List Recently Seen Birds
MOU Home Upload Image List Records Showcase Recently Seen
Gray Observers are not Current MOU Members.
Record Bird Species County Observer Occ Date
Display null Grant Paula Perdoni 2024-07-01
Display American Pipit Cook Lon Baumgardt R2024-06-27
Display Henslow's Sparrow Rice Gerald Hoekstra Rr2024-06-20
Display Semipalmated Plover Koochiching Allan Meadows R2024-06-16
Display Northern Saw-whet Owl Dakota Kathy Carroll R2024-06-01
Display Yellow-breasted Chat Carver Trey Weaver Rr2024-06-14
Display Pine Siskin Meeker Paul and Koni Fank R2024-06-11
Display Western Kingbird Sibley Douglas W. Kieser R2024-06-08
Display American Golden-Plover Koochiching Allan Meadows R2024-05-16
Display Marbled Godwit Koochiching Allan Meadows R2024-05-16
Display Eurasian Tree Sparrow Fillmore Gerald Hoekstra C2024-05-15
Display Bullock's Oriole Washington Zoe Newell-Hickman A2024-05-13
Display Common Raven McLeod Britt Dalbec R2024-05-13
Display Cinnamon Teal Murray Roy Zimmerman Rr2024-05-11
Display Summer Tanager Ramsey Michael J. Majeski Rr2024-05-12
Display Yellow-rumped Warbler (Audubon's) Cook Jean Brislance H2024-05-05
Display Snowy Egret Rice Gerald Hoekstra Rr2024-05-04
Display White-faced Ibis Meeker Paul and Koni Fank Rr2024-05-04
Display Willet Koochiching Allan Meadows R2024-05-04
Display Willet Beltrami David Harrington R2024-05-02
Display Snowy Egret Scott Aaron Pietsch Rr2024-05-02
Display Cattle Egret Steele Kathy Carroll Rr2024-04-27
Display Piping Plover Washington Kyle Te Poel Rr2024-04-26
Display Garganey Cottonwood Paul and Koni Fank A2024-04-24
Display Henslow's Sparrow Brown Brian T. Smith Rr2024-04-22
Display Iceland Gull (Thayer's) McLeod Brad Abendroth H2024-04-21
Display Brambling Otter Tail Les Gunderson A2024-04-17
Display Black-necked Stilt Faribault Kathy Carroll C2024-04-18
Display Cinnamon Teal Scott Conny M. Brunell Rr2024-04-17
Display Lesser Black-backed Gull Meeker Paul and Koni Fank Rr2024-04-15
Display Townsend's Solitaire Hennepin Matthew Hoberg Rr2024-04-11
Display Carolina Wren St. Louis Lon Baumgardt Rr2024-04-10
Display Cattle Egret Hennepin Matthew Hoberg Rr2024-04-09
Display Black-necked Stilt Carver Britt Dalbec C2024-04-09
Display Red-tailed Hawk (Harlan's) McLeod Britt Dalbec H2024-04-04
Display Purple Martin Beltrami Brian Hiller R2024-03-15
Display Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon) Cook Jean Brislance H2024-03-10
Display Common Raven McLeod Britt Dalbec R2024-03-09
Display Greater White-fronted Goose Meeker Paul and Koni Fank R2024-02-26
Display Greater White-fronted Goose McLeod Britt Dalbec R2024-02-26
Display Merlin (Prairie) McLeod Britt Dalbec H2024-02-21
Display Fox Sparrow Meeker Paul and Koni Fank R2024-02-19
Display Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon) Cook Jean Brislance H2024-02-09
Display Eastern Bluebird Meeker Paul and Koni Fank R2024-02-05
Display Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch Itasca Kathy Carroll C2024-01-17
Display Fox Sparrow Meeker Paul and Koni Fank R2024-02-03
Display Townsend's Solitaire Renville Michael Oetken Rr2024-01-31
Display Common Raven McLeod Britt Dalbec R2024-02-01
Display Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch Itasca Kimberly A. Emerson C2024-01-27
Display White-winged Scoter Scott Tom Gilde R2024-01-26
Display Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon) Cook Jean Brislance H2024-01-21
Display Golden Eagle Fillmore Todd Mitchell Rr2024-01-20
Display Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch Itasca David Harrington C2024-01-16
Display Barrow's Goldeneye Scott Brad Abendroth Rr2024-01-12
Display Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Otter Tail Les Gunderson R2024-01-11
Display Long-tailed Duck Scott Brad Abendroth R2024-01-11
Display American Wigeon Meeker Paul and Koni Fank R2023-12-31
Display Townsend's Solitaire Dakota Tom Gilde Rr2023-12-29
Display null Meeker Paul and Koni Fank 2023-12-31
Display Scarlet Tanager Hennepin Nicholas Purcell R2024-01-02
Display Tufted Titmouse Wright Rose M. Shea Rr2024-01-01
Display Varied Thrush Cass Don Hoppe Rr2023-12-30
Display Fox Sparrow Meeker Paul and Koni Fank R2023-12-30
Display Townsend's Solitaire Dakota Gerald Hoekstra Rr2023-12-29
Display White-winged Crossbill Redwood Brian T. Smith R2023-12-29
Display Tufted Titmouse Goodhue Gerald Hoekstra Rr2023-12-23
Display null Scott Tom Gilde 2023-12-19
Display Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon) Cook Jean Brislance H2023-12-21
Display Green-winged Teal Meeker Paul and Koni Fank R2023-12-21
Display Dickcissel Lake James W. Lind R2023-12-17
Display Vesper Sparrow Beltrami David Harrington R2023-12-18
Display Townsend's Solitaire Ramsey Tom Gilde Rr2023-12-18
Display Varied Thrush St. Louis Linda Schwegman Rr2023-12-01
Display Double-crested Cormorant McLeod Paul and Koni Fank R2023-12-16
Display Vesper Sparrow Beltrami Alex Burchard R2023-12-09
Display Townsend's Solitaire Anoka Steve Broste Rr2023-12-07
Display Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon) Cook Jean Brislance H2023-12-06
Display Fox Sparrow Meeker Paul and Koni Fank R2023-12-05
Display Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon) Meeker Paul and Koni Fank H2023-12-02
Display Varied Thrush St. Louis Brad Snelling Rr2023-11-29
Display Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon) Big Stone Jason Frank H2023-11-27
Display Sage Thrasher Ramsey Tom Gilde A2023-11-15
Display Sage Thrasher Ramsey Gerald Hoekstra A2023-11-15
Display Sage Thrasher Ramsey Kathy Carroll A2023-11-13
Display Cattle Egret Hennepin Gregg Severson Rr2023-11-08
Display Cattle Egret Hennepin Gregg Severson Rr2023-11-08
Display Red-tailed Hawk (Northern) Carver Britt Dalbec H2023-11-07
Display Anna's Hummingbird Dakota Richard Gotz A2023-11-02
Display Anna's Hummingbird Dakota Gerald Hoekstra A2023-11-07
Display Anna's Hummingbird Dakota Tom Gilde A2023-11-04
Display Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon) Otter Tail Les Gunderson H2023-11-03
Display Anna's Hummingbird Dakota Elizabeth R. Tiller A2023-11-03
Display Anna's Hummingbird Dakota Tom Gilde A2023-11-02
Display Anna's Hummingbird Dakota Lon Baumgardt A2023-11-01
Display Anna's Hummingbird Dakota Roy Zimmerman A2023-11-02
Display Anna's Hummingbird Dakota Luke Hollander A2023-11-01
Display Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon) Meeker Paul and Koni Fank H2023-10-22
Display Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon) Otter Tail Les Gunderson H2023-10-18
Display Surf Scoter Koochiching Allan Meadows R2023-10-14
Display Wild Turkey Koochiching Allan Meadows R2023-10-02
Display Lesser Black-backed Gull Kandiyohi Douglas W. Kieser Rr2023-09-30
Display null Hennepin Tom Gilde 2023-09-30
Display Black-headed Grosbeak Otter Tail Les Gunderson C2023-09-19
Display Red-tailed Hawk (Krider's) Otter Tail Les Gunderson H2023-09-20
Display Sabine's Gull Pipestone Brian T. Smith Rr2023-09-19
Display Limpkin Clay Patrick B. Beauzay A2023-09-09
Display Ruff Chippewa Kimberly A. Emerson C2023-08-22
Display Black-throated Blue Warbler Cook Jean Brislance Rr2023-08-16
Display Neotropic Cormorant Hennepin Douglas W. Kieser A2023-08-10
Display Parasitic Jaeger St. Louis Richard Gotz Rr2023-07-28
Display Parasitic Jaeger St. Louis Lon Baumgardt Rr2023-07-26
Display Henslow's Sparrow Rice Gerald Hoekstra Rr2023-07-15
Display Greater White-fronted Goose Brown Brian T. Smith R2023-07-14
Display Yellow-throated Warbler Olmsted Trey Weaver C2023-07-01
Display Limpkin Chisago Michael Kurtz A2023-06-18
Display Yellow-breasted Chat Blue Earth Kristyn Hewitt Rr2023-06-29
Display American Avocet Olmsted Jerry Pruett R2023-06-25
Display Yellow-breasted Chat Blue Earth Brad Abendroth Rr2023-06-25
Display Piping Plover Beltrami Alex Burchard Rr2023-06-22
Display Willet Beltrami David Harrington R2023-06-21
Display California Gull Stearns Lon Baumgardt C2023-06-19
Display Black Vulture Aitkin Lon Baumgardt C2023-06-19
Display Bell's Vireo Rice Gerald Hoekstra Rr2023-06-15
Display Limpkin Watonwan Lon Baumgardt A2023-06-13
Display Crested Caracara Lake Maria Bauman Aos2023-06-09
Display Blue Grosbeak Hennepin Linda Schwegman Rr2023-06-03
Display Limpkin Watonwan Andrew Nyhus A2023-06-04
Display Limpkin Watonwan Alexander R. Watson A2023-06-03
Display Black-necked Stilt Meeker Paul and Koni Fank C2023-06-04
Display Snowy Egret Anoka Douglas W. Kieser Rr2023-06-01
Display Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Washington Tom Gilde C2023-05-29
Display Bell's Vireo Washington Tom Gilde Rr2023-05-29
Display Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Washington Douglas W. Kieser C2023-05-28
Display Pacific Loon Hennepin Lon Baumgardt Rr2023-05-27
Display Red Knot McLeod Steve Broste C2023-05-26
Display Black-throated Blue Warbler Cook Jean Brislance Rr2023-05-24
Display Red-throated Loon Hennepin Josh Baker Rr2023-05-06
Display Pacific Loon Hennepin Tom Gilde Rr2023-05-23
Display Common Gallinule Mower Richard N. Smaby Rr2023-05-23
Display Black Vulture Fillmore Todd Mitchell C2023-05-22
Display Lark Bunting St. Louis Lon Baumgardt C2023-05-21
Display Summer Tanager St. Louis Glen Sorenson Rr2023-05-18
Display Western Tanager Meeker Paul and Koni Fank Rr2023-05-18
Display Black-necked Stilt Nobles Kimberly A. Emerson C2023-05-15
Display Summer Tanager Cass Deanne Endrizzi Rr2023-05-11
Display Brewster's Warbler Brown Michael Oetken H2023-05-11
Display Summer Tanager Meeker Paul and Koni Fank Rr2023-05-11
Display Summer Tanager Mower Peter Mattson Rr2023-01-01
Display Kentucky Warbler Hennepin Michael Kurtz C2023-05-10
Display Cerulean Warbler Brown Brian T. Smith R2023-05-10
Display Prothonotary Warbler Olmsted Jerry Pruett R2023-05-10
Display Yellow-throated Warbler Dakota Matthew Thompson C2023-05-07
Display Worm-eating Warbler Hennepin Kimberly A. Emerson C2023-05-02
Display Worm-eating Warbler Hennepin Dana Sterner C2023-05-02
Display Swainson's Warbler Hennepin Thomas Burns A2023-05-02
Display Spotted Towhee Fillmore Todd Mitchell Rr2023-05-01
Display Spotted Towhee Meeker Paul and Koni Fank Rr2023-05-01
Display Swainson's Warbler Hennepin Gerald Hoekstra A2023-04-30
Display Swainson's Warbler Hennepin Tom Gilde A2023-04-29
Display Summer Tanager Freeborn Al E. Batt Rr2023-04-28
Display White-faced Ibis Redwood Kimberly A. Emerson Rr2023-04-22
Display Red-throated Loon Hennepin Douglas W. Kieser Rr2023-04-24
Display Spotted Towhee Meeker Paul and Koni Fank Rr2023-04-21
Display White-faced Ibis Freeborn Al E. Batt Rr2023-04-19
Display Say's Phoebe Swift Kimberly A. Emerson Rr2023-04-14
Display Curve-billed Thrasher Big Stone Curt Vacek A2023-04-19
Display White-faced Ibis Stearns Demelza Larson Rr2023-04-18
Display White-faced Ibis Meeker Paul and Koni Fank Rr2023-04-18
Display Cattle Egret Swift Kimberly A. Emerson Rr2023-04-14
Display Spotted Towhee Meeker Paul and Koni Fank Rr2023-04-17
Display Spotted Towhee Meeker Paul and Koni Fank Rr2023-04-13
Display Common Raven McLeod Britt Dalbec R2023-04-15
Display Red-tailed Hawk (Northern) McLeod Britt Dalbec H2023-04-07
Display Spotted Towhee Meeker Paul and Koni Fank Rr2023-04-01
Display Spotted Towhee Meeker Paul and Koni Fank Rr2023-03-28
Display Red-tailed Hawk (Harlan's) McLeod Britt Dalbec H2023-03-26
Display Tufted Titmouse Scott Brad Abendroth Rr2023-03-19
Display Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon) Otter Tail Les Gunderson H2023-02-28
Display Spotted Towhee Meeker Paul and Koni Fank Rr2023-03-01
Display Golden Eagle Winona Todd Mitchell Rr2023-02-06
Display Spotted Towhee Meeker Paul and Koni Fank Rr2023-02-02
Display Harlequin Duck Chisago Tom Gilde Rr2023-01-26
Display Harlequin Duck Chisago Melissa Hein Rr2023-01-21
Display Golden Eagle Winona Todd Mitchell Rr2023-01-20
Display Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Otter Tail Les Gunderson R2023-01-11
Display American Three-toed Woodpecker St. Louis Trey Weaver Rr2023-01-06
Display Harris's Sparrow Scott David C. Keyes R2023-01-04
Display White-throated Sparrow Meeker Paul and Koni Fank R2023-01-03
Display Spotted Towhee Meeker Paul and Koni Fank Rr2023-01-02
Display Townsend's Solitaire Dakota Tate Putman Rr2023-01-01
Display Varied Thrush Dakota Kathy Carroll Rr2023-01-01
Display Spotted Towhee Meeker Paul and Koni Fank Rr2022-12-26
Display Song Sparrow Meeker Paul and Koni Fank R2022-12-26
Display Eastern Bluebird Meeker Paul and Koni Fank R2022-12-26
Display Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon) Otter Tail Les Gunderson H2022-12-23
Display Red-shouldered Hawk Cass Deanne Endrizzi R2022-12-19
Display LeConte's Sparrow Hennepin Elizabeth Steiner R2022-12-17
Display Townsend's Solitaire Hennepin Matthew Hoberg Rr2022-12-15
Display Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Otter Tail Les Gunderson R2022-12-12
Display White-throated Sparrow Meeker Paul and Koni Fank R2022-12-09
Display Townsend's Solitaire Cook Paul E. Jantscher Rr2022-11-25
Display Yellow-billed Loon Hennepin Tom Gilde A2022-12-03
Display White-winged Scoter Beltrami David Harrington R2022-12-01
Display Spotted Towhee Meeker Paul and Koni Fank Rr2022-12-01
Display Spotted Towhee Meeker Paul and Koni Fank Rr2022-11-29
Display Common Goldeneye X Hooded Merganser Ramsey Tate Putman H2022-11-27
Display Golden Eagle McLeod Britt Dalbec Rr2022-11-26
Display Townsend's Solitaire Renville Brian T. Smith Rr2022-11-20
Display Summer Tanager Pennington Heidi Hughes Rr2022-11-13
Display Spotted Towhee Meeker Paul and Koni Fank Rr2022-11-13
Display American Goshawk Carver Britt Dalbec R2022-11-13
Display Long-tailed Duck Beltrami David Harrington R2022-11-12
Display Painted Bunting Polk Heidi Hughes C2022-11-11
Display Yellow-throated Warbler Cass Alex Burchard C2022-11-09
Display White-eyed Vireo Cook Kimberly A. Emerson C2022-10-30
Display Phainopepla St. Louis Gerald Hoekstra A2022-10-31
Display Harlequin Duck Cook Paul E. Jantscher Rr2022-10-30
Display Cattle Egret Cook Roy Zimmerman Rr2022-10-31
Display Phainopepla St. Louis Kim R. Eckert A2022-10-30
Display Phainopepla St. Louis Roy Zimmerman A2022-10-30
Display Phainopepla St. Louis Brad Abendroth A2022-10-29
Display Red-tailed Hawk (Northern) McLeod Britt Dalbec H2022-10-28
Display Iceland Gull (Thayer's) Hubbard Becca Engdahl H2022-10-25
Display Ross's Goose Rice Gerald Hoekstra R2022-10-23
Display Townsend's Solitaire Cass Don Hoppe Rr2022-10-24
Display Ross's Goose Kandiyohi Brad Abendroth R2022-10-22
Display Buff-breasted Sandpiper Brown Brian T. Smith R2022-10-21
Display Ross's Goose Rice Gerald Hoekstra R2022-10-20
Display Plegadis ibis McLeod Douglas W. Kieser S2022-10-16
Display White-faced Ibis McLeod Britt Dalbec Rr2022-10-16
Display Red-tailed Hawk (Krider's) Brown Brian T. Smith H2022-10-14
Display Red-tailed Hawk (Krider's) Stearns Matthew Scott H2022-10-12
Display Nelson's Sparrow Houston Kimberly A. Emerson R2022-09-24
Display Ross's Goose Marshall Heidi Hughes R2022-09-24
Display Sabine's Gull Stearns Demelza Larson Rr2022-09-24
Display Sabine's Gull Scott Brad Abendroth Rr2022-09-22
Display White-faced Ibis Marshall Heidi Hughes Rr2022-09-11
Display Smith's Longspur Waseca Douglas W. Kieser Rr2022-09-11
Display Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Freeborn Al E. Batt Rr2022-08-17
Display American Avocet Brown Brian T. Smith R2022-08-19
Display Neotropic Cormorant Hennepin Conny M. Brunell A2022-08-17
Display Brown Booby Winona Roy Zimmerman A2022-08-14
Display Tricolored Heron Blue Earth Brandon Lentz A2022-08-09
Display Tricolored Heron Blue Earth Roy Zimmerman A2022-08-10
Display Summer Tanager Scott Tom Gilde Rr2022-08-09
Display Blue Grosbeak McLeod Kimberly A. Emerson Rr2022-08-07
Display Acadian Flycatcher Fillmore Todd Mitchell R2022-08-01
Display Ruddy Turnstone Marshall Heidi Hughes R2022-07-29
Display Tennessee Warbler Meeker Paul and Koni Fank R2022-07-25
Display Bell's Vireo Rice Gerald Hoekstra Rr2022-07-18
Display Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Dakota Douglas W. Kieser Rr2022-07-16
Display Red-tailed Hawk (Krider's) McLeod Britt Dalbec H2022-07-10
Display Acorn Woodpecker Carlton Brad Abendroth A2022-07-04
Display Harlequin Duck Cook Steve Broste Rr2022-07-01
Display Blue Grosbeak Redwood Brian T. Smith Rr2022-07-03
Display Acorn Woodpecker Carlton Lon Baumgardt A2022-07-03
Display Eurasian Collared-Dove Hennepin Andrew B. Longtin R2022-07-03
Display Clark's Grebe Hennepin Thomas Burns Rr2022-07-01
Display Clark's Grebe Hennepin Lon Baumgardt Rr2022-06-30
Display Bell's Vireo Rice Gerald Hoekstra Rr2022-06-28
Display Red Crossbill Big Stone Robert M. Dunlap R2022-06-29
Display Neotropic Cormorant Hennepin Conny M. Brunell A2022-06-27
Display Carolina Wren Winona Stephanie Guzman Rr2022-06-22
Display American Three-toed Woodpecker Koochiching Jeff J. Stephenson Rr2022-06-19
Display Abert's Towhee Itasca Lon Baumgardt A2022-06-20
Display Abert's Towhee Itasca Jeff J. Stephenson A2022-06-20
Display Lark Bunting Washington Brad Abendroth C2022-06-13
Display Least Tern Pipestone Kimberly A. Emerson C2022-06-12
Display Marbled Godwit Dakota Tom Gilde R2022-06-11
Display Marbled Godwit Dakota Tom Gilde R2022-06-11
Display Neotropic Cormorant Hennepin Conny M. Brunell A2022-06-08
Display Pine Siskin Meeker Paul and Koni Fank R2022-06-06
Display Dark-eyed Junco Meeker Paul and Koni Fank R2022-06-06
Display Bell's Vireo Rice Gerald Hoekstra Rr2022-06-05
Display Black-throated Sparrow Lyon Kimberly A. Emerson A2022-06-02
Display Red Knot St. Louis Lon Baumgardt C2022-05-30
Display Cattle Egret Dakota Douglas W. Kieser Rr2022-06-01
Display Hooded Warbler St. Louis Lon Baumgardt Rr2022-05-30
Display Black-necked Stilt Nobles Roy Zimmerman C2022-05-27
Display Hooded Warbler Hennepin Nils Hoeger-Lerdal Rr2022-05-29
Display Lazuli Bunting Hubbard David Harrington C2022-05-22
Display Blue Grosbeak Hennepin Conny M. Brunell Rr2022-05-19
Display Black-throated Blue Warbler Cook Jean Brislance Rr2022-05-18
Display Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Cook Jean Brislance R2022-05-17
Display Surf Scoter Yellow Medicine Brad Abendroth R2022-05-14
Display Northern Mockingbird Cass Don Hoppe Rr2022-05-14
Display Lawrence's Warbler Olmsted Jerry Pruett H2022-05-14
Display Western Tanager Hennepin Douglas W. Kieser Rr2022-05-09
Display White-faced Ibis Hennepin David Elfelt Rr2022-05-09
Display Piping Plover Lyon Kimberly A. Emerson Rr2022-05-08
Display Northern Mockingbird Aitkin Lon Baumgardt Rr2022-05-06
