Species Index to The Loon - Screech-Owls, Owls

This is a complete species index to The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union through 2024-08-22.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.

Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Boobies and Gannets
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Chickadees, Titmice
Martins, Swallows
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Flycatchers
Old World Sparrows
Longspurs and Snow Buntings
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Screech-Owls, Owls
Eastern Screech-Owl
Great Horned Owl
[Great Horned Owl (Labrador)]
[Great Horned Owl (Eastern)]
[Great Horned Owl (Arctic)]
Snowy Owl
Northern Hawk Owl
Burrowing Owl
Barred Owl
Great Gray Owl
Long-eared Owl
Short-eared Owl
Boreal Owl
Northern Saw-whet Owl

Eastern Screech-Owl (Megascops asio)Vol.PageKey
1934Screech Owl Notes622N
1946A Screech Owl Visitor1841N
1953A Screech Owl Incident25156N
1958Screech Owl Note30158N
1960Owl Pellet Studies From Three Areas in Hennepin and Scott Counties3213-14A
1964Owl Observations -- Screech Owl36109N
1982Raptors of Minnesota -- Nesting Distribution and Population Status5473-104A
1988Nesting Eastern Screech-Owls60128N
1989Nine Owls61189-191A
1990Owls and Moths6272-75AP
1995An Early Nesting Eastern Screech-Owl67182N
Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus)Vol.PageKey
1930Unusual Nesting Site of the Great Horned Owl219N
1931Owl Notes35N
1932Great Horned Owl Nests That I Have Seen410-14A
1937Hunting Owl Nests at Shakopee9(2)9A
1939Banding Hawks and Owls1117A
1941Horned Owl Preys On Brown Rat1321N
1942Observations on a Captive Great Horned Owl1417-22A
1945Great Horned Owl and Giant Water Beetle1718N
1946Nesting Birds of Prey: Great Horned Owl1816-17N
1952Food of Owls2491-92N
1959Captive Great Horned Owls3145A
1960An Owl Trap3265N
1963Owls Attack Human Beings3567-68N
1964Owl Observations -- Great Horned Owl36110N
1968Observations: At a Great Horned Owl Nest in Mille Lacs County40133N
1970The Nesting Ecology of Some Hawks and Owls in Southeastern Minnesota4248-62A
1971Owl and Grouse Seemingly Try to Outdo Each Other as Noisemakers4359-60N
1974Arctic Horned Owl4684N
1976Great Horned Owl Nesting Dates Differ in Winona and Mille Lacs Counties4855-56N
1977An Early Great Horned Owl Nesting496N
1977Arctic Horned Owl Observation49187N
1979Great Horned Owl Display5153-54N
1979Mallards Nesting in Great Blue Heron Nests and Near an Active Great Horned Owl Nest51100-101N
1980Great Horned Owl Recovered in Illinois52114N
1982Raptors of Minnesota -- Nesting Distribution and Population Status5473-104A
1985Use of Artificial Nests by Great Gray Owls, Great Horned Owls, and Red-tailed Hawks in Northeastern Minnesota57150-152A
1989Nine Owls61189-191A
2007Western Great Lakes Region Owl Monitoring Survey7965-71A
[Great Horned Owl (Labrador)] (Bubo v. heterocnemis)Vol.PageKey
[Great Horned Owl (Eastern)] (Bubo v. virginianus)Vol.PageKey
[Great Horned Owl (Arctic)] (Bubo v. subarcticus)Vol.PageKey
Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus)Vol.PageKey
1929Snowy Owl135N
1930Snowy Owls at Shakopee25-6A
1931Owl Notes35N
1933Northern Migrants559N
1936Snowy Owls812N
1940Snowy Owl in the Arrowhead1220N
1946Another Snowy Owl Year1810N
1950Some Snowy Owl Observations for the Winter of 1949-5022111-112N
1956Snowy Owls, Measurements and Food2882N
1958Snowy Owl Varies His Diet When He Comes South3072N
1960An Owl Trap3265N
1962Observations in Martin and Watonwan Counties -- Snowy Owl3429-30N
1964Late Snowy Owl Observation36106N
1964Owl Observations -- Snowy Owl36109-110N
1968Minnesota's 1966-67 Snowy Owl Invasion4090-92A
1976Winter Vocalization of Snowy Owl4876N
1976Snowy Owl Behavior4876N
1979Scavenger, Predator Roles Reversed5148-49N
1979Snowy Owl at Moorhead5149N
1979Snowy Owl Vocalization51148N
1979Duluth-Superior Snowy Owl Study51218-219N
1989Nine Owls61189-191A
1992Snowy Owl in Yellow Medicine County64172NP
