37:85 |
| N | Hybrids | 1965 | 37:85-86 |
| N | Blue-winged Warblers Observed in Sherburne County | 1968 | 40:24 |
| N | Brewster's Warbler Banded in Washington County | 1973 | 45:99-100 |
| N | Golden-winged, Blue-winged, and Brewster's Warblers in Anoka County | 1977 | 49:171-172 |
| N | Blue-winged Warbler Heard at Cedar Creek | 1977 | 49:178 |
| N | Blue-winged Warbler in Lake County | 1977 | 49:233 |
| N | Blue-winged Warbler at Sibley State Park | 1980 | 52:40 |
| N | Blue-winged Warblers in Wolsfeld Woods | 1980 | 52:192-193 |
| NP | Blue-winged Warblers Nesting in Wolsfeld Woods | 1981 | 53:228 |
| N | Brewster's Warbler in Aitkin County | 1983 | 55:88 |
| N | Discovery and Collection of a Rare Hybrid Warbler in Scott County, Minnesota | 1983 | 55:88-89 |
| N | Blue-winged Warbler in Otter Tail County | 1984 | 56:198 |
| N | Blue-winged and "Lawrence's" Warblers at Itasca State Park | 1987 | 59:212-213 |
| N | Lawrence's Warbler in Fillmore County | 1988 | 60:91 |
| N | Return of a Lawrence's Warbler? | 1989 | 61:142 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1992 | 64:15-18 |
| NP | Blue-winged Warbler Found at Tamarac Refuge | 1993 | 65:215 |
| N | Female "Lawrence's" Warbler in Minneapolis | 1994 | 66:206-207 |
Golden-winged Warbler (Vermivo chrysoptera) |
| N | Brewster's Warbler at Whitewater State Park | 1956 | 28:169 |
| N | Sight Record of Lawrence's Warbler in Minneapolis | 1958 | 30:117 |
| N | A Request for Information | 1959 | 31:25 |
| N | Brewster's Warbler in Minneapolis | 1965 | 37:85 |
| N | Hybrids | 1965 | 37:85-86 |
| N | Brewster's Warbler Banded in Washington County | 1973 | 45:99-100 |
| N | Golden-winged Warblers near Babbitt, Minnesota | 1975 | 47:144 |
| N | Golden-winged, Blue-winged, and Brewster's Warblers in Anoka County | 1977 | 49:171-172 |
| N | Brewster's Warbler in Aitkin County | 1983 | 55:88 |
| N | Discovery and Collection of a Rare Hybrid Warbler in Scott County, Minnesota | 1983 | 55:88-89 |
| N | Blue-winged and "Lawrence's" Warblers at Itasca State Park | 1987 | 59:212-213 |
| N | Lawrence's Warbler in Fillmore County | 1988 | 60:91 |
| N | Return of a Lawrence's Warbler? | 1989 | 61:142 |
| N | Female "Lawrence's" Warbler in Minneapolis | 1994 | 66:206-207 |
Tennessee Warbler (Vermivora peregrina) |
| N | Central Minnesota Summer Observations of Nashville and Tennessee Warblers and Philadelphia Vireo | 1966 | 38:139-140 |
| A | Early Summer Warbler Records and Boreal Chickadee Nest Near Itasca Park | 1977 | 49:198-201 |
| N | A Late Immature Tennessee Warbler | 1982 | 54:60 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1988 | 60:13-16 |
| N | Record Late Tennessee Warbler | 1994 | 66:48 |
Orange-crowned Warbler (Vermivora celata) |
| N | Orange-crowned Warbler | 1969 | 41:54-55 |
| N | Winter Orange-crowned Warbler in Grand Marais | 1988 | 60:42 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1988 | 60:108-109 |
| N | Summer Record for Orange-crowned Warbler | 1992 | 64:163-164 |
Nashville Warbler (Vermivo ruficapilla) |
| N | Some Observations on the Density of Population of Certain Birds | 1954 | 26:157 |
| N | Central Minnesota Summer Observations of Nashville and Tennessee Warblers and Philadelphia Vireo | 1966 | 38:139-140 |
| N | Early Date for Nashville Warbler | 1975 | 47:136 |
Northern Parula (Parula americana) |
| N | April Parula Warbler in Duluth | 1966 | 38:73 |
Yellow Warbler (Dendroica petechia) |
| N | Not Easily Discouraged | 1933 | 5:11 |
| N | Triple-decked Nest of Yellow Warbler | 1942 | 14:49 |
| N | Bird Triangle | 1943 | 15:13 |
| N | An Interesting Yellow Warbler Nesting | 1944 | 16:16-17 |
| N | Unusual Winter Record for St. Cloud | 1963 | 35:27 |