Display Cattle Egret Mower Richard N. Smaby Rr2022-05-06
Display Eurasian Tree Sparrow Rice Kimberly A. Emerson C2022-04-30
Display Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Hennepin Tom Gilde Rr2022-04-29
Display Say's Phoebe Hennepin David C. Keyes Rr2022-05-03
Display Ruff Pine Thomas Burns C2022-05-02
Display Black-crowned Night-Heron Dodge Brad Abendroth R2022-05-01
Display Black-necked Stilt Douglas Brandon Lentz C2022-05-01
Display Black-bellied Whistling-Duck Hennepin Conny M. Brunell A2022-05-02
Display Common Gallinule Meeker Paul and Koni Fank Rr2022-05-02
Display Glossy Ibis Norman Roy Zimmerman C2022-04-29
Display Loggerhead Shrike Ramsey Tom Gilde R2022-04-29
Display Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Hennepin Tom Gilde Rr2022-04-29
Display Loggerhead Shrike Ramsey Dana Sterner R2022-04-27
Display Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle) Hennepin Tom Gilde H2022-04-27
Display White-faced Ibis Dakota David C. Keyes Rr2022-04-27
Display Painted Bunting Winona Luke Hollander C2022-04-25
Display White-faced Ibis Ramsey Tom Gilde Rr2022-04-23
Display Tufted Titmouse Dakota Elizabeth R. Tiller Rr2022-04-23
Display Black-necked Stilt Cottonwood Kimberly A. Emerson C2022-04-23
Display American Avocet Ramsey Dana Sterner R2022-04-23
Display Long-billed Dowitcher Dakota Elizabeth R. Tiller R2022-04-21
Display White-faced Ibis Ramsey Tom Gilde Rr2022-04-23
Display White-faced Ibis Ramsey Roy Zimmerman Rr2022-04-24
Display Mountain Bluebird Blue Earth Brian T. Smith Cr2022-04-17
Display Cinnamon Teal Yellow Medicine Lon Baumgardt Rr2022-04-06
Display Cinnamon Teal Yellow Medicine Kimberly A. Emerson Rr2022-04-02
Display Lesser Black-backed Gull Lyon Douglas W. Kieser Rr2022-04-02
Display Red-tailed Hawk (Northern) Meeker Britt Dalbec H2022-04-01
Display Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon) Ramsey Tom Gilde H2022-04-01
Display Eurasian Tree Sparrow Mower Richard N. Smaby C2022-03-30
Display American Avocet Brown Brian T. Smith R2022-03-29
Display Red-tailed Hawk (Harlan's) McLeod Britt Dalbec H2022-03-29
Display Tufted Titmouse Anoka Kimberly A. Emerson Rr2022-03-27
Display Red-tailed Hawk (Harlan's) Carver Britt Dalbec H2022-03-25
Display Hoary Redpoll Hennepin Richard Gotz R2022-03-18
Display Townsend's Solitaire Hennepin Tom Gilde Rr2022-03-18
Display Townsend's Solitaire Hennepin Tom Gilde Rr2022-03-18
Display Tufted Titmouse Rice Gerald Hoekstra Rr2022-03-16
Display Eurasian Tree Sparrow Meeker Paul and Koni Fank C2022-03-05
Display Red-tailed Hawk (Harlan's) Fillmore Todd Mitchell H2022-02-27
Display Short-eared Owl Steele Tom Gilde R2022-02-26
Display Yellow-rumped Warbler Redwood Brian T. Smith R2022-02-25
Display American Goshawk Goodhue Paul E. Jantscher R2022-02-25
Display Bohemian Waxwing Nobles Kimberly A. Emerson R2022-02-20
Display Northern Saw-whet Owl Koochiching Allan Meadows R2022-02-10
Display Common Grackle Pennington Heidi Hughes R2022-02-08
Display Merlin (Prairie) Stearns Matthew Scott H2022-02-06
Display Hermit Thrush Scott Brad Abendroth R2022-02-05
Display Varied Thrush Yellow Medicine Kimberly A. Emerson Rr2022-01-29
Display Evening Grosbeak Ramsey Andrew Nyhus R2022-01-31
Display American Goshawk Pennington Heidi Hughes R2022-01-16
Display White-crowned Sparrow Meeker Paul and Koni Fank R2022-01-22
Display Eurasian Tree Sparrow Meeker Paul and Koni Fank C2022-01-22
Display Sharp-shinned Hawk Koochiching Lori Dobbs R2022-01-18
Display Hoary Redpoll Ramsey Robert M. Dunlap R2022-01-18
Display Short-eared Owl Steele Tom Gilde R2022-01-15
Display Mallard X American Black Duck Scott Brad Abendroth H2022-01-15
Display Townsend's Solitaire Polk Becca Engdahl Rr2022-01-11
Display Townsend's Solitaire Hennepin Mark Vanden Heuvel Rr2022-01-13
Display Fox Sparrow Meeker Paul and Koni Fank R2022-01-13
Display Red-tailed Hawk (Harlan's) Washington Dana Sterner H2022-01-08
Display Rusty Blackbird Cook Brandon Lentz R2022-01-08
Display Hoary Redpoll Meeker Paul and Koni Fank R2022-01-05
Display Townsend's Solitaire Cottonwood Kimberly A. Emerson Rr2022-01-02
Display Ivory Gull St. Louis Becca Engdahl A2022-01-04
Display American White Pelican Hennepin Jim Coleman R2022-01-04
Display Mute Swan Scott Brad Abendroth Rr2021-12-31
Display Iceland Gull (Thayer's) Ramsey Tom Gilde H2021-12-29
Display Varied Thrush Chisago Melissa Hein Rr2021-12-28
Display Townsend's Solitaire Murray Kimberly A. Emerson Rr2021-12-20
Display Red-winged Blackbird Cass Don Hoppe R2021-12-15
Display Townsend's Solitaire Hennepin Dana Sterner Rr2021-12-10
Display Tufted Titmouse Hennepin Kimberly A. Emerson Rr2021-12-04
Display White-winged Scoter Hennepin Brad Abendroth R2021-12-06
Display Red-tailed Hawk (Krider's) McLeod Britt Dalbec H2021-12-04
Display Short-eared Owl Steele Gerald Hoekstra R2021-12-02
Display Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon) McLeod Britt Dalbec H2021-12-01
Display Townsend's Solitaire Renville Brian T. Smith Rr2021-11-30
Display Ross's Gull Washington Travis Bonovsky A2021-11-29
Display Ross's Gull Washington Brad Abendroth A2021-11-28
Display Ross's Gull Washington Paul and Koni Fank A2021-11-29
Display Ross's Gull Rice Gerald Hoekstra A2021-11-28
Display Ross's Gull Washington Kimberly A. Emerson A2021-11-28
Display Ross's Gull Washington Dana Sterner A2021-11-28
Display Ross's Gull Washington Steve Broste A2021-11-28
Display Ross's Gull Washington Heidi Hermes A2021-11-27
Display Ross's Gull Washington Roy Zimmerman A2021-11-27
Display Carolina Wren Blue Earth Kimberly A. Emerson Rr2021-11-21
Display Varied Thrush Cass Don Hoppe Rr2021-11-20
Display Spotted Towhee Aitkin Lon Baumgardt Rr2021-11-17
Display Lesser Black-backed Gull Brown Brian T. Smith Rr2021-11-13
Display Iceland Gull Hennepin Andrew Nyhus Rr2021-11-08
Display Iceland Gull Hennepin Richard Gotz Rr2021-11-06
Display Mute Swan Isanti Kimberly A. Emerson Rr2021-10-29
Display Summer Tanager Hubbard Becca Engdahl Rr2021-11-03
Display Iceland Gull (Iceland) Hennepin Linda Schwegman H2021-11-01
Display Ross's Goose Brown Brian T. Smith R2021-11-01
Display Black-legged Kittiwake St. Louis Becca Engdahl C2021-10-31
Display Sanderling Beltrami David Harrington R2021-10-28
Display Townsend's Solitaire McLeod Douglas W. Kieser Rr2021-10-30
Display Eurasian Tree Sparrow Meeker Thomas Burns C2021-10-30
Display Long-tailed Duck Carlton Gerald Hoekstra R2021-10-29
Display Eurasian Tree Sparrow Meeker Paul and Koni Fank C2021-10-13
Display Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon) Meeker Paul and Koni Fank H2021-10-10
Display Nelson's Sparrow Waseca Kimberly A. Emerson R2021-10-02
Display Sabine's Gull Ramsey Larry Sirvio Rr2021-10-03
Display Parasitic Jaeger St. Louis Steven Brown Rr2021-09-22
Display Gray-cheeked Thrush Koochiching Allan Meadows R2021-09-12
Display Red-tailed Hawk (Eastern) Carver Britt Dalbec H2021-09-14
Display Red Knot Becker Tim Lamey C2021-08-30
Display Upland Sandpiper Dakota Melissa Hein R2021-08-17
Display Neotropic Cormorant Dakota Brad Abendroth A2021-08-10
Display Buff-breasted Sandpiper Waseca Kimberly A. Emerson R2021-07-31
Display Common Gallinule Sibley Douglas W. Kieser Rr2021-07-31
Display Eurasian Collared-Dove Hennepin Andrew B. Longtin R2021-07-30
Display Tennessee Warbler Polk Heidi Hughes R2021-07-28
Display Blue Grosbeak Brown Brian T. Smith Rr2021-07-28
Display Henslow's Sparrow Rice Gerald Hoekstra Rr2021-07-26
Display Ruddy Turnstone Brown Brian T. Smith R2021-07-25
Display Tennessee Warbler Meeker Paul and Koni Fank R2021-07-20
Display Hooded Warbler Scott David C. Keyes Rr2021-07-20
Display Wilson's Phalarope Steele Gerald Hoekstra R2021-07-13
Display American Avocet Rice Gerald Hoekstra R2021-07-12
Display Winter Wren Stearns Demelza Larson R2021-07-01
Display Northern Mockingbird Clay Roy Zimmerman Rr2021-06-25
Display American Golden-Plover Marshall Heidi Hughes R2021-06-27
Display Snow Goose Hennepin Tom Gilde R2021-06-26
Display Bell's Vireo Rice Gerald Hoekstra Rr2021-06-25
Display Laughing Gull Becker Lon Baumgardt C2021-06-23
Display Blue Grosbeak Murray Kimberly A. Emerson Rr2021-06-22
Display Laughing Gull Becker Becca Engdahl C2021-06-21
Display null Becker Nancy Henke 2021-06-18
Display Dickcissel Koochiching Allan Meadows R2021-06-17
Display Dickcissel Koochiching Lori Dobbs R2021-06-16
Display Chestnut-sided Warbler Rice Gerald Hoekstra R2021-06-15
Display Mute Swan Hennepin Andrew B. Longtin Rr2021-06-11
Display Red-tailed Hawk (Krider's) Sherburne H2021-06-09
Display Dickcissel Koochiching Allan Meadows R2021-06-10
Display Magnificent Frigatebird Mille Lacs Tom Jones A2021-06-08
Display Yellow-breasted Chat Todd Becca Engdahl Rr2021-06-03
Display Black Vulture Stearns Demelza Larson C2021-06-06
Display Dunlin Meeker Paul and Koni Fank R2021-06-02
Display Little Blue Heron Watonwan Kimberly A. Emerson Rr2021-06-06
Display Northern Mockingbird Ramsey Erik Collins Rr2021-06-04
Display Limpkin Washington Anthony X. Hertzel A2021-06-02
Display American Golden-Plover Marshall Heidi Hughes R2021-06-03
Display Pine Siskin Meeker Paul and Koni Fank R2021-06-01
Display Lawrence's Warbler Olmsted Jerry Pruett H2021-05-31
Display Blue Grosbeak Redwood Brian T. Smith Rr2021-05-31
Display Henslow's Sparrow Rice Gerald Hoekstra Rr2021-05-26
Display Prothonotary Warbler Murray Kimberly A. Emerson R2021-05-15
Display Yellow-throated Warbler Crow Wing Kimberly A. Emerson C2021-05-18
Display Snowy Egret Watonwan Chad Heins Rr2021-05-23
Display Red Knot Pennington Alex Burchard C2021-05-22
Display Hooded Warbler Scott Tom Gilde Rr2021-05-18
Display Snowy Egret Cass Don Hoppe Rr2021-05-19
Display Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Freeborn Roy Zimmerman Rr2021-05-19
Display Hooded Warbler Scott Tom Gilde Rr2021-05-18
Display Black-throated Blue Warbler Cook Jean Brislance Rr2021-05-17
Display White-faced Ibis Sherburne Rr2021-05-17
Display Willet St. Louis Juliann Grahn R2021-05-15
Display Wilson's Plover St. Louis Lon Baumgardt A2021-05-15
Display Wilson's Plover St. Louis Alex Burchard A2021-05-15
Display Summer Tanager Waseca Leanne T. Alt Rr2021-05-14
Display Tufted Titmouse Goodhue David C. Keyes Rr2021-05-13
Display Upland Sandpiper Scott Brad Abendroth R2021-05-13
Display Northern Mockingbird McLeod Britt Dalbec Rr2021-05-11
Display Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Aitkin Lon Baumgardt C2021-05-08
Display Western Tanager Kandiyohi Josh Wallestad Rr2021-05-05
Display Summer Tanager St. Louis Juliann Grahn Rr2021-05-04
Display Summer Tanager Meeker Paul and Koni Fank Rr2021-05-03
Display Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Freeborn Andrew Nyhus Rr2021-04-19
Display Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Freeborn Douglas W. Kieser Rr2021-04-18
Display Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon) McLeod Britt Dalbec H2021-04-18
Display Red-tailed Hawk (Harlan's) McLeod Britt Dalbec H2021-04-12
Display Townsend's Solitaire Hennepin Tom Gilde Rr2021-04-10
Display Townsend's Solitaire Hennepin Douglas W. Kieser Rr2021-04-09
Display Ross's Goose Red Lake Heidi Hughes R2021-04-06
Display Red-tailed Hawk (Harlan's) McLeod Britt Dalbec H2021-04-07
Display Cinnamon Teal Big Stone Alex Sundvall Rr2021-04-05
Display Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon) Ramsey Tom Gilde H2021-04-03
Display Great Gray Owl Washington Anthony X. Hertzel R2021-04-04
Display Red-tailed Hawk (Harlan's) Meeker Paul and Koni Fank H2021-04-05
Display Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon) Meeker Paul and Koni Fank H2021-04-02
Display Long-tailed Duck Goodhue Gerald Hoekstra R2021-03-28
Display Carolina Wren Blue Earth Chad Heins Rr2021-03-11
Display Brown Thrasher Meeker Paul and Koni Fank R2021-02-28
Display Tufted Titmouse Rice Gerald Hoekstra Rr2021-02-25
Display White-throated Sparrow Meeker Paul and Koni Fank R2021-02-14
Display Brown Thrasher Meeker Paul and Koni Fank R2021-02-14
Display Varied Thrush Olmsted Jerry Pruett Rr2021-02-11
Display Boreal Owl Cook Lon Baumgardt Rr2021-02-08
Display Varied Thrush Rice Gerald Hoekstra Rr2021-02-07
Display Brown Thrasher Meeker Paul and Koni Fank R2021-02-03
Display Mountain Bluebird Ramsey Andrew Nyhus Cr2021-02-02
Display Varied Thrush Wright Brandon Lentz Rr2020-01-09
Display Varied Thrush Rice Thomas Burns Rr2021-01-31
Display Red-tailed Hawk (Eastern) Carver Britt Dalbec H2021-01-31
Display Varied Thrush Rice Gerald Hoekstra Rr2021-01-30
Display Mountain Bluebird Ramsey Lon Baumgardt Cr2021-01-25
Display Sturnella meadowlark Rice Gerald Hoekstra S2021-01-24
Display Varied Thrush Wright Lon Baumgardt Rr2021-01-20
Display Northern Pintail Yellow Medicine Brian T. Smith R2021-01-18
Display Great Black-backed Gull St. Louis Lon Baumgardt Rr2021-01-17
Display Ancient Murrelet St. Louis Thomas Burns A2021-01-17
Display Lewis's Woodpecker Morrison Judd Brink C2021-01-13
Display Spotted Towhee Anoka Joe Whalen Rr2021-01-15
Display Brown Thrasher Meeker Paul and Koni Fank R2021-01-15
Display Great Blue Heron Scott Andrew Nyhus R2021-01-12
Display Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch Koochiching Allan Meadows C2021-01-11
Display Harlequin Duck Lake Lon Baumgardt Rr2021-01-11
Display Black-crowned Night-Heron Winona Andrew Nyhus R2021-01-11
Display American Three-toed Woodpecker Lake of the Woods Becca Engdahl Rr2021-01-09
Display Mountain Bluebird Ramsey Andrew Nyhus Cr2021-01-10
Display Golden Eagle Winona Todd Mitchell Rr2021-01-03
Display Mountain Bluebird Ramsey Travis Bonovsky Cr2021-01-02
Display Spotted Towhee Dakota Tom Gilde Rr2021-01-03
Display Eastern Meadowlark Hennepin Andrew B. Longtin R2021-01-03
Display Spotted Towhee Dakota Douglas W. Kieser Rr2021-01-02
Display Mountain Bluebird Ramsey Thomas Burns Cr2021-01-02
Display Carolina Wren Washington Tom Gilde Rr2021-01-01
Display Mountain Bluebird Ramsey Lon Baumgardt Cr2020-12-31
Display Bullock's Oriole Crow Wing Butch Ukura A2020-05-14
Display Carolina Wren Hennepin Ross Vanliere Rr2020-12-13
Display Mute Swan Scott Andrew B. Longtin Rr2020-12-28
Display Harlequin Duck Lake Lon Baumgardt Rr2020-12-27
Display Brown Thrasher Meeker Paul and Koni Fank R2020-12-27
Display Great Blue Heron Scott Andrew B. Longtin R2020-12-27
Display Summer Tanager Hennepin Ellen Doll Rr2020-12-25
Display Brown Thrasher Meeker Paul and Koni Fank R2020-12-23
Display Long-tailed Duck Meeker Paul and Koni Fank R2020-12-12
Display Great Blue Heron Scott Andrew B. Longtin R2020-12-22
Display Mountain Bluebird Ramsey Andrew Nyhus Cr2020-12-20
Display Great Gray Owl Sherburne Alex Sundvall R2020-12-19
Display Turkey Vulture Rice Gerald Hoekstra R2020-12-19
Display null Ramsey Andrew Dodd 2020-12-14
Display White-throated Sparrow Meeker Paul and Koni Fank R2020-12-14
Display Mountain Bluebird Ramsey Tom Gilde Cr2020-12-14
Display Mountain Bluebird Ramsey Thomas Burns Cr2020-12-14
Display Greater Scaup Meeker Paul and Koni Fank R2020-12-11
Display Mountain Bluebird Ramsey Gerald Hoekstra Cr2020-12-13
Display Redhead Meeker Paul and Koni Fank R2020-12-11
Display Long-tailed Duck Meeker Paul and Koni Fank R2020-12-11
Display Black-throated Green Warbler Olmsted Gerald Hoekstra R2020-12-11
Display Black-throated Blue Warbler Ramsey Thomas Burns Rr2020-12-11
Display American Golden-Plover Scott Andrew B. Longtin R2020-12-11
Display Great Blue Heron Scott Andrew B. Longtin R2020-12-10
Display American Golden-Plover Scott Gerald Hoekstra R2020-12-09
Display Mute Swan Meeker Paul and Koni Fank Rr2020-12-09
Display American Golden-Plover Scott Brad Abendroth R2020-12-09
Display White-throated Sparrow Meeker Paul and Koni Fank R2020-12-07
Display Townsend's Solitaire Carver Thomas Burns Rr2020-12-06
Display Killdeer Scott Andrew B. Longtin R2020-12-05
Display White-eyed Vireo Winona Lon Baumgardt C2020-11-29
Display Mountain Bluebird Ramsey Julie Zempel Cr2020-11-28
Display White-eyed Vireo Winona Thomas Burns C2020-11-28
Display White-eyed Vireo Winona Michael Henry C2020-11-28
Display Mountain Bluebird Ramsey Robert M. Dunlap Cr2020-11-27
Display Surf Scoter Dakota Gerald Hoekstra R2020-11-27
Display Mute Swan Hennepin Gerald Hoekstra Rr2020-11-23
Display Glaucous-winged Gull Dakota Lon Baumgardt A2020-11-23
Display Glaucous-winged Gull Dakota Matthew Thompson A2020-11-22
Display Northern Saw-whet Owl Wright Lon Baumgardt R2020-11-20
Display Tufted Titmouse Houston Gerald Hoekstra Rr2020-11-13
Display King Eider Beltrami Alex Sundvall C2020-11-06
Display Harlequin Duck Lake Mark Sparky Stensaas Rr2020-11-05
Display Golden Eagle Polk Heidi Hughes Rr2020-11-02
Display Varied Thrush Polk Terry Lee Johnson Rr2020-10-18
Display Spotted Towhee Le Sueur Douglas W. Kieser Rr2020-10-24
Display Smith's Longspur Lincoln Kimberly A. Emerson Rr2020-10-24
Display Long-tailed Duck Brown Brian T. Smith R2020-10-24
Display Painted Redstart Ramsey Lon Baumgardt As2020-10-21
Display Painted Redstart Ramsey Thomas Burns As2020-10-21
Display Painted Redstart Ramsey Roy Zimmerman As2020-10-21
Display Long-eared Owl Marshall Heidi Hughes R2020-10-13
Display Eurasian Collared-Dove St. Louis Ben E. Anderson R2020-10-10
Display Smith's Longspur St. Louis Lon Baumgardt Rr2020-10-09
Display Tufted Titmouse Washington Peter Nichols Rr2020-10-06
Display Say's Phoebe Lake James W. Lind Rr2020-10-06
Display Townsend's Solitaire Sherburne Rr2020-10-05
Display Sabine's Gull Faribault Kimberly A. Emerson Rr2020-10-04
Display Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon) Meeker Paul and Koni Fank H2020-10-02
Display Mute Swan Hennepin Conny M. Brunell Rr2020-10-02
Display Cygnus swan Mower Richard N. Smaby S2020-09-30
Display Whimbrel Koochiching Allan Meadows Rr2020-09-30
Display Cygnus swan Mower Richard N. Smaby S2020-09-30
Display Henslow's Sparrow Olmsted Jerry Pruett Rr2020-09-22
Display Carolina Wren Rice Gerald Hoekstra Rr2020-09-19
Display Smith's Longspur St. Louis Lon Baumgardt Rr2020-09-17
Display Sabine's Gull Watonwan Lon Baumgardt Rr2020-09-14
Display Sabine's Gull Watonwan Lon Baumgardt Rr2020-09-14
Display Long-tailed Jaeger Lyon Roy Zimmerman A2020-09-11
Display Long-tailed Jaeger Lyon Lon Baumgardt A2020-09-10
Display Stercorarius jaeger Lyon Brad Abendroth S2020-09-09
Display Black-throated Gray Warbler Ramsey Lon Baumgardt A2020-09-04
Display Black-throated Gray Warbler Ramsey Alex Sundvall A2020-09-03
Display Mississippi Kite Blue Earth Robert M. Dunlap C2020-08-31