1992A Record Invasion of Northern Owls, Fall-Winter 1991-199264189-195A
1994Minnesota Snowy Owl Invasion 1993-9466160-165A
1995Bald Eagle Predation on Snowy Owl67107N
Northern Hawk Owl (Surnia ulula)Vol.PageKey
1936Hawk Owls812N
1946Saw-Whet Owl, Hawk Owl, and Sandhill Cranes1840N
1956Hawk Owl in Carlton County2884N
1959Hawk Owls -- Lake of the Woods County3123N
1959Summer Sight Record of a Hawk Owl in Beltrami County, Minnesota3196N
1963Hawk Owl Invasion, Winter 1962-633577-78A
1963Hawk Owls in St. Louis County, Minnesota35129-134AP
1971Hawk Owl Seen in Beltrami County43123-124N
1973Hawk Owl Observation in Aitkin County4519NP
1979Hawk Owl Seen in Stevens County5154N
1980Diet of a Minnesota Hawk Owl52117-118N
1981Summer Hawk Owl Record5353-54N
1982Raptors of Minnesota -- Nesting Distribution and Population Status5473-104A
1982Nesting Hawk Owls in Lake of the Woods County54182-185NP
1987Observations of Northern Hawk Owls Nesting in Roseau County59165-174AP
1991An Influx of Northern Raptors, Fall-Winter 1990-199163163-167A
1992A Record Invasion of Northern Owls, Fall-Winter 1991-199264189-195A
1993Nesting Northern Hawk Owls6558-60A
1993Northern Hawk Owl Breeding Behavior Observed65102-103N
1993Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee65146-147A
2006Unusual Natural Injury in aDouble-crested Cormorant and American White Pelican in Minnesota78107A
2006Extra Rectrices on Boreal and Northern Hawk Owls78108-110A
Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia)Vol.PageKey
1933Burrowing Owls559N
1940Western Burrowing Owl in Otter Tail County1220N
1946Burrowing Owl Observation18119N
1955Recent Observations of Burrowing Owls in Lyon and Yellow Medicine Counties, Minnesota2740-41N
1956An Unusual Day of Migrants28160N
1956Burrowing Owls28168N
1956Probable Burrowing Owl Record for Central Minnesota28170N
1957Additional Burrowing Owls in Traverse County2987N
1958Nesting Record of a Burrowing Owl30159N
1959Note on Food Habits of the Burrowing Owl in Minnesota31103N
1960Burrowing Owls in Martin County32127-128N
1965The Burrowing Owl in Minnesota372-17AP
1966Burrowing Owl in Olmsted County3837-38N
1968Burrowing Owl in Watonwan County40101N
1974Nesting Burrowing Owls46171NP
1977Burrowing Owl, Wilkin County49179N
1978A Burrowing Owl50215-216N
1980Burrowing Owls, Clay County52116N
1981Burrowing Owls in Stevens County53227NP
1982Raptors of Minnesota -- Nesting Distribution and Population Status5473-104A
1989Nine Owls61189-191A
1996Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee6857-59A
1997Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee6928-30A
1997Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee69151-153A
2002Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee74161-167AP
2004Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee76152-161AP
2005Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee77169-174A
2006Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee78126-133AP
2006Burrowing Owls in Norman County78178N
2006Burrowing Owls in Polk County78233N
2007Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee7950-57A
2008Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee805-13A
2008Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee805-13A
2008Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee80115-120A
2008Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee80115-120A
2011Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee833-5A
2011Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee8399-103A
Barred Owl (Strix varia)Vol.PageKey
1930Nesting of the Barred Owl218-19A
1940Barred Owl Food Habits in Glenwood Park, Minneapolis, Minnesota1221-23A
1952Food of Owls2491-92N
1963Owls Attack Human Beings3567-68N
1964Owl Observations -- Barred Owl36109N
1965Raptor Predation Upon Raptors37108N
1965Goshawk Feeds on a Barred Owl37110N
1970The Nesting Ecology of Some Hawks and Owls in Southeastern Minnesota4248-62A
1972Biology of Barred Owls in Minnesota44111-115A
1980Barred Owls Use Nest Box52193-194NP
