Species Index to The Loon

Grebes, Pelicans, Cormorants and Frigatebirds
Bitterns, Herons, Ibis and Storks
Whistling-Ducks, Swans and Geese
Ducks and Mergansers
Vultures, Osprey, Kites, Bald Eagle, Harriers and Accipiters
Hawks, Golden Eagle, Caracaras and Falcons
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys and Quail
Rails, Coots and Cranes
Plovers, Sandpipers and Phalaropes
Terns, Alcids, Doves, Parakeets, Cuckoos and Anis
Nighthawks, Poorwills, Swifts, Hummingbirds and Kingfishers
Larks, Swallows, Jays, Crows, Chickadees and Creepers
Wrens, Dippers, Kinglets and Gnatcatchers
Wheatears, Thrushes, Mimics and Thrashers
Wagtails, Pipits, Waxwings, Shrikes, Starlings and Vireos
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks, Buntings and Dickcissel
Towhees, Sparrows, Longspurs and Snow Bunting
Blackbirds, Meadowlarks and Orioles
Finches and Weaver Finches
Species: Towhees, Sparrows, Longspurs and Snow Bunting
Green-tailed Towhee
Eastern Towhee
Spotted Towhee
American Tree Sparrow
Chipping Sparrow
Clay-colored Sparrow
Brewer's Sparrow
Field Sparrow
Vesper Sparrow
Lark Sparrow
Black-throated Sparrow
Lark Bunting
Savannah Sparrow
Baird's Sparrow
Grasshopper Sparrow
Henslow's Sparrow
Le Conte's Sparrow
Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow
Fox Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Lincoln's Sparrow
Swamp Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
Golden-crowned Sparrow
White-crowned Sparrow
Harris' Sparrow
Dark-eyed Junco
McCown's Longspur
Lapland Longspur
Smith's Longspur
Chestnut-collared Longspur
Snow Bunting

Green-tailed Towhee (Pipilo chlorurus)
   NThe First Green-tailed Towhee Record for Minnesota196739:135
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee199062:134-136
   NMinnesota's Second Green-tailed Towhee199062:152-153
   APA Green-tailed Towhee Visits Lowry Nature Center199163:156,157
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee199264:138-140
Eastern Towhee (Pipilo erythrophthalmus)
   NYellow-breasted Chat and Rufous-sided Towhee Wintering in Fargo196335:27
   NRufous-sided Towhee Winters in Hennepin County196537:46
Spotted Towhee (Pipilo maculatus)
   NpSpotted Towhee Seen in Eastern Minnesota194820:26-27
   NPWinter "Spotted" Towhee in Hennepin County199062:115
American Tree Sparrow (Spizella arborea)
   NWinter Records of Golden-crowned Kinglet and Eastern Tree Sparrow194012:19
Chipping Sparrow (Spizella passerina)
   AThe Chipping Sparrow that Raised Robins19346:15
   NA Late Record for the Chipping Sparrow197648:77
   NPWinter Record for a Chipping Sparrow197749:51
   NPMinnesota's First Overwintering Chipping Sparrow197951:100
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee198254:147-150
Clay-colored Sparrow (Spizella pallida)
   NClay-colored Sparrows in Pipestone County197547:190
   NClay-colored Sparrows in Olmsted County197547:191
   NPMinnesota's First Wintering Clay-colored Sparrow198557:104-105
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee198860:108-109
Brewer's Sparrow (Spizella breweri)
   NHypothetical Brewer's Sparrow Sighting197547:40-41
Field Sparrow (Spizella pusilla)
   NA Field Sparrow Colony in Pope County196739:139
   NField Sparrows in Pope County196840:54-55
   NEarly Date for the Field Sparrow196941:27
   NField Sparrow197042:55
   NDecember Field Sparrow Record197648:77
   NField Sparrows in Duluth197749:171
   NPDecember Field Sparrow at Two Harbors198456:135-136
   NWinter Field Sparrow in Cook County198557:61
Vesper Sparrow (Pooecetes gramineus)
   NVesper Sparrow, Late Migrant in Cook County198254:134-135
Lark Sparrow (Chondestes grammacus)
   AComments on the Distribution and Abundance of the Lark Bunting and Other Prairie Fringillids in Minnesota and North Dakota196537:70-72
   NLate Lark Sparrows196739:68