Display Mississippi Kite Blue Earth Lon Baumgardt C2020-08-30
Display Neotropic Cormorant Hennepin Bruce A. Fall A2020-08-25
Display Great-tailed Grackle Jackson Larry Sirvio Rr2020-08-25
Display Common Gallinule Meeker Paul and Koni Fank Rr2020-08-21
Display Carolina Wren Houston Todd Mitchell Rr2020-08-16
Display Black-throated Blue Warbler Cook Jean Brislance Rr2020-08-16
Display Blue Grosbeak Hennepin Gerald Hoekstra Rr2020-08-10
Display Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Steele Lon Baumgardt Rr2020-08-04
Display Common Gallinule Meeker Paul and Koni Fank Rr2020-08-01
Display Merlin (Taiga) Aitkin Lon Baumgardt H2020-07-31
Display Carolina Wren Kandiyohi Josh Wallestad Rr2020-07-28
Display Henslow's Sparrow Hennepin Jean Brislance Rr2020-07-25
Display Henslow's Sparrow Rice Gerald Hoekstra Rr2020-07-17
Display LeConte's Sparrow Rock Kimberly A. Emerson R2020-07-15
Display Common Gallinule Meeker Paul and Koni Fank Rr2020-07-10
Display Say's Phoebe Polk Robert M. Dunlap Rr2020-06-26
Display Black-bellied Whistling-Duck Pipestone Lon Baumgardt A2020-07-01
Display Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Pipestone Kimberly A. Emerson C2020-06-30
Display Red-breasted Nuthatch Fillmore Todd Mitchell R2020-06-27
Display Northern Mockingbird Hennepin Thomas Burns Rr2020-06-27
Display Blue Grosbeak Hennepin Tom Gilde Rr2020-06-20
Display Blue Grosbeak Hennepin Lon Baumgardt Rr2020-06-23
Display Henslow's Sparrow Houston Aaron Ludwig Rr2020-06-20
Display Henslow's Sparrow Rice Gerald Hoekstra Rr2020-06-21
Display Snowy Egret Scott Brad Abendroth Rr2020-06-20
Display Blue Grosbeak Hennepin Tom Gilde Rr2020-06-20
Display Neotropic Cormorant Hennepin Brad Abendroth A2020-06-18
Display Neotropic Cormorant Hennepin Conny M. Brunell A2020-06-18
Display Yellow-breasted Chat Winona Todd Mitchell Rr2020-06-15
Display Snowy Egret Grant Mark Sparky Stensaas Rr2020-06-12
Display null Hennepin Brandon Dusterhoft 2020-06-12
Display Green-winged Teal Watonwan Andrew B. Longtin R2020-06-13
Display Northern Mockingbird Hennepin Larry Sirvio Rr2020-06-14
Display Blue Grosbeak Hennepin Linda Schwegman Rr2020-06-13
Display Snowy Egret Grant Erik Collins Rr2020-06-12
Display Hooded Warbler Sherburne Gerald Hoekstra Rr2020-06-11
Display Bell's Vireo Hennepin Lon Baumgardt Rr2020-06-10
Display Ross's Goose Stearns Herb H. Dingmann R2020-06-09
Display Prairie Warbler Houston Lon Baumgardt C2019-04-22
Display Common Gallinule Goodhue Roy Zimmerman Rr2020-06-05
Display Cattle Egret Sherburne Joanne Bartkus Rr2020-06-04
Display Pine Warbler Dodge Gerald Hoekstra R2020-06-02
Display Neotropic Cormorant Hennepin Conny M. Brunell A2020-06-03
Display Bell's Vireo Hennepin Roy Zimmerman Rr2020-06-03
Display Red-necked Phalarope Clay Tim Lamey R2020-06-02
Display Eurasian Tree Sparrow Lake Lon Baumgardt C2020-05-31
Display Hooded Warbler Sherburne Rr2020-05-29
Display Henslow's Sparrow Rice Gerald Hoekstra Rr2020-05-31
Display Whimbrel St. Louis Lon Baumgardt Rr2020-05-29
Display Prothonotary Warbler Yellow Medicine William C. Marengo R2020-05-25
Display Brewster's Warbler Isanti Douglas W. Kieser H2020-05-23
Display Henslow's Sparrow Hennepin Jean Brislance Rr2020-05-21
Display Summer Tanager Becker Wayne Brininger Rr2020-05-21
Display American Three-toed Woodpecker Koochiching Allan Meadows Rr2020-05-19
Display Whimbrel Marshall Heidi Hughes Rr2020-05-15
Display Say's Phoebe Stearns Demelza Larson Rr2020-05-15
Display Yellow-breasted Chat Fillmore Todd Mitchell Rr2020-05-14
Display Glossy Ibis X White-faced Ibis Brown Brian T. Smith H2020-05-15
Display Yellow-throated Warbler Olmsted Ruth E. Johnson C2020-04-15
Display Summer Tanager Meeker Paul and Koni Fank Rr2020-05-10
Display Henslow's Sparrow Hennepin Jean Brislance Rr2020-05-08
Display Summer Tanager Meeker Paul and Koni Fank Rr2020-05-08
Display Northern Mockingbird Carver Britt Dalbec Rr2020-05-07
Display Cattle Egret Polk Heidi Hughes Rr2020-05-07
Display Prothonotary Warbler Freeborn Todd Mitchell R2020-05-06
Display Cattle Egret Meeker Paul and Koni Fank Rr2020-05-05
Display Bullock's Oriole Crow Wing Roy Zimmerman A2020-05-05
Display White-faced Ibis Grant Lon Baumgardt Rr2020-05-01
Display Bullock's Oriole Crow Wing Peder H. Svingen A2020-05-04
Display Pheucticus grosbeak Fillmore Todd Mitchell S2020-05-03
Display null Aitkin Lon Baumgardt 2020-04-29
Display White-faced Ibis Marshall Heidi Hughes Rr2020-05-01
Display Henslow's Sparrow Olmsted Michael Henry Rr2020-05-02
Display Blue-winged Teal X Cinnamon Teal Dakota Tom Gilde H2020-04-23
Display Mountain Bluebird Yellow Medicine Kimberly A. Emerson Cr2020-04-29
Display Mountain Bluebird Yellow Medicine Jim Hughes Cr2020-04-28
Display White-faced Ibis Steele Todd Mitchell Rr2020-04-23
Display Cattle Egret Faribault Becca Engdahl Rr2020-04-20
Display Eurasian Tree Sparrow Dakota Deanne Endrizzi C2020-04-18
Display Mountain Bluebird Clay Lon Baumgardt Cr2020-04-13
Display Eurasian Tree Sparrow Fillmore Todd Mitchell C2020-04-08
Display Varied Thrush Anoka Sandy Kurkowski Rr2020-03-30
Display California Gull Scott Michael Thompson C2020-03-15
Display Glaucous Gull Scott Brad Abendroth R2020-03-15
Display Northern Hawk Owl Hubbard Becca Engdahl R2020-03-13
Display Red-tailed Hawk (Harlan's) Houston Daniel E. Jackson H2020-03-08
Display Mute Swan Scott Brad Abendroth Rr2020-03-10
Display Golden Eagle Winona Todd Mitchell Rr2020-03-01
Display Golden Eagle Winona Todd Mitchell Rr2020-02-02
Display Barrow's Goldeneye Wright Becca Engdahl Rr2020-02-03
Display Boreal Owl St. Louis Becca Engdahl Rr2020-01-31
Display Golden Eagle Houston Todd Mitchell Rr2020-02-01
Display Hermit Thrush St. Louis Steve G. Wilson R2019-12-02
Display American Three-toed Woodpecker St. Louis Gerald Hoekstra Rr2020-01-14
Display Barn Owl St. Louis Becca Engdahl C2020-01-12
Display Red-tailed Hawk (Northern) Winona Todd Mitchell H2020-01-06
Display Townsend's Solitaire Washington Thomas Burns Rr2020-01-06
Display Red-headed Woodpecker Roseau Heidi Hughes R2020-01-03
Display Red-tailed Hawk (Northern) Fillmore Todd Mitchell H2019-12-22
Display Golden Eagle Fillmore Todd Mitchell Rr2019-12-22
Display Harris's Sparrow Meeker Paul and Koni Fank R2019-12-23
Display Tufted Titmouse Dakota Andrew B. Longtin Rr2019-12-21
Display Glaucous Gull Washington Peter Nichols R2019-12-20
Display White-crowned Sparrow Freeborn Darcy Sime R2019-12-14
Display Eurasian Tree Sparrow McLeod Pete Hoeger C2019-12-14
Display Lesser Goldfinch Polk Alex Sundvall A2019-12-11
Display Lesser Goldfinch Polk Heidi Hughes A2019-12-09
Display Carolina Wren Olmsted Jeff J. Stephenson Rr2019-12-09
Display Townsend's Solitaire Todd Brad Abendroth Rr2019-12-08
Display Spotted Towhee Morrison Steve Emerson Rr2019-12-03
Display Golden Eagle Winona Todd Mitchell Rr2019-11-28
Display Harlequin Duck St. Louis Lon Baumgardt Rr2019-11-22
Display Townsend's Solitaire Cass Lon Baumgardt Rr2019-11-19
Display Mute Swan Hennepin Todd Mitchell Rr2019-11-17
Display Carolina Wren Wabasha Douglas W. Kieser Rr2019-11-09
Display Mute Swan Pipestone Andrew B. Longtin Rr2019-10-15
Display Varied Thrush Kandiyohi Paul and Koni Fank Rr2019-11-08
Display Mute Swan Scott Brad Abendroth Rr2019-11-07
Display Iceland Gull (Thayer's) St. Louis Kim R. Eckert H2019-11-03
Display Rufous Hummingbird Dakota Gerald Hoekstra C2019-10-26
Display Rufous Hummingbird Dakota Roy Zimmerman C2019-10-24
Display Rufous Hummingbird Dakota Roy Zimmerman C2019-10-24
Display Ross's Goose Scott Brad Abendroth R2019-10-19
Display Golden Eagle Ramsey Robert M. Dunlap Rr2019-10-14
Display American Avocet Faribault Kim R. Eckert R2019-10-13
Display Red-throated Loon Hennepin Pete Hoeger Rr2019-10-10
Display Sabine's Gull Beltrami Alex Burchard Rr2019-10-05
Display Red-shouldered Hawk Fillmore Todd Mitchell R2019-10-07
Display Little Gull Cass Becca Engdahl Rr2019-10-03
Display Cassin's Sparrow Lake Kim R. Eckert A2019-09-27
Display null Lake James W. Lind 2019-09-27
Display Northern Wheatear Wright Milton J. Blomberg A2019-09-22
Display Hudsonian Godwit St. Louis Ben E. Anderson R2019-09-15
Display Lesser Black-backed Gull Beltrami Douglas P. Johnson Rr2019-09-13
Display Carolina Wren Fillmore Todd Mitchell Rr2019-09-07
Display Western Tanager Meeker Paul and Koni Fank Rr2019-09-04
Display Red Crossbill McLeod Britt Dalbec R2019-08-14
Display Carolina Wren Fillmore Todd Mitchell Rr2019-08-11
Display California Gull Wilkin Becca Engdahl C2019-07-28
Display Neotropic Cormorant Hennepin Bruce A. Fall A2019-07-27
Display Neotropic Cormorant Hennepin Dana Sterner A2019-07-27
Display Pine Siskin Scott Brad Abendroth R2019-07-21
Display Whimbrel St. Louis Mark Sparky Stensaas Rr2019-07-17
Display Bell's Vireo Washington Larry Sirvio Rr2019-07-09
Display Black-bellied Whistling-Duck Grant Becca Engdahl A2019-06-24
Display Bell's Vireo Washington Larry Sirvio Rr2019-06-25
Display Blue Grosbeak Redwood Andrew B. Longtin Rr2019-06-22
Display Yellow-breasted Chat Redwood Josh Wallestad Rr2019-06-17
Display Blue Grosbeak Dakota Dana Sterner Rr2019-06-17
Display Henslow's Sparrow Freeborn Andrew B. Longtin Rr2019-06-16
Display Common Gallinule Dakota Gerald Hoekstra Rr2019-06-14
Display Prairie Warbler Houston Gerald Hoekstra C2019-06-08
Display Sanderling Polk Heidi Hughes R2019-06-04
Display White-eyed Vireo Houston Todd Mitchell C2019-06-03
Display Common Gallinule Houston Becca Engdahl Rr2019-06-03
Display Wilson's Phalarope Steele Gerald Hoekstra R2019-06-03
Display Henslow's Sparrow Houston Frank Fabbro Rr2019-06-02
Display Prairie Warbler Houston Michael Henry C2019-06-02
Display Prairie Warbler Houston Roy Zimmerman C2019-06-01
Display Prothonotary Warbler Hubbard Becca Engdahl R2019-05-29
Display Red Knot St. Louis Kim R. Eckert C2019-05-28
Display Western Tanager Polk Heidi Hughes Rr2019-05-27
Display Whimbrel Watonwan Michael Oetken Rr2019-05-26
Display Lazuli Bunting Pipestone Roy Zimmerman C2019-05-26
Display Indigo Bunting Koochiching Marsha Shuff R2019-05-23
Display Summer Tanager Cass Andrew Birch Rr2019-04-25
Display Lazuli Bunting Le Sueur Gerald Hoekstra C2019-05-23
Display Yellow-throated Warbler St. Louis C2019-05-20
Display Yellow-throated Warbler St. Louis C2019-05-20
Display Bell's Vireo Dakota Becca Engdahl Rr2019-05-19
Display Lazuli Bunting Meeker Roy Zimmerman C2019-05-19
Display Western Tanager Polk Sandy Aubol Rr2019-05-16
Display Summer Tanager Fillmore Todd Mitchell Rr2019-05-12
Display Western Tanager Anoka Gerald Hoekstra Rr2019-05-12
Display Western Tanager Anoka Becca Engdahl Rr2019-05-11
Display Bullock's Oriole Brown Brian T. Smith A2019-05-10
Display Yellow-throated Warbler Winona Todd Mitchell C2019-05-04
Display Cinnamon Teal Hubbard Skyler Vold Rr2019-05-04
Display Spotted Towhee Lyon Nolan Meyer Rr2019-05-04
Display Yellow-rumped Warbler Washington Sandra Bissonnette R2019-05-01
Display Field Sparrow Lake Kim R. Eckert R2019-04-26
Display Great Egret Koochiching Allan Meadows R2019-04-24
Display Summer Tanager Itasca Becca Engdahl Rr2019-04-22
Display Eurasian Wigeon St. Louis Jan and Larry Kraemer C2019-04-20
Display Great-tailed Grackle Lyon Nolan Meyer Rr2019-04-18
Display Red-tailed Hawk (Harlan's) McLeod Britt Dalbec H2019-04-12
Display Eastern Towhee Meeker Paul and Koni Fank R2019-04-12
Display Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon) Rice Tina Gandy H2019-04-11
Display Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle) Sherburne H2019-04-11
Display Tufted Titmouse Fillmore Todd Mitchell Rr2019-03-31
Display Red-tailed Hawk (Harlan's) Douglas Andrew Nyhus H2019-04-02
Display Red-tailed Hawk (Harlan's) Fillmore Todd Mitchell H2019-03-23
Display Golden Eagle McLeod Britt Dalbec Rr2019-03-16
Display Golden Eagle Fillmore Todd Mitchell Rr2019-03-10
Display Golden Eagle Fillmore Todd Mitchell Rr2019-02-16
Display Field Sparrow Lake James W. Lind R2019-02-18
Display White-crowned Sparrow (Eastern) Dakota Michael Thompson H2019-02-14
Display Golden Eagle Fillmore Todd Mitchell Rr2019-02-11
Display Cackling Goose Scott Brad Abendroth R2019-02-10
Display Brambling Becker Becca Engdahl A2019-01-27
Display Carolina Wren Rice Robert Kirchberg Rr2019-01-22
Display White-crowned Sparrow (Gambel's) Dakota Michael Thompson H2019-01-08
Display Carolina Wren Blue Earth Aaron Pietsch Rr2019-01-05
Display King Eider St. Louis Steve Broste C2019-01-04
Display King Eider St. Louis John Richardson C2019-01-04
Display Tufted Duck St. Louis Larry Sirvio A2019-01-03
Display Varied Thrush Kandiyohi Josh Wallestad Rr2018-12-31
Display Varied Thrush Douglas Lynn Glesne Rr2018-12-30
Display Golden Eagle Winona Todd Mitchell Rr2018-12-30
Display Brown Creeper Koochiching Allan Meadows R2018-12-30
Display Ruddy Duck Rice Gerald Hoekstra R2018-12-24
Display Carolina Wren Goodhue Gerald Hoekstra Rr2018-12-22
Display Merlin Pennington Heidi Hughes R2018-12-16
Display White-crowned Sparrow Winona Todd Mitchell R2018-12-15
Display Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Nicollet Aaron Pietsch R2018-12-20
Display Mute Swan Dakota Michael Henry Rr2018-12-16
Display Mountain Bluebird Isanti Melissa Hein Cr2018-12-16
Display null Olmsted Michael Henry 2018-12-16
Display Townsend's Solitaire St. Louis Kim R. Eckert Rr2018-12-15
Display Carolina Wren Rice Robert Kirchberg Rr2018-12-15
Display Tufted Duck St. Louis John Richardson A2018-12-11
Display Tufted Titmouse Winona Todd Mitchell Rr2018-12-09
Display Varied Thrush St. Louis Juliann Grahn Rr2018-12-08
Display Red Crossbill Winona Todd Mitchell R2018-11-18
Display Carolina Wren Blue Earth Gerald Hoekstra Rr2018-11-11
Display Cattle Egret Cook Jeff J. Stephenson Rr2018-10-28
Display White-faced Ibis Steele Gerald Hoekstra Rr2018-10-31
Display Summer Tanager Cook Jerry Pruett Rr2018-10-28
Display Slaty-backed Gull Cook Becca Engdahl C2018-10-28
Display Slaty-backed Gull Cook Kim R. Eckert C2018-10-28
Display Lark Bunting St. Louis Becca Engdahl C2018-10-23
Display Tufted Titmouse Houston Todd Mitchell Rr2018-10-21
Display Pomarine Jaeger Washington Larry Sirvio C2018-10-14
Display Tufted Titmouse Olmsted Jerry Pruett Rr2018-10-14
Display Surf Scoter Hennepin Steven Brown R2018-10-14
Display Summer Tanager Red Lake Heidi Hughes Rr2018-10-13
Display Sabine's Gull St. Louis Kim R. Eckert Rr2018-10-10
Display Surf Scoter Hubbard Becca Engdahl R2018-10-10
Display null St. Louis Kim R. Eckert 2018-10-10
Display Lewis's Woodpecker Becker Becca Engdahl C2018-10-04
Display White-faced Ibis Grant Travis Bonovsky Rr2018-09-30
Display Tufted Titmouse Houston Todd Mitchell Rr2018-09-24
Display Gray-cheeked Thrush Koochiching Allan Meadows R2018-09-21
Display Eurasian Tree Sparrow Lake James W. Lind C2018-09-22
Display Nelson's Sparrow Kandiyohi Josh Wallestad R2018-09-21
Display Carolina Wren Yellow Medicine Josh Wallestad Rr2018-09-15
Display Prothonotary Warbler Houston Todd Mitchell R2018-09-10
Display Carolina Wren Fillmore Michael Henry Rr2018-09-09
Display Prothonotary Warbler Houston Todd Mitchell R2018-08-26
Display Mute Swan Scott Gerald Hoekstra Rr2018-08-27
Display Prothonotary Warbler Houston Todd Mitchell R2018-08-27
Display Western Kingbird Scott William C. Marengo R2018-08-27
Display Roseate Spoonbill Hennepin Julie Zempel A2018-08-26
Display Roseate Spoonbill Hennepin Ezra Hosch A2018-08-26
Display Blue Grosbeak Murray Aaron Ludwig Rr2018-08-25
Display Blue Grosbeak Ramsey Dana Sterner Rr2018-08-19
Display Least Bittern Watonwan Gerald Hoekstra R2018-08-16
Display Henslow's Sparrow Dakota Gerald Hoekstra Rr2018-08-14
Display Whooping Crane Carver Dana Sterner A2018-08-05
Display Whooping Crane Carver Steven Brown A2018-08-01
Display Nashville Warbler Fillmore Todd Mitchell R2018-07-30
Display Henslow's Sparrow Hennepin Jean Brislance Rr2018-07-28
Display Blue Grosbeak Renville Josh Wallestad Rr2018-07-28
Display Prairie Falcon Traverse Gerald Hoekstra Rr2018-07-25
Display White-faced Ibis Traverse William C. Marengo Rr2018-07-24
Display Peregrine Falcon Crow Wing Judd Brink R2018-07-20
Display Blue Grosbeak Hennepin Travis Bonovsky Rr2018-07-15
Display Say's Phoebe Traverse Josh Wallestad Rr2018-07-07
Display Eurasian Tree Sparrow St. Louis Josh Wallestad C2018-07-04
Display Lark Sparrow Rock Kim R. Eckert R2018-07-01
Display Henslow's Sparrow Washington Larry Sirvio Rr2018-06-27
Display Common Gallinule Stevens Alex Sundvall Rr2018-06-19
Display Henslow's Sparrow Rice Gerald Hoekstra Rr2018-06-24
Display Common Gallinule Dakota Steve Broste Rr2018-06-21
Display Henslow's Sparrow Lyon Roger J. Schroeder Rr2018-06-23
Display Common Gallinule Pope Alex Sundvall Rr2018-06-19
Display Northern Mockingbird Anoka Aaron Pietsch Rr2018-06-20
Display White-faced Ibis Redwood Matt Novak Rr2018-06-17
Display Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Hennepin Adam Roesch Rr2018-06-16
Display Summer Tanager Kandiyohi Josh Wallestad Rr2018-06-15
Display Red Crossbill Polk Heidi Hughes R2018-06-15
Display Hooded Warbler Ramsey Pamela Walz Rr2017-06-09
Display Eastern Towhee Kandiyohi Josh Wallestad R2018-06-09
Display Bell's Vireo Wabasha Gerald Hoekstra Rr2018-06-07
Display Northern Mockingbird Lake Kim R. Eckert Rr2018-06-07
Display Kentucky Warbler Brown Josh Wallestad C2018-06-05
Display Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Carlton Jan and Larry Kraemer C2018-06-05
Display Cinnamon Teal Polk Sandy Aubol Rr2018-06-04
Display Henslow's Sparrow Kandiyohi Josh Wallestad Rr2018-06-05
Display Caspian Tern Koochiching Allan Meadows R2018-05-27
Display Eurasian Tree Sparrow St. Louis Peder H. Svingen C2018-06-01
Display Northern Mockingbird Polk Sandy Aubol Rr2018-06-03
Display Lark Sparrow Kandiyohi Josh Wallestad R2018-06-02
Display Ruddy Turnstone Hubbard Becca Engdahl R2018-05-31
Display Sage Thrasher St. Louis Peder H. Svingen A2018-05-29
Display Blue Grosbeak Kandiyohi Josh Wallestad Rr2018-05-30
Display Cinnamon Teal Marshall Heidi Hughes Rr2018-05-29
Display Blue Grosbeak Hennepin Conny M. Brunell Rr2018-05-27
Display Henslow's Sparrow Washington Michael Henry Rr2018-05-19
Display Yellow-breasted Chat Washington Gerald Hoekstra Rr2018-05-22
Display Stilt Sandpiper Washington Larry Sirvio R2018-05-21
Display Prothonotary Warbler Sherburne R2018-05-20
Display Hooded Warbler Washington Michael Henry Rr2018-05-19
Display Northern Mockingbird Anoka Robert M. Dunlap Rr2018-05-17
Display Yellow-throated Warbler Winona Michael Henry C2018-05-17
Display Summer Tanager Fillmore Michael Henry Rr2018-05-14
Display Lazuli Bunting Hennepin Carl DeSpiegelaere C2018-05-06