1982Unusual Barred Owl Behavior5465-66N
1982Raptors of Minnesota -- Nesting Distribution and Population Status5473-104A
1989Nine Owls61189-191A
1993An Exciting Visit with a Barred Owl6551N
2006Leucistic Barred Owl Found During the Winter of 20057836-39A
2007Western Great Lakes Region Owl Monitoring Survey7965-71A
Great Gray Owl (Strix nebulosa)Vol.PageKey
1933Northern Migrants559N
1934An Arctic Visitor610A
1936Great Gray Owl812N
1952Food of Owls2491-92N
1959The Great Gray Owl and Indigo Bunting at Basswood Lake, Lake County, Minnesota31137N
1964Summer Record of a Great Gray Owl36108N
1965Great Gray Owl in Becker County3745-46N
1965June Record for the Great Gray Owl37150N
1966Influx of Northern Owls, Winter 1965-663844-45A
1966Great Gray Owl Seen in June38107-108N
1969Northern Owl Invasion, Winter, 1968-19694136-39A
1970Great Gray Owls Nesting Near Roseau4288-93A
1974Great Gray Owls Occupy Artificial Nest46161-165AP
1975Summer Record of Great Gray Owls in Aitkin County47188-189NP
1977Records of Great Gray Owls in Otter Tail County49101-102N
1978Invasion of Great Gray and Boreal Owls, Winter 1977-785063-68A
1979Great Gray Owl Specimen from Filmore County5146-47N
1979Summer Observation of a Great Gray Owl in Lake County5147N
1979Great Gray Owl Nest in St. Louis County51199N
1981Great Gray Owl in Anoka County53173N
1982Raptors of Minnesota -- Nesting Distribution and Population Status5473-104A
1982Three Young Great Gray Owls in Itasca County54194-195N
1984A Record Invasion of Great Gray Owls56143-147AP
1984Great Gray Owl in Nest, Lake of the Woods County56207NP
1985Use of Artificial Nests by Great Gray Owls, Great Horned Owls, and Red-Tailed Hawks in Northeastern Minnesota57150-152A
1987Great Gray Owl Nesting Activity59105N
1988Use of Nestboxes by Great Gray Owls in Northern Minnesota60121-123AP
1989A Great Gray Owl Influx, Winter 1988-8961115-117A
1989Nine Owls61189-191A
1990Great Gray Owl in Meeker County62109N
1990Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee62134-136A
1990Great Gray Owl at Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge62229NP
1991A Cure for the Winter Blahs6369-70N
1991An Influx of Northern Raptors, Fall-Winter 1990-199163163-167A
1992Great Gray Owl in Kandiyohi County64126-127NP
1992A Record Invasion of Northern Owls, Fall-Winter 1991-199264189-195A
1996Close encounters with a hungry Great Gray Owl68124-126A
2006The 2004-2005 Influx of Northern Owls783-10A
Long-eared Owl (Asio otus)Vol.PageKey
1931Hawk and Owl Notes314A
1939Banding Hawks and Owls1117A
1943Long-eared Owl Near Cass Lake, Minnesota1556N
1959Long-eared Owls in Scott and Hennepin Counties3162N
1960Owl Pellet Studies from Three Areas in Hennepin and Scott Counties3213-14A
1960An Owl Trap3265N
1964Owl Observations -- Long-eared Owl36110N
1970A Recent Minnesota Nesting Record of the Long-eared Owl4274N
1972Long-eared Owl Nest on Sherburne Refuge4429-30N
1975Fall Owl Migration at Duluth, Minnesota4756-58AP
1975Food Habits of Two Long-eared Owl Families in East-central Minnesota4758-61A
1977Observations of Three Long-Eared Owls4942-43A
1978Unusual Diurnal Hunting Behavior of a Long-eared Owl50122N
1980Long-eared Owl Nests52186N
1982Raptors of Minnesota -- Nesting Distribution and Population Status5473-104A
1995Long-eared Owls in Winter67114-114N
1995Long-eared Owls Nest in Aitkin County67161-163AP
1995Prey Items of Long-eared Owls Wintering in Minnesota67238-240A
1996Unusual numbers of wintering Long-eared Owls6873N
2007Western Great Lakes Region Owl Monitoring Survey7965-71AP
Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus)Vol.PageKey
1930Short-eared Owl250N
1936Short-eared Owl812N
1936Short-eared Owl851N
1952Some Notes on Hawks, Owls, and Their Prey24127-129N
1955A Feeding Procedure of a Short-eared Owl and a Sparrow Hawk27134N
1959Short-eared Owl Preying on Pocket Gopher3198N
1974Aggressive Short-eared Owls in Aitkin County4640N
1975Fall Owl Migration at Duluth, Minnesota4756-58A
