This is a complete species index to The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union through 2024-08-22.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.
Families |
Species: Longspurs and Snow Buntings |
Lapland Longspur Chestnut-collared Longspur |
Smith's Longspur Thick-billed Longspur |
Snow Bunting |
Lapland Longspur (Calcarius lapponicus) | Vol. | Page | Key | |
1931 | A Bird Surprise | 3 | 24 | A |
1933 | The Longspur's Bluebird Song | 5 | 20 | N |
1933 | A Flight of Longspurs | 5 | 20 | N |
1965 | Hints on Identification | 37 | 72-73 | A |
1970 | Large Longspur Migration in SW Minnesota | 42 | 148 | N |
1982 | Impressive Longspur Migration, West Central Minnesota | 54 | 59-60 | N |
1983 | Summer Record of a Lapland Longspur | 55 | 178 | N |
1989 | Longspur Extravaganza at the Felton Prairie | 61 | 201 | N |
1991 | A Minnesota Longspur Tragedy | 63 | 98-101 | AP |
Chestnut-collared Longspur (Calcarius ornatus) | Vol. | Page | Key | |
1946 | Chestnut-collared Longspur and Sprague's Pipit | 18 | 65 | N |
1949 | A Nest of the Chestnut-collared Longspur in Clay County | 21 | 64 | N |
1960 | Chestnut-collared Longspurs in Clay County, Minnesota | 32 | 99-100 | N |
1965 | Comments on the Distribution and Abundance of the Lark Bunting and Other Prairie Fringillids in Minnesota and North Dakota | 37 | 70-72 | A |
1976 | Chestnut-collared Longspur on North Shore | 48 | 79 | N |
1986 | A Relict Population of Chestnut-collared Longspurs in Western Minnesota | 58 | 3-11 | AP |
1986 | Longspurs Breed in Traverse County | 58 | 51 | N |
1987 | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 59 | 143-144 | A |
1989 | Chestnut-collared Longspur in Lake County | 61 | 146 | NP |
1989 | Longspur Extravaganza at the Felton Prairie | 61 | 201 | N |
1992 | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 64 | 138-140 | A |
1995 | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 67 | 165-166 | A |
Smith's Longspur (Calcarius pictus) | Vol. | Page | Key | |
1960 | Smith's Longspur at Bush Lake, Hennepin County | 32 | 31 | N |
1965 | Hints on Identification | 37 | 72-73 | A |
1965 | Spring Record of Smith's Longspur | 37 | 113-114 | N |
1967 | Smith's Longspurs Observed in Traverse County | 39 | 67 | N |
1971 | Possible Smith's Longspurs, Duluth | 43 | 56 | N |
1971 | Fall Observations of Smith's Longspurs | 43 | 126-127 | N |
1972 | Smith's Longspurs in Lyon County | 44 | 94 | N |
1977 | A Smith's Longspur Concentration | 49 | 241-242 | N |
1982 | Impressive Longspur Migration, West Central Minnesota | 54 | 59-60 | N |
1983 | Smith's Longspur in Hennepin County | 55 | 34-35 | N |
1988 | Smith's Longspur in Lac Qui Parle County | 60 | 89 | N |
1989 | Smith's Longspurs and Prairie Falcons in Western Minnesota | 61 | 200 | N |
1989 | Longspur Extravaganza at the Felton Prairie | 61 | 201 | N |
1990 | Large Spring Concentrations of Smith's Longspurs | 62 | 157 | N |
1990 | Longspur Extravaganza II, Traverse County | 62 | 157-158 | N |
1991 | Smith's Longspurs in Norman County | 63 | 141 | N |
1991 | A Smith's Longspur in Cook County | 63 | 283 | NP |
1998 | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 70 | 156-158 | A |
2004 | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee | 76 | 39-45 | A |
Thick-billed Longspur (Rhynchophanes mccownii) | Vol. | Page | Key | |
1982 | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 54 | 42-46 | A |
1982 | First 20th Century Record of McCown's Longspur in Minnesota | 54 | 195 | NP |
1986 | A McCown's Longspur in Duluth | 58 | 198-199 | NP |
1988 | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 60 | 13-16 | A |
1993 | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 65 | 33-37 | A |
2000 | Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee | 72 | 163-168 | A |
Snow Bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis) | Vol. | Page | Key | |
1933 | Snow Buntings | 5 | 20 | N |
1934 | Snow Buntings | 6 | 13 | N |
1937 | Snow Buntings | 9(2) | 7 | N |
1943 | Concentration of Snow Buntings Near Shakopee | 15 | 13-14 | N |
1944 | Flight Speed of Snow Bunting | 16 | 37 | N |
1965 | Early Snow Bunting | 37 | 55 | N |
1968 | A Late Dickcissel Record and an Early Snow Bunting Record | 40 | 54 | N |
Each entry to the index is preceded with a code, which denotes one of the following: | |
AP N NP | -- the reference is a major or minor article and is accompanied by a photograph -- the reference is a Note of Interest -- the reference is a Note of Interest and is accompanied by a photograph |
Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird. | |
Click on the volume number to see The Loon reference pages. |