Display Western Tanager Washington Cheryl Burgmeier Rr2018-05-10
Display Great-tailed Grackle Olmsted Gerald Hoekstra Rr2018-05-08
Display Cattle Egret Washington Robert M. Dunlap Rr2018-05-09
Display Summer Tanager Polk Sandy Aubol Rr2018-05-08
Display Henslow's Sparrow Rice Gerald Hoekstra Rr2018-05-07
Display Summer Tanager Kandiyohi Josh Wallestad Rr2018-05-07
Display Summer Tanager Houston Todd Mitchell Rr2018-05-07
Display Cattle Egret Dakota Gerald Hoekstra Rr2018-05-05
Display Kentucky Warbler Rice Jerry Pruett C2018-05-04
Display Cattle Egret Chippewa Roy Zimmerman Rr2018-05-03
Display Eurasian Tree Sparrow St. Louis Ben E. Anderson C2018-05-03
Display Yellow-throated Warbler Anoka Alex Sundvall C2018-05-02
Display Snowy Egret Watonwan Brian T. Smith Rr2018-05-02
Display Kentucky Warbler Rice Alex Sundvall C2018-05-02
Display null Brown Michael Oetken 2018-05-02
Display Lark Sparrow Fillmore Todd Mitchell R2018-04-29
Display Painted Bunting Steele Pete Hoeger C2018-04-27
Display Eurasian Wigeon Beltrami Becca Engdahl C2018-04-27
Display Western Grebe Anoka Travis Bonovsky R2018-04-26
Display Snowy Owl Kandiyohi Josh Wallestad R2018-04-25
Display American Avocet Beltrami Becca Engdahl R2018-04-23
Display Eurasian Collared-Dove Washington Robert M. Dunlap R2018-04-23
Display Carolina Wren Hennepin Steve Broste Rr2018-04-21
Display Cinnamon Teal Goodhue Justin Watts Rr2018-04-21
Display Golden Eagle McLeod Britt Dalbec Rr2018-04-13
Display Snowy Owl Koochiching Allan Meadows R2018-03-25
Display Tufted Titmouse Wabasha Andrew B. Longtin Rr2018-03-18
Display Snowy Owl Koochiching Marsha Shuff R2018-03-15
Display American Three-toed Woodpecker St. Louis Gerald Hoekstra Rr2018-03-03
Display Boreal Owl St. Louis Judd Brink Rr2018-03-04
Display Varied Thrush Hennepin Laurie Wachholz Rr2018-02-14
Display Boreal Owl Crow Wing Judd Brink Rr2018-02-13
Display American Three-toed Woodpecker St. Louis Steven C. Houdek Rr2018-02-10
Display Boreal Owl Cook Jean Brislance Rr2018-02-09
Display Northern Saw-whet Owl Marshall Heidi Hughes R2018-02-09
Display Boreal Owl St. Louis Becca Engdahl Rr2018-02-08
Display Barred Owl Pennington Heidi Hughes R2018-02-03
Display Varied Thrush Sherburne Paul Gunderson Rr2018-02-03
Display Varied Thrush Sherburne Alex Sundvall Rr2018-02-04
Display Western Meadowlark Red Lake Paula Cater R2018-01-27
Display Northern Flicker Red Lake Heidi Hughes R2018-01-23
Display Wood Duck Douglas Aaron Ludwig R2018-01-20
Display Canvasback St. Louis Ben E. Anderson R2018-01-20
Display Short-eared Owl Blue Earth William C. Marengo R2018-01-19
Display Short-eared Owl Faribault Wayne Feder R2018-01-16
Display Tufted Titmouse Fillmore Todd Mitchell Rr2018-01-08
Display Tufted Duck Goodhue Raymond Tervo A2018-01-14
Display Tufted Duck Goodhue Gerald Hoekstra A2018-01-08
Display Mute Swan Scott Gerald Hoekstra Rr2018-01-07
Display Eurasian Collared-Dove Pope Aaron Ludwig R2018-01-01
Display Boreal Owl Koochiching Allan Meadows Rr2018-12-31
Display Western Meadowlark Red Lake Paula Cater R2017-12-30
Display Eurasian Collared-Dove Lincoln Andrew B. Longtin R2017-12-24
Display Carolina Wren Hennepin Roy Zimmerman Rr2017-12-24
Display American Three-toed Woodpecker St. Louis Mark Sparky Stensaas Rr2017-12-18
Display Chipping Sparrow Hennepin Andrew B. Longtin R2017-12-17
Display Pine Grosbeak Carver Julie Zempel R2017-12-16
Display Short-eared Owl Steele Gerald Hoekstra R2017-12-14
Display Golden Eagle Polk Sandy Aubol Rr2017-12-10
Display Townsend's Solitaire Dakota Gerald Hoekstra Rr2017-12-12
Display Townsend's Solitaire Beltrami Douglas P. Johnson Rr2017-12-10
Display Clay-colored Sparrow Hennepin Gregg Severson R2017-12-03
Display Harlequin Duck Stearns Justin Watts Rr2017-12-02
Display Clay-colored Sparrow Hennepin Adam Roesch R2017-12-01
Display Wild Turkey St. Louis Andrew B. Longtin R2017-11-27
Display Black-legged Kittiwake Washington Peter Nichols C2017-11-25
Display Sturnella meadowlark Cook David L. Brislance S2017-11-22
Display Baird's Sandpiper Brown Brian T. Smith R2017-11-24
Display Glaucous Gull Beltrami Becca Engdahl R2017-11-21
Display Snowy Owl Faribault Wayne Feder R2017-11-19
Display Spotted Towhee Ramsey Justin Watts Rr2017-11-18
Display Lesser Black-backed Gull Hennepin Conny M. Brunell Rr2017-11-17
Display Broad-winged Hawk St. Louis Peder H. Svingen R2017-11-14
Display Varied Thrush Beltrami Douglas P. Johnson Rr2017-11-10
Display Mountain Bluebird Lake Peder H. Svingen Cr2017-11-04
Display Eurasian Collared-Dove Mille Lacs Andrew B. Longtin R2017-11-05
Display Townsend's Solitaire Lake Gerald Hoekstra Rr2017-11-02
Display Lesser Black-backed Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2017-11-03
Display Mountain Bluebird Lake Gerald Hoekstra Cr2017-11-02
Display Eurasian Collared-Dove Rock Andrew B. Longtin R2017-10-31
Display Marsh Wren Lake Peder H. Svingen R2017-10-29
Display White-winged Scoter Washington Ben Douglas R2017-10-30
Display Blue Grosbeak Beltrami Douglas P. Johnson Rr2017-10-30
Display Sabine's Gull Brown Brian T. Smith Rr2017-10-28
Display Ferruginous Hawk Red Lake Heidi Hughes A2017-10-16
Display Harlequin Duck Cass Becca Engdahl Rr2017-10-19
Display Vermilion Flycatcher Yellow Medicine Kim R. Eckert A2017-10-12
Display Tufted Titmouse Fillmore Todd Mitchell Rr2017-10-08
Display Plegadis ibis Brown Brian T. Smith S2017-10-08
Display Trumpeter Swan Cook David L. Brislance R2017-10-05
Display Tufted Titmouse Fillmore Todd Mitchell Rr2017-10-07
Display Gray-cheeked Thrush Koochiching Allan Meadows R2017-09-28
Display Smith's Longspur Lake James W. Lind Rr2017-09-28
Display Eurasian Collared-Dove Winona Andrew B. Longtin R2017-09-23
Display Selasphorus hummingbird St. Louis Dee Kuder S2017-09-23
Display Harlequin Duck Cook David L. Brislance Rr2017-09-18
Display Black-throated Blue Warbler Scott David C. Keyes Rr2017-09-12
Display Parasitic Jaeger St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2017-09-09
Display Tufted Titmouse Fillmore Todd Mitchell Rr2017-09-04
Display Blue Grosbeak Washington Larry Sirvio Rr2017-09-04
Display Carolina Wren Lake James W. Lind Rr2017-08-27
Display Black-throated Blue Warbler Cook David L. Brislance Rr2017-08-23
Display Blue Grosbeak Kandiyohi Josh Wallestad Rr2017-08-19
Display Red Crossbill Grant Kim R. Eckert R2017-08-11
Display Common Gallinule Nicollet Gerald Hoekstra Rr2017-08-07
Display Wilson's Phalarope St. Louis Peder H. Svingen R2017-08-05
Display Blue Grosbeak Hennepin Gerald Hoekstra Rr2017-08-01
Display Henslow's Sparrow Olmsted Michael Henry Rr2017-07-30
Display Blue Grosbeak Hennepin David C. Keyes Rr2017-07-28
Display Sandhill Crane Fillmore Todd Mitchell R2017-07-17
Display Blue Grosbeak Washington Ben Douglas Rr2017-07-23
Display Red-necked Phalarope Marshall Heidi Hughes R2017-07-11
Display King Rail Grant Raymond Tervo A2017-07-09
Display White-rumped Sandpiper Beltrami Ben E. Anderson R2017-07-01
Display Carolina Wren Anoka Alex Browne Rr2017-06-30
Display Great-tailed Grackle Cottonwood Brian T. Smith Rr2017-07-01
Display Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Mower Michael Henry C2017-06-27
Display Henslow's Sparrow Hennepin Scott M. Clark Rr2017-06-26
Display Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Mower Alex Sundvall C2017-06-25
Display King Rail Grant Larry Sirvio A2017-06-24
Display Winter Wren Ramsey Julian Sellers R2017-06-08
Display King Rail Grant Roy Zimmerman A2017-06-18
Display Western Wood-Pewee Clay Larry Sirvio A2017-06-17
Display King Rail Grant Becca Engdahl A2017-06-16
Display Winter Wren Fillmore Michael Henry R2017-06-10
Display Glossy Ibis Grant Gerald Hoekstra C2017-06-08
Display Henslow's Sparrow Scott Gerald Hoekstra Rr2017-06-06
Display Glossy Ibis Grant Becca Engdahl C2017-06-05
Display Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Yellow Medicine Jason Frank C2017-06-05
Display Hudsonian Godwit Rice Gerald Hoekstra R2017-06-05
Display Western Wood-Pewee Clay Robert M. Dunlap A2017-06-04
Display Prothonotary Warbler Redwood Brian T. Smith R2017-06-04
Display Western Grebe Olmsted Michael Henry R2017-06-03
Display Red-bellied Woodpecker Koochiching Allan Meadows R2017-06-03
Display Dunlin Rice Gerald Hoekstra R2017-06-01
Display Yellow-breasted Chat Washington Gerald Hoekstra Rr2017-05-31
Display Yellow-breasted Chat Washington Roy Zimmerman Rr2017-05-30
Display Common Gallinule Houston Kim R. Eckert Rr2017-05-28
Display Snowy Egret Washington Bill R. Litkey Rr2017-05-26
Display Bell's Vireo Blue Earth William C. Marengo Rr2017-05-27
Display Connecticut Warbler Washington Larry Sirvio R2017-05-26
Display Blue-winged Warbler Kandiyohi Gerald Hoekstra R2017-05-25
Display Red Knot St. Louis Jim Peterson C2017-05-23
Display Loggerhead Shrike Lake James W. Lind R2017-05-23
Display Summer Tanager Mower Peter Mattson Rr2017-05-19
Display Black-throated Blue Warbler Cook David L. Brislance Rr2017-05-20
Display Whimbrel St. Louis John Richardson Rr2017-05-18
Display Marbled Godwit Ramsey Robert M. Dunlap R2017-05-16
Display Snowy Egret Swift Kevin Mortensen Rr2017-05-12
Display Acadian Flycatcher Fillmore Michael Henry R2017-05-14
Display Summer Tanager Watonwan Roy Zimmerman Rr2017-05-12
Display Painted Bunting Rice Gerald Hoekstra C2017-05-10
Display Tufted Titmouse Olmsted Michael Henry Rr2017-05-06
Display Lark Sparrow Fillmore Michael Henry R2017-05-06
Display Lark Sparrow Fillmore Todd Mitchell R2017-05-04
Display White-faced Ibis Lac qui Parle Steve Broste Rr2017-04-30
Display Lesser Black-backed Gull St. Louis John Richardson Rr2017-05-01
Display Spotted Towhee Lyon Nolan Meyer Rr2017-04-30
Display Carolina Wren Dodge Jeff J. Stephenson Rr2017-04-30
Display American Avocet Lincoln Scott B. Meyer R2017-04-29
Display Glaucous Gull Pennington Jeanie M. Joppru R2017-04-29
Display White-faced Ibis Polk Heidi Hughes Rr2017-04-29
Display Ross's Goose Hubbard Becca Engdahl R2017-04-28
Display Red-necked Grebe Murray Gerald Hoekstra R2017-04-27
Display Snowy Egret Scott Brad Abendroth Rr2017-04-28
Display Lincoln's Sparrow Hennepin Andrew B. Longtin R2017-04-28
Display Northern Mockingbird Sibley Michael Oetken Rr2017-04-28
Display Northern Mockingbird Murray Gerald Hoekstra Rr2017-04-27
Display Northern Fulmar St. Louis John Richardson A2017-04-27
Display Field Sparrow Polk Heidi Hughes R2017-04-24
Display Cinnamon Teal Scott Brad Abendroth Rr2017-04-23
Display Red-tailed Hawk Lyon Mike Osmond R2016-04-22
Display Cinnamon Teal Washington Michelle Terrell Rr2017-04-16
Display Golden-crowned Sparrow Hennepin Brad Abendroth C2017-04-17
Display Tufted Titmouse Hennepin Travis Bonovsky Rr2017-04-17
Display Cinnamon Teal Washington Roy Zimmerman Rr2017-04-15
Display Ross's Goose Beltrami Douglas P. Johnson R2017-04-11
Display Loggerhead Shrike Hubbard Becca Engdahl R2017-04-12
Display Long-tailed Duck Hubbard Becca Engdahl R2017-04-11
Display Northern Hawk Owl Marshall Heidi Hughes R2017-04-05
Display Red-shouldered Hawk Polk Heidi Hughes R2017-03-24
Display Long-tailed Duck Beltrami Douglas P. Johnson R2017-03-21
Display American Three-toed Woodpecker St. Louis Gerald Hoekstra Rr2017-03-20
Display Harlequin Duck Cook David L. Brislance Rr2017-03-14
Display Gadwall Washington R2017-03-04
Display Harlequin Duck Cook David L. Brislance Rr2017-03-04
Display American Three-toed Woodpecker St. Louis Juliann Grahn Rr2017-03-02
Display Boreal Owl Cook David L. Brislance Rr2017-02-28
Display Golden Eagle Winona Jeff J. Stephenson Rr2017-02-26
Display Golden Eagle Polk Sandy Aubol Rr2017-02-15
Display Golden Eagle Polk Heidi Hughes Rr2017-02-03
Display Lincoln's Sparrow Hubbard Becca Engdahl R2017-02-03
Display Merlin Aitkin David C. Keyes R2017-01-31
Display Harlequin Duck Cook David L. Brislance Rr2017-01-23
Display Barrow's Goldeneye Anoka Justin Watts Rr2017-01-22
Display Brewer's Blackbird St. Louis Peder H. Svingen R2017-01-16
Display Varied Thrush Cook David L. Brislance Rr2017-01-17
Display Short-eared Owl St. Louis Michael Furtman R2017-01-13
Display Curve-billed Thrasher Itasca Roy Zimmerman A2017-01-08
Display Curve-billed Thrasher Itasca Scott B. Meyer A2017-01-08
Display Tufted Titmouse Houston Andrew B. Longtin Rr2016-12-31
Display Green-winged Teal Mower Steven C. Houdek R2017-01-01
Display Tufted Titmouse Dakota Alex Franzen Rr2016-12-31
Display Savannah Sparrow Houston Andrew B. Longtin R2016-12-31
Display Golden Eagle Mille Lacs John Richardson Rr2016-12-28
Display White-throated Sparrow Red Lake Paula Cater R2016-12-28
Display Long-eared Owl Steele Leanne T. Alt R2016-12-27
Display Eurasian Collared-Dove Scott David C. Keyes R2016-12-23
Display Varied Thrush Koochiching Allan Meadows Rr2016-12-21
Display Harlequin Duck Cook David L. Brislance Rr2016-12-20
Display Black-throated Blue Warbler Hennepin Anthony X. Hertzel Rr2016-12-11
Display Black Scoter Washington Peter Nichols R2016-12-11
Display Varied Thrush Hennepin Steven Brown Rr2016-12-07
Display Eurasian Tree Sparrow Lake John Richardson C2016-12-04
Display Harlequin Duck St. Louis Gerald Hoekstra Rr2016-12-02
Display Tufted Titmouse Fillmore Todd Mitchell Rr2016-11-14
Display White-winged Dove Anoka Gerald Hoekstra R2016-11-26
Display Great Black-backed Gull Cook David L. Brislance Rr2016-11-24
Display White-winged Dove Anoka Roy Zimmerman R2016-11-23
Display Eurasian Tree Sparrow Lake John Richardson C2016-11-22
Display Eurasian Tree Sparrow Lake James W. Lind C2016-11-21
Display Tufted Titmouse Rice Dan A. Tallman Rr2016-11-19
Display Rufous Hummingbird Isanti Alex Franzen C2016-11-20
Display Townsend's Solitaire Carver Steven Brown Rr2016-11-14
Display American Three-toed Woodpecker Koochiching Allan Meadows Rr2016-11-13
Display Northern Mockingbird Polk Heidi Hughes Rr2016-11-04
Display Northern Mockingbird Lake James W. Lind Rr2016-11-03
Display Cattle Egret Cook David L. Brislance Rr2016-11-01
Display Red Phalarope St. Louis Roy Zimmerman C2016-10-22
Display Golden Eagle St. Louis John Richardson Rr2016-10-21
Display Red Phalarope St. Louis John Richardson C2016-10-20
Display Brant Lake James W. Lind C2016-10-19
Display Brant Lake John Richardson C2016-10-19
Display Brant Lake Roy Zimmerman C2016-10-19
Display Surf Scoter Carver William C. Marengo R2016-10-17
Display Black-necked Stilt Blue Earth Aaron Pietsch C2016-10-16
Display Red-throated Loon Lake Kim R. Eckert Rr2016-10-16
Display Red Phalarope Carver Julie Zempel C2016-10-13
Display Rufous Hummingbird Isanti Roy Zimmerman C2016-10-13
Display Tufted Titmouse Fillmore Todd Mitchell Rr2016-09-19
Display Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Carver Roy Zimmerman A2016-09-24
Display Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Carver Neil Wingert A2016-09-20
Display Black-throated Blue Warbler Fillmore Todd Mitchell Rr2016-09-17
Display American Golden-Plover Washington Peter Nichols R2016-09-18
Display Sabine's Gull Stearns Roy Zimmerman Rr2016-09-17
Display Black-throated Blue Warbler Ramsey Debbie Koenigs Rr2016-09-14
Display Black-throated Blue Warbler Fillmore Todd Mitchell Rr2016-09-11
Display Sabine's Gull Stearns Steve Broste Rr2016-09-05
Display Sabine's Gull Stearns Steve Broste Rr2016-10-01
Display Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Blue Earth Chad Heins Rr2016-08-31
Display White-rumped Sandpiper Stevens Roy Zimmerman R2016-08-21
Display Black-throated Blue Warbler Cook David L. Brislance Rr2016-08-22
Display Snowy Egret Sibley Aaron Pietsch Rr2016-08-14
Display Blue Grosbeak Blue Earth Chad Heins Rr2016-08-13
Display Red Knot Grant John Richardson C2016-08-10
Display Blue Grosbeak Nobles Andrew B. Longtin Rr2016-08-01
Display Blue Grosbeak Renville Peter Nichols Rr2016-07-31
Display Carolina Wren Cass Deanne Endrizzi Rr2016-07-31
Display Least Tern Big Stone John Richardson C2016-07-20
Display Lesser Black-backed Gull Pope Gerald Hoekstra Rr2016-07-15
Display Blue Grosbeak Dakota Steven Brown Rr2016-06-18
Display Henslow's Sparrow Rice Gerald Hoekstra Rr2016-07-13
Display Willet St. Louis Ben E. Anderson R2016-07-10
Display Dark-eyed Junco Anoka Sandy Kurkowski R2016-07-11
Display Lark Sparrow Fillmore Todd Mitchell R2016-07-10
Display Bell's Vireo Waseca Gerald Hoekstra Rr2016-07-07
Display Northern Mockingbird Dakota Gerald Hoekstra Rr2016-07-05
Display Northern Mockingbird Dakota Conny M. Brunell Rr2016-07-04
Display American White Pelican Mower Bruce Lees R2016-07-01
Display Summer Tanager Carver Gerald Hoekstra Rr2016-06-30
Display Summer Tanager Carver Aaron Pietsch Rr2016-06-28
Display Summer Tanager Carver Steven Brown Rr2016-06-29
Display Henslow's Sparrow Rice Gerald Hoekstra Rr2016-06-27
Display Henslow's Sparrow Hennepin Jean Brislance Rr2016-06-18
Display Arctic Tern Big Stone Dedrick Benz C2016-06-17
Display American Goldfinch Otter Tail joe jacubetz R2016-05-23
Display Greater White-fronted Goose Sherburne Russ Ergen R2016-06-16
Display Calliope Hummingbird St. Louis Michael Furtman A2016-06-14
Display Calliope Hummingbird St. Louis Mark Sparky Stensaas A2016-06-14
Display Calliope Hummingbird St. Louis Roy Zimmerman A2016-06-14
Display Lark Sparrow Fillmore Todd Mitchell R2016-06-11
Display Golden-winged Warbler Benton Gerald Hoekstra R2016-06-09
Display Black-bellied Whistling-Duck McLeod Herb Lindsay A2016-06-07
Display Prothonotary Warbler Yellow Medicine Jeff J. Stephenson R2016-06-04
Display Lark Bunting Wilkin Jackie Packer C2016-06-06
Display Bell's Vireo Washington Larry Sirvio Rr2016-06-04
Display Eastern Meadowlark Nobles Kim R. Eckert R2016-05-27
Display Lawrence's Warbler Chisago Terry Lee Johnson H2016-05-24
Display Lark Bunting St. Louis Dee Kuder C2016-05-26
Display Bell's Vireo Washington Gerald Hoekstra Rr2016-05-26
Display Cattle Egret Kittson Scott B. Meyer Rr2016-05-22
Display Hooded Warbler Scott Matt Stratmoen Rr2016-05-22
Display Bell's Vireo Dakota Gerald Hoekstra Rr2016-05-23
Display Piping Plover St. Louis Jan and Larry Kraemer Rr2016-05-21
Display Black-bellied Whistling-Duck Le Sueur Gerald Hoekstra A2016-05-20
Display Henslow's Sparrow Goodhue Todd Mitchell Rr2016-05-18
Display Black-bellied Whistling-Duck Le Sueur Scott B. Meyer A2016-05-19
Display Mute Swan Nicollet Trent Robbins Rr2016-05-19
Display Black-throated Blue Warbler Cook David L. Brislance Rr2016-05-18
Display Little Gull St. Louis John Richardson Rr2016-05-18
Display Northern Mockingbird Rock Scott B. Meyer Rr2016-05-15
Display Little Blue Heron St. Louis Mark Sparky Stensaas Rr2016-05-16
