Species Index to The Loon - Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks

This is a complete species index to The Loon, journal of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union through 2024-08-22.
The last 2 years are available to MOU members.

Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
New World Quail
Partridge, Pheasants, Grouse, Turkeys
Pigeons, Doves
Rails, Gallinules, Coots
Stilts, Avocets
Gulls, Terns
Shearwaters and Petrels
Boobies and Gannets
Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Night-Herons
New World Vultures
Kites, Accipiters, Hawks, Eagles
Barn Owls
Screech-Owls, Owls
Caracaras, Falcons
Jays, Nutcrackers, Magpies, Crows
Chickadees, Titmice
Martins, Swallows
Thrashers, Mockingbirds
Old World Flycatchers
Old World Sparrows
Longspurs and Snow Buntings
Towhees, Sparrows
Yellow-breasted Chat
Blackbirds, Orioles
Tanagers, Cardinals, Grosbeaks

Species: Whistling-Ducks, Geese, Swans, Ducks
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
Fulvous Whistling-Duck
Snow Goose
Ross's Goose
[Snow Goose X Ross's Goose]
Greater White-fronted Goose
[Snow Goose X Greater White-fronted Goose]
[Taiga Bean-Goose]
[Brant (Atlantic)]
[Brant (Black)]
Cackling Goose
[Snow Goose X Cackling Goose]
[Ross's Goose X Cackling Goose]
Canada Goose
[Snow Goose X Canada Goose]
[Greater White-fronted Goose X Canada Goose]
Mute Swan
Trumpeter Swan
Tundra Swan
[Cygnus swan]
Wood Duck
Blue-winged Teal
Cinnamon Teal
[Blue-winged Teal X Cinnamon Teal]
Northern Shoveler
[Blue-winged Teal X Northern Shoveler]
[Northern Shoveler X Gadwall]
Eurasian Wigeon
American Wigeon
[Gadwall X American Wigeon]
[Northern Shoveler X Mallard]
[Gadwall X Mallard]
American Black Duck
[Mallard X American Black Duck]
Mottled Duck
Northern Pintail
[Gadwall X Northern Pintail]
[Mallard X Northern Pintail]
Green-winged Teal
[Green-winged Teal (Eurasian)]
[Green-winged Teal (American)]
[Cinnamon Teal X Green-winged Teal]
[Canvasback X Redhead]
Ring-necked Duck
[Redhead X Ring-necked Duck]
Tufted Duck
Greater Scaup
[Ring-necked Duck X Greater Scaup]
Lesser Scaup
[Ring-necked Duck X Lesser Scaup]
King Eider
Common Eider
[Somateria eider]
Harlequin Duck
Surf Scoter
White-winged Scoter
Black Scoter
Long-tailed Duck
Common Goldeneye
[Bufflehead X Common Goldeneye]
Barrow's Goldeneye
[Common Goldeneye X Barrow's Goldeneye]
Hooded Merganser
[Common Goldeneye X Hooded Merganser]
Common Merganser
Red-breasted Merganser
Ruddy Duck

Black-bellied Whistling-Duck (Dendrocygna autumnalis)Vol.PageKey
1986Minnesota's First Black-bellied Whistling-Duck5897-99NP
1986Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee58146-147A
1987Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks in Meeker County59217-218NP
1989Black-bellied Whistling-Duck Seen61143-144NP
1990Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee6212-14A
1990Update on Black-bellied Whistling-Duck Sighting62109N
1995Black-bellied Whistling-Duck in Roseau County67247-248N
1996Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee6857-59A
1998Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee70155-159A
2001Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee7335-38A
2004Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee7639-45A
2005Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee779-15A
2006Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee7840-47A
2008Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee80115-120A
2011Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee8399-103A
2012Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee843-7A
2014Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee86107-110A
Fulvous Whistling-Duck (Dendrocygna bicolor)Vol.PageKey
1964Fulvous Tree Duck Specimen for Minnesota36107NP
1983Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee55117-119A
Snow Goose (Anser caerulescens)Vol.PageKey
1929Snow Goose at Hastings, Minnesota117A
1929Snow Goose136N
1930Geese and Swans216-17N
1936Snow Geese851N
1941Blue and Snow Geese Visit Eastern Minnesota1320N
1944Migrating Geese on the Mississippi1635N
1955A Summer Record of the Snow Goose at Talcot Lake, Minnesota27134N
1959Early and Late Arrivals3160-61N
1961Observation of an Attack on a Snow Goose by a Bald Eagle3390N
1966Early Snow Goose Record for Lake Superior3837N
1967Wintering Snow Goose39104N
1968Late Snow and Blue Geese in Big Stone County40135N
1979White Pelican/Snow Goose Relationship51105-106N
1985Snow Geese Summer in Lac Qui Parle County57179N
1995Uncommon Flock of Geese in St. Louis County67108NP
1996Diverse concentration of waterfowl in Dakota and Goodhue counties68129-130N
Ross's Goose (Anser rossii)Vol.PageKey
1963Unusual Waterfowl Observed in Southwestern Minnesota3594-95A
1965Ross' Goose at Rochester3779NP