| N | Yellow Warbler and a Loggerhead Shrike at Theodore Wirth Park | 1976 | 48:188-189 |
| N | Nest Material Caching by Yellow Warblers | 1988 | 60:54 |
Chestnut-sided Warbler (Dendroi pensylvanica) |
| N | Some Observations on the Density of Population of Certain Birds | 1954 | 26:157 |
| N | Late Date for the Chestnut-sided Warbler | 1988 | 60:45-46 |
Magnolia Warbler (Dendroica magnolia) |
| A | Early Summer Warbler Records and Boreal Chickadee Nest Near Itasca Park | 1977 | 49:198-201 |
Cape May Warbler (Dendroica tigrina) |
| AP | A Search for Nesting Cape May Warblers | 1962 | 34:38-40 |
| N | Cape May Warbler at St. Cloud | 1962 | 34:62 |
| N | A Late Cape May Warbler in Lake County | 1975 | 47:44 |
| N | Record Early Date for the Cape May Warbler | 1987 | 59:219 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1988 | 60:13-16 |
| NP | Cape May Warblers at Hummingbird Feeder | 1988 | 60:126 |
Black-throated Blue Warbler (Dendroi caerulescens) |
| N | Black-throated Blue Warbler | 1943 | 15:56 |
| N | June Record for the Black-throated Blue Warbler | 1965 | 37:151 |
| N | Late Black-throated Blue Warblers | 1976 | 48:37 |
| A | Early Summer Warbler Records and Boreal Chickadee Nest Near Itasca Park | 1977 | 49:198-201 |
| N | Early Black-throated Blue Warbler | 1981 | 53:166 |
| NP | Black-throated Blue Warbler Visits a Feeder | 1984 | 56:65 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1988 | 60:108-109 |
| N | Black-throated Blue Warbler in Winona County | 1995 | 67:56 |
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Dendroi coronata) |
| N | Audubon Warblers at North Oaks Farm | 1956 | 28:166 |
| N | Reported Sighting of an Audubon's Warbler | 1964 | 36:66 |
| N | Myrtle Warbler Winters in Edina | 1968 | 40:21 |
| N | Possible Myrtle Warbler Breeding in Southern Minnesota | 1973 | 45:133 |
| N | Warbler-Sapsucker Association | 1976 | 48:118-119 |
| NP | Yellow-rumped Warblers Winter in Wabasha County | 1981 | 53:114-115 |
| NP | Yellow-rumped (Audubon's) Warbler in Bloomington | 1982 | 54:133 |
| N | November Sighting of a Yellow-rumped Warbler (Audubon's) at Grand Marais | 1985 | 57:184 |
| N | Unusual Yellow-rumped Warbler | 1987 | 59:213-214 |
Black-throated Gray Warbler (Dendroi nigrescens) |
| N | Black-throated Gray Warbler in Minnesota | 1956 | 28:166 |
| N | Minnesota's Third Black-throated Gray Warbler | 1991 | 63:272-273 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1992 | 64:15-18 |
| NP | Late Fall Black-throated Gray Warbler in Chisago County | 1994 | 66:207 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1995 | 67:45-47 |
Townsend's Warbler (Dendroica townsendi) |
| N | Minnesota's First Townsend's Warbler | 1979 | 51:141-142 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1985 | 57:34-36 |
| N | Minnesota's Second Townsend's Warbler | 1993 | 65:206-207 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1994 | 66:43-44 |
| AP | Minnesota's First Documented Record of Townsend's Warbler | 1994 | 66:59-60 |
| A | Another Townsend's Warbler Record | 1994 | 66:61-62 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1994 | 66:127-128 |
Hermit Warbler (Dendroica occidentalis) |
| N | After 52 years, Minnesota's Second Hermit Warbler | 1983 | 55:88 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1983 | 55:117-119 |
Black-throated Green Warbler (Dendroi virens) |
| A | Itasca Birds: Black-throated Green Warbler | 1980 | 52:51 |
Blackburnian Warbler (Dendroica fusca) |
| A | Observations of a Nesting Blackburnian Warbler at Itasca Park | 1963 | 35:63-65 |
Yellow-throated Warbler (Dendroi dominica) |
| N | Yellow-throated Warbler Near LaCrescent | 1965 | 37:86 |