Display Little Blue Heron St. Louis Jan and Larry Kraemer Rr2016-05-15
Display Summer Tanager Murray Jerry Pruett Rr2016-05-14
Display Yellow-throated Warbler Hennepin Jonathan Beck C2016-05-14
Display Yellow-throated Warbler Hennepin Peter Nichols C2016-05-13
Display Yellow-throated Warbler Hennepin Robert M. Dunlap C2016-05-13
Display Piping Plover Stearns Milton J. Blomberg Rr2016-05-07
Display Lark Sparrow Fillmore Todd Mitchell R2016-05-05
Display Northern Mockingbird Sherburne Becca Engdahl Rr2016-05-07
Display Neotropic Cormorant St. Louis John Richardson A2016-05-07
Display Cinnamon Teal Lac qui Parle Chantel Schlegel Rr2016-04-30
Display Western Tanager Kandiyohi Joel Schmidt Rr2016-04-29
Display Lark Sparrow Fillmore Todd Mitchell R2016-04-29
Display Great-tailed Grackle Swift John Richardson Rr2016-04-23
Display Henslow's Sparrow Washington Justin Watts Rr2016-04-23
Display Henslow's Sparrow Rice Gerald Hoekstra Rr2016-04-20
Display Townsend's Solitaire Cook David L. Brislance Rr2016-04-17
Display White-faced Ibis Hennepin Conny M. Brunell Rr2016-04-18
Display American Avocet Goodhue Conny M. Brunell R2016-04-16
Display Townsend's Solitaire St. Louis John Richardson Rr2016-04-12
Display Townsend's Solitaire Cook David L. Brislance Rr2016-04-11
Display Eurasian Tree Sparrow Polk Sandy Aubol C2016-04-08
Display Red-bellied Woodpecker Koochiching Allan Meadows R2016-04-08
Display Ross's Goose Mower Bruce Lees R2016-03-16
Display Red-throated Loon Crow Wing Larry Sirvio Rr2016-03-15
Display Mountain Bluebird Dakota Gerald Hoekstra Cr2016-03-14
Display Mountain Bluebird Dakota Alex Franzen Cr2016-03-13
Display Townsend's Solitaire Cook Rr2016-03-10
Display Mountain Bluebird Sherburne Matt Stratmoen Cr2016-03-10
Display Tufted Titmouse Houston Todd Mitchell Rr2016-03-07
Display Tufted Titmouse Goodhue David C. Keyes Rr2016-03-08
Display Mountain Bluebird Sherburne Milton J. Blomberg Cr2016-03-05
Display Iceland Gull St. Louis John Richardson Rr2016-03-04
Display Harlequin Duck Lake John Richardson Rr2016-02-24
Display Harlequin Duck Lake James W. Lind Rr2016-02-21
Display Black-legged Kittiwake St. Louis John Richardson C2016-02-10
Display Gyrfalcon St. Louis John Richardson C2016-02-06
Display Iceland Gull St. Louis John Richardson Rr2016-01-30
Display Varied Thrush Cass Judd Brink Rr2016-01-28
Display Ivory Gull St. Louis Karl J. Bardon A2016-01-21
Display Ring-necked Duck St. Louis Gerald Hoekstra R2016-01-19
Display Ivory Gull St. Louis John Richardson A2016-01-19
Display Hermit Thrush Hennepin Travis Bonovsky R2016-01-16
Display Tufted Titmouse Goodhue Gerald Hoekstra Rr2016-01-15
Display Rusty Blackbird St. Louis Juliann Grahn R2016-01-11
Display Short-eared Owl Scott David C. Keyes R2016-01-07
Display Ivory Gull St. Louis Jonathan Beck A2016-01-07
Display Ivory Gull St. Louis Conny M. Brunell A2016-01-05
Display American Bittern Steele Matt Stratmoen R2016-01-05
Display Ring-necked Pheasant St. Louis Kevin Mortensen R2016-01-04
Display Ivory Gull St. Louis John Richardson A2016-01-04
Display Varied Thrush Washington Raymond Tervo Rr2016-01-04
Display Long-eared Owl Clay Patrick B. Beauzay R2016-01-01
Display Ivory Gull St. Louis Raymond Tervo A2016-01-02
Display Ivory Gull St. Louis Mark Sparky Stensaas A2016-01-01
Display Ivory Gull St. Louis Scott B. Meyer A2016-01-01
Display Ivory Gull St. Louis Jan and Larry Kraemer A2016-01-01
Display Ivory Gull St. Louis John Richardson A2016-01-01
Display Long-eared Owl Red Lake Heidi Hughes R2015-12-30
Display Varied Thrush Washington Paul E. Budde Rr2015-12-31
Display Yellow-bellied Sapsucker McLeod Dave Batchelor R2015-12-28
Display Short-eared Owl Steele Leanne T. Alt R2015-12-27
Display Varied Thrush Koochiching Allan Meadows Rr2015-12-26
Display Eared Grebe Hennepin Conny M. Brunell R2015-12-25
Display Townsend's Solitaire Cook David L. Brislance Rr2015-12-22
Display Townsend's Solitaire Carver John Cyrus Rr2015-12-20
Display Varied Thrush Washington Scott B. Meyer Rr2015-12-19
Display Northern Parula Anoka Steve Skramstad R2015-12-15
Display Clark's Grebe Lake Kim R. Eckert Rr2015-12-07
Display Cackling Goose Mower Bruce Lees R2015-12-10
Display Townsend's Solitaire Anoka Gerald Hoekstra Rr2015-12-09
Display Varied Thrush Washington Larry Sirvio Rr2015-12-08
Display Tufted Titmouse Fillmore Todd Mitchell Rr2015-12-07
Display Red-shouldered Hawk Watonwan Steve Broste R2015-12-06
Display Red-necked Grebe Hennepin Conny M. Brunell R2015-12-06
Display Iceland Gull St. Louis Gerald Hoekstra Rr2015-12-03
Display Harlequin Duck St. Louis Michael Furtman Rr2015-11-30
Display Rose-breasted Grosbeak Dakota Karol Patzer R2015-11-26
Display Harlequin Duck St. Louis John Richardson Rr2015-11-30
Display Varied Thrush Washington Peter Nichols Rr2015-11-29
Display Great Black-backed Gull St. Louis John Richardson Rr2015-11-29
Display Red Phalarope Faribault Kim R. Eckert C2015-11-25
Display Tufted Titmouse Scott Matt Stratmoen Rr2015-11-26
Display Townsend's Solitaire Anoka Roy Zimmerman Rr2015-11-25
Display Ross's Goose Sherburne Jill Beim R2015-11-15
Display Red-bellied Woodpecker Koochiching Allan Meadows R2015-11-10
Display White-eyed Vireo Cook Dee Kuder C2015-11-08
Display Long-tailed Duck Becker Josh Wallestad R2015-11-08
Display Lesser Black-backed Gull Hennepin Conny M. Brunell Rr2015-11-07
Display White-eyed Vireo Hennepin Matt Stratmoen C2015-11-07
Display Vermilion Flycatcher Becker Kim R. Eckert A2015-11-04
Display White-eyed Vireo Hennepin Earl E. Orf C2015-11-05
Display Gyrfalcon Kandiyohi Josh Wallestad C2015-11-02
Display Vermilion Flycatcher Cook Kim R. Eckert A2015-11-02
Display Iceland Gull Cook Kim R. Eckert Rr2015-11-01
Display Cattle Egret Hennepin Justin Watts Rr2015-11-01
Display Surf Scoter Dakota Gerald Hoekstra R2015-10-31
Display Tufted Titmouse Goodhue Gerald Hoekstra Rr2015-10-30
Display Cattle Egret Hennepin Scott M. Clark Rr2015-10-29
Display Purple Gallinule St. Louis Kim R. Eckert A2015-10-23
Display White-eyed Vireo Hennepin Travis Bonovsky C2015-10-25
Display Golden-crowned Sparrow St. Louis John Richardson C2015-10-24
Display Hudsonian Godwit Dakota Gerald Hoekstra R2015-10-23
Display Cattle Egret Lake James W. Lind Rr2015-10-22
Display Harlequin Duck Cook Judd Brink Rr2015-10-16
Display Golden Eagle St. Louis Mark Sparky Stensaas Rr2015-10-14
Display Tufted Titmouse Sherburne Jill Beim Rr2015-10-09
Display Clark's Nutcracker Winona Gerald Hoekstra C2015-10-04
Display Nelson's Sparrow Olmsted Jerry Pruett R2015-09-26
Display Tufted Titmouse Olmsted Jerry Pruett Rr2015-09-27
Display Clark's Nutcracker Winona Matt Stratmoen C2015-09-27
Display Clark's Nutcracker Winona Roy Zimmerman C2015-09-27
Display California Gull St. Louis Karl J. Bardon C2015-09-24
Display Spotted Towhee Lake James W. Lind Rr2015-09-24
Display Clark's Nutcracker Winona Curt Rawn C2015-09-22
Display Clark's Nutcracker Winona Justin Watts C2015-09-22
Display Mississippi Kite St. Louis Karl J. Bardon C2015-09-21
Display Little Gull Roseau Kim R. Eckert Rr2015-09-05
Display Black-throated Blue Warbler Cook David L. Brislance Rr2015-08-31
Display Ruff Renville Michael Henry C2015-08-08
Display Willet Grant Gerald Hoekstra R2015-08-10
Display Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Hennepin Peter Nichols Rr2015-08-09
Display Marbled Godwit Renville Gerald Hoekstra R2015-08-05
Display Blue Grosbeak Renville Josh Wallestad Rr2015-08-03
Display Upland Sandpiper Dakota Larry Sirvio R2015-08-02
Display Black-throated Blue Warbler Cook David L. Brislance Rr2015-07-22
Display Hooded Warbler Hennepin Scott M. Clark Rr2015-06-16
Display Cattle Egret Renville Douglas W. Kieser Rr2015-07-18
Display Black-and-white Warbler Fillmore Todd Mitchell R2015-07-19
Display Bell's Vireo Olmsted Michael Henry Rr2015-07-04
Display Yellow-breasted Chat Olmsted Brian Plath Rr2015-07-01
Display Tropical Kingbird Scott Paul Kammen A2015-07-07
Display Tropical Kingbird Scott Matt Stratmoen A2015-07-07
Display Tropical Kingbird Scott Gerald Hoekstra A2015-07-05
Display Tropical Kingbird Scott Matt Stratmoen A2015-06-30
Display Bell's Vireo Dakota Gerald Hoekstra Rr2015-06-29
Display Lark Sparrow Kandiyohi Josh Wallestad R2015-06-30
Display Blue Grosbeak Nobles Scott B. Meyer Rr2015-06-27
Display Great-tailed Grackle Cottonwood Scott B. Meyer Rr2015-06-27
Display Tropical/Couch's Kingbird Scott Matt Stratmoen S2015-06-27
Display Surf Scoter Lake Gerald Hoekstra R2015-06-23
Display Tropical/Couch's Kingbird Scott Matt Stratmoen S2015-06-24
Display Black-throated Blue Warbler Cook Gerald Hoekstra Rr2015-06-23
Display Surf Scoter Lake James W. Lind R2015-06-19
Display Blue-winged Warbler Kandiyohi Josh Wallestad R2015-06-18
Display Henslow's Sparrow Washington Larry Sirvio Rr2015-06-14
Display Harris's Sparrow Todd Jerome McKenna R2015-06-08
Display Willet Renville Steven Brown R2015-06-07
Display Henslow's Sparrow Rice Gerald Hoekstra Rr2015-06-05
Display Red-necked Phalarope Kittson Gerald Hoekstra R2015-06-01
Display Whimbrel St. Louis Larry Sirvio Rr2015-05-31
Display Hooded Warbler Scott Matt Stratmoen Rr2015-05-28
Display Tufted Titmouse Lake James W. Lind Rr2015-05-25
Display Black-headed Grosbeak Crow Wing Scott B. Meyer C2015-05-18
Display Black-headed Grosbeak Crow Wing John Richardson C2015-05-18
Display Northern Mockingbird Watonwan Chad Heins Rr2015-05-13
Display White-eyed Vireo Goodhue Matt Stratmoen C2015-05-09
Display Common Gallinule Olmsted Jerry Pruett Rr2015-05-08
Display Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Clay Kara C2015-05-06
Display Piping Plover St. Louis Roy Zimmerman Rr2015-05-05
Display Piping Plover St. Louis John Richardson Rr2015-05-05
Display Ruff Hennepin Andrew Nyhus C2015-05-04
Display Yellow-throated Warbler Winona Butch Ukura C2015-05-02
Display Lark Sparrow Fillmore Todd Mitchell R2015-05-03
Display White-faced Ibis St. Louis Kim R. Eckert Rr2015-05-03
Display Lark Sparrow Fillmore Todd Mitchell R2015-05-03
Display White-faced Ibis Yellow Medicine Josh Wallestad Rr2015-05-03
Display Western Tanager Hennepin Andrew B. Longtin Rr2015-05-03
Display Western Tanager Pine Raymond Tervo Rr2015-04-26
Display Rock Wren Kittson Chantel Schlegel A2015-04-25
Display Western Tanager Pine Josh Wallestad Rr2015-04-25
Display Mountain Bluebird Crow Wing John Richardson Cr2015-04-11
Display Long-tailed Duck Anoka Justin Watts R2015-03-28
Display Brambling Crow Wing John Richardson A2015-03-20
Display Cinnamon Teal Carver Josh Wallestad Rr2015-03-21
Display Mute Swan Kandiyohi Josh Wallestad Rr2015-03-17
Display Townsend's Solitaire St. Louis James W. Lind Rr2015-03-12
Display Golden Eagle Winona Jerry Pruett Rr2015-03-08
Display Mute Swan Dakota Bruce A. Fall Rr2015-02-27
Display Harlequin Duck Lake Gerald Hoekstra Rr2015-02-07
Display American Three-toed Woodpecker St. Louis Mark Sparky Stensaas Rr2015-02-03
Display Varied Thrush Blue Earth Roy Zimmerman Rr2015-01-25
Display Northern Hawk Owl Red Lake Heidi Hughes R2015-01-22
Display Varied Thrush Blue Earth Gerald Hoekstra Rr2015-01-21
Display Varied Thrush Blue Earth Aaron Pietsch Rr2015-01-17
Display Chipping Sparrow Winona Andrew Nyhus R2015-01-12
Display Common Eider St. Louis Peder H. Svingen A2015-01-03
Display Eurasian Tree Sparrow Dakota Raymond Tervo C2015-01-01
Display Townsend's Solitaire Dakota Raymond Tervo Rr2015-01-01
Display Eurasian Tree Sparrow Dakota Paul E. Budde C2014-12-29
Display Hermit Thrush Crow Wing Judd Brink R2014-12-23
Display California Gull St. Louis Karl J. Bardon C2014-12-21
Display Common Eider St. Louis Peder H. Svingen A2014-12-13
Display Golden-crowned Sparrow St. Louis Josh Wallestad C2014-11-29
Display Purple Sandpiper St. Louis Peder H. Svingen C2014-11-26
Display Golden-crowned Sparrow St. Louis Roy Zimmerman C2014-11-27
Display Pacific Loon St. Louis Alyssa L. DeRubeis Rr2014-11-26
Display Golden-crowned Sparrow St. Louis Jerry Pruett C2014-11-25
Display Iceland Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2014-11-22
Display Golden-crowned Sparrow St. Louis Peder H. Svingen C2014-11-22
Display White-winged Scoter Kandiyohi Josh Wallestad R2014-11-20
Display Long-tailed Duck Kandiyohi Andrew Nyhus R2014-11-19
Display Varied Thrush Kandiyohi Josh Wallestad Rr2014-11-17
Display White-winged Scoter Kandiyohi Josh Wallestad R2014-11-15
Display Common Eider St. Louis Gerald Hoekstra A2014-11-15
Display Common Eider Lake James W. Lind A2014-11-13
Display Common Eider St. Louis Karl J. Bardon A2014-11-10
Display Common Eider St. Louis Peder H. Svingen A2014-11-10
Display Varied Thrush Kandiyohi Josh Wallestad Rr2014-11-10
Display Rufous Hummingbird Ramsey Robert M. Dunlap C2014-11-08
Display Rufous Hummingbird Le Sueur Raymond Tervo C2014-11-02
Display Northern Bobwhite Cook Peder H. Svingen E2014-11-01
Display King Eider Cook Andrew Nyhus C2014-11-01
Display American Avocet Pine David A. Cahlander R2014-10-30
Display Townsend's Solitaire Cook Kim R. Eckert Rr2014-10-26
Display Townsend's Solitaire Sherburne Steven Brown Rr2014-10-25
Display Western Kingbird Lake Peder H. Svingen R2014-10-24
Display Red Phalarope Mower Gerald Hoekstra C2014-10-21
Display Glaucous Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen R2014-10-16
Display Mute Swan Scott Gerald Hoekstra Rr2014-10-11
Display Ross's Goose Crow Wing fide Jim Lind R2014-10-05
Display Tufted Titmouse Scott Matt Stratmoen Rr2014-10-05
Display Townsend's Solitaire Cook David L. Brislance Rr2014-10-03
Display Ross's Goose Crow Wing Pam S. Perry R2014-10-04
Display Ross's Goose Lake Kim R. Eckert R2014-09-26
Display Rufous Hummingbird Le Sueur Curt Rawn C2014-09-18
Display American Avocet Kandiyohi Josh Wallestad R2014-09-22
Display Rufous Hummingbird Le Sueur Matt Stratmoen C2014-09-16
Display Rufous Hummingbird Le Sueur Andrew Nyhus C2014-09-17
Display Rufous Hummingbird Le Sueur David A. Cahlander C2014-09-16
Display Rufous Hummingbird Le Sueur Robert M. Dunlap C2014-09-15
Display Lesser Black-backed Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2014-09-10
Display Snowy Egret Mille Lacs Paul Kammen Rr2014-09-09
Display Lark Sparrow Carlton Mark Sparky Stensaas R2014-08-27
Display Ruby-throated Hummingbird Crow Wing Duane McDowell R2014-08-24
Display Brewster's Warbler St. Louis Peder H. Svingen H2014-08-18
Display Blue Grosbeak Rock Gerald Hoekstra Rr2014-08-19
Display Blue Grosbeak Rock Roy Zimmerman Rr2014-08-15
Display Least Tern Rock David A. Cahlander C2014-08-13
Display Wood Stork Washington Conny M. Brunell A2014-08-08
Display Wood Stork Washington David A. Cahlander A2014-08-02
Display Wood Stork Washington Roy Zimmerman A2014-08-02
Display Wood Stork Washington Larry Sirvio A2014-08-01
Display Blue Grosbeak Renville Josh Wallestad Rr2014-07-30
Display Loggerhead Shrike Kandiyohi Josh Wallestad R2014-07-29
Display Red-necked Phalarope Carver John Cyrus R2014-07-26
Display Blue Grosbeak Rock Larry Sirvio Rr2014-07-20
Display Cattle Egret McLeod Roy Zimmerman Rr2014-07-05
Display Black-throated Blue Warbler Cook David L. Brislance Rr2014-06-26
Display Hooded Warbler Washington Gerald Hoekstra Rr2014-06-26
Display Common Gallinule Winona Andrew Nyhus Rr2014-06-24
Display Black-throated Blue Warbler Cook David L. Brislance Rr2014-06-26
Display Henslow's Sparrow Aitkin Roy Zimmerman Rr2014-06-21
Display Red Crossbill Lac qui Parle Sid Stivland R2014-06-21
Display Northern Hawk Owl St. Louis Michael Hendrickson R2014-06-07
Display Wood Stork Faribault Raymond Tervo A2014-06-21
Display Wood Stork Faribault Chad Heins A2014-06-19
Display Snowy Egret Swift Robert M. Dunlap Rr2014-06-18
Display Henslow's Sparrow Rice Gerald Hoekstra Rr2014-06-17
Display Golden-winged Warbler X Blue-winged Warbler Blue Earth Chad Heins H2014-06-16
Display Chestnut-collared Longspur Clay Gerald Hoekstra Rr2014-06-10
Display Eurasian Tree Sparrow Yellow Medicine Scott B. Meyer C2014-06-07
Display Tufted Titmouse Scott David C. Keyes Rr2014-06-06
Display Tufted Titmouse Scott Matt Stratmoen Rr2014-06-04
Display Western Tanager Sherburne Karl Nyman Rr2014-05-14
Display Yellow-throated Warbler Dodge Gerald Hoekstra C2014-06-03
Display Blue Grosbeak Rock Mark Sparky Stensaas Rr2014-05-25
Display Henslow's Sparrow Rice Gerald Hoekstra Rr2014-06-02
Display Yellow-throated Warbler Dodge Roy Zimmerman C2014-05-30
Display Tufted Titmouse Washington Larry Sirvio Rr2014-05-29
Display King Rail Goodhue David A. Cahlander A2014-05-27
Display Whimbrel Douglas Douglas W. Kieser Rr2014-05-26
Display White-winged Dove Lake James W. Lind R2014-05-25
Display Black-necked Stilt Grant Douglas W. Kieser C2014-05-25
Display White-faced Ibis Wabasha Larry Sirvio Rr2014-05-23
Display Mississippi Kite Blue Earth Chad Heins C2014-05-21
Display Brewster's Warbler Carver John Cyrus H2014-05-21
Display Piping Plover St. Louis Kim R. Eckert Rr2014-05-20
Display Yellow-throated Warbler Olmsted Dan A. Tallman C2014-05-18
Display Western Tanager Hennepin Steve Broste Rr2014-05-13
Display Summer Tanager Washington Jenna Meier Rr2014-05-12
Display Eurasian Wigeon St. Louis Dee Kuder C2014-05-10
Display Summer Tanager Blue Earth Roy Zimmerman Rr2014-05-11
Display Summer Tanager Scott A.J. Morales Rr2014-05-11
Display Summer Tanager Fillmore David A. Cahlander Rr2014-05-10
Display White-eyed Vireo Carver John Cyrus C2014-05-11
Display Black-throated Gray Warbler Mower Brian Plath A2014-05-10
Display Hooded Warbler Washington Peter Nichols Rr2014-05-10
Display Cerulean Warbler Mower Brian Plath R2014-05-10
Display Whimbrel Rice Gerald Hoekstra Rr2014-05-10
Display White-faced Ibis Lyon Roger J. Schroeder Rr2014-05-09
Display Golden-winged Warbler X Blue-winged Warbler Hennepin Scott B. Meyer H2014-05-09
Display Black-throated Blue Warbler Mower Bruce Lees Rr2014-05-09
Display Carolina Wren Crow Wing John Richardson Rr2014-05-07
Display Say's Phoebe Polk Sandy Aubol Rr2014-05-07
Display Magnolia Warbler Washington Peter Nichols R2014-05-07
Display Lesser Black-backed Gull Polk Dennis and Barbara Martin Rr2014-04-30
Display Say's Phoebe Big Stone Andrew Nyhus Rr2014-04-28
Display Eurasian Wigeon Marshall Sandy Aubol C2014-04-26
Display Cinnamon Teal McLeod Scott B. Meyer Rr2014-04-26
Display Lesser Black-backed Gull Kandiyohi Josh Wallestad Rr2014-04-26
Display California Gull Anoka Bill R. Litkey C2014-04-22
Display Eurasian Tree Sparrow Polk Raymond Tervo C2014-04-22
Display Eurasian Wigeon Hennepin Conny M. Brunell C2014-04-19
Display Long-tailed Duck St. Louis Jan and Larry Kraemer R2014-04-17
Display Eurasian Tree Sparrow Polk Sandy Aubol C2014-04-15