1966Ross' Geese at Howard Lake, Wright County3836-37N
1977Ross' Goose, Watonwan County49186-187N
1982Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee5442-46A
1982Intermediate Ross' Goose at Black Dog54105-111A
1983Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee5541-43A
1983Another Ross' Goose Controversy5584-85NP
1983Ross' Goose Observation5591-92N
1983Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee55117-119A
1985Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee5734-36A
1987Ross' Goose on Silver Lake, Rochester59215NP
1988Ross' Goose at Agassiz NWR: Comments on Immature Plumage and Hybrid Determination6066-69AP
1988A Ross' Goose in Minneapolis60181-182N
1989Ross' Goose at Rochester6150N
1989Unusual Goose Sightings in Spring, 19896160-61A
1989A County Lister's Dream Come True6188N
1989Ross' Goose Observed Near Spring Valley in Fillmore County6188-89N
1989Two Ross' Geese in Cottonwood County6189-90N
1989Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee61121-123A
1989Two Immature Ross' Geese Seen in Becker County61205N
1990Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee6212-14A
1990A Ross' Goose in Winona County62117-118N
1990Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee62134-136A
1990Ross' Geese in Lac Qui Parle County62168N
1991Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee6341-42A
1991Ross' Goose in Renville County63136N
1991Ross' Goose in Lincoln County63138N
1991Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee63154-155A
1991A Concentration of Eleven Ross' Geese63157-158A
1991Ross' Goose in Rock County63202N
1991Further Comments on Ross' Goose Abundance63281N
1992Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee6415-18A
1992Another Concentration of Ross' Geese64121-122N
1992Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee64138-140A
1995Uncommon Flock of Geese in St. Louis County67108NP
1996Diverse concentration of waterfowl in Dakota and Goodhue counties68129-130N
1998Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee70156-158A
2000Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee7239-43A
[Snow Goose X Ross's Goose] (Anser caerulescens X A. rossii)Vol.PageKey
Greater White-fronted Goose (Anser albifrons)Vol.PageKey
1946Greater Scaup, White-fronted Geese and Hoyt's Horned Larks Near Fort William, Ontario18102-104N
1963Unusual Waterfowl Observed in Southwestern Minnesota3594-95A
1969White-fronted Goose Winters at Rochester4159N
1970Winter Record of a Canada X White-fronted Goose Hybrid4234-35N
1989Unusual Goose Sightings in Spring, 19896160-61A
1993Large Concentrations of Greater White-fronted Geese in Western Minnesota6545N
1995Uncommon Flock of Geese in St. Louis County67108NP
1996Diverse concentration of waterfowl in Dakota and Goodhue counties68129-130N
[Snow Goose X Greater White-fronted Goose] (Anser caerulescens X A. albifrons)Vol.PageKey
[Taiga Bean-Goose] (Anser fabalis)Vol.PageKey
Brant (Branta bernicla)Vol.PageKey
1957An American Brant in Martin County, Minnesota2985N
1966Black Brant at Rice Lake Refuge38105NP
1973Possible Black Brant4524N
1974Brant at Rochester4633-34NP
1975Brant at Grand Marais47140-141N
1981Brant at Duluth53174-175NP
1983Brant at Grand Marais5536N
1983Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee5541-43A
1984Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee56160-161A
1984Brant Seen Near Grand Marais56194N
1984Brant at Fergus Falls56270N
1985Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee5734-36A
1986Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee5842-45A
1987Brant at Salt Lake59149N
1988Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee6013-16A
1989Two Immature Brant at Agassiz NWR61204N
1990Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee6212-14A
1991Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee63154-155A
1991Brant at Mountain Lake63209N
1992Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee64138-140A
2001Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee7335-38A
2002Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee74161-167A
2004Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee76152-161A
2008Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee80115-120A
2008Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee80115-120A
2009Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee817-12A
2011Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee8399-103A
2013Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee853-7A
[Brant (Atlantic)] (Branta b. hrota)Vol.PageKey
[Brant (Black)] (Branta b. nigricans)Vol.PageKey
Cackling Goose (Branta hutchinsii)Vol.PageKey
2006Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee7840-47A
[Snow Goose X Cackling Goose] (Anser caerulescens X Branta hutchinsii)Vol.PageKey