| N | Minnesota's First Yellow-throated Warbler | 1980 | 52:111-112 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1982 | 54:147-150 |
| N | Yellow-throated Warbler at Wood Lake Nature Reserve | 1982 | 54:180 |
| NP | Yellow-throated Warbler in Washington County | 1984 | 56:188 |
| N | Yellow-throated Warbler at Moorhead | 1985 | 57:105-106 |
| N | Yellow-throated Warbler in Scott County | 1985 | 57:111 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1985 | 57:119-120 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1986 | 58:42-45 |
| N | Yellow-throated Warbler in Freeborn County | 1986 | 58:130 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1986 | 58:146-147 |
| N | Yellow-throated Warbler at Frontenac | 1987 | 59:156 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1988 | 60:13-16 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1990 | 62:134-136 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1991 | 63:154-155 |
| N | Yellow-throated Warbler in Brown County | 1991 | 63:197 |
| N | Yellow-throated Warbler in Goodhue County | 1991 | 63:205 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1992 | 64:15-18 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1993 | 65:33-37 |
| N | Yellow-throated Warbler in Kandiyohi County | 1993 | 65:156 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1994 | 66:43-44 |
| NP | Yellow-throated Warbler at Sibley State Park | 1994 | 66:210-211 |
| N | Yellow-throated Warbler Observation | 1994 | 66:211 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1995 | 67:45-47 |
| N | Minnesota's First December Yellow-throated Warbler | 1995 | 67:65-66 |
Pine Warbler (Dendroica pinus) |
| N | A Very Late Pine Warbler | 1985 | 57:183 |
| NP | Winter Pine Warbler in Austin | 1986 | 58:48 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1987 | 59:143-144 |
| NP | A Winter Pine Warbler | 1988 | 60:42-43 |
Kirtland's Warbler (Dendroica kirtlandii) |
| N | A Second Probable Kirtland's Warbler Record from the Cloquet Forest Research Center | 1964 | 36:106-107 |
| N | Unusual Minnesota Records: Kirtland's Warbler | 1965 | 37:52-53 |
| N | Possible Kirtland's Warbler | 1965 | 37:86-87 |
| N | A 1944 Record for the Kirtland's Warbler | 1980 | 52:112 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1983 | 55:41-43 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1983 | 55:117-119 |
| A | Kirtland's Warbler: Results of 1989 Survey Work in Minnesota | 1989 | 61:165-170 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1991 | 63:41-42 |
Prairie Warbler (Dendroica discolor) |
| N | Prairie Warbler in Minneapolis | 1961 | 33:92 |
| N | Prairie Warbler Sight Observation | 1968 | 40:59-60 |
| N | Third Minnesota Prairie Warbler | 1976 | 48:70 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1982 | 54:42-46 |
| N | Prairie Warbler in Hennepin County | 1989 | 61:82-83 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1989 | 61:121-123 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1992 | 64:138-140 |
| N | Prairie Warbler in Rock County | 1992 | 64:174-175 |
| NP | Prairie Warbler in Pope County | 1993 | 65:152 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1994 | 66:127-128 |
| N | Prairie Warbler in Anoka County | 1994 | 66:148 |
Palm Warbler (Dendroica palmarum) |
| N | A Probable Palm Warbler Nesting in St. Louis County | 1964 | 36:137 |
| N | Late Spring Palm Warbler in St. Paul | 1978 | 50:173 |
Bay-breasted Warbler (Dendroica castanea) |
| N | Bay-breasted Warblers | 1941 | 13:10 |
| A | Early Summer Warbler Records and Boreal Chickadee Nest Near Itasca Park | 1977 | 49:198-201 |
| N | A Bay-breasted Warbler in Anoka County: Early or Late? | 1991 | 63:65 |