Display Mute Swan Renville Josh Wallestad Rr2014-04-13
Display Great-tailed Grackle Nobles Kim R. Eckert Rr2014-04-05
Display Townsend's Solitaire Renville David A. Cahlander Rr2014-04-05
Display Eurasian Wigeon Dakota Gerald Hoekstra C2014-04-05
Display Spotted Towhee Kandiyohi Josh Wallestad Rr2014-04-02
Display Mute Swan Nicollet Michael Oetken Rr2014-03-31
Display Snowy Owl Dodge Robert M. Dunlap R2014-03-29
Display Boreal Owl Koochiching Allan Meadows Rr2014-03-23
Display Tufted Titmouse Goodhue Raymond Tervo Rr2014-03-20
Display Lesser Black-backed Gull Dakota Conny M. Brunell Rr2014-03-20
Display Lewis's Woodpecker Roseau David A. Cahlander C2014-02-25
Display Lewis's Woodpecker Roseau Terry Lee Johnson C2014-02-22
Display Townsend's Solitaire Winona Andrew Nyhus Rr2014-02-12
Display Townsend's Solitaire Wabasha Andrew Nyhus Rr2014-02-10
Display Eastern Towhee Brown Michael Oetken R2014-02-01
Display Eurasian Collared-Dove Scott David C. Keyes R2014-01-29
Display Northern Hawk Owl McLeod Paul Kammen R2014-01-13
Display Northern Hawk Owl McLeod Roy Zimmerman R2014-01-12
Display Northern Hawk Owl McLeod Kristine Leuze R2014-01-10
Display King Eider St. Louis Mark Sparky Stensaas C2013-12-13
Display King Eider St. Louis Kim R. Eckert C2013-12-12
Display Herring Gull St. Louis Karl J. Bardon R2013-12-08
Display Field Sparrow Cass Ben A. Wieland R2013-12-06
Display Black Scoter Washington Larry Sirvio R2013-12-02
Display Great Black-backed Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2013-11-28
Display Northern Mockingbird Koochiching Allan Meadows Rr2013-11-30
Display Iceland Gull St. Louis Karl J. Bardon Rr2013-11-29
Display Lewis's Woodpecker Roseau Raymond Tervo C2013-11-26
Display Great Black-backed Gull St. Louis Mike L. Hendrickson Rr2013-11-23
Display Iceland Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2013-11-15
Display Varied Thrush Crow Wing fide Jim Lind Rr2013-11-11
Display Harlequin Duck St. Louis Mike L. Hendrickson Rr2013-11-12
Display Summer Tanager Kanabec Kerri Holt Rr2013-11-10
Display Laughing Gull St. Louis Jan and Larry Kraemer C2013-11-10
Display Summer Tanager Kanabec Roy Zimmerman Rr2013-11-09
Display Summer Tanager Kanabec Alyssa L. DeRubeis Rr2013-11-02
Display Lewis's Woodpecker Roseau Roy Zimmerman C2013-11-07
Display Lewis's Woodpecker Roseau fide Jim Lind C2013-11-07
Display Lewis's Woodpecker Lake of the Woods Shawn Conrad C2013-11-06
Display Lewis's Woodpecker Roseau Anthony X. Hertzel C2013-11-06
Display Great Black-backed Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2013-10-30
Display Black-throated Blue Warbler Cook Andrew Nyhus Rr2013-10-27
Display Lesser Black-backed Gull St. Louis Mark Sparky Stensaas Rr2013-10-22
Display Harlequin Duck Lake James W. Lind Rr2013-10-24
Display Sabine's Gull St. Louis Karl J. Bardon Rr2013-10-20
Display Lesser Black-backed Gull St. Louis Mike L. Hendrickson Rr2013-10-18
Display Mute Swan Nicollet Kim R. Eckert Rr2013-10-17
Display Carolina Wren Mower Brian Plath Rr2013-10-17
Display Ross's Goose Lake Scott B. Meyer R2013-10-11
Display Lesser Black-backed Gull St. Louis Karl J. Bardon Rr2013-10-08
Display Spotted Towhee Anoka Douglas W. Kieser Rr2013-10-09
Display Parasitic Jaeger St. Louis Mike L. Hendrickson Rr2013-10-03
Display Eurasian Collared-Dove St. Louis Karl J. Bardon R2013-10-02
Display Lesser Black-backed Gull St. Louis Karl J. Bardon Rr2013-09-24
Display Sabine's Gull Hennepin Conny M. Brunell Rr2013-09-21
Display Sabine's Gull Beltrami Skyler Vold Rr2013-09-20
Display Sabine's Gull Hennepin Conny M. Brunell Rr2013-09-20
Display Long-tailed Jaeger St. Louis Karl J. Bardon A2013-09-19
Display Greater White-fronted Goose St. Louis Peder H. Svingen R2013-09-11
Display Red Knot St. Louis Peder H. Svingen C2013-09-03
Display Parasitic Jaeger St. Louis Karl J. Bardon Rr2013-08-13
Display Black-throated Blue Warbler Cook David L. Brislance Rr2013-08-07
Display Rufous Hummingbird St. Louis Peder H. Svingen C2013-07-26
Display Red-necked Phalarope Fillmore Carl W. Greiner R2013-08-03
Display American Three-toed Woodpecker Lake Mark Sparky Stensaas Rr2013-07-29
Display Cattle Egret Nicollet Michael Oetken Rr2013-07-17
Display Cattle Egret Carver John Cyrus Rr2013-07-13
Display Blue Grosbeak Blue Earth Aaron Pietsch Rr2013-07-10
Display Blue Grosbeak Blue Earth Chad Heins Rr2013-07-10
Display Lark Sparrow Crow Wing Judd Brink R2013-07-06
Display Hooded Warbler Scott Paul Kammen Rr2013-06-24
Display Kentucky Warbler Ramsey Paul Kammen C2013-06-15
Display Kentucky Warbler Ramsey John Zakelj C2013-06-15
Display Long-tailed Jaeger Roseau Andrew Nyhus A2013-06-14
Display Great-tailed Grackle McLeod Pete Hoeger Rr2013-06-13
Display Golden-winged Warbler Rice Gerald Hoekstra R2013-06-10
Display Blue Grosbeak Pipestone Terry Lee Johnson Rr2013-06-02
Display Henslow's Sparrow Scott Gerald Hoekstra Rr2013-06-08
Display Yellow-throated Warbler Winona David A. Cahlander C2013-06-07
Display Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Cook Brian Plath C2013-06-03
Display Piping Plover St. Louis Mike L. Hendrickson Rr2013-06-01
Display Brown Pelican Freeborn George Lahr C2013-06-01
Display Black-throated Blue Warbler Cook David L. Brislance Rr2013-05-29
Display Wilson's Plover St. Louis Karl J. Bardon A2013-05-27
Display Wilson's Plover St. Louis Karl J. Bardon A2013-05-27
Display Wilson's Plover St. Louis Mark Sparky Stensaas A2013-05-27
Display Blue Grosbeak Mower John E. Morrison Rr2013-05-25
Display Whimbrel Big Stone Andrew Nyhus Rr2013-05-24
Display Red Crossbill Dakota Blaine Seeliger R2013-05-23
Display Western Tanager Becker David A. Cahlander Rr2013-05-01
Display Lazuli Bunting Nobles Tom Middagh C2013-05-22
Display Tufted Titmouse Goodhue Larry Sirvio Rr2013-05-18
Display Little Blue Heron Nobles Robert M. Dunlap Rr2013-05-18
Display Lark Bunting Nobles Robert M. Dunlap C2013-05-18
Display American Avocet Aitkin fide Jim Lind R2013-05-18
Display Bullock's Oriole Hennepin Debbie A2013-05-14
Display Western Tanager Dakota Blaine Seeliger Rr2013-05-17
Display Hooded Warbler Hennepin Larry Sirvio Rr2013-05-14
Display Northern Mockingbird Ramsey Larry Sirvio Rr2013-05-13
Display Chestnut-collared Longspur Clay Gerald Hoekstra Rr2013-05-12
Display Northern Mockingbird Anoka Christopher Brown Rr2013-05-06
Display American Avocet Kittson Anthony X. Hertzel R2013-05-10
Display White-faced Ibis Pennington Jeanie M. Joppru Rr2013-05-03
Display Townsend's Solitaire Aitkin fide Jim Lind Rr2013-05-11
Display Yellow-throated Warbler Winona Carl W. Greiner C2013-05-11
Display Painted Bunting Aitkin Anthony X. Hertzel C2013-05-09
Display Eared Grebe St. Louis Peder H. Svingen R2013-05-06
Display Mountain Bluebird Lake James W. Lind Cr2013-05-06
Display Yellow-throated Warbler Carver Raymond Tervo C2013-05-06
Display Smith's Longspur Blue Earth Chad Heins Rr2013-05-05
Display Yellow-throated Warbler Carver Roy Zimmerman C2013-05-05
Display Yellow-throated Warbler Carver Jim pifher C2013-05-05
Display Yellow-throated Warbler Carver John Cyrus C2013-05-05
Display Great-tailed Grackle Jackson fide Jim Lind Rr2013-05-03
Display Carolina Wren Mower Brian Plath Rr2013-05-04
Display White-faced Ibis McLeod Michael Oetken Rr2013-05-04
Display Long-billed Dowitcher Crow Wing fide Jim Lind R2013-04-30
Display Lazuli Bunting Washington Andrew Nyhus C2013-05-03
Display Summer Tanager Hennepin Andrew B. Longtin Rr2013-05-01
Display American Avocet Winona Andrew Nyhus R2013-05-01
Display Say's Phoebe Polk Emily Hutchins Rr2013-04-30
Display Glossy Ibis Olmsted Andrew Nyhus C2013-04-30
Display American Avocet Ramsey Robert M. Dunlap R2013-04-30
Display Plegadis ibis Nicollet Roy Zimmerman S2013-04-29
Display Smith's Longspur Lac qui Parle Steve Broste Rr2013-04-28
Display Plegadis ibis Nicollet Michael Oetken S2013-04-29
Display Glossy Ibis Houston David A. Cahlander C2013-04-27
Display White-faced Ibis Kittson Tracy Brewer Rr2013-04-26
Display Glossy Ibis Kittson Tracy Brewer C2013-04-25
Display Franklin's Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen R2013-04-23
Display Cattle Egret Dakota Scott B. Meyer Rr2013-04-22
Display Blue-winged Teal X Cinnamon Teal Goodhue Conny M. Brunell H2013-04-20
Display Lesser Black-backed Gull Lake James W. Lind Rr2013-04-21
Display Yellow-rumped Warbler Lake James W. Lind R2013-04-13
Display Blue-winged Teal X Cinnamon Teal Goodhue Gerald Hoekstra H2013-04-09
Display Gray Partridge Koochiching Allan Meadows R2013-03-19
Display Barrow's Goldeneye St. Louis Karl J. Bardon Rr2013-03-25
Display Barrow's Goldeneye St. Louis Karl J. Bardon Rr2013-03-25
Display Lesser Black-backed Gull Washington Scott B. Meyer Rr2013-03-16
Display Boreal Owl Koochiching Allan Meadows Rr2013-03-13
Display Boreal Owl Lake Mike Lentz Rr2013-02-09
Display Townsend's Solitaire Hennepin Scott B. Meyer Rr2013-03-05
Display Townsend's Solitaire Hennepin Raymond Tervo Rr2013-03-03
Display Varied Thrush Anoka Scott B. Meyer Rr2013-02-13
Display Field Sparrow Washington Scott B. Meyer R2013-02-09
Display Varied Thrush Beltrami Lainie Hiller Rr2013-02-07
Display Boreal Owl Koochiching Allan Meadows Rr2013-02-07
Display Boreal Owl St. Louis fide Jim Lind Rr2013-02-05
Display Common Grackle Koochiching Allan Meadows R2013-02-05
Display Brown-headed Cowbird Hennepin Andrew B. Longtin R2013-02-03
Display Boreal Owl Lake James W. Lind Rr2013-02-01
Display Boreal Owl Lake Mike Lentz Rr2013-01-26
Display Boreal Owl Lake James W. Lind Rr2013-01-27
Display Brown Creeper Koochiching Allan Meadows R2013-01-27
Display Boreal Owl Polk Sandy Aubol Rr2013-01-26
Display Spotted Towhee Rice Raymond Tervo Rr2013-01-25
Display Merlin Winona Andrew Nyhus R2013-01-25
Display Varied Thrush Anoka Lisa Green Rr2013-01-24
Display Boreal Owl Lake James W. Lind Rr2013-01-22
Display Sharp-shinned Hawk Koochiching Allan Meadows R2013-01-22
Display Boreal Owl St. Louis Chad Heins Rr2013-01-10
Display Spotted Towhee Rice Jacob Langeslag Rr2013-01-13
Display Varied Thrush Watonwan Michael Oetken Rr2013-01-10
Display Harlequin Duck Wabasha Malcolm Gold Rr2013-01-08
Display Barrow's Goldeneye St. Louis fide Jim Lind Rr2013-01-05
Display Boreal Owl Cook Bruce W. Stahly Rr2013-01-05
Display Barrow's Goldeneye St. Louis Kim R. Eckert Rr2013-01-04
Display Varied Thrush St. Louis Mike L. Hendrickson Rr2013-12-27
Display Hoary Redpoll Hennepin Andrew B. Longtin R2013-01-01
Display Slaty-backed Gull St. Louis Karl J. Bardon C2012-12-30
Display Hoary Redpoll Hennepin Andrew B. Longtin R2012-12-30
Display Barrow's Goldeneye St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2012-12-26
Display Carolina Wren Steele Leanne T. Alt Rr2012-12-21
Display Wilson's Snipe Becker Judd Brink R2012-12-17
Display Great Black-backed Gull Hennepin Conny M. Brunell Rr2012-12-13
Display Lesser Black-backed Gull Hennepin Conny M. Brunell Rr2012-12-11
Display Iceland Gull St. Louis Karl J. Bardon Rr2012-12-08
Display Summer Tanager McLeod Kyle Cross Rr2012-12-07
Display Varied Thrush Itasca Earl E. Orf Rr2012-12-06
Display Carolina Wren Mower Brian Plath Rr2012-12-05
Display Townsend's Solitaire Nicollet Chad Heins Rr2012-12-02
Display Townsend's Solitaire Nicollet Aaron Pietsch Rr2012-12-02
Display Black-crowned Night-Heron Winona Andrew Nyhus R2012-12-01
Display Varied Thrush Itasca Shawn Conrad Rr2012-11-29
Display Black-legged Kittiwake St. Louis Jan and Larry Kraemer C2012-11-28
Display Townsend's Solitaire Crow Wing Anthony X. Hertzel Rr2012-11-27
Display Carolina Wren Mower Brian Plath Rr2012-11-26
Display Hoary Redpoll Hennepin Alyssa L. DeRubeis R2012-11-24
Display Iceland Gull Goodhue Roy Zimmerman Rr2012-11-18
Display Bohemian Waxwing Ramsey Robert M. Dunlap R2012-11-13
Display Mountain Bluebird St. Louis Allan Meadows Cr2012-11-13
Display Mountain Bluebird St. Louis Kim R. Eckert Cr2012-11-13
Display Mountain Bluebird Lake fide Jim Lind Cr2012-11-04
Display Yellow-breasted Chat St. Louis fide Jim Lind Rr2012-11-04
Display Townsend's Solitaire Kittson Tracy Brewer Rr2012-11-08
Display Snowy Owl Hennepin Betsy Beneke R2012-11-04
Display Yellow-breasted Chat St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2012-11-04
Display White-rumped Sandpiper Cook Anthony X. Hertzel R2012-11-03
Display Yellow-breasted Chat St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2012-11-03
Display Mountain Bluebird Lake Peder H. Svingen Cr2012-11-01
Display Clark's Nutcracker Ramsey Conny M. Brunell C2012-10-31
Display Clark's Nutcracker Ramsey Anthony X. Hertzel C2012-10-31
Display Ross's Goose St. Louis Karl J. Bardon R2012-10-29
Display Cassin's Kingbird Cook Anthony X. Hertzel A2012-10-27
Display Northern Cardinal Koochiching Allan Meadows R2012-10-26
Display Summer Tanager McLeod Scott B. Meyer Rr2012-10-25
Display Carolina Wren Mower Brian Plath Rr2012-10-22
Display Lesser Black-backed Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2012-10-19
Display Lesser Black-backed Gull Dakota Conny M. Brunell Rr2012-10-20
Display Surf Scoter Carver Raymond Tervo R2012-10-18
Display Clark's Nutcracker Carlton Kent Goble C2012-10-10
Display Surf Scoter Carver Conny M. Brunell R2012-10-13
Display Surf Scoter Carver John Cyrus R2012-10-13
Display Tufted Titmouse Stearns Carl W. Greiner Rr2012-10-12
Display Clark's Nutcracker St. Louis Karl J. Bardon C2012-10-12
Display Ross's Goose St. Louis Kim R. Eckert R2012-10-07
Display Say's Phoebe St. Louis Mike L. Hendrickson Rr2012-10-07
Display Say's Phoebe St. Louis fide Jim Lind Rr2012-10-09
Display Nelson's Sparrow Swift Scott B. Meyer R2012-10-07
Display Say's Phoebe St. Louis Kim R. Eckert Rr2012-10-07
Display Franklin's Gull St. Louis Chris Mansfield R2012-10-01
Display Sabine's Gull Hennepin Gregory Jahner III Rr2012-09-21
Display Common Gallinule Dakota Scott B. Meyer Rr2012-09-21
Display Franklin's Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen R2012-09-19
Display Mississippi Kite St. Louis Andrew B. Longtin C2012-09-16
Display Mississippi Kite St. Louis Karl J. Bardon C2012-09-16
Display Nelson's Sparrow Ramsey Scott B. Meyer R2012-09-16
Display Nelson's Sparrow Ramsey Robert M. Dunlap R2012-09-13
Display Eurasian Collared-Dove Mower Bruce Lees R2012-09-11
Display Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Hennepin Bruce A. Fall Rr2012-09-08
Display Buff-breasted Sandpiper Mower John E. Morrison R2012-08-26
Display Buff-breasted Sandpiper Mower David A. Cahlander R2012-08-25
Display Henslow's Sparrow Rice Gerald Hoekstra Rr2012-07-31
Display Buff-breasted Sandpiper Cass Robert M. Dunlap R2012-07-25
Display Lark Sparrow St. Louis Peder H. Svingen R2012-07-21
Display Carolina Wren Lake James W. Lind Rr2012-07-08
Display Willet Carver John Cyrus R2012-07-05
Display Common Gallinule Dakota Michael Oetken Rr2012-07-01
Display Dickcissel St. Louis Peder H. Svingen R2012-06-30
Display Horned Grebe St. Louis Peder H. Svingen R2012-06-29
Display Henslow's Sparrow Washington Larry Sirvio Rr2012-06-27
Display Spotted Towhee Clay Ben Stubbs Rr2012-06-24
Display Harris's Sparrow Becker Mark and Farrish Sha R2012-06-12
Display White-winged Dove Itasca Shawn Conrad R2012-06-17
Display Dickcissel St. Louis Hans de Grys R2012-06-16
Display Snowy Owl Norman Debbie Waters R2012-06-17
Display Sprague's Pipit Clay Peder H. Svingen C2012-06-13
Display Snowy Owl Clay Debbie Waters R2012-06-12
Display Henslow's Sparrow Washington Scott B. Meyer Rr2012-06-09
Display Bell's Vireo Washington Scott B. Meyer Rr2012-06-09
Display Henslow's Sparrow Rice Gerald Hoekstra Rr2012-06-02
Display Hooded Warbler Dakota Gerald Hoekstra Rr2012-06-01
Display Cinnamon Teal Crow Wing Andrew Birch Rr2012-05-26
Display Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Beltrami Andrew Nyhus C2012-05-24
Display Whimbrel Dakota Conny M. Brunell Rr2012-05-28
Display Henslow's Sparrow Hennepin Ben Harste Rr2012-05-26
Display Cattle Egret Lincoln Shawn Conrad Rr2012-05-20
Display Eurasian Collared-Dove Lake James W. Lind R2012-05-21
Display Snowy Egret Hennepin Larry Sirvio Rr2012-05-20
Display Black-necked Stilt Brown Skyler Vold C2012-05-19
Display Great Black-backed Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2012-05-19
Display Summer Tanager Mower Brian Plath Rr2012-05-19
Display Western Grebe Koochiching Allan Meadows R2012-05-16
Display Prothonotary Warbler Rice Don Dammert R2012-05-18
Display Hooded Warbler Wabasha Andrew Nyhus Rr2012-05-17
Display Eared Grebe Itasca Jan and Larry Kraemer R2012-05-12
Display American Avocet Brown Michael Oetken R2012-05-09
Display Lazuli Bunting Jackson Carl W. Greiner C2012-05-06
Display Cattle Egret Hennepin Conny M. Brunell Rr2012-05-05
Display Smith's Longspur Brown Andrew Nyhus Rr2012-04-29
Display Cinnamon Teal Lac qui Parle Andrew Nyhus Rr2012-04-28
Display American Three-toed Woodpecker Cook David L. Brislance Rr2012-04-23
Display White-faced Ibis Hennepin Paul Kammen Rr2012-04-20
Display Cattle Egret Rice Raymond Tervo Rr2012-04-20
Display Golden-crowned Sparrow St. Louis Peder H. Svingen C2012-04-19
Display Ruff Olmsted Dennis and Barbara Martin C2012-04-18
Display Black-necked Stilt Hennepin Conny M. Brunell C2012-04-15
Display Black-necked Stilt Hennepin Ben Harste C2012-04-15
Display White-faced Ibis Hennepin Conny M. Brunell Rr2012-04-15
Display White-faced Ibis Dakota Bruce A. Fall Rr2012-04-15
Display White-faced Ibis Hennepin Raymond Tervo Rr2012-04-15
Display Smith's Longspur Brown David A. Cahlander Rr2012-04-14
Display Brown Pelican Goodhue Kim R. Eckert C2012-04-08
Display Purple Sandpiper Lake Kim R. Eckert C2012-03-17
Display Harlequin Duck Cook Andrew Nyhus Rr2012-03-18
Display Varied Thrush St. Louis Mike L. Hendrickson Rr2012-03-08
Display Varied Thrush St. Louis fide Jim Lind Rr2012-03-08
Display Townsend's Solitaire Wright David A. Cahlander Rr2012-03-06
Display Ross's Goose Mower Bruce Lees R2012-03-03
Display Carolina Wren Chisago Raymond Tervo Rr2012-02-25
Display Greater White-fronted Goose Rice Conny M. Brunell R2012-02-25
Display Red-bellied Woodpecker Koochiching Allan Meadows R2012-02-23
Display Varied Thrush Blue Earth Chad Heins Rr2012-01-25
Display American Three-toed Woodpecker Crow Wing Andrew Birch Rr2012-02-09
Display Hermit Thrush Hennepin Robin LaFortune R2012-02-04
Display Varied Thrush Dakota Paul Kammen Rr2012-01-30
Display American Three-toed Woodpecker St. Louis Mike L. Hendrickson Rr2012-01-29
Display Western Tanager Hennepin Anthony X. Hertzel Rr2012-01-18
Display Yellow-rumped Warbler St. Louis James W. Lind R2012-01-26