   NA Lark Sparrow in Cook County198759:221
   NLark Sparrow in Cook County198860:44
   NLark Sparrow and Whip-poor-will Nest Records for Anoka County198860:133-134
   NA December Lark Sparrow199567:67
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee199567:165-166
Black-throated Sparrow (Amphispiz bilineata)
   ApA Black-throated Sparrow in Minnesota197446:100-101
   NSecond Minnesota Record of a Black-throated Sparrow198153:52
   NPBlack-throated Sparrow, Wilkin County199365:49-50
Lark Bunting (Calamospiza melanocorys)
   NThe Lark Bunting in Rice County195123:18-19
   NLark Bunting at Virginia195123:87-88
   NLark Bunting at Salt Lake, Minnesota195628:167
   NBlue Grosbeaks and Lark Bunting in Rock County196436:26-28
   NPLark Buntings Nesting at Salt Lake196436:92-93
   NLark Bunting and Dickcissel in Cook County196537:48-49
   ALark Bunting Occurrence in Southwestern Minnesota196537:63-69
   AComments on the Distribution and Abundance of the Lark Bunting and Other Prairie Fringillids in Minnesota and North Dakota196537:70-72
   NLark Bunting in Lake County196537:82
   NBreeding Lark Buntings and American Avocets in Lac Qui Parle County196537:82-83
   NLark Bunting Record for the North Shore196537:109
   NBlue Grosbeaks and Lark Buntings in Nobles County196638:141-142
   NLark Bunting Seen in St. Paul196840:58
   NPAn Unusual Visitor at our Feeder197749:105-106
   NSummer Record of a Lark Bunting in Stearns County197749:229
   NLark Bunting in the BWCA197951:200-202
   NLark Bunting in Cook County198254:189
   NPLark Bunting in Aitkin County198456:191
   NLark Bunting in Cook County198557:181
   NSome Unusual Fall Dates from Duluth and Vicinity198759:46-47
   NLark Bunting at Duluth198759:53
   NLark Bunting in Aitkin County198860:137
   NLark Bunting at the Felton Prairie, Clay County199365:48
Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis)
   AThe Savannah Sparrows of Minnesota196032:110-113
   NSavannah Sparrows at Feeding Station196941:131
   NMinnesota's First Wintering Savannah Sparrow199365:95-96
Baird's Sparrow (Ammodramus bairdii)
   NSummer Observations in Roseau County196638:111-112
   NBaird's Sparrow196941:28
   ABaird's Sparrow in Clay County197042:95-96
   NBaird's Sparrow Singing at Rothsay197749:102
   NBaird's Sparrow at Felton197749:175
   NPBaird's Sparrow in Crow Wing County198658:131-132
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee198759:57-58
   NBaird's Sparrow at Felton Prairie198860:132-133
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee198961:10-13
   NBaird's Sparrow at Felton Prairie199163:275
   NBaird's Sparrow in Roseau County199163:284-285
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee199264:15-18
   NPBaird's Sparrows at Felton Prairie199365:1571-58
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee199466:43-44
Grasshopper Sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum)
   NGrasshopper Sparrow at Grand Marais198355:180
   APA Winter Record of a Grasshopper Sparrow199062:39-41
Henslow's Sparrow (Ammodramus henslowii)
   NHenslow's Sparrow in Virginia195426:155
   NHenslow's Sparrow Extends Range in Minnesota195931:102
   NBreeding Distribution of Henslow's and LeConte's Sparrows195931:145
   NHenslow's Sparrow and Bell's Vireo in Southwest Minnesota197446:122-123
   NFall Henslow's Sparrow Observation197850:216-217
   NHenslow's Sparrow Nest, Hennepin County198254:192
   NHenslow's Sparrow in Red Lake Peatland198355:120-121
   NHenslow's Sparrow in Norman County198658:130
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee198759:57-58
   APPreliminary Report on the Henslow's Sparrow in Southeastern Minnesota198759:121-124
   NHenslow's Sparrow Observation198759:216-217
   NA Henslow's Sparrow in October198961:42
   NHenslow's Sparrow Identified in Duluth199264:121