| N | November Bay-breasted Warbler in Grant County | 1991 | 63:72 |
Blackpoll Warbler (Dendroica striata) |
| N | July Sighting of a Blackpoll Warbler in Aitkin County | 1981 | 53:175 |
| N | Late Blackpoll Warbler in Hennepin County | 1989 | 61:199 |
| A | A Possible Hybrid Blackpoll Warbler in Western Minnesota | 1995 | 67:167-171 |
[Carbonated Warbler (Dendroica carbonata)] |
| A | A Possible Hybrid Blackpoll Warbler in Western Minnesota | 1995 | 67:167-171 |
Cerulean Warbler (Dendroica cerulea) |
| A | The Cerulean Warbler | 1934 | 6:63-65 |
| N | Southern Birds in Stearns County | 1964 | 36:104 |
| N | Northerly Record for the Cerulean Warbler | 1966 | 38:73 |
| N | Summer Observations of Cerulean Warbler and Lincoln's Sparrow in Crow Wing County | 1966 | 38:142 |
| N | Cerulean Warbler Nesting in Mahnomen County | 1967 | 39:108-109 |
| N | Cerulean Warbler Nest | 1972 | 44:24 |
| N | Cerulean Warbler in Otter Tail County | 1978 | 50:172-173 |
| A | Southeast Birds in Northwest Minnesota | 1991 | 63:31-34 |
| N | Cerulean Warbler in Rock County | 1994 | 66:154 |
| A | Cerulean Warbler Nest Observations, Winona County 1994 | 1995 | 67:51-53 |
Black-and-white Warbler (Mniotilta varia) |
| N | Early Black-and-white Warbler | 1974 | 46:115 |
| N | First Winter Record of Black-and-white Warbler from Duluth and Minnesota | 1975 | 47:96-97 |
| N | A Late Black-and-white Warbler | 1982 | 54:249 |
American Redstart (Setophaga ruticilla) |
| N | Late Date for American Redstart | 1976 | 48:36-37 |
| N | Large Number of American Redstarts Observed at Duluth | 1979 | 51:50 |
Prothonotary Warbler (Protonotari citrea) |
| N | Prothonotary Warbler | 1945 | 17:91 |
| N | Prothonotary Warbler Nesting at Anoka | 1949 | 21:62-63 |
| N | Prothonotary Warbler Establishing Nesting Colony on Mississippi River North of Minneapolis | 1952 | 24:34 |
| N | Southern Birds in Stearns County | 1964 | 36:104 |
| NP | Prothonotary Warbler Nesting Record | 1964 | 36:137-138 |
| N | Late Dates for the Prothonotary Warbler | 1968 | 40:25-26 |
| N | Prothonotary Warbler in St. Paul | 1969 | 41:131-132 |
| N | Two Incredibly Early Spring Records for the Prothonotary Warbler | 1970 | 42:74 |
| N | Mourning Warbler and Prothonotary Warbler | 1976 | 48:21 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1987 | 59:143-144 |
| N | Prothonotary Warbler in Hubbard County | 1988 | 60:129 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1989 | 61:10-13 |
| N | Prothonotary Warbler in Polk County | 1991 | 63:63 |
| N | Prothonotary Warbler in Otter Tail County | 1991 | 63:70-71 |
| N | First Documented Record of Prothonotary Warbler in Sherburne County | 1992 | 64:170 |
Worm-eating Warbler (Helmitheros vermivorus) |
| N | Worm-eating Warbler Seen on Benilde High School Grounds | 1958 | 30:73 |
| N | Worm-eating Warbler Again Seen in Minneapolis Area | 1959 | 31:62 |
| N | Worm-eating Warbler in Hennepin County, Minnesota | 1962 | 34:65 |
| N | Observations of the Worm-eating Warbler | 1963 | 35:103 |
| N | Worm-eating Warbler Seen | 1969 | 41:89-90 |
| N | An Unusual Minnesota Observation | 1974 | 46:35-36 |
| N | Worm-eating Warbler at Wood Lake Nature Center | 1974 | 46:122 |
| N | Fall Worm-eating Warbler | 1974 | 46:172-173 |
| N | Worm-eating Warbler at Roberts Sanctuary | 1975 | 47:135 |
| N | Worm-eating Warbler Observation | 1976 | 48:38 |
| N | Worm-eating Warbler at Hawk Ridge | 1977 | 49:45 |
| N | Worm-eating Warbler at Austin | 1978 | 50:213 |
| N | Worm-eating Warbler Observation | 1979 | 51:106 |
| N | Worm-eating Warbler -- Otter Tail County | 1979 | 51:155 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1981 | 53:129-131 |