[Ross's Goose X Cackling Goose] (Anser rossii X Branta hutchinsii)Vol.PageKey
Canada Goose (Branta canadensis)Vol.PageKey
1936Canada Geese851N
1944Canada Geese Wintering at Mayowood, Rochester1631N
1944Migrating Geese on the Mississippi1635N
1949Richardson's Geese Shot Near Dassel21121N
1953V's in the Wintry Sky25153N
1958An Albino Canada Goose?30115N
1963Canada Geese Nesting in Rice County35102N
1970Winter Record of a Canada X White-fronted Goose Hybrid4234-35N
1971Unusual Canadian Goose Behavior4320N
1976Fish-feeding Behavior in Canada Geese4837-38N
1993Cross-Species Fostering of a Canada Goose Gosling by a Wild Mallard Hen65209N
1994Pied-billed Grebe Attacks Canada Goose66104N
1996Diverse concentration of waterfowl in Dakota and Goodhue counties68129-130N
[Snow Goose X Canada Goose] (Anser caerulescens X Branta canadensis)Vol.PageKey
[Greater White-fronted Goose X Canada Goose] (Anser albifrons X Branta canadensis)Vol.PageKey
Mute Swan (Cygnus olor)Vol.PageKey
1975A Mute Swan Observation4741-42N
1975Mute Swans in Western Lake Superior4742-43N
1980Mute Swan Influx in the Duluth Area52116-117N
1981More Mute Swan Records from Duluth53165N
1983Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee55117-119A
1984Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee56160-161A
1986Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee58146-147A
1987Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee5957-58A
1987Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee59143-144A
1992Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee64138-140A
Trumpeter Swan (Cygnus buccinator)Vol.PageKey
1965Will Trumpeter Swans Return to Minnesota?37122-126A
1971Possible Trumpeter Swans from Carver Park Captive Flock4359N
1974Status of the Trumpeter Swan in Minnesota46169N
1977Trumpeter Swans Seen Over Lake Traverse49234-235N
1984Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee5617-20A
1986Trumpeter Swans Nest in the Chippewa National Forest58194N
1986Trumpeter Swan Project Summary 198658197-198N
1988Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee6013-16A
1991A Wild Trumpeter Swan in Minnesota63147-150AP
1992Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee6415-18A
1994Wild Trumpeter Raises a Family6646N
1996The return of a giant in the bird world to Minnesota6881-85A
1996Diverse concentration of waterfowl in Dakota and Goodhue counties68129-130N
Tundra Swan (Cygnus columbianus)Vol.PageKey
1930Geese and Swans216-17N
1933The Lake Harriet Swan512N
1933Whistling Swans522N
1933Northern Migrants559N
1936Whistling Swans at Long Meadow Slough824A
1948Whistling Swans in Houston County2064N
1951Notes of the Whistling Swan2354-55N
1956Whistling Swan Report from Virginia, Minnesota2879N
1956Whistling Swan Observations28161N
1965Whistling Swan Summer Record37111N
1966Summer Whistling Swan38140-141N
1967Wintering Whistling Swan3962N
1967Unusual Winter Records for Stearns County3963N
1984Tundra Swan Migration Over the Twin Cities563-5AP
1987Tundra Swan Summers at Agassiz NWR5949N
1988Disturbance to Tundra Swans by Barge and Boat Traffic6092N
1996Diverse concentration of waterfowl in Dakota and Goodhue counties68129-130N
1997Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee6928-30A
[Cygnus swan] (Cygnus sp.)Vol.PageKey
Wood Duck (Aix sponsa)Vol.PageKey
1940Wintering Wood Ducks1218N
1946Wood Ducks at the Brackens181-2A
1946A Concentration of Wood Ducks at Hastings, Minnesota18104-105N
1949Wood Ducks Nesting in St. Paul2161N
1949Unusual Wood Duck Nestings2161-62N
1957Wood Duck House Project29108-109AP
1958Wood Duck in North Dakota3042-46A
1958Waterfowl Brood Studies, Lake Itasca, Minnesota30122-126A
1959Wood Duck Nest in St. Cloud, Minnesota312-3A
1960Food Habits of the Wood Duck3261NP
1961Wood Ducks3325N
1962Drama at Silver Lake3415-16A
1965Early Wood Duck Nesting37151N
1966A Double-Brooded Wood Duck Record3883-84A
1967Unusual Winter Records for Stearns County3963N
1968The Strange Case of the Stuck Duck4052-53N
1969The Wood Duck4152-53A
1971Canvasback Adopts Young Wood Duck?4397N
1977Wood Duck Nest Box Utilization in Minnesota4925-28A
1978Site Selection for Wood Duck Nest Boxes50191-194A
1978First Record of a Hooded Merganser-Wood Duck Hybrid in the Wild50208-209N
1986Back Yard Wood Ducks58162-166A
1988Development of a Suburban Wood Duck Nesting Colony in Bloomington, Minnesota6034-36A
1989Evidence of Sense of Smell in Wood Ducks61202-203N
1991Wood Duck Olfactory Sense Questioned63137N
1991More on Wood Duck Olfaction63199-200N
1991Always? -- Well, Almost Always63200N
Garganey (Spatula querquedula)Vol.PageKey
1987Minnesota's First Garganey59111-112A
1988Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee6013-16A
1993Minnesota's Second Record of Garganey6555-57AP