   NHenslow's Sparrow in Wilkin County199567:186
Le Conte's Sparrow (Ammodramus leconteii)
   NLe Conte's Sparrow in Duluth195224:89
   NLe Conte's Sparrow in Anoka County195325:47
   NBreeding Distribution of Henslow's and Le Conte's Sparrows195931:145
   NNesting Le Conte's Sparrows in South St. Louis County196234:26-27
   NStatus of Le Conte's Sparrow in Minnesota197345:131-132
   AHabitat and Size of the Le Conte's Sparrow Territory198456:162-165
   NSummer LeConte's Sparrow199163:203
Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow (Ammodramus nelsoni)
   NNelson's Sparrow194618:105
   NA Sharp-tailed Sparrow Nest197850:48-49
   NSharp-tailed Sparrow in Carver Park Reserve198456:274
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee198557:34-36
   NSharp-tailed Sparrow Seen in Migration198961:204
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee199062:12-14
   NGroup of Six Sharp-tailed Sparrows in Anoka County199567:249-250
Fox Sparrow (Passerella iliaca)
   NWintering Fox Sparrow196739:104
   NPossible Fox Sparrow Nesting in Minnesota197446:35
Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia)
   AMarsh Bird Community Study193810:1[13]-3[15]
   NOddly-colored Song Sparrow196941:129
   NSong Sparrow "Enjoys" Winter in Tracy197446:90-91
Lincoln's Sparrow (Melospiza lincolnii)
   NObservations on the Gunflint Trail194517:89-91
   NSummer Observations of Cerulean Warbler and Lincoln's Sparrow in Crow Wing County196638:142
   NA Nesting Record of Lincoln's Sparrow196941:93-94
   NA December Lincoln's Sparrow198254:66
   NLincoln's Sparrow Winter Observation198355:86-87
   NLincoln's Sparrow Behavior198658:143
Swamp Sparrow (Melospiza georgiana)
White-throated Sparrow (Zonotrichi albicollis)
   NWhite-throated Sparrow19368:12
   NWhite-throated Sparrow Wintering Near Ely194719:53
   NWinter Bird Count Observations196032:30
   NDuluth White-throated Sparrow Retrapped in Saskatchewan196032:32
   NPossible Slate-colored Junco-White-throated Sparrow Hybrid196638:110-111
   NWintering White-throats197345:19
   NA White-hooded White-throated Sparrow199062:232
Golden-crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichi atricapilla)
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee198254:147-150
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee198658:42-45
   NPGolden-crowned Sparrow in Chippewa County198759:101-102
   NPSecond State Record of Golden-crowned Sparrow199062:55-56
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee199466:127-128
White-crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichi leucophrys)
   NWhite-crowned Sparrow19368:12
   NLate White-crowned Sparrow196436:102
   NJuly Record of a White-crowned Sparrow198153:226-227
   NTwo White-crowned Sparrows Winter at Byron198355:87
   NSummer Record for a White-crowned Sparrow199062:230
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee199163:41-42
Harris' Sparrow (Zonotrichia querula)
   NFirst Winter Record of Harris' Sparrow in Minnesota195628:81
   NInteresting Observations from Kandiyohi and Lac Qui Parle Counties195628:127
   NThe Harris' Sparrow and Ruby-crowned Kinglet Winter at Sauk Rapids196032:65
   NHarris' Sparrows Winter at Monticello196436:26
   NWintering Harris' Sparrows196436:63-64
   NImmature Harris' Sparrow Attempts to Winter at Cloquet196537:108-109
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee199163:41-42
   NSummer Record for a Harris' Sparrow199163:63
   NPHarris' Sparrow in Winter -- Winona County199567:112-113
Dark-eyed Junco (Junco hyemalis)
   NOregon Junco Nesting in Seattle195224:36
   NA "White-throated" Junco195830:35
   NTexas Recovery of Minnesota Slate-colored Junco195931:97
   AComparative Trap Vulnerability of the Chickadee and the Slate Colored Junco196234:47-49
   ANotes on the White-winged Junco196436:39-40