| N | Worm-eating Warbler at Austin | 1981 | 53:172 |
| N | Worm-eating Warbler in Brown and Blue Earth Counties | 1983 | 55:126 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1984 | 56:17-20 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1984 | 56:160-161 |
| N | Worm-eating Warbler in Waseca County | 1984 | 56:193-194 |
| N | Worm-eating Warbler at Austin | 1985 | 57:108 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1985 | 57:119-120 |
| N | Worm-eating Warbler -- Olmsted County | 1985 | 57:142-143 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1986 | 58:42-45 |
| N | Worm-eating Warblers in Fillmore County | 1986 | 58:133 |
| N | Worm-eating Warbler in LeSueur County | 1986 | 58:139 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1986 | 58:146-147 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1987 | 59:57-58 |
| N | Worm-eating Warbler in Mower County | 1988 | 60:93 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1988 | 60:108-109 |
| N | Worm-eating Warbler at Crosby Park | 1988 | 60:178 |
| N | Worm-eating Warbler in Rice County | 1990 | 62:118 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1990 | 62:134-136 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1991 | 63:154-155 |
| N | Worm-eating Warbler in Minneapolis | 1991 | 63:203 |
| N | Worm-eating Warbler in Watonwan County | 1991 | 63:208 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1992 | 64:138-140 |
| N | Worm-eating Warbler in Washington County | 1992 | 64:166 |
| N | Worm-eating Warbler in Hennepin County | 1992 | 64:170-171 |
| N | Worm-eating Warbler in Rice County | 1992 | 64:171 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1993 | 65:33-37 |
| N | Worm-eating Warbler in Washington County | 1993 | 65:94 |
[Swainson's Warbler (Limnothlypis swainsonii)] |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1984 | 56:17-20 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1986 | 58:146-147 |
Ovenbird (Seiurus aurocapillus) |
| N | Ecstasy Song of the Ovenbird | 1934 | 6:59 |
| N | Oven-Bird's Nest in Hunter's Park | 1946 | 18:17 |
| N | A Late Oven-bird Record | 1953 | 25:156 |
| N | Some Observations on the Density of Population of Certain Birds | 1954 | 26:157 |
| A | Changes in Ovenbird and Mourning Warbler Abundance at Basswood Lake, Minnesota | 1958 | 30:22-23 |
| N | A Winter Ovenbird | 1975 | 47:97-98 |
| N | Capturing an Ovenbird | 1975 | 47:135-136 |
| N | A Winter Ovenbird in Olmsted County | 1994 | 66:107 |
Northern Waterthrush (Seiurus noveboracensis) |
| A | Early Summer Warbler Records and Boreal Chickadee Nest Near Itasca Park | 1977 | 49:198-201 |
Louisiana Waterthrush (Seiurus motacilla) |
| AP | Nesting of the Louisiana Waterthrush | 1946 | 18:26-27 |
| N | Louisiana Waterthrush in Stearns County | 1970 | 42:147-148 |
| N | The Louisiana Waterthrush Still Nests in Chisago County | 1973 | 45:95-96 |
| N | Louisiana Waterthrush in Otter Tail County | 1977 | 49:244 |
| N | Louisiana Waterthrush in Lake County | 1978 | 50:206-207 |
| N | Louisiana Waterthrush in Pine County | 1983 | 55:89 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1989 | 61:10-13 |
| A | Louisiana Waterthrush in Washington County: Results of the 1988 Minnesota County Biological Survey Work | 1989 | 61:34-37 |
| N | Louisiana Waterthrush in Kittson County | 1989 | 61:46-47 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1994 | 66:43-44 |
| A | Nest Observations: Louisiana Waterthrush, Acadian Flycatcher, Winona County 1994 | 1995 | 67:74-76 |
| A | The Louisiana Waterthrush in Southeast Minnesota | 1995 | 67:201-204 |
Kentucky Warbler (Oporornis formosus) |
| N | Kentucky Warbler in Winona County | 1952 | 24:159-160 |