Display Spotted Towhee Mower Andrew Nyhus Rr2012-01-25
Display Great Black-backed Gull St. Louis Mike L. Hendrickson Rr2012-01-22
Display Varied Thrush Dakota Raymond Tervo Rr2012-01-19
Display Varied Thrush Dakota Conny M. Brunell Rr2012-01-18
Display Varied Thrush Dakota Andrew Nyhus Rr2012-01-17
Display Glaucous-winged Gull St. Louis Andrew Nyhus A2012-01-15
Display Glaucous-winged Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen A2012-01-10
Display Iceland Gull Hennepin Conny M. Brunell Rr2012-01-09
Display Iceland Gull Hennepin Conny M. Brunell Rr2012-01-09
Display Iceland Gull St. Louis Karl J. Bardon Rr2011-12-31
Display Belted Kingfisher Lac qui Parle Jason Frank R2012-01-04
Display Franklin's Gull Dakota Bruce A. Fall R2012-01-02
Display Iceland Gull Dakota Bruce A. Fall Rr2012-01-02
Display Great Black-backed Gull St. Louis Conny M. Brunell Rr2011-12-28
Display Franklin's Gull Hennepin Conny M. Brunell R2011-12-26
Display Glaucous-winged Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen A2011-12-25
Display Red-bellied Woodpecker Koochiching Allan Meadows R2011-12-24
Display Great Black-backed Gull St. Louis Mike L. Hendrickson Rr2011-12-23
Display Red-tailed Hawk Blue Earth Andrew Krenz R2011-12-23
Display Spotted Towhee Mower Raymond Tervo Rr2011-12-23
Display Glaucous-winged Gull St. Louis Karl J. Bardon A2011-12-22
Display Spotted Towhee Mower Richard N. Smaby Rr2011-12-20
Display Common Goldeneye St. Louis Karl J. Bardon R2011-12-19
Display Black-legged Kittiwake St. Louis Karl J. Bardon C2011-12-18
Display Townsend's Solitaire Washington Raymond Tervo Rr2011-12-18
Display Carolina Wren Chisago Raymond Tervo Rr2011-12-16
Display Barrow's Goldeneye St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2011-12-15
Display Franklin's Gull Hennepin Conny M. Brunell R2011-12-13
Display Red Crossbill Wabasha Andrew Nyhus R2011-12-11
Display Surf Scoter Winona Andrew Nyhus R2011-12-11
Display Tufted Titmouse Goodhue Raymond Tervo Rr2011-12-10
Display Great Black-backed Gull St. Louis Mike L. Hendrickson Rr2011-12-03
Display Iceland Gull St. Louis Mike L. Hendrickson Rr2011-12-04
Display Eastern Towhee Polk Sandy Aubol R2011-12-04
Display Black Scoter Houston Andrew Nyhus R2011-11-29
Display Snowy Owl Winona Andrew Nyhus R2011-11-28
Display Surf Scoter Mower Brian Plath R2011-11-24
Display Great Black-backed Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2011-11-25
Display Snowy Owl Houston Andrew Nyhus R2011-11-25
Display Summer Tanager Washington Alyssa L. DeRubeis Rr2011-11-23
Display Snowy Owl Chippewa Craig A. Menze R2011-11-12
Display Iceland Gull St. Louis Mike L. Hendrickson Rr2011-11-20
Display Summer Tanager Washington Larry Sirvio Rr2011-11-18
Display Great Black-backed Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2011-11-15
Display Townsend's Solitaire Cook Andrew Nyhus Rr2011-11-13
Display Lesser Black-backed Gull Hennepin Conny M. Brunell Rr2011-11-12
Display Red-bellied Woodpecker Koochiching Allan Meadows R2011-11-12
Display Spotted Towhee Crow Wing Judd Brink Rr2011-11-09
Display Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch St. Louis Deborah Buria-Falkowski C2011-10-27
Display Lesser Black-backed Gull St. Louis Mike L. Hendrickson Rr2011-11-05
Display Red-tailed Hawk Scott Nancy Pinke R2011-11-03
Display Scott's Oriole Cook Robert M. Dunlap A2011-10-30
Display Scissor-tailed Flycatcher St. Louis Anthony X. Hertzel C2011-10-28
Display Great-tailed Grackle Jackson Raymond Tervo Rr2011-10-29
Display Tropical/Couch's Kingbird St. Louis Mike L. Hendrickson S2011-10-28
Display Blackburnian Warbler Fillmore Andrew Nyhus R2011-10-24
Display Purple Sandpiper Swift Paul Kammen C2011-10-22
Display Purple Sandpiper Swift Betsy Beneke C2011-10-16
Display Purple Sandpiper Swift Robert M. Dunlap C2011-10-16
Display Summer Tanager St. Louis Kim R. Eckert Rr2011-10-16
Display Purple Sandpiper Swift Robin LaFortune C2011-10-15
Display Pomarine Jaeger St. Louis Peder H. Svingen C2011-10-02
Display Parasitic Jaeger St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2011-10-05
Display Franklin's Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen R2011-09-18
Display Ross's Goose Itasca Shawn Conrad R2011-09-16
Display Whooping Crane Rice Bruce Lees A2011-09-12
Display Sanderling Itasca Earl E. Orf R2011-09-09
Display Parasitic Jaeger St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2011-09-09
Display Whooping Crane Rice Dan A. Tallman A2011-09-09
Display Blue Grosbeak Le Sueur Conny M. Brunell Rr2011-08-14
Display Blue Grosbeak Le Sueur Robert M. Dunlap Rr2011-08-14
Display White-tailed Kite Clay Susan Felege A2011-08-04
Display Blue Grosbeak Blue Earth Chad Heins Rr2011-07-13
Display Black-capped Chickadee Meeker Dave Batchelor R2011-07-04
Display Blue Grosbeak Dakota David A. Cahlander Rr2011-07-02
Display Blue Grosbeak Dakota James F. Ryan Rr2011-06-28
Display Herring Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen R2011-06-26
Display Common Goldeneye Hennepin Ben Harste R2011-06-23
Display White-winged Dove Wabasha Gabriel Miller R2011-06-18
Display Great Black-backed Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2011-06-06
Display Olive-sided Flycatcher Lincoln Robert M. Dunlap R2011-06-10
Display White-faced Ibis Goodhue Gabriel Miller Rr2011-06-08
Display Eastern Towhee Cook David L. Brislance R2011-06-09
Display Iceland Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2011-06-02
Display Whimbrel St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2011-06-07
Display Dunlin Stearns Kurt Schulzetenberg R2011-06-05
Display Iceland Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2011-06-04
Display Great Black-backed Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2011-05-29
Display Summer Tanager St. Louis Chris Edwardson Rr2011-05-30
Display Western Tanager Polk Joanne Johnson Rr2011-05-28
Display Band-tailed Pigeon St. Louis Anne Karakatsoulis A2011-05-24
Display Northern Mockingbird St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2011-05-24
Display Blue-winged Warbler Itasca Shawn Conrad R2011-05-24
Display Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Hennepin Karen Sowizral Rr2011-05-21
Display Whooping Crane Rice Ben Wilson A2011-05-22
Display Whooping Crane Rice Raymond Tervo A2011-05-22
Display Scarlet Tanager Mower Brian Plath R2011-05-21
Display Snowy Egret Blue Earth Robert M. Dunlap Rr2011-05-16
Display Summer Tanager St. Louis James W. Lind Rr2011-05-12
Display Harlequin Duck St. Louis Jan and Larry Kraemer Rr2011-05-11
Display Summer Tanager Olmsted Ruth E. Johnson Rr2011-05-06
Display Great Black-backed Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2011-05-07
Display Pipilo towhee Blue Earth Chad Heins S2011-05-06
Display Iceland Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2011-04-29
Display King Eider St. Louis Jan and Larry Kraemer C2011-05-05
Display Laughing Gull Le Sueur Robert M. Dunlap C2011-05-03
Display Plegadis ibis Nicollet Robert M. Dunlap S2011-05-02
Display Hooded Warbler Rice Dan A. Tallman Rr2011-05-01
Display Common Gallinule Rice Dan A. Tallman Rr2011-04-30
Display Spotted Towhee St. Louis Mike L. Hendrickson Rr2011-04-30
Display Laughing Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen C2011-04-29
Display Snowy Egret Lac qui Parle Andrew Nyhus Rr2011-04-30
Display Snowy Egret Lac qui Parle Andrew Nyhus Rr2011-04-30
Display White-faced Ibis Nicollet Robert M. Dunlap Rr2011-04-30
Display Laughing Gull St. Louis Mike L. Hendrickson C2011-04-29
Display Summer Tanager Hennepin dave mcintosh Rr2011-04-23
Display Laughing Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen C2011-04-28
Display Laughing Gull St. Louis Jan and Larry Kraemer C2011-04-28
Display Great Black-backed Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2011-04-26
Display American Avocet Hubbard Andrew Nyhus R2011-04-09
Display American Avocet Hubbard Andrew Nyhus R2011-04-09
Display Whimbrel St. Louis Mike L. Hendrickson Rr2011-04-24
Display Whimbrel St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2011-04-23
Display Whimbrel St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2011-04-22
Display Pine Warbler Mower Brian Plath R2011-04-18
Display Mountain Bluebird Stevens Kim R. Eckert Cr2011-04-10
Display Yellow-rumped Warbler Lake James W. Lind R2011-03-27
Display Iceland Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2011-03-24
Display Lesser Black-backed Gull St. Louis Mike L. Hendrickson Rr2011-03-19
Display Lesser Black-backed Gull St. Louis Mike L. Hendrickson Rr2011-03-19
Display Eurasian Collared-Dove Dakota Raymond Tervo R2011-03-13
Display Varied Thrush St. Louis Raymond Tervo Rr2011-03-05
Display Townsend's Solitaire Ramsey Raymond Tervo Rr2011-02-27
Display Varied Thrush St. Louis Dee Kuder Rr2011-02-19
Display Iceland Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2011-02-12
Display Great Black-backed Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2011-02-12
Display Great Black-backed Gull St. Louis Chad Heins Rr2011-02-06
Display Great Black-backed Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2011-01-30
Display Brown Creeper Koochiching Allan Meadows R2011-01-24
Display Great Black-backed Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2011-01-23
Display Iceland Gull Dakota Bruce A. Fall Rr2011-01-16
Display Iceland Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2011-01-15
Display Iceland Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2011-01-14
Display Iceland Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2011-01-14
Display Harris's Sparrow Meeker Yann Kolbeinsson R2011-01-10
Display Spruce Grouse Lake Kim R. Eckert R2011-01-09
Display American Three-toed Woodpecker St. Louis Raymond Tervo Rr2011-01-08
Display Northern Saw-whet Owl St. Louis Kim R. Eckert R2011-01-07
Display Varied Thrush St. Louis Yann Kolbeinsson Rr2011-01-06
Display Iceland Gull St. Louis Mike L. Hendrickson Rr2011-01-06
Display Iceland Gull St. Louis Mike L. Hendrickson Rr2011-01-06
Display Great Gray Owl St. Louis Yann Kolbeinsson R2011-01-04
Display Varied Thrush Scott Thomas Abraham Rr2010-12-18
Display Great Black-backed Gull St. Louis Mike L. Hendrickson Rr2011-01-01
Display Iceland Gull Dakota Yann Kolbeinsson Rr2010-12-19
Display Golden Eagle Kanabec Robert M. Dunlap Rr2010-12-28
Display Harris's Sparrow Meeker David A. Cahlander R2010-12-27
Display Harlequin Duck Scott Raymond Tervo Rr2010-12-25
Display Great Black-backed Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2010-12-23
Display Varied Thrush Blue Earth Darcy Ewert Roll Rr2010-12-04
Display Townsend's Solitaire Lake Mike L. Hendrickson Rr2010-12-19
Display Slaty-backed Gull St. Louis Karl J. Bardon C2010-12-19
Display Harlequin Duck St. Louis Kim R. Eckert Rr2010-12-18
Display Mute Swan Dakota Raymond Tervo Rr2010-12-18
Display Great Black-backed Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2010-12-17
Display Varied Thrush Hennepin Steve J. Roman Rr2010-12-16
Display Iceland Gull St. Louis Mike L. Hendrickson Rr2010-12-12
Display Iceland Gull St. Louis Mike L. Hendrickson Rr2010-12-12
Display Great Black-backed Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2010-12-11
Display Red Crossbill Kanabec Craig A. Menze R2010-12-11
Display Great Black-backed Gull St. Louis Karl J. Bardon Rr2010-12-08
Display Iceland Gull St. Louis Karl J. Bardon Rr2010-12-05
Display Cape May Warbler Hennepin Yann Kolbeinsson R2010-12-02
Display Eurasian Tree Sparrow Kandiyohi David A. Cahlander C2010-11-22
Display California Gull St. Louis Karl J. Bardon C2010-11-23
Display Varied Thrush Kittson Tracy Brewer Rr2010-11-23
Display Townsend's Solitaire Ramsey Yann Kolbeinsson Rr2010-11-23
Display Summer Tanager McLeod David A. Cahlander Rr2010-10-08
Display Northern Mockingbird McLeod David A. Cahlander Rr2010-10-28
Display Harlequin Duck Hennepin David A. Cahlander Rr2010-11-22
Display Lesser Black-backed Gull St. Louis Karl J. Bardon Rr2010-11-17
Display Lesser Black-backed Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2010-11-14
Display Townsend's Solitaire Ramsey Ben Wilson Rr2010-11-15
Display Iceland Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2010-11-14
Display Barrow's Goldeneye St. Louis Karl J. Bardon Rr2010-11-13
Display Barrow's Goldeneye St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2010-11-12
Display Summer Tanager Lake Mike L. Hendrickson Rr2010-11-11
Display Harlequin Duck Cook Conny M. Brunell Rr2010-11-07
Display Summer Tanager Lake Kim R. Eckert Rr2010-11-06
Display Townsend's Solitaire Lake Kim R. Eckert Rr2010-10-30
Display Surf Scoter Carver John Cyrus R2010-10-29
Display Common Ground Dove Hennepin Ben Harste A2010-10-19
Display Common Ground Dove Hennepin David A. Cahlander A2010-10-18
Display Long-tailed Jaeger St. Louis Mike L. Hendrickson A2010-10-18
Display Long-tailed Jaeger St. Louis Mike L. Hendrickson A2010-10-18
Display White-winged Scoter Hennepin Conny M. Brunell R2010-10-17
Display Franklin's Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen R2010-10-15
Display Long-tailed Jaeger St. Louis Mike L. Hendrickson A2010-10-15
Display Great Black-backed Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2010-10-09
Display Parasitic Jaeger St. Louis Mike L. Hendrickson Rr2010-09-28
Display Parasitic Jaeger St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2010-09-26
Display Lesser Black-backed Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2010-09-25
Display Lesser Black-backed Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2010-09-25
Display Sabine's Gull St. Louis Karl J. Bardon Rr2010-09-20
Display Sabine's Gull St. Louis Kim R. Eckert Rr2010-09-20
Display Parasitic Jaeger St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2010-09-19
Display Lesser Black-backed Gull Lake Kim R. Eckert Rr2010-09-13
Display Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Roseau Larry Sirvio Rr2010-09-08
Display Western Grebe Douglas David A. Cahlander R2010-08-26
Display Whimbrel Dakota James P. Mattsson Rr2010-07-28
Display Cattle Egret Dakota James P. Mattsson Rr2010-07-06
Display Merlin Dakota James P. Mattsson R2010-06-17
Display Western Kingbird Mower John E. Morrison R2010-06-15
Display Common Gallinule McLeod Conny M. Brunell Rr2010-06-13
Display Bonaparte's Gull Big Stone Robert M. Dunlap R2010-06-02
Display Eurasian Collared-Dove Stevens Andrew B. Longtin R2010-05-31
Display Iceland Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2010-05-27
Display Western Kingbird St. Louis Shawn Conrad R2010-05-25
Display Black-throated Gray Warbler St. Louis Karl J. Bardon A2010-05-25
Display Black-necked Stilt Marshall Peder H. Svingen C2010-05-23
Display White-faced Ibis Blue Earth Robert M. Dunlap Rr2010-05-23
Display Tufted Titmouse Goodhue Larry Sirvio Rr2010-05-20
Display Iceland Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2010-05-16
Display Franklin's Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen R2010-05-17
Display Snowy Egret Watonwan Chad Heins Rr2010-05-15
Display Black Vulture St. Louis Peder H. Svingen C2010-05-16
Display Bonaparte's Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen R2010-05-14
Display Say's Phoebe Nobles David A. Cahlander Rr2010-05-15
Display Say's Phoebe Nobles Kim R. Eckert Rr2010-05-14
Display Western Sandpiper Dakota Douglas W. Kieser C2010-05-13
Display Broad-winged Hawk Dakota James F. Ryan R2010-05-09
Display American Avocet Lincoln Roger J. Schroeder R2010-05-13
Display Broad-winged Hawk Dakota James F. Ryan R2010-05-09
Display Ruff Wright Jeff J. Stephenson C2010-05-10
Display Iceland Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2010-05-11
Display White-eyed Vireo Winona Andrew Nyhus C2010-05-02
Display Piping Plover St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2010-05-02
Display White-faced Ibis Nicollet Robert M. Dunlap Rr2010-05-01
Display Hudsonian Godwit Dakota David A. Cahlander R2010-04-30
Display White-faced Ibis Dakota David A. Cahlander Rr2010-04-30
Display Louisiana Waterthrush Brown Robert M. Dunlap R2010-04-24
Display Lark Sparrow Lake fide Jim Lind R2010-04-23
Display Cinnamon Teal Carver John Cyrus Rr2010-04-18
Display Smith's Longspur Nicollet Robert M. Dunlap Rr2010-04-10
Display Eurasian Collared-Dove Sherburne Eric Mattison R2010-04-08
Display Red-tailed Hawk Jackson James P. Mattsson R2010-03-22
Display Long-tailed Duck Washington David A. Cahlander R2010-02-19
Display American Goldfinch Aitkin Janet Hill R2010-02-09
Display Common Goldeneye St. Louis Peder H. Svingen R2010-02-02
Display Common Goldeneye St. Louis Peder H. Svingen R2010-01-31
Display Great Black-backed Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2010-01-24
Display Iceland Gull St. Louis Mike L. Hendrickson Rr2010-01-22
Display Great Black-backed Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2010-01-16
Display Iceland Gull St. Louis Mike L. Hendrickson Rr2010-01-16
Display Iceland Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2010-01-10
Display Black-headed Grosbeak St. Louis David A. Cahlander C2010-01-07
Display Iceland Gull Dakota James P. Mattsson Rr2010-01-04
Display Barrow's Goldeneye St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2010-01-03
Display Great Gray Owl St. Louis Mike L. Hendrickson R2009-12-30
Display Rusty Blackbird Blue Earth John Nelson R2009-12-21
Display Varied Thrush Nicollet Chad Heins Rr2009-12-26
Display White-winged Dove Dakota David A. Cahlander R2009-12-19
Display Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch Aitkin Janet Hill C2009-12-17
Display Long-tailed Duck Dakota Ben Wilson R2009-12-18
Display Iceland Gull St. Louis Karl J. Bardon Rr2009-12-15
Display Long-tailed Duck Ramsey Ben Wilson R2009-12-13
Display Varied Thrush Blue Earth Chad Heins Rr2009-12-10
Display Plegadis ibis Blue Earth Robert M. Dunlap S2009-11-30
Display Fork-tailed Flycatcher Pine Robert B. Janssen A2009-11-18
Display Great Black-backed Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2009-12-01
Display Carolina Wren Blue Earth Chad Heins Rr2009-11-27
Display Slaty-backed Gull St. Louis Karl J. Bardon C2009-11-30
Display Slaty-backed Gull St. Louis Kim R. Eckert C2009-11-30
Display California Gull St. Louis Karl J. Bardon C2009-11-24
Display Iceland Gull St. Louis Mike L. Hendrickson Rr2009-11-26
Display Iceland Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2009-11-26
Display Iceland Gull St. Louis Mike L. Hendrickson Rr2009-11-17
Display Black Scoter Benton David A. Cahlander R2009-11-12