1977Short-eared Owls in Wilkin County49104-105N
1980Short-eared Owls in Aitkin County5287N
1980Unusual Plumaged Short-eared Owl5292NP
1981Unusual Nest Site, Short-eared Owl53230-231N
1982Raptors of Minnesota -- Nesting Distribution and Population Status5473-104A
1987Wintering Short-eared Owls59157-158N
1989Nine Owls61189-101A
1990Rough-legged Hawk Preys on Short-eared Owl62108N
1996Short-eared Owl interaction with a Rough-legged Hawk in Roseac County68179N
Boreal Owl (Aegolius funereus)Vol.PageKey
1934Richardson's Owl at St. Peter622N
1947Richardson's Owl Near Cloquet1976N
1949Richardson's Owl at Sebeka2118-19N
1952Food of Owls2491-92N
1960An Owl Trap3265N
1960Boreal Owl Banded at Duluth3266N
1963Boreal Owl Captures Northern Flying Squirrel3528N
1963Boreal Owl Flight Along the North Shore3570-71N
1966Influx of Northern Owls, Winter 1965-663844-45AP
1966Observations of a Boreal Owl at Two Harbors3846-47A
1966Observations of a Boreal Owl at Duluth3847-48A
1967Boreal Owl Observation from Hubbard County3965NP
1969Northern Owl Invasion, Winter, 1968-19694136-39A
1975A Boreal Owl Along the Gunflint4798N
1977Fall Migration of Boreal Owls49165-167A
1978Invasion of Great Gray and Boreal Owls, Winter, 1977-785063-68AP
1979First Boreal Owl Nesting Record South of Canada: A Diary5120-27AP
1979Another Boreal Owl Nest Found in Cook County51198-199N
1982Raptors of Minnesota -- Nesting Distribution and Population Status5473-104A
1982An Invasion of Boreal Owls54176-177A
1982A Nesting Boreal Owl in Minnesota54212-214AP
1982Possible Cannibalism in Boreal Owls54246N
1983Boreal Owl in Itasca County5538-39N
1985Boreal Owl in Mahnomen County57110NP
1987Boreal Owl at Duluth5952NP
1987Some Boreal and Northern Saw-whet Owl Comparisons59151-153NP
1987Breeding Boreal Owls in Roseau County59163-165AP
1988Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee6013-16A
19881988 Boreal Owl Survey in Cook County6099-104AP
1989Boreal Owl in Minneapolis6185-87N
1989Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee61121-123A
1989Nine Owls61189-191A
1991Physical Interaction Between a Male Boreal Owl and Male Northern Saw-Whet Owl6374-75N
1992A Record Invasion of Northern Owls, Fall-Winter 1991-199264189-195A
1996A Boreal Owl in Kandiyohi County68128-129NP
2006Extra Rectrices on Boreal and Northern Hawk Owls78108-110A
Northern Saw-whet Owl (Aegolius acadicus)Vol.PageKey
1946Saw-whet Owl, Hawk Owl, and Sandhill Cranes1840NP
1948Two Interesting Bird Incidents2064N
1960Owl Pellet Studies from Three Areas in Hennepin and Scott Counties3213-14A
1960Saw-whet Owl Pellets3259NP
1960An Owl Trap3265N
1961Saw-whet Owl Observation3355N
1973Overwintering Saw-whet Owls in Clay County45114-117AP
1974Saw-whet Owl Observation4688-89NP
1975Fall Owl Migration at Duluth, Minnesota4756-58AP
1978Partial Albinism: Saw-whet Owl and Goshawk5052-53NP
1981Summer Saw-whet Owl Observation from Southeastern Minnesota53173-174N
1982Raptors of Minnesota -- Nesting Distribution and Population Status5473-104A
1987Some Boreal and Northern Saw-whet Owl Comparisons59151-153N
1987Northern Saw-whet Owl Nesting in Hubbard County59154NP
1988Northern Saw-whet Owls Breeding in Hennepin County60132N
1989Nine Owls61189-191A
1991Physical Interaction Between a Male Boreal Owl and Male Northern Saw-whet Owl6374-75N
1993Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee6533-37A
2007Western Great Lakes Region Owl Monitoring Survey7965-71A
2008An Old Northern Saw-whet Owl Nesting Record from Southeast Minnesota80101-102A


Each entry to the index is preceded with a code, which denotes one of the following:
-- the reference is a major or minor article
-- the reference is a major or minor article and is accompanied by a photograph
-- the reference is a Note of Interest
-- the reference is a Note of Interest and is accompanied by a photograph
Click on the bird name to see a photographic image of the bird.
Click on the volume number to see The Loon reference pages.

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