| N | Kentucky Warbler at Whitewater State Park | 1959 | 31:24 |
| N | Kentucky Warbler in Twin Cities Area | 1959 | 31:136 |
| N | Kentucky Warbler Record from Mower County | 1960 | 32:124 |
| N | Kentucky Warbler Specimen for Minnesota | 1961 | 33:91 |
| A | The Genus Oporornis | 1962 | 34:43-47 |
| N | Kentucky Warbler Banded at Rochester | 1963 | 35:104 |
| N | Kentucky Warbler Seen in Hennepin County | 1963 | 35:139 |
| A | Observations of a Kentucky Warbler | 1964 | 36:94-96 |
| N | Unusual Observation of a Kentucky Warbler | 1964 | 36:94-96 |
| N | Kentucky Warbler Again Seen in Anoka County | 1965 | 37:114 |
| N | Kentucky Warbler Seen in Minneapolis | 1968 | 40:57 |
| N | Kentucky Warbler Visits Brooklyn Park and Park Center Ornithology Class | 1974 | 46:126 |
| N | Kentucky Warbler in Washington County | 1977 | 49:242-243 |
| N | Kentucky Warbler at Roberts Sanctuary | 1978 | 50:169 |
| N | Kentucky Warbler at Itasca Park | 1978 | 50:169-170 |
| N | Kentucky Warbler at Big Stone National Wildlife Refuge | 1979 | 51:45 |
| N | The Kentucky Warbler: A Casual Species | 1979 | 51:155-156 |
| N | A Kentucky Warbler at Nerstrand Woods | 1980 | 52:185 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1982 | 54:147-150 |
| N | Kentucky Warbler at Girard Park, Bloomington | 1982 | 54:189 |
| N | Kentucky Warblers in Redwood County | 1985 | 57:107 |
| N | Kentucky Warbler at Afton Park | 1986 | 58:133 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1987 | 59:143-144 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1988 | 60:13-16 |
| N | Kentucky Warbler Specimen | 1988 | 60:187 |
| N | A Kentucky Warbler in Houston County and a Few Other Good Birds | 1989 | 61:90-91 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1989 | 61:121-123 |
| N | Kentucky Warbler at Lac Qui Parle State Park | 1989 | 61:142-143 |
| N | Kentucky Warbler in Washington County | 1990 | 62:162 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1992 | 64:138-140 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1993 | 65:33-37 |
| N | Kentucky Warbler in Nicollet County | 1993 | 65:45-46 |
| AP | First Confirmed Kentucky Warbler Breeding Record in Minnesota | 1994 | 66:115-117 |
Connecticut Warbler (Oporornis agilis) |
| N | Connecticut Warbler at Fort Snelling | 1930 | 2:23 |
| A | The Genus Oporornis | 1962 | 34:43-47 |
| A | Connecticut Warbler Nest in Hubbard County, Minnesota | 1972 | 44:5-6 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1995 | 67:165-166 |
Mourning Warbler (Oporornis philadelphia) |
| N | Mourning Warbler in Otter Tail County | 1955 | 27:172 |
| A | Changes in Ovenbird and Mourning Warbler Abundance at Basswood Lake, Minnesota | 1958 | 30:22-23 |
| A | The Genus Oporornis | 1962 | 34:43-47 |
| N | Mourning Warbler and Prothonotary Warbler | 1971 | 43:21 |
| N | A Possible Nesting of the Mourning Warbler in Washington County | 1977 | 49:236-237 |
| N | Confirmed Nesting of Mourning Warbler in Washington County | 1980 | 52:39-40 |
MacGillivray's Warbler (Oporornis tolmiei) |
| N | MacGillivray's Warbler -- A New Species for Minnesota | 1958 | 30:117 |
| N | MacGillivray's Warbler Banded at Duluth | 1959 | 31:102 |
| A | The Genus Oporornis | 1962 | 34:43-47 |
| N | Sight Record of a Possible MacGillivray's Warbler | 1965 | 37:45 |
| N | Minnesota Does Have a Specimen of MacGillivray's Warbler | 1981 | 53:109-110 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1983 | 55:117-119 |
Common Yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas) |
| N | Winter Common Yellowthroat | 1983 | 55:33 |
Hooded Warbler (Wilsonia citrina) |
| A | The Hooded Warbler in Minneapolis | 1942 | 14:41-43 |