Blue-winged Teal (Spatula discors)Vol.PageKey
1934A Teal in Strange Company620A
1946Additional Notes on Ducks1814N
1949Notes from a Study of the Blue-winged Teal211-6A
1958Waterfowl Brood Studies, Lake Itasca, Minnesota30122-126A
1959Waterfowl Sex Ratio3124N
1959Blue-winged Teal, Banded in Minnesota, Recovered in Mexico3127N
1967Blue-winged Teal X Green-winged Teal Hybrid3959NP
1967Cinnamon Teal X Blue-winged Teal Hybrid3959-60N
1967Blue-winged Teal Observed Diving39139-140N
1969Additional Observations of Teal Diving4129N
1971Tree Swallow, Broad-winged Hawk, and Blue-winged Teal Stay Late in Duluth4326N
1991Blue-winged X Cinnamon Teal in Aitkin County63197-198N
1995Hybrid Cinnamon X Blue-winged Teal Observation from Lac Qui Parle County67179N
Cinnamon Teal (Spatula cyanoptera)Vol.PageKey
1960Unusual Waterfowl Records for Minnesota3234-37A
1963Cinnamon Teal Seen Near Darwin3566N
1963Cinnamon Teal Seen Near Stillwater3566N
1963Cinnamon Teal in Big Stone County3566-67N
1963Unusual Waterfowl Observed in Southwestern Minnesota3594-95A
1963Additional Cinnamon Teal Records35107N
1964Observations from Morris, Stevens County -- Cinnamon Teal3624N
1964Cinnamon Teal Record3668N
1964Cinnamon Teal Observation36105N
1967Cinnamon Teal X Blue-winged Teal Hybrid3959-60N
1969Cinnamon Teal Seen Near Alberta4190N
1969Cinnamon Teal in Stevens County41129N
1974Cinnamon Teal Observed46117-118N
1974Cinnamon Teal in Yellow Medicine County46173-174N
1975Cinnamon Teal in Blue Earth County47134-135N
1976Cinnamon Teal in Grant County48116N
1976Cinnamon Teal Report48116N
1977Cinnamon Teal in Grant County49177-178N
1977Cinnamon Teal in Lincoln County49230N
1978Cinnamon Teal at Artichoke Lake50212-213N
1979Cinnamon Teal in Watonwan County5149N
1980A Cinnamon Teal in Pipestone County52113N
1980Cinnamon Teal at the Fulda Sewage Ponds52114-115N
1980Cinnamon Teal in Anoka County52188N
1981Cinnamon Teal Prolongs Visit53166-167N
1982Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee54147-150A
1991Blue-winged X Cinnamon Teal in Aitkin County63197-198N
1995Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee6745-47A
1995Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee6746A
1995Hybrid Cinnamon X Blue-winged Teal Observation from Lac Qui Parle County67179N
2003Spring 2002 Influx of Probable Blue-winged X Cinnamon Teal7557-58N
2004Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee76152-161A
2005Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee779-15A
2005Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee77169-174A
2006Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee78126-133AP
2006Cinnamon Teal at Brockway Lake78177N
2008Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee805-13A
2008Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee805-13A
2008Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee80115-120A
2008Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee80115-120A
2009Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee817-12A
2009Cinnamon Teal in Lac Qui Parle County8150N
[Blue-winged Teal X Cinnamon Teal] (Spatula discors X S. cyanoptera)Vol.PageKey
Northern Shoveler (Spatula clypeata)Vol.PageKey
1946Additional Notes on Ducks1814N
[Blue-winged Teal X Northern Shoveler] (Spatula discors X S. clypeata)Vol.PageKey
Gadwall (Mareca strepera)Vol.PageKey
[Northern Shoveler X Gadwall] (Spatula clypeata X Mareca strepera)Vol.PageKey
Eurasian Wigeon (Mareca penelope)Vol.PageKey
1960Unusual Waterfowl Records for Minnesota3234-37A
1960Aitkin County Observations3263N
1964European Wigeon Near Halsted36103N
1966European Wigeon Near Redwing3870-71N
1968European Wigeon Seen in Houston County40131N
1969European Wigeon at Mille Lacs Lake4127N
1973European Wigeon in Aitkin County4596N
1982Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee5442-46A
1985Eurasian Wigeon at Wood Lake Nature Center57181-182NP
1986Eurasian Wigeon at Carlos Avery Refuge5899N
1986Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee58146-147A
1987Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee59143-144A
1987Eurasian Wigeons in Nicollet County59146-147N
1990Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee6212-14A
1990Eurasian Wigeon at Frontenac62116N
1990Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee62134-136A
1991Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee6341-42A
1991Wigeon at Hyland Park63138-139N
1993Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee65146-147A
1993A Eurasian Wigeon in Wright County65154N
1993Comments on the Eurasian Wigeon Record65154-155N
1994Eurasian Wigeon in Cook County66107N
1994Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee66127-128A
1995Probable Hybrid Male Eurasian X American Wigeon in Dakota County67109-110N