Display Snowy Owl Mille Lacs David A. Cahlander R2009-11-12
Display Acorn Woodpecker Crow Wing David A. Cahlander A2009-11-09
Display Black Guillemot Cook Leanne T. Alt A2009-11-07
Display Black Guillemot Cook Douglas W. Kieser A2009-11-07
Display Black Guillemot Cook Douglas W. Kieser A2009-11-07
Display Black Guillemot Cook Kim R. Eckert A2009-11-07
Display Northern Hawk Owl St. Louis Andrew B. Longtin R2009-10-31
Display Iceland Gull St. Louis Mike L. Hendrickson Rr2009-10-31
Display Slaty-backed Gull St. Louis Mike L. Hendrickson C2009-10-28
Display Iceland Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2009-10-24
Display Black-throated Blue Warbler Rice Dan A. Tallman Rr2009-10-20
Display Merlin Lac qui Parle Mike Osmond R2009-10-10
Display Yellow-rumped Warbler St. Louis Andrew B. Longtin R2009-10-09
Display Yellow-rumped Warbler St. Louis Andrew B. Longtin R2009-10-09
Display Gyrfalcon St. Louis Andrew B. Longtin C2009-10-09
Display Gyrfalcon St. Louis Andrew B. Longtin C2009-10-09
Display Gyrfalcon St. Louis Andrew B. Longtin C2009-10-09
Display Gyrfalcon St. Louis Mike L. Hendrickson C2009-10-09
Display White-winged Dove St. Louis Peder H. Svingen R2009-10-08
Display White-winged Dove St. Louis James P. Mattsson R2009-10-07
Display Parasitic Jaeger St. Louis Mark Sparky Stensaas Rr2009-09-20
Display Spruce Grouse Lake Kim R. Eckert R2009-09-07
Display Parasitic Jaeger St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2009-08-29
Display Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Lyon Mike Osmond Rr2009-08-18
Display Blue Grosbeak Lyon Mike Osmond Rr2009-08-16
Display Little Blue Heron Ramsey Ben Wilson Rr2009-08-25
Display Little Blue Heron Ramsey Ben Wilson Rr2009-08-25
Display Little Blue Heron Ramsey Matt Dufort Rr2009-08-24
Display Little Blue Heron Ramsey Matt Dufort Rr2009-08-24
Display Loggerhead Shrike Redwood Robert M. Dunlap R2009-08-15
Display Blue Grosbeak Lyon Roger J. Schroeder Rr2009-08-07
Display Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Dodge David A. Cahlander C2009-08-01
Display Short-billed Dowitcher Ramsey Ben Wilson R2009-08-01
Display Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Hennepin Andrew B. Longtin Rr2009-07-31
Display Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Hennepin Chris Rr2009-07-23
Display Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Hennepin Alyssa L. DeRubeis Rr2009-07-23
Display Northern Mockingbird Washington David A. Cahlander Rr2009-07-16
Display Snowy Egret Hennepin Douglas W. Kieser Rr2009-07-10
Display Brown Pelican Le Sueur Robert M. Dunlap C2009-06-28
Display Red-throated Loon St. Louis Mike L. Hendrickson Rr2009-06-13
Display Red-throated Loon St. Louis Mike L. Hendrickson Rr2009-06-13
Display Mourning Warbler Ramsey Ben Wilson R2009-06-10
Display LeConte's Sparrow Ramsey Ben Wilson R2009-06-10
Display LeConte's Sparrow Ramsey Ben Wilson R2009-06-10
Display Spotted Towhee Kittson Robert M. Dunlap Rr2009-06-09
Display Western Grebe Hubbard Andrew Nyhus R2009-06-07
Display Snowy Plover Marshall Dan and Barbara Williams A2009-06-06
Display Northern Mockingbird St. Louis Mike L. Hendrickson Rr2009-05-24
Display California Gull Marshall Kim R. Eckert C2009-05-23
Display Painted Bunting Clay David A. Cahlander C2009-05-23
Display Blue Grosbeak St. Louis Dan Connolly Rr2009-05-20
Display Prairie Warbler Rice Dan A. Tallman C2009-05-13
Display Surf Scoter Hennepin Alyssa L. DeRubeis R2009-05-07
Display Whooping Crane Steele Bruce Lees A2009-05-07
Display Harlequin Duck St. Louis Karl J. Bardon Rr2009-05-05
Display Say's Phoebe Jackson Kim R. Eckert Rr2009-05-02
Display Blue Grosbeak Blue Earth David A. Cahlander Rr2009-04-30
Display Snowy Egret Lyon Roger J. Schroeder Rr2009-04-25
Display Dickcissel Nicollet Robert M. Dunlap R2009-04-24
Display Lesser Black-backed Gull Hennepin Warren Woessner Rr2009-04-22
Display Summer Tanager Fillmore Ray Potthoff Rr2009-04-20
Display Cooper's Hawk Lyon Roger J. Schroeder R2009-04-18
Display Great-tailed Grackle Jackson Roger J. Schroeder Rr2009-04-17
Display Sage Thrasher Hennepin Terry P. Brashear A2009-04-13
Display Sage Thrasher Hennepin Jake Musser A2009-04-13
Display Sage Thrasher Hennepin Douglas W. Kieser A2009-04-13
Display Barrow's Goldeneye Itasca Earl E. Orf Rr2009-04-09
Display Iceland Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2009-04-05
Display White-winged Crossbill Dakota Ron Plinske R2009-03-30
Display Common Raven Anoka Christopher Brown R2009-03-29
Display Peregrine Falcon Mower John E. Morrison R2009-03-27
Display Red-breasted Merganser Mower Bruce Lees R2009-03-27
Display Golden-crowned Sparrow Dakota James P. Mattsson C2009-03-26
Display Hoary Redpoll Anoka Christopher Brown R2009-03-25
Display Snowy Owl Stevens Dan and Pam Guynn R2009-03-22
Display Northern Saw-whet Owl Ramsey Rich Olson R2009-03-21
Display Long-tailed Duck Cook David L. Brislance R2009-03-20
Display Hooded Merganser Mower Bruce Lees R2009-03-17
Display Black-backed Woodpecker St. Louis Mike L. Hendrickson R2009-03-12
Display Trumpeter Swan St. Louis Peder H. Svingen R2009-03-09
Display Great Black-backed Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2009-03-05
Display Great Black-backed Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2009-03-05
Display Barred Owl Anoka Mike Parker R2009-03-03
Display Hoary Redpoll Hennepin Andrew B. Longtin R2009-03-02
Display Barrow's Goldeneye St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2009-02-28
Display Hoary Redpoll Hennepin Andrew B. Longtin R2009-02-16
Display Mute Swan Lake James W. Lind Rr2009-02-16
Display Boreal Owl St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2009-02-15
Display Varied Thrush Cass Ben A. Wieland Rr2009-02-15
Display Great Black-backed Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2009-02-13
Display Tufted Titmouse Fillmore Ray Potthoff Rr2009-02-08
Display Varied Thrush Ramsey Liz Harper Rr2009-02-07
Display Canada Goose Hennepin Matt Pierce R2009-02-06
Display Hoary Redpoll Anoka Christopher Brown R2009-02-03
Display Boreal Owl Lake Mark Sparky Stensaas Rr2009-02-01
Display Boreal Chickadee St. Louis David Astin R2009-01-31
Display White-winged Crossbill Dodge Bruce Lees R2009-01-26
Display Hoary Redpoll Blue Earth Robert M. Dunlap R2009-01-26
Display Eastern Bluebird Chisago Richard Peifer R2009-01-25
Display Northern Hawk Owl Nicollet Robert M. Dunlap R2009-01-20
Display Snowy Owl Dodge John E. Morrison R2009-01-17
Display Boreal Owl Aitkin Kim and Cindy Risen Rr2009-01-17
Display Pileated Woodpecker Hennepin beth R2009-01-11
Display Fox Sparrow Sherburne Eric Mattison R2008-12-24
Display Golden-crowned Sparrow St. Louis Kim R. Eckert C2008-12-20
Display Great Black-backed Gull Dakota James P. Mattsson Rr2008-12-12
Display Northern Mockingbird Blue Earth Chad Heins Rr2008-12-01
Display Long-tailed Duck Ramsey Gail Wieberdink R2008-11-18
Display White-eyed Vireo Nicollet Robert M. Dunlap C2008-11-14
Display Eurasian Wigeon Hennepin David A. Cahlander C2008-11-04
Display Long-billed Murrelet St. Louis Mark Sparky Stensaas A2008-11-04
Display Eurasian Wigeon Hennepin Alyssa L. DeRubeis C2008-11-03
Display Whooping Crane Lincoln Paul E. Budde A2008-11-01
Display Red Phalarope Lake Shawn Zierman C2008-10-22
Display Plegadis ibis Wilkin Robert M. Dunlap S2008-10-21
Display Ross's Goose Mower Bruce Lees R2008-10-21
Display Golden-crowned Sparrow Cass Ben A. Wieland C2008-10-17
Display Lesser Black-backed Gull Nicollet Robert M. Dunlap Rr2008-10-14
Display Lesser Black-backed Gull Nicollet Chad Heins Rr2008-10-14
Display Cattle Egret St. Louis Kim R. Eckert Rr2008-10-08
Display Mississippi Kite St. Louis David A. Cahlander C2008-09-12
Display Sabine's Gull Cass Ben A. Wieland Rr2008-09-08
Display Swallow-tailed Kite Watonwan James P. Mattsson A2008-08-28
Display Swallow-tailed Kite Watonwan David A. Cahlander A2008-08-28
Display White-crowned Sparrow St. Louis fide Jim Lind R2008-08-03
Display Prairie Falcon Cass Ben A. Wieland Rr2008-07-29
Display White-eyed Vireo Scott David A. Cahlander C2008-07-22
Display Loggerhead Shrike Mower John E. Morrison R2008-07-12
Display Loggerhead Shrike Mower John E. Morrison R2008-07-07
Display Northern Mockingbird Hennepin Derek O. Bakken Rr2008-06-18
Display Kentucky Warbler Scott Sue Plankis C2008-05-26
Display Long-eared Owl Hennepin David Astin R2008-05-23
Display Burrowing Owl Clay David A. Cahlander C2008-05-23
Display Brant St. Louis David A. Cahlander C2008-05-20
Display Brant St. Louis James W. Lind C2008-05-19
Display Western Tanager Ramsey Gail Wieberdink Rr2008-05-16
Display Western Tanager Stearns David A. Cahlander Rr2008-05-15
Display Summer Tanager Lake James W. Lind Rr2008-05-13
Display Brewster's Warbler Winona Andrew Nyhus H2008-05-12
Display White-tailed Kite Mower Anthony X. Hertzel A2008-05-08
Display Piping Plover St. Louis Shawn Zierman Rr2008-05-08
Display Ruddy Duck Stearns Kim R. Eckert R2008-05-06
Display Summer Tanager Mower John E. Morrison Rr2008-05-01
Display Piping Plover Brown Brian T. Smith Rr2008-04-28
Display Snowy Egret Hennepin Douglas W. Kieser Rr2008-04-28
Display Cinnamon Teal Hennepin David A. Cahlander Rr2008-04-07
Display Harlequin Duck Dakota Larry Sirvio Rr2008-03-16
Display Sharp-tailed Grouse St. Louis Jason Mandich R2008-02-15
Display Boreal Chickadee St. Louis Jason Mandich R2008-02-13
Display Townsend's Solitaire Blue Earth Chad Heins Rr2008-02-06
Display Boreal Chickadee Cass Ben A. Wieland R2008-01-28
Display American Three-toed Woodpecker St. Louis John Sikkila Rr2008-01-13
Display Ivory Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen A2008-01-08
Display Harlequin Duck Washington David A. Cahlander Rr2008-01-04
Display Barrow's Goldeneye Dakota David A. Cahlander Rr2008-01-04
Display Northern Hawk Owl St. Louis Shawn Zierman R2007-12-17
Display Ross's Gull Dakota Bruce A. Fall A2007-12-15
Display Northern Mockingbird St. Louis Mike L. Hendrickson Rr2007-11-24
Display Townsend's Solitaire Olmsted David A. Cahlander Rr2007-11-20
Display Lesser Black-backed Gull St. Louis Kim R. Eckert Rr2007-11-20
Display Iceland Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2007-11-18
Display Great Black-backed Gull St. Louis Peder H. Svingen Rr2007-11-18
Display Mountain Bluebird Cook Robert M. Dunlap Cr2007-11-02
Display Inca Dove Lake James W. Lind A2007-10-30
Display Black-bellied Whistling-Duck Hennepin James P. Mattsson A2007-10-29
Display Little Gull Cass Ben A. Wieland Rr2007-10-20
Display Gyrfalcon St. Louis Peder H. Svingen C2007-10-06
Display Western Sandpiper Brown Brian T. Smith C2007-09-30
Display Sabine's Gull Lyon Kim R. Eckert Rr2007-09-28
Display Say's Phoebe St. Louis Kim R. Eckert Rr2007-09-25
Display Black-throated Sparrow Cass Ben A. Wieland A2007-09-22
Display Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Hennepin Bruce A. Fall Rr2007-09-22
Display California Gull Cass Ben A. Wieland C2007-09-17
Display Magnificent Frigatebird Jackson Anthony X. Hertzel A2007-09-04
Display Long-tailed Jaeger Marshall Kim R. Eckert A2007-08-30
Display Burrowing Owl Pipestone David A. Cahlander C2007-08-06
Display Lark Bunting Lac qui Parle David A. Cahlander C2007-08-03
Display Buff-breasted Sandpiper St. Louis Shawn Zierman R2007-07-28
Display Lesser Black-backed Gull Mille Lacs Nathan Schirmacher Rr2007-07-22
Display Red-tailed Hawk Hennepin David A. Cahlander R2007-07-13
Display Blue-winged Warbler Hubbard Kim R. Eckert R2007-06-17
Display Yellow-breasted Chat Dakota David A. Cahlander Rr2007-06-02
Display Snowy Plover St. Louis Shawn Zierman A2007-05-30
Display Prairie Warbler Dakota Terry P. Brashear C2007-05-29
Display Black-necked Stilt Rock David A. Cahlander C2007-05-28
Display Arctic Tern St. Louis David A. Cahlander C2007-05-25
Display Scissor-tailed Flycatcher St. Louis Shawn Zierman C2007-05-23
Display Neotropic Cormorant Hennepin James P. Mattsson A2007-05-10
Display White-eyed Vireo Hennepin David A. Cahlander C2007-05-08
Display Northern Mockingbird Dakota David A. Cahlander Rr2007-05-06
Display White-winged Dove Kittson David A. Cahlander R2007-05-04
Display Glossy Ibis Lac qui Parle David A. Cahlander C2007-05-01
Display Spotted Towhee Hennepin James P. Mattsson Rr2007-04-28
Display Western Tanager Freeborn John Morrison Rr2007-04-24
Display Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Olmsted James P. Mattsson C2007-04-24
Display Eurasian Tree Sparrow St. Louis David A. Cahlander C2007-04-19
Display Barrow's Goldeneye Cass David A. Cahlander Rr2007-03-30
Display Black Vulture Washington Anthony X. Hertzel C2007-03-30
Display Snowy Egret Dakota James P. Mattsson Rr2007-03-30
Display Eurasian Wigeon Hennepin David A. Cahlander C2007-03-30
Display Pine Grosbeak St. Louis David A. Cahlander R2007-03-13
Display Barrow's Goldeneye Dakota Photographed Rr2007-03-13
Display Harlequin Duck St. Louis David A. Cahlander Rr2007-03-13
Display Gyrfalcon Dakota James P. Mattsson C2007-03-13
Display Mountain Bluebird Dakota James P. Mattsson Cr2007-03-13
Display Slaty-backed Gull Washington James P. Mattsson C2007-03-13
Display Rough-legged Hawk Anoka Jon Swanson R2007-03-13
Display Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch Carlton Nick Anich C2007-03-13
Display Green-tailed Towhee Cottonwood David A. Cahlander A2007-03-14
Display Short-eared Owl Anoka Jon Swanson R2007-03-13
Display Snowy Owl Redwood Patrick B. Beauzay R2007-03-13
Display Eurasian Collared-Dove Mower John Morrison R2007-03-13
Display Slaty-backed Gull Dakota David A. Cahlander C2007-03-13
Display Lesser Black-backed Gull St. Louis David A. Cahlander Rr2007-03-13
Display Townsend's Solitaire Lake David A. Cahlander Rr2007-03-13
Display Great Black-backed Gull St. Louis David A. Cahlander Rr2007-03-13
Display Bohemian Waxwing Carver Bruce A. Fall R2007-03-13
Display American Three-toed Woodpecker Lake Peder H. Svingen Rr2007-03-13
Display California Gull Clay David A. Cahlander C2007-03-13
Display Mountain Bluebird Lake James W. Lind Cr2007-03-13
Display Purple Sandpiper Cass David A. Cahlander C2007-03-13
Display Say's Phoebe Lac qui Parle David A. Cahlander Rr2007-03-13
Display Sabine's Gull Brown David A. Cahlander Rr2007-03-13
Display Spruce Grouse Lake of the Woods David A. Cahlander R2007-03-13
Display Olive-sided Flycatcher Scott David A. Cahlander R2007-03-13
Display Plegadis ibis Lac qui Parle David A. Cahlander S2007-03-13
Display Plegadis ibis Traverse Anthony X. Hertzel S2007-03-13
Display Buff-breasted Sandpiper St. Louis Anthony X. Hertzel R2007-03-13
Display Slaty-backed Gull Cook David A. Cahlander C2007-03-13
Display Common Nighthawk Houston Anthony X. Hertzel R2007-03-13
Display Clark's Grebe Big Stone David A. Cahlander Rr2007-03-13
Display Henslow's Sparrow Dakota David A. Cahlander Rr2007-03-13
Display Grasshopper Sparrow Cass David A. Cahlander R2007-03-13
Display Snowy Plover Lac qui Parle David A. Cahlander A2007-03-13
Display Scarlet Tanager Scott David A. Cahlander R2007-03-13
Display Black-throated Green Warbler Dakota David A. Cahlander R2007-03-13
Display Burrowing Owl Olmsted David A. Cahlander C2007-03-13
Display Least Tern Olmsted David A. Cahlander C2007-03-13
Display Hooded Warbler Ramsey David A. Cahlander Rr1969-12-31
Display Prothonotary Warbler Dakota David A. Cahlander R2007-03-13
Display California Gull Lac qui Parle David A. Cahlander C2007-03-13
Display Louisiana Waterthrush Blue Earth David A. Cahlander R2007-03-13
Display American Bittern Big Stone David A. Cahlander R2007-03-13
Display Prairie Warbler Nobles David A. Cahlander C2007-03-13
Display Bell's Vireo Dakota David A. Cahlander Rr2007-03-13
Display Kentucky Warbler Blue Earth David A. Cahlander C2007-03-13
Display Upland Sandpiper Dakota David A. Cahlander R2007-03-13
Display Cerulean Warbler Yellow Medicine David A. Cahlander R2007-03-13
Display Cattle Egret Dakota David A. Cahlander Rr2007-03-13
Display Little Blue Heron Lake David A. Cahlander Rr2007-03-13
Display Harris's Sparrow Scott David A. Cahlander R2007-03-13
Display White-winged Dove Kanabec David A. Cahlander R2007-03-13
Display Western Tanager Itasca David A. Cahlander Rr2007-03-13
Display California Gull Clay David A. Cahlander C2007-03-13
Display Snowy Egret Dakota David A. Cahlander Rr2007-03-13
Display White-faced Ibis Lac qui Parle David A. Cahlander Rr2007-03-13
Display Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Lac qui Parle David A. Cahlander C2007-03-13
Display Great-tailed Grackle Wright David A. Cahlander Rr2007-03-13
Display Little Blue Heron Dakota David A. Cahlander Rr2007-03-13
Display Iceland Gull Goodhue David A. Cahlander Rr2007-03-13
Display Short-eared Owl Fillmore David A. Cahlander R2007-03-13
Display Hoary Redpoll St. Louis David A. Cahlander R2007-03-13
Display Spotted Towhee St. Louis David A. Cahlander Rr2007-03-13
Display Varied Thrush St. Louis David A. Cahlander Rr2007-03-13
Display Snowy Owl St. Louis David A. Cahlander R2007-03-13
Display Carolina Wren Hennepin David A. Cahlander Rr2007-03-13
Display Horned Grebe Dakota David A. Cahlander R2007-03-13
Display Gyrfalcon Dakota Anthony X. Hertzel C2007-03-13
Display Iceland Gull Dakota Anthony X. Hertzel Rr2007-03-13
Display Snowy Owl Hennepin Anthony X. Hertzel R2007-03-13
Display Black-legged Kittiwake Dakota Anthony X. Hertzel C2007-03-13
Display Ross's Goose Hennepin David A. Cahlander R2007-03-13
Display House Finch Washington David A. Cahlander R2007-03-13
Display Cackling Goose Lake David A. Cahlander R2007-03-13
Display Black-headed Gull Jackson David A. Cahlander A2007-03-13
Display Red Phalarope St. Louis David A. Cahlander C2007-03-13
Display Sabine's Gull Dakota David A. Cahlander Rr2007-03-13
Display Plegadis ibis Dakota David A. Cahlander S2007-03-13
Display Carolina Wren Hennepin David A. Cahlander Rr1969-12-31
Display Red Knot St. Louis David A. Cahlander C2007-03-13
Display Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Lac qui Parle David A. Cahlander Rr2007-03-13
Display Red-necked Phalarope Morrison David A. Cahlander R2007-03-13
Display Brown Pelican Jackson David A. Cahlander C2007-03-13
Display White-winged Dove Cook David A. Cahlander R2005-07-11
Display Eurasian Tree Sparrow Cook David A. Cahlander C2005-04-16
Display Henslow's Sparrow Scott David A. Cahlander Rr2005-06-16
Display Prairie Warbler Dakota David A. Cahlander C2007-03-13
Display Least Tern Sherburne David A. Cahlander C2007-03-13
Display Cinnamon Teal Mahnomen David A. Cahlander Rr2005-05-27
Display Say's Phoebe Clay David A. Cahlander Rr2007-03-13