| NP | Hooded Warbler Banded in Washington County | 1962 | 34:130 |
| N | Hooded Warbler Observation | 1970 | 42:36 |
| N | Hooded Warbler in Minneapolis | 1972 | 44:58-59 |
| N | Hooded Warbler Netted | 1973 | 45:65 |
| N | Notes on the Hooded Warbler in Minneapolis | 1973 | 45:133-134 |
| N | A Hooded Warbler in Minneapolis | 1975 | 47:135 |
| N | Hooded Warbler in LeSueur County | 1975 | 47:141-142 |
| N | Hooded Warbler at Itasca Park | 1975 | 47:143 |
| N | Two Observations of Hooded Warblers | 1976 | 48:115-116 |
| N | Another Clearwater County Hooded Warbler | 1977 | 49:232-233 |
| N | Hooded Warbler at Carleton College | 1979 | 51:102 |
| N | Hooded Warbler at Theodore Wirth Park | 1979 | 51:105 |
| N | Hooded Warblers at Robert's Sanctuary | 1979 | 51:145 |
| N | Another Hooded Warbler | 1979 | 51:152 |
| N | Hooded Warbler Near St. Cloud | 1979 | 51:156 |
| N | Hooded Warbler at Robert's Sanctuary | 1980 | 52:116 |
| N | Another Hooded Warbler in Minnesota | 1980 | 52:195-196 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1982 | 54:42-46 |
| N | Late Hooded Warbler in Olmsted County | 1983 | 55:30 |
| N | Hooded Warbler in Crow Wing County | 1983 | 55:124-125 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1984 | 56:17-20 |
| NP | Male and Female Hooded Warbler: First Minnesota Nesting Record | 1984 | 56:278 |
| N | Hooded Warbler at Carver Park Reserve | 1988 | 60:93-94 |
| A | Additional Hooded Warbler Breeding Records from Minnesota | 1989 | 61:4-9 |
| N | First Hooded Warbler in Fillmore County | 1989 | 61:144 |
| N | Hooded Warbler in Washington County | 1990 | 62:163 |
| N | Hooded Warbler: Winona County | 1991 | 63:210-211 |
| N | Hooded Warbler in Brooklyn Park | 1992 | 64:120-121 |
| N | Hooded Warbler at Carleton College Arboretum in Dakota County | 1992 | 64:124 |
| N | A Hooded Warbler in Rock River Park, Pipestone County | 1992 | 64:169 |
| N | A Late October Hooded Warbler in Grand Marais | 1995 | 67:250-251 |
Wilson's Warbler (Wilsonia pusilla) |
| N | Aberrant Plumaged Wilson's (?) Warbler | 1965 | 37:110-111 |
| A | Early Summer Warbler Records and Boreal Chickadee Nest Near Itasca Park | 1977 | 49:198-201 |
| NP | Minnesota's First Breeding Wilson's Warbler | 1980 | 52:182-183 |
Canada Warbler (Wilsonia canadensis) |
| A | Early Summer Warbler Records and Boreal Chickadee Nest Near Itasca Park | 1977 | 49:198-201 |
Painted Redstart (Myioborus picta) |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1993 | 65:33-37 |
| N | Minnesota's First Painted Redstart | 1993 | 65:49 |
Yellow-breasted Chat (Icteria virens) |
| N | Popularity Personified | 1934 | 6:59-60 |
| N | Nesting of the Yellow-breasted Chat | 1943 | 15:52-53 |
| N | Observations in Lake Pepin Region and Southeastern Minnesota | 1947 | 19:79 |
| N | Yellow-breasted Chat in Southeastern Minnesota | 1952 | 24:88-89 |
| N | Yellow-breasted Chat and Rufous-sided Towhee Wintering in Fargo | 1963 | 35:27 |
| N | Yellow-breasted Chat in Roseville | 1966 | 38:75 |
| N | An Unusual Summer Visitor | 1975 | 47:50-51 |
| N | Yellow-breasted Chat at Duluth | 1975 | 47:92 |
| N | Yellow-breasted Chat at Blue Mounds | 1976 | 48:118 |
| N | Yellow-breasted Chat in Marshall County | 1978 | 50:176-177 |
| N | A Yellow-breasted Chat in Scott County | 1980 | 52:114 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1982 | 54:42-46 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1982 | 54:147-150 |
| N | Yellow-breasted Chat at Duluth | 1982 | 54:189-190 |
| N | Yellow-breasted Chat at Grand Marais | 1984 | 56:65-66 |
| N | Yellow-breasted Chat -- May 12, 1985 | 1986 | 58:49 |
| A | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 1990 | 62:134-136 |