   NPossible Slate-colored Junco-White-throated Sparrow Hybrid196638:110-111
   AFirst Gray-headed Junco Record for Minnesota196941:10
   NSecond State Record for the Gray-headed Junco197042:116
   NSparrow Hawk Chases Junco197244:56
   NGray-headed Junco Record197345:26
   NGray-headed Junco Sighted at Richardson Nature Center, Hennepin County198456:70
   NA Dark-eyed Junco's Long Journey199163:65
McCown's Longspur (Calcarius mccownii)
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee198254:42-46
   NPFirst 20th Century Record of McCown's Longspur in Minnesota198254:195
   NPA McCown's Longspur in Duluth198658:198-199
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee198860:13-16
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee199365:33-37
Lapland Longspur (Calcarius lapponicus)
   AA Bird Surprise19313:24
   NThe Longspur's Bluebird Song19335:20
   NA Flight of Longspurs19335:20
   AHints on Identification196537:72-73
   NLarge Longspur Migration in SW Minnesota197042:148
   NImpressive Longspur Migration, West Central Minnesota198254:59-60
   NSummer Record of a Lapland Longspur198355:178
   NLongspur Extravaganza at the Felton Prairie198961:201
   APA Minnesota Longspur Tragedy199163:98-101
Smith's Longspur (Calcarius pictus)
   NSmith's Longspur at Bush Lake, Hennepin County196032:31
   AHints on Identification196537:72-73
   NSpring Record of Smith's Longspur196537:113-114
   NSmith's Longspurs Observed in Traverse County196739:67
   NPossible Smith's Longspurs, Duluth197143:56
   NFall Observations of Smith's Longspurs197143:126-127
   NSmith's Longspurs in Lyon County197244:94
   NA Smith's Longspur Concentration197749:241-242
   NImpressive Longspur Migration, West Central Minnesota198254:59-60
   NSmith's Longspur in Hennepin County198355:34-35
   NSmith's Longspur in Lac Qui Parle County198860:89
   NSmith's Longspurs and Prairie Falcons in Western Minnesota198961:200
   NLongspur Extravaganza at the Felton Prairie198961:201
   NLarge Spring Concentrations of Smith's Longspurs199062:157
   NLongspur Extravaganza II, Traverse County199062:157-158
   NSmith's Longspurs in Norman County199163:141
   NPA Smith's Longspur in Cook County199163:283
Chestnut-collared Longspur (Calcarius ornatus)
   NChestnut-collared Longspur and Sprague's Pipit194618:65
   NA Nest of the Chestnut-collared Longspur in Clay County194921:64
   NChestnut-collared Longspurs in Clay County, Minnesota196032:99-100
   AComments on the Distribution and Abundance of the Lark Bunting and Other Prairie Fringillids in Minnesota and North Dakota196537:70-72
   NChestnut-collared Longspur on North Shore197648:79
   APA Relict Population of Chestnut-collared Longspurs in Western Minnesota198658:3-11
   NLongspurs Breed in Traverse County198658:51
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee198759:143-144
   NPChestnut-collared Longspur in Lake County198961:146
   NLongspur Extravaganza at the Felton Prairie198961:201
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee199264:138-140
   AProceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee199567:165-166
Snow Bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis)
   NSnow Buntings19335:20
   NSnow Buntings19346:13
   NSnow Buntings19379[2]:7
   NConcentration of Snow Buntings Near Shakopee194315:13-14
   NFlight Speed of Snow Bunting194416:37
   NEarly Snow Bunting196537:55
   NA Late Dickcissel Record and an Early Snow Bunting Record196840:54


Each entry to the index is preceded with a code, which denotes one of the following:
-- the reference is a major or minor article
-- the reference is a major or minor article and is accompanied by a photograph
-- the reference is a Note of Interest
-- the reference is a Note of Interest and is accompanied by a photograph

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