1997Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee6928-30A
1997Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee69151-153A
2005Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee77169-174A
2006Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee7840-47A
2006Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee78126-133A
2008Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee805-13A
2008Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee805-13A
2008Apparent Eurasian Wigeon X American Wigeon Hybrid in Hennepin County8045NP
2009Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee81115-119A
2014Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee86107-110A
American Wigeon (Mareca americana)Vol.PageKey
1964Unusual Plumaged American Wigeon36140-141N
1991Wigeon at Hyland Park63138-139N
1995Probable Hybrid Male Eurasian X American Wigeon in Dakota County67109-110N
2008Apparent Eurasian Wigeon X American Wigeon Hybrid in Hennepin County8045NP
[Gadwall X American Wigeon] (Mareca strepera X M. americana)Vol.PageKey
Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos)Vol.PageKey
1943Grackles Destroy Mallard's Nest1534N
1943Flight Speed of a Flock of Mallards1555N
1945Eight Female Mallard Ducks1792N
1948A Mallard with Twisted Wings20107N
1953Mallards from Heaven2549-50N
1954A Mallard Cowbird2640-41N
1957Who Knows?2984N
1958Snowy Owl Varies His Diet When He Comes South3072N
1958Waterfowl Brood Studies, Lake Itasca, Minnesota30122-126A
1959Waterfowl Sex Ratio3124N
1959An Avian Tumor3125N
1962Drama at Silver Lake3415-16A
1969Bald Eagle Captures Duck4127N
1969Bald Eagle Captures a Mallard4157-58N
1969Unusual Mallard Nesting Site41132-133N
1977A Tree Nesting Mallard49183-184N
1979Mallards Nesting in Great Blue Heron Nests and Near an Active Great Horned Owl Nest51100-101N
1986Wintering Mallard Study in North-central Minnesota58201-204N
1993Cross-Species Fostering of a Canada Goose Gosling by a Wild Mallard Hen65209N
1995Rice Lake National Wildlife Refuge Holds Record Concentration of Waterfowl6738-39AP
[Northern Shoveler X Mallard] (Spatula clypeata X Anas platyrhynchos)Vol.PageKey
[Gadwall X Mallard] (Mareca strepera X Anas platyrhynchos)Vol.PageKey
American Black Duck (Anas rubripes)Vol.PageKey
1936Black Duck812N
1943Some Unusual Minnesota Bird Observations1512N
1953Notes on Waterfowl in the Canoe Country2548-49N
1971Shy Black Ducks4396N
[Mallard X American Black Duck] (Anas platyrhynchos X A. rubripes)Vol.PageKey
Mottled Duck (Anas fulvigula)Vol.PageKey
Northern Pintail (Anas acuta)Vol.PageKey
[Gadwall X Northern Pintail] (Mareca strepera X Anas acuta)Vol.PageKey
[Mallard X Northern Pintail] (Anas platyrhynchos X A. acuta)Vol.PageKey
Green-winged Teal (Anas crecca)Vol.PageKey
1930Experiences with a Green-winged Teal245A
1936Green-winged Teal851N
1964The Green-winged Teal as a Diver36141N
1967Blue-winged Teal X Green-winged Teal Hybrid3959NP
1968Green-winged Teal Nesting in South Central Minnesota40131-132N
1976Green-winged Teal Brood in Whitewater Park48186-187N
1978Green-winged Teal Brood in Beltrami County50206N
1979Green-winged Teal vs. Peregrine Falcon51200N
[Green-winged Teal (Eurasian)] (Anas c. crecca)Vol.PageKey
[Green-winged Teal (American)] (Anas c. carolinensis)Vol.PageKey
[Cinnamon Teal X Green-winged Teal] (Spatula cyanoptera X Anas crecca)Vol.PageKey
Canvasback (Aythya valisineria)Vol.PageKey
1971Canvasback Adopts Young Wood Duck?4397N
1979Canvasback Breeding in Minnesota5146N
Redhead (Aythya americana)Vol.PageKey
[Canvasback X Redhead] (Aythya valisineria X A. americana)Vol.PageKey
Ring-necked Duck (Aythya collaris)Vol.PageKey
1957A Study of Ring-necked Duck Nesting in the Pothole Region of Mahnomen County, Minnesota2922-29A
1958Waterfowl Brood Studies, Lake Itasca, Minnesota30122-126A
1959Waterfowl Sex Ratio3124N
1995Rice Lake National Wildlife Refuge Holds Record Concentration of Waterfowl6738-39AP
[Redhead X Ring-necked Duck] (Aythya americana X A. collaris)Vol.PageKey
Tufted Duck (Aythya fuligula)Vol.PageKey
Greater Scaup (Aythya marila)Vol.PageKey
1937Greater Scaup97N
1942Unusual Additions to the University Museum Collection1416N
1946The Greater Scaup in Minnesota1813-14N
1946Greater Scaup, White-fronted Geese and Hoyt's Horned Larks Near Fort William, Ontario18102-104N
1947Further Observations on the Greater Scaup in Minnesota1954-55N
1960Greater Scaup and Western Grebe in Fillmore County3231N
1965Greater Scaup37109-110N
1966The Relative Abundance of the Greater Scaup in Early Spring Along the Mississippi River3874N
1989Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee6110-13A
[Ring-necked Duck X Greater Scaup] (Aythya collaris X A. marila)Vol.PageKey
Lesser Scaup (Aythya affinis)Vol.PageKey
1944Strange Actions of a Migrating Flight of Lesser Scaups1677-79A
1952Waterfowl Mortality Due to Oil Pollution in the Vicinity of Red Wing, Minnesota24116-118AP
1959Waterfowl Sex Ratio3124N
1960Lesser Scaup with Unusual Number of Lead Shots in Gizzard32103N
1969Drowning of Lesser Scaup in Drain Tile4156-57N
[Ring-necked Duck X Lesser Scaup] (Aythya collaris X A. affinis)Vol.PageKey
King Eider (Somateria spectabilis)Vol.PageKey
1953The Eider in the Upper Midwest25141-142A
1963King Eider and Harlequin Duck in Lake County3570N
1964Second King Eider Record for Minnesota36136NP
1971Four King Eiders at Lower Red Lake4390-91N
1974King Eider on Mille Lacs Lake4634N
1975Rare Sea Ducks at Grand Marais4711-12A
1977King Eider Shot at Lake Osakis49179NP
1989Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee6110-13A
1989A King Eider at Grand Marais6138-39NP
1991Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee6341-42A
1991Eleventh Recorded King Eider for Minnesota6366-67NP
1995Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee6745-47A
1995Another King Eider Record in Grand Marais6762-63N
1997Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee6928-30A
1998Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee7043-46A
2000Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee7239-43A
2001Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee7335-38A
2001Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee73168-171A
2002Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee74161-167A
2008Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee80115-120A
2011Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee8399-103A
2014Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee863-5A
2015Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee874-8A
Common Eider (Somateria mollissima)Vol.PageKey
1953The Eider in the Upper Midwest25141-142A
1960Unusual Waterfowl Records for Minnesota3234-37A
1966Additional Eider and Scoter Records3841N
1967Common Eiders Shot in Pope County3926N
1979A Common Eider at Stoney Point51144N
1980Probable Common Eider, Battle Lake, Otter Tail County52118N
1983Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee5541-43A
1983Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee55117-119A
2004Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee7639-45A
2015Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee874-8A
[Somateria eider] (Somateria sp.)Vol.PageKey
Harlequin Duck (Histrionicus histrionicus)Vol.PageKey
1960Unusual Waterfowl Records for Minnesota3234-37A
1962Harlequin Duck Seen at Duluth3463N
1962Another Harlequin Duck Record for 196234132-133N
1963King Eider and Harlequin Duck in Lake County3570N
1964Harlequin Duck at Two Harbors3633N
1964Harlequin Duck Record3665N
1964Another Harlequin Duck Record3665N
1964Another Record of the Harlequin Duck for St. Louis County36139-140N
1972Harlequin Duck at Silver Lake4455N
1972Harlequin Ducks in Cass County4455N
1975Rare Sea Ducks at Grand Marais4711-12A
1977Harlequin Duck Near Hastings49183N
1977Two Harlequin Ducks in Duluth49243N
1983Immature Male Harlequin Duck in Bemidji5537N
1985Summer Record of a Harlequin Duck57135NP
1987Harlequin Duck in Austin5950N
1988Harlequin Duck at Lake Harriet6044N
1988Harlequin Duck at Whitewater6047NP
1989Harlequin Duck Specimen6144NP
1989Harlequin Ducks Discover Cattle Egrets at Grand Marais61202N
1989A Weekend of Sea Ducks61208N
1991Harlequin Duck in Benton County63140-141N
1991Summer Record for Harlequin Duck in Roseau County63211N
1993Harlequin Duck Overwinters in Otter Tail County65158-159N
1994Harlequin Duck in Hennepin County66101-102N
1996Harlequin Ducks found in June by 6-year-old68178N
Surf Scoter (Melanitta perspicillata)Vol.PageKey
1934Surf Scoter Near St. Paul623N
1955Surf Scoters in Cass County, Minnesota2792N
1958Surf Scoters in Minnesota3073N
1960Unusual Waterfowl Records for Minnesota3234-37A
1962White-winged, Surf and Common Scoters in Duluth3427N
1964A Winter Record for the Surf Scoter3668N
1965Surf Scoter Record, Norman County, Minnesota3780N
1973Surf Scoter45135N
1975Surf Scoters at Marshall Sewage Lagoons4793N
1976Scoters at Marshall4835-36N
1986Surf Scoter in Marshall County5894-95NP
1989A Weekend of Sea Ducks61208N
1990Surf Scoter in Hennepin County62166N
White-winged Scoter (Melanitta deglandi)Vol.PageKey
1944White-winged Scoters on the Mississippi at Minneapolis1684N
1954White-winged Scoters in Blue Earth County26157N
1960Unusual Waterfowl Records for Minnesota3234-37N
1962White-winged, Surf and Common Scoters in Duluth3427N
1963Unusual Waterfowl Observed in Southwestern Minnesota3594-95A
1966Additional Eider and Scoter Records3841N
1968Fall Records of White-winged Scoters4054N
1976Scoters at Marshall4835-36N
1987Scoter Observations from Clay County, Minnesota5949-50N
1989A Weekend of Sea Ducks61208N
Black Scoter (Melanitta americana)Vol.PageKey
1960Unusual Waterfowl Records for Minnesota3234-37A
1962White-winged, Surf, and Common Scoters in Duluth3427N
1976Scoters at Marshall4835-36N
1987Scoter Observations from Clay County, Minnesota5949-50N
1989Black Scoter at Big Stone NWR61149N
1989A Weekend of Sea Ducks61208N
1990Black Scoters in Pine County62232N
1991Earliest Fall Date for Black Scoter6366N
Long-tailed Duck (Clangula hyemalis)Vol.PageKey
1942Two Unusual 1942 Records from the St. Cloud Area1430N
1943Old-squaw Ducks Starve at Duluth1515-16N
1950Bald Eagle "Stoops" on Old Squaw Duck2219-20N
1953Old Squaw Taken on Eagle Lake2581N
1960Unusual Waterfowl Records for Minnesota3234-37A
1960Oldsquaw Seen in Minneapolis Area3266N
1961Northern Visitants to the Twin City Area3323-24N
1971Probable Oldsquaws Near Mille Lacs4321N
1971Two Oldsquaws on Lake Minnewaska, Pope County43123N
1983A First Oldsquaw (Clangula hyemalis) Record for Mower County55182-183N
1989A Weekend of Sea Ducks61208N
1992A Wintering Oldsquaw in the Twin Cities64122-123N
2007Long-tailed Duck, 17 February 2007, Red Wing, Goodhue County79121NP
Bufflehead (Bucephala albeola)Vol.PageKey
1978Bufflehead Brood in Marshall County50213-214N
1983Bufflehead and Ducklings Found in Carver Park Reserve55123-124N
1984Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee5617-20A
1985Bufflehead Brood at Agassiz National Wildlife Refuge57136N
1986Another Bufflehead Brood at Agassiz NWR58140NP
Common Goldeneye (Bucephala clangula)Vol.PageKey
1943Observations on the American Golden-eye155-6A
1947Winter Golden-eye Count in Minneapolis1922N
1952Waterfowl Mortality Due to Oil Pollution in the Vicinity of Red Wing, Minnesota24116-118AP
1980A Possible Hybrid Common Goldeneye X Hooded Merganser5237N
1982Common Goldeneyes at Black Dog Lake54215-218A
1994Hybrid Duck in Otter Tail County66103-104N
[Bufflehead X Common Goldeneye] (Bucephala albeola X B. clangula)Vol.PageKey
Barrow's Goldeneye (Bucephala islandica)Vol.PageKey
1948Occurrence of Barrow's Goldeneye in Minnesota2063-64N
1956Barrow's Goldeneye at Saint Paul2879N
1965Possible Sight Record of Barrow's Goldeneyes3747-48N
1965Barrow's Goldeneye3784-85N
1966Barrow's Goldeneye in St. Paul3841N
1967Barrow's Goldeneyes in Twin Cities Area39103-104N
1967Description of Bird Thought to be a Barrow's Goldeneye39136-137N
1973Female Barrow's Goldeneye in Minneapolis4525N
1974Barrow's Goldeneye in Lake County46121N
1975Rare Sea Ducks at Grand Marais4711-12A
1975Barrow's Goldeneye, Cook County4799N
1975Barrow's Goldeneye Near Duluth47100N
1975Barrow's Goldeneye Record for Western Minnesota47141N
1977Barrow's Goldeneye Shot in Sherburne County49184NP
1977Barrow's Goldeneye at Duluth49243-244N
1978Barrow's Goldeneye, Otter Tail County50176N
1980A Barrow's Goldeneye Near Lilydale Served Up to Order5288N
1981Rare Pair of Barrow's Goldeneye53110-112N
1981Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee53129-131A
1982Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee5442-46A
1984Barrow's Goldeneye at Lake Calhoun5667NP
1984Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee56160-161A
1985Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee5734-36A
1985Barrow's Goldeneye at Black Dog5761-62N
1985Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee57119-120A
1986Female Barrow's Goldeneye Observed in Hennepin County5899N
1986Barrow's Goldeneye at Rochester58141N
1986Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee58146-147A
1987Female Barrow's Goldeneye at Lake Calhoun5955-56N
1987Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee5957-58A
1987Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee59143-144A
1989Barrow's Goldeneye at Grand Portage61140N
1990Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee6212-14A
1990A Well Studied Wintering Barrow's Goldeneye6296-99A
1990Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee62134-136A
1990Barrow's Goldeneye on Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge62165N
1991Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee6341-42A
1991Barrow's Goldeneye in Dakota County6372-73N
1991Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee63154-155A
1994Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee66127-128A
1995Female Barrow's Goldeneye in Ramsey County6761-62N
1995Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee67165-166A
1995Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee67165A
1995Barrow's Goldeneye in Ramsey County67176-177N
1995Barrow's Goldeneye at Elk River67183-184N
1996Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee6857-59A
1996A Barrow's Goldeneye in Ramsey and Scott counties68130-131NP
1996Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee68164-167A
1996Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee68164-166A
1996A Barrow's Goldeneye sighting68175N
1997Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee69151-153A
1998Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee70155-159A
2001Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee73168-171A
2002Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee7436-40A
2004Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee7639-45A
2005Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee779-15A
2005Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee77169-174A
2006Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee7840-47A
2006Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee78126-133A
2006Barrow's Goldeneye near Reads Landing78178N
2007Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee79123-129A
2008Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee805-13A
2008Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee805-13A
2008Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee80115-120A
2008Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee80115-120A
2009Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee817-12A
2009Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee81115-119A
2010Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee823-6A
2010Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee823-6A
2010Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee82103-106A
2010Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee82103-106A
2011Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee8399-103A
2012Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee843-7A
2012Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee84107-112A
2013Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee853-7A
2014Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee863-5A
2014Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee86107-110A
[Common Goldeneye X Barrow's Goldeneye] (Bucephala clangula X B. islandica)Vol.PageKey
Smew (Mergellus albellus)Vol.PageKey
1985Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee5734-36A
2000Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee7239-43A
2001Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithological Records Committee73168-171A
2003Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee7541-46A
2004Proceedings of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Records Committee76152-161A
Hooded Merganser (Lophodytes cucullatus)Vol.PageKey
1934Hooded Merganser Nesting Near Hastings622-23N
1952Waterfowl Mortality Due to Oil Pollution in the Vicinity of Red Wing, Minnesota24116-118AP
1958Waterfowl Brood Studies, Lake Itasca, Minnesota30122-126A
1966Courtship Activity of the Hooded Merganser3876-77N
1978First Record of a Hooded Merganser-Wood Duck Hybrid in the Wild50208-209N
1980A Possible Hybrid Common Goldeneye X Hooded Merganser5237N
1994Hybrid Duck in Otter Tail County66103-104N
1995Unusual Merganser Nesting67185-186NP
1996Diverse concentration of waterfowl in Dakota and Goodhue counties68129-130N
[Common Goldeneye X Hooded Merganser] (Bucephala clangula X Lophodytes cucullatus)Vol.PageKey
Common Merganser (Mergus merganser)Vol.PageKey
1940Pacing Mergansers1234N
1947Unusual Observation of American Merganser1978-79N
1948Habits of the American Merganser2030N
1951A Chimney-nest of the American Merganser2385-86N
1952Waterfowl Mortality Due to Oil Pollution in the Vicinity of Red Wing, Minnesota24116-118AP
1987A Common Merganser Hangs Itself59220NP
1991Nesting Behavior of the Common Merganser63188-190AP
1992Late Fall Common Merganser Concentrations on the Mississippi River6410-12A
1996Diverse concentration of waterfowl in Dakota and Goodhue counties68129-130N
Red-breasted Merganser (Mergus serrator)Vol.PageKey
1943Breeding of the Red-breasted Merganser1538N
1952Waterfowl Mortality Due to Oil Pollution in the Vicinity of Red Wing, Minnesota24116-118AP
1953Notes on Waterfowl in the Canoe Country2548-49N
1978Red-breasted Mergansers Breeding in Cass County50122-123N
1996Diverse concentration of waterfowl in Dakota and Goodhue counties68129-130N
Ruddy Duck (Oxyura jamaicensis)Vol.PageKey
1941An Isolated Ruddy Duck Colony1323-24A
1956Miscellaneous Notes on Ruddy Ducks on the Mud Lake National Wildlife Refuge28128N
1984Ruddy Duck on Grand Marais Bird Count5670N


Each entry to the index is preceded with a code, which denotes one of the following:
-- the reference is a major or minor article
-- the reference is a major or minor article and is accompanied by a photograph
-- the reference is a Note of Interest
-- the reference is a Note of Interest and is accompanied by a